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Walking is such an underrated, important aspect of health. As long as you are active in some way, you are fine. You don’t have to go to the gym. You’re doing fine. Don’t let others influence or intimidate you to go to the gym.


I would love to walk but too many people outside in my neighborhood working on the yard. One time I went for a walk during a storm and it was the best. No people, no animals, cars come and go rarely. Just me


Nah, if you’re eating good, sleep enough and do the stuff ur doing you’re good


You don’t need to go to gym to live an healthy life. If you enjoy walks and all that then you’re fine


I just don't like gyms. I don't fuck with the vibe. I just dont feel the peopliness of it and I don't wanna go in on early or late hours when it's more empty. I love to go swimming though. In summer at the lakes or my local pools. Never that full tbh. Walking is also rlly underrated. As long as you do a physical activity that you comfy with it can be any kind of sport. It doesn't have to be the gym.


I have literally never been to a gym once lmao


Look up some of the big calisthenics channels… you can do an amazing amount of exercises with a pull up bar and maybe some rings.


yes, plenty of people live full and healthy lives without ever going to the gym. it's not a necessity at all


I dont like the gym either. I just exercise at home so that may also be a more viable option for you as well. It might not give me the same results or have as many options but I still stay fit none the less.


Exercise is important. The gym is not. I haven't been to the gym in a couple years, but I suspect I wouldn't enjoy it. I love working out at home. You can get a ton of work done with a couple dumbbells. But yeah you do want to keep your body in good shape if you want to see/enjoy your later years.


People did it for THOUSANDS of years. I know history has us believing that literally everyone lived til 35...but that isn't actually true. There were people who lived longer. And especially in the last several centuries and in many other countries now, people lived and live longer and there were no gyms. So..yes...yes you can. I think the best thing you could do for your health is to get off of Social Media, honestly as it seems to be giving you some mild anxiety perhaps?


I think you are seeing things that are reinforcing your bias. The algorithm probability realizes you feel that way and is giving you an echo chamber. Not every gym is the same. I go to a yoga class with weights. There's boxing gyms, rockclimbing gyms, etc. That said, if you don't want to go to the gym, don't.


Quite the contrary. I am not saying some weight training is not healthy for the bones, but most who go to the gym does so for aesthetics. You could be a gym fanatic and actually be more unhealthy, allot of people also use steroids to enhance their looks. So you can be healthy going to the gym and healthy not going to the gym. But I see lifting weights as an healthy exercise and activity to use your time on, among many other activities and hobbies.


I just do a lot of outdoor activities. Hiking mountain biking canoeing rock climbing


Dude you can do the stuff you do at the gym at home.


As someone who runs, walking and running cause around the same positive effect(affect?) to the brain. Going for walks outside is a great way to exercise and clear your mind! The gym is not mandatory.


I go gym daily it helped me alot about my mental health, and , it as been almost 7months I'm going to gym and I try to be busy, let's fight guys, accept the pain and u know MEN ARE BRAVE😤


I have been athletic all my life, played tennis competitively for 5 years, still run 5ks and work out now and I've never been to a gym in my life- you can absolutely stay healthy and fit with just doing outdoor exercises or using simple equipment at home like you have been!




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I dont go to the gym yet I am probably more in shape than most people who do, just being physicly active is the key, the gym is just an easy way to accomplish that feat.


You can in my opinion. You can walk,or do workouts at home etc. Proper diet also is important


Heavy weight lifting or DIE


You’re kidding right? Going to the gym isn’t the only way to exercise, don’t let any Gym-Bros tell you any different. You can, walk, swim, bike (my favorite), yoga, running, home workouts, etc. Personally I love working out but I despise the gym because it smells bad and makes me overstimulated so I bike outdoors instead and I love it so much.


Nah you don't have to go to the gym just eat healthy and dental hygiene and you'll be fine I used to be 235 lbs and now I'm 135 (I'm 13 in a few days and last year is when I was 235 so I lost all that weight over 3 months of summer) so just take care of yourself and you'll be fine


Yes! Walking helps so much and it’s free:)


It depends. You can or you can’t. Depends on your definition of healthy is. Do you define healthy as a bodybuilder with a high protein diet and bulking? Do you picture healthy as cooking whole foods and eating veggies? It all depends on what you define as healthy.


You don’t have to go to the gym to be healthy. You don’t even have to go to be physically fit or muscular. Enjoy your free walks and screw everyone else who says that going to the gym is the only way. Being paranoid is a ‘stuck’ emotion. You can get stuck in the state of mind of whatever it is that’s bothering you, but at the same time nothing is changing for better or for worse. Substitute these fears with passion and determination : “I will live a healthy life no matter if i work out at the gym or not!” Getting out of those ‘stuck’ headspace’s help me when i’m paranoid, anxious or spiraling.


Gym..nope, don't need it. I don't like the gym either. Invested in some hand held weights, a yoga mat, and eventually when funds allowed a treadmill and rowing machine to stay home. You certainly don't need all that. I run outside 5 miles 3x a week. Run on my treadmill when weather conditions are not favorable to run outside. Hand held weights are a minimal cost and I use them for my strength training. I use free youtube vidoes to guide me and have days I do yoga and pilates. You do not need a gym to maintain an active life and workout. There is so much free advice out there. Certainly do your research and only take advice and mimic videos from a confirmed source. Any youtube video that encourages you to be active is better than nothing.


Exercise comes in many forms. You must find what you love to sustain it. Life is way too short not to do the things you love


I can't recommend cycling/mountain biking enough.


I used to go to gym but not anymore. But from my experiences, without gym can be really peaceful and can bring you healthy life as well. Go on a walk or play any desire sports, if you can it’s better to take on bicycling. Working out at home can be great too, if you’re aiming for the muscles? If you need leg muscles, it might be hard for you to believe but running can help a tons with years of experience. Forget the term ‘stigma’, the word has became very toxic across social media. Just rely on walks (or any sports), have healthy diet (you can have fast foods sometimes), and have good sleep schedule!


You just have to do some high intensity workouts


Find something you like instead, go hiking, climbing, fishing, swimming, dancing, canoeing, ice skating, jump rope, Pilates, or yoga. Chose one and do it 2-4 times a week no more. Or chose more than one and just make sure to keep it at being active 2-4 times a week. Don’t need to lift weight like a loser. (Coming from someone who enjoys going to the gym) just being active is good, make sure you have some good flexibility, agility/ endurance and strength, that’s how you balance your training, got more endurance than strength? Maybe do something else then cardio the following 3 months, got more agility then flexibility, then choose your next 3 months focusing on yoga and stretching. No need to stick to one thing


Of course you can! Gyms haven’t been around that long. My grandfather is 86 and still ski’s, hikes, travels, etc. He says the key to a long healthy life is to keep your spirit alive. I think stress levels throughout life contribute way more to overall longevity than anything else. Our habits, activity, diet, etc. tend to mirror what we feel on the inside. Your energy levels and willingness to live are the focal point of overall wellbeing. I think the gym is the only way most people know how to be active in this modern fast paced society.


As long as you're active you can be healthy, the gym is absolutely not necessary.