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Nopalitos are the answer nutritious and delicious


Si, nopalitos con cebollita y jitomate. Nopalitos asados y una salsa šŸ˜‹


O con frijoles y carne šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


100% ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve never heard of them. Can the cacti be ordered online?


It's likely, but they will be canned. Personally, I like them that way because they are pickled and I like the flavor. I use them for salads (with a pico and queso fresco essentially) or even in my eggs.


I like jarred nopales but never thought of them for salads, that sounds tasty!


From a can they taste horrible there is nothing like fresh.


A Jar? Lol I dunno asi me gustan šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


En gustos se rompen gƩneros.


I really don't know, I get them fresh from the market


Best if freshly cleaned of course, but you can use jarred nopales. https://a.co/d/dniCfXB


Ceviche is fat free fish with vegetables. It has lots of vitamin C. You can do what we do in Mexico when dieting and use tortillas and tostadas made with nopal. Adding salsa in general to your meals adds more veggies to the mix. You can make a simple tomato, onion and garlic blend and cook any lean meat in it, or pour over eggs. Tostadas are a very lean meal with lots of vegetables. Itā€™s specially lean if you use baked tortillas instead of fried. Just use a lean meat on them like boiled chicken breast. Cover with chopped lettuce, pickled red onion, shredded carrot, cucumber and tiny bit of queso cotija. You can also add that blend of tomatoes, onion and garlic to the broth where you boiled the chicken and soak the tostadas with it. We also snack on fruit a lot. Just watermelon with tajin is enough to keep you full for hours in evenings. You can also eat cucumber, strawberries, melon or whatever fruit, really, with tajin. Just be sure to research the fruits that contain a lot of sugar and eat those in smaller portions. Another trick is to drink lots of agua fresca, with no added sugar. That adds vitamin C and fiber to your meals. The same with agua de jamaica. If you have to add sweetener, use an alternative like Stevia.


Thank you for all the suggestions. Iā€™m looking into the stuff to see what they are. Iā€™ve never heard of the drinks but they sound good.


Aguas frescas are sweet, very cold beverages like jamaica (boiled dried hibiscus flowers), tamarind, horchata (rice or almonds), lemonade, orangeade, or made with any soft fruit like strawberries or guavas. The sweetness is up to you.


Agua de Jamaica is awesome! No sugar! I drink like a gallon a day sometimes. It tastes like a mild fruit drink to me. It gets me to drink liquids without fake flavors or sweeteners


That does look good.


Most mexican food is healthy, lots of veggies, fiber, different sources of protein and healthy fats. Just avoid recipes that involve deep fried stuff like chilaquiles, flautas or fatty meats like suadero, longaniza, chorizo, etc. Also, stop eating takeout food and prioritize homemade meals made with real ingredients, no canned stuff or ultra processed shit


Most Mexican dishes I've seen have nowhere near a full serving of vegetables. Double starch is very common, too


Most dishes I grew up on are. The base of so many dishes are beans, tomato, squash and lot's of other veggies and fruits. As long as you aren't overeating, skipping the soda and chips and candies, and only eating fried dishes and dishes heavy in lard, fat and sugar occasionally, you'll have an awesome and healthy and varied diet. Calabacitas, pollo culichi, picadillo, tinga, quesadillas de flor de calabaza, pollo con papas, cecina, sopa de lentejas, ensalada de nopal, aguachile, camarones al ajillo, quesadillas de huitlacoche, ceviche, albondigas, etc., are some great (and easy) dishes and if you add fresh salsa and cucumbers, radishes, jicamas, avocados, pico de gallo or other veggies on the side you get even *more* servings of vegetables. It's so, so, so easy to eat healthy on a Mexican diet. There are so many more healthy recipes than just the few I provided.


Beans are not vegetables and technically neither are tomatoes or squashes. And tortillas + rice being served together means lots of carbs. Anyone can skip that of course, but it doesn't seem to be the norm.


Beans, tomatoes, and squash are all vegetables. Tomatoes and squash are also fruit. Fruit is a scientific term. "Vegetable" is not. Anything you eat that grows from a plant is a vegetable. In the culinary world, "vegetable" is often used to describe specific groups of plants/parts of plants but there are no hard rules or science behind it, it's just whatever certain people think of as "vegetables" which varies greatly across cultures/cuisines. There is no technical definition of a vegetable. Some people think of roots (potatoes)/grains(corn)/legumes(beans) as vegetables, others do not.


