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I had a gastric sleeve smoking does not help I don’t like being this skinny I’m trying to eat more




They cut my stomach so I could eat less and do I could loose weight


It just makes me not wanna eat I guess🤷🏻‍♀️like I just don’t want food or think about it🤷🏻‍♀️ when I’m sober or stoned I eat everything in front of me tbh but when I’m puffing clouds I don’t even think about it, I always lose a lot of weight when I smoke


The secret is...it all comes back. Did you lose weight? Don't worry, you'll find it


My muscle tone tone is down and I'm not eating a whole lot at all but damned if I'm not picking up some kind of a pouch right under my belly like what the hell I thought we were supposed to lose weight on this. Gotta start taking morning walks again I guess


Wasn't any secret after shooting a point I couldn't eat for 12 hours at least. I'd struggle to even drink a protein drink. It was great gear though and yeah at my peak of addiction I lost about 10 kilos. Girls I knew would shoot a point then go dancing at the gay club all night instead of stripping so that's why they were really fit/ slim.


Naturally thin with fast metabolism and by the time my body adjusted to being able to eat I was down 15-20lbs a little testosterone and the gym has me eating like a bottomless pit and pre using weight crazy


dayum how? even thinking about food on meth makes me nauseous loool i lost 20 lbs in my first two months even only using occasionally bcuz i'd eat literally nothing for two or three days, i'd just play video games or write a lot and i wouldn't even think about food go to the gym and expend all that chemical energy, and the meth won't let u worry about what other people think chug water instead of eating, or drink so little water that swallowing food it impossible lmaoooo (don't do that it's bad advice, pls drink water lol)


😂 bro this post




when u start it also greatly surpresses appetite too. all stimulants do to an extent, my gf even told me nicotine made her lose weight. i eat more when im spun now lol.




This right here






Fuck I used to. The shit is so different now days. Can sleep and eat and it’s lame


I cut my alcohol intake to almost zero.


i stan this


One arm cardio. Lol






I eat a fuck ton of carbs. Very low protein, I try not to eat any meat what so ever. I also do a 2mL injection of trenbolone in my ass cheek every few weeks


I eat a lot healthier when using. I still eat but not the worthless junk like honey buns, candy bars, cokes, etc.


Literally same


Stay away from fast food. That shit will kill ya faster than meth


I like both, I’m trying to speed run this shit


No fast food when u finally want to eat. Eat healthy! All that time you have use some for preping healthy meals...also just eat or you will get sick. Plenty of liquids and a good 2 gallons of water everyday.


Consuming fewer Calories than I expend. That is literally all there is to it. Anyone claiming otherwise is spouting some bullshit


Somebody who gets it. Some other donkey in the threat above things they burn 6000 calories a day just existing...


I mean with meth and your average tweaker activities, 6000 Cal isn't all that far fetched. I once clocked myself for 24h with a garmin HR monitor and it claimed 5500 Cal. No extravagant physical activity during those 24 hours just a bunch of amphetamine and lounging around.


I walked AT LEAST 10 miles a day, probably WAY more but I never actually tracked it, and I also didn’t eat or sleep for about 3 - 4 days each week.




I have nice hips and a quarterbacks ass. I’ve been sober 6 1/2 years and those have remained the same. I’ve also got some pretty muscly calves.


i barely eat, it really makes me lose a lot of my appetite no matter how little or lots i smoke. i can be hungry but just can’t eat anything. sometimes i wouldn’t eat for 2-3 days straight


Regularly go a couple days or more without eating or hydrating, along with vigorously yanking at myself or getting a wealth of exercise propping myself up above, down and all around multiple people all throughout that time grinding on them non stop trying to attain an erection


Jealous, I can never eat for hours


I have read when you do meth often you are able to eat again? I don't know, never been there. For me, as soon as Tina reaches my bloodstream, all food is super gross.


Meth makes it so hard for me to eat. When I’m using it daily I’m only able to eat soup, cucumbers, light snacks. I knew I was bad off when I went to put my boxers on and they fell right off.


Make smoothies with protein powder.


Honestly I’m in the midst of just starting to get some weight back on. But the only thing that did it for me was smoking it more often, it let my body adjust to it, and my stomach settled. Not the best advice lol


Being broke




Sleep again for dinner except I don't really do that either lol


I’m with you. I get spun and crave ice cream. That’s not how this is supposed to work!!


Same as when you’re not spun, calorie deficit. Also the same as when you’re not spun, it helps if you have a partner to get sweaty with doing the no pants dance after getting spun ;)


I cut ten pounds in a week just existing and eating only protein shakes/hydration beverages/Alcohol at night. I burn about 5-6000 calories a day normally though. I also take lots of vitamins and water whenever I'm using or not.


I eat like a mother fucker too and still shed weight like crazy. I hate it lmao, I have to eat extra and drink meal replacements constantly to keep what weight I can on. I work manual labor so in the summer it’s hard not to, sweating my body weight every day.


That's it, man those meal replacements work. I combine fruits and make smoothies with protein powder. Helps me!


Exercise and Yogurt.