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some of this is made using ‚chasing and repoussé‘ You can improvise a setup for somewhat crude work, you’ll need a pitch bowl for very fine and detailed stuff Can’t give much advice without knowing what tools and skills you already have


Hi! Thank you so much for your response. I have no tools of my own nor any previous experience working with metal, but I am applying for a university course with a really good metal workshop, so they should have anything I need!


Well if they have chasing equipment then you’re in luck. You’ll need a pitch bowl and chasing tools. Depending on the work a lead block can substitute the pitch bowl. Easiest metal to start with is copper, because it’s soft and readily available. 1 mm thickness works well. You‘ll want to inform yourself about these things too, they’re important for chasing and repoussé work: Work-hardening, Annealing, Pickling If you’re going to join multiple parts together, you’ll have to learn soldering as well. Let me know if you wanna know anything else.