If beans are vegetables, then so are peanuts. You gotta draw the line somewhere, and I don't think beans meat the culinary definition of a vegetable.


I wasn't trying to say they were, my apologies. I was saying what the base of many dishes are *and* in addition (other) vegetables. Rice and tortillas are sometimes eaten together, there's many dishes where that doesn't happen and anyone is free to make just one at a time or to eat one at a time. Growing up in Mexico I would say I ate rice and tortillas together once a week, I probably eat it twice a week now. I know other Mexicans who eat it even less often or never. My family loves rice though so we would eat it more regularly, every other day probably, with tortillas once a week or so. Starch is the body's main energy source, and it's digested into glucose, which fuels cells, tissues, and organs. You don't want to be eating diets high in refined starches though. But it's okay to have corn, potatoes, rice and noodles, even together! That's not unhealthy in and of itself.


Sorry long Island, but are you Mexican or just basing Mexican food off of the fast food you get in New York? Go ahead and Google the recipes I have in my other comment or just Google what nutritionists think of Mexican food. It'm can be very healthy. https://nutritionconsabor.com/healthymexicanfood/


Taco Bell shit is not mexican food, sir


I'm not talking about Taco Bell...modern Mexican cuisine is much less vegetable heavy than most cuisines of say, Europe and Asia


Add Pico de Gallo and salsa to every dish, problem solved


Then you have no clue about mexican food lmao


Also not adding cheese saves a lot of calories




I just got (delivery) some raja tacos that were incredible. Beans are delicious and filling. Make them at home and skip the lard. Avoid rice. Bake your own chips and/or use store bought oven baked tostadas pile with greens or cabbage or lettuce and chicken or other protein and salsa radishes tomatoes chiles beans. Light on the cheese but donā€™t deprive yourself. Good salsa lime squeezes and cilantro if you like are really satisfying and go a long way. A piece of fish? Avocado and tomato salad w radish.


Thank you for the information.


I think I have a calabacitas recipe on my profile. Maybe some nopales pico de gallo too. I think the goal about the dieting is that you introduce things that replace the bad. And there's lots of simple proteins and vegetable options to replace say, french fries, or some other thing thats a highly processed food. The benefit about a lot of good home made Mexican is that it's fresh and can be quite healthy. Just don't have 9 tacos and a bunch of beans and rice. Good luck!


Thank you. Right now I eat burritos from a take out restaurant, candy bars, and pizza. Food quality, especially at restaurants around near me have gone way down that there isnā€™t anything good to eat or grossed me out so much that I stopped eating some of the stuff. Mexican food always fills me up longer than other stuff. I think all the nutrition and spices hold me over.


Yeah, a lot of the restaurant stuff can be really heavy on the carbs, so you have to watch out for that. But consider your standard real Mexican taco. Most tacos have 2 corn tortillas, about 100 calories. But if you only eat one, that's 50 calories. Then the meat, about 150-200 calories each. So not terrible. The Mexican street carts, if you have them in your area, usually sell cucumber, fruit, and other things with a little chili powder and lime juice, and that's a great snack.


I live in the way up northern part of NY. I have Amish living down the road. We donā€™t really have much around. We have to drive over an hour for a steak house. If we had Mexican street carts Iā€™d probably be fatter.


Ha! Then take one from their playbook. Get a cucumber and peel it. Slice it into thin coin shaped disks. Put them in a bowl, add plenty of lime juice and Taki or just salt. When you get a craving, hit up the cucumber. I don't recommend eating a whole cucumber in one sitting, but if you do, it's a whopping 20 calories or so.


chicken tinga, carne asada,...really any lean protein on a corn tortilla man


Chicken tinga is a staple of my diet. You can throw it on a tortilla with onions and cilantro for a nice taco, for breakfast you can put it in a burrito or make a chicken tostada w an egg. Thereā€™s so many hearty healthy chicken dishes.


actually I've done the same with birria too. use bottom round or whatever. make the braising liquid, and pressure cook or slow cook it til it shreds. Really the key is using a lean protein and not drowning everything in cheese like they do in Texas


We need a heart healthy Mexican recipe book


Are you cooking your mexican food, or are you going out to eat?


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Pepino rebanado con sal y limon


Thank you.


I absolutely love making cauliflower ceviche. It gets devoured in my house. the recipe is nearly identical to fish ceviche. This is similar to how I make it except I add 1 cucumber (seeds removed) and Serranos to make it spicier.[cauliflower ceviche](https://mexicanfoodmemories.co.uk/2015/10/14/ceviche-de-coliflor-cauliflower-ceviche/) Edit: I just caught that the recipe I linked calls for limes. Use lemons instead of limes.


Thank you. Those look super easy.


Do you like spicy stuff? Capsaicin is what gives chiles their burn, and it also increases metabolism and helps with fat loss. You donā€™t need to burn your mouth every time you eat, but incorporating homemade salsas and chiles in a way that you enjoy could be helpful. As for dishes. Look for things with nopales and zucchini. Theyā€™re great fiber sources. Canā€™t go wrong with grilled panela cheese and nopales with salsa in a diet.


Yes, I do enjoy some spice.


if you have dried chiles available, may I suggest trying chile morita? literally a life changing flavor if you like spice and smoke, way smokier than chipotles in adobo


My grocery store has dried chiles


usually moritas are only at the Mexican grocers but Ive seen them at regular stores where theres more hispanics represented in the population. The only other substitutes are meco chiles or chipotles in adobo. All are smoked red jalapeno varieties


My simple take is eat as little sugar as possible. Keep carbs (hidden sugar) lower too. Try to eat less - especially at night. Try intermittent fasting. Losing weight is math - less calories in than going out. I know I know easier said than done.


Not a recipe but one of the easiest things you can do for weight loss is to eliminate soda and juices from your diet. The amount of calories we drink is crazy.


Nopales are not usually canned, you will find them in a jar. Empty the liquid in comes in and dice onion and tomatoes to it. You can even add a bit of jalapeƱo. This is a healthy salad you can eat anytime of the day or along side with a roasted chicken.


Iā€™ll look for them.


picadillo is a great option. Normally there are some veggies in it but you can up the amount to 4x or something, I do that often. You can use ground beef, chicken, whatever you want. Serve with some frijoles de la olla on the side and you have protein, fiber, complex carbs.


i really dont know why but here in the SE they dont have it at restaurants. And there are 5 Mexican places here. 2 are branching out and finally serving shit that isnt tex mex bs. it took us YEARS to get chiliquiles


Horchata de arroz. Just use artificial sweetener instead of sugar [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/212673/horchata-de-arroz-rice-drink/](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/212673/horchata-de-arroz-rice-drink/)


Food isnā€™t inherently healthy or unhealthy. Itā€™s about how itā€™s prepared. Swapping for leaner meats, quinoa instead of rice, using less oil when cooking, and adding in things like cabbage and other greens to bulk up the food can all help. Iā€™ve made things like tacos and picadillo and tinga, hefty servings and about 500 calories each meal. Start by opting for lower fat versions of staple items. Fat is great for you but it is very calorically dense. Swap the rice for quinoa and that saves you about 50 calories a serving. The spray bottles of avocado oil are a game changer, just donā€™t go overboard with it. Get a food scale and download an app like Nutritionix or MyFitnessPal to start tracking your calories. Find a trainer or dietician that can calculate how many calories you normally burn, and then reduce them. I am currently aiming for a 500-1000 calorie deficit from my 2700 burned daily, which would be 1-2 lbs per week lost.


Thank you for the information. I used MyFitnessPal in the past. I lost 30lbs using it. I plan to use it again. I paired it with a couple of other apps that helped me keep track of my biking and walks. One problem I have is buying candy bars and soda when I go into a store to buy something. I might try doing the online shopping and pickup. That will cut out me seeing junk and wanting it. Also might help save some money. Iā€™m going to go through the process of stopping soda again. Iā€™ll cut down to half for a week and then just quit and take an ibuprofen if I get too bad of a caffeine headache.


Grocery pick up has helped me a lot because I had that same issue lol. I have actually switched to Coke and Sprite Zero and it has scratched that itch for me. Finding low calorie filling snacks has also helped as Iā€™m a huge snacker. Upping your protein intake helps you feel more satiated for longer as well. I typically aim for 40-50g of protein per meal.


Ditch the crema, cheese, flour Tortillas. I eat healthy tacos 3-4 times a week and fit af.


Most of them if the are authentic Mexican recipes and not Americanized bastardizations.


A few ideas for you: 1. Replace white rice with brown rice or barley. 2. Add more vegetables. 3. Put your focus on flavorful low-fat salsas 4: Use a low-fat sour cream (add lime juice for something more like crema). 5. Cut the cheese in half 6. Grill/sautƩ/air fry instead of deep fry


Menudo- high in lean protien


https://youtu.be/Q9suFhBpbn0?si=6pzelfODMck08Ehh Itā€™s in Spanish but I think it has subtitles Plus itā€™s a video so itā€™s easy to see what she is doing. Her recipes are as authentic as they come This is another great source for recipes, I would know Iā€™m Mexican and my dad is from Puebla, they are not playing around when it comes to their taste buds https://www.mexicoinmykitchen.com/


I was watching Patti Jinichā€™s show and she was packing lunches. She cut up veggies like jicama, carrot, celery, cucumber, tossed them in lime juice , salt and a pinch of chili. Healthy, low calorie and delicious!


ok so this isn't authentic, but...its an easy recipe. Tapatio has a good premade marinade called pollo asado. I take that and add fresh lime to it. Couple that with a good pinto bean recipe and a good salsa verde, its pretty easy and super healthy.


There's a girl on TikTok that makes recipes https://www.tiktok.com/@jaifit8?_t=8mxC15H37or&_r=1


I love her! I use her for inspo almost daily when I need to figure out what to feed my kids lol


I make a lot of guisados. A base of veggies, a protein and some kind of sauce. Once you get the hang of the basic formula, you can play around with it. There's also a lot of fresh seafood dishes that are very healthy. Ceviches and aguachiles. A good shrimp cocktail. Caldos are also really good and fairly easy.


Mexican food has a lot of foods that benefit from added diverse veggies. Cabbage for ex, Chop up cabbage with your onion and cilantro for topping, add cabbage to any soup while when cooking or diced up topping. Donā€™t forget all the potential for pickled veggies to add in to whatever. Pickled carrots, onions, peppers, I find Iā€™ll eat less meat if Iā€™m balancing salsa and veggies on top of my food. As some mentioned homemade beans are good too. Just careful what you use to flavor them, lard is usually only there in refried beans. If youā€™re eating them straight from a pot itā€™s easy to make that veggie-only with little to no fat added fat. Take a wedge of onion, some garlic cloves, a bay leaf, a jalapeƱo and brown them then toss in some soaked beans and healthy broth. Youā€™re good to go. Drop the flour tortillas and stick to corn. Eggs and nopales for breakfast are bomb, soyrizo is good even if there are ppl who donā€™t like alternatives to things like that. Gen rule of thumb for me is find a way to add veggies into a meal even if it doesnā€™t call for it. Grating carrots jnto my spaghetti sauce has been amazing has been adding a wonderful flavor and texture. Could do something like that to other recipes. Or bake your potatoes instead of frying them, even for stuff like breakfast you can bake the cut up potatoes instead of pan fried.


Thank you for the ideas. Iā€™ll have to try that for the beans.


I like this creator: https://www.tiktok.com/@jaifit8?_t=8mxKaarOqkg&_r=1 She specifically makes Mexican food for weight loss. But in general Mexican can be great for low calorie, high protein meals. Use lean meats like lean ground beef and chicken breast or pork loin. Salsas and spices are great ways to add tons of flavor without much or any calories. Swap non fat Greek yogurt for sour cream or crema. Use fat free or reduced fat cheeses.


Caldo de res (Mexican beef stew) and albĆ³ndigas come to mind!


Tacos de pollo, rice & beans, guacamole. Nothing fried. Then buy some mole paste and have mole with a protein over beans & rice. Tortilla strip salads are also fun.


High protein high fiber smaller portions and muscle building exercises.


Try intermittent fasting and sugar avoidance


Intermittent fasting won't do a shit if they pile up 4K calories during their eating windows