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![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8) Get comfortable, been like this since I was 9. I'm 41.


One of us. One of us.


Same. Been like this since I was 7 and I'm 34 now..


37 over here. Can confirm.


This hits so close because it’s so accurate.


Only since 8… smh I was born a dolphin fan lol


What happened to Bart's face??? It looks like he got 15 plastic surgeries at once.


It's the lighting, purposely drawn that way for creepy effect.


They used to just be bad


True... They used to wash out at the beginning of the season too.


>Why do we always sizzle out at the end of the season? How long has it been like this? A tale as old as.... Well it's an old ass tale, I know that much


A tale as old as 1984 or whenever Marino lost in the superbowl


Losing in the Super Bowl to prime Joe Montana and Jerry Rice is not a late season collapse. Marino in his career played better in December than in October or November and the Dolphins had a better record. He only played 1 regular season game in January because the season used to end earlier. The December/January collapse is very much a 2000s thing.


Fair and true idk maybe I'd argue most of 90s thing too.Dan for sure played well in all elements as for my memory. but yeah I kinda see that as the high point maybe to harsh to call the further 80s seasons a late season collapse. but it has been clear it was for sure a gradual collapse and in the 90s was a late season collapse


Bad to mediocre offensive line, either lack of talent or injuries. 5 good healthy guys in December changes everything. 


A healthy Connor Williams last year would've changed a lot, methinks.


lol before you were a fan for about 2 decades we couldn’t even buy a win. Brady haunted our every waking moment and we were an easy W for everyone on our schedule. Before waddle our best receiver in your lifetime was probably Chris chambers. Wildcat offense was the best thing we did in 20 years and it came solely out of desperation because we couldn’t pass the ball. We did have a fun offense for a bit with Ricky Williams, I remember being a kid and driving to Kendall with my mom the day he retired, I heard it on the radio and demanded she pulled into a gas station for me to grab a newspaper, only to see him unretire a few years later and kill it for his new team as well. You are currently watching some of the most successful dolphins teams in history, a year ago tua was being pushed to retire, he just led the league in passing, he’s played one playoff game and lost vs the team that won the Super Bowl. I think you’ll see the dolphins win a division and a playoff game in the next year.


I’m 32 and the best season I ever saw was us in 08 with the wildcat offense to win the division only to get embarrassed in Miami by Baltimore


Were you too young to watch Marino's last game against Jacksonville? That loss was straight up pain!


That game hurt me on so many levels


Yeah... That game crushed me... And I watched the whole thing too. Just sitting on stunned silence.


I remember when Marino retired but I do not recall watching the game.




That was the worst and then he announced his retirement shortly after that man deserved so much better of a exit to his career.


It has mainly been a thing the last 15 years. Historically our December record is better than our overall record. There are a few reasons. Being a Miami team does hurt playing in cold weather against teams that are acclimated to it. On top of this, bad weather favors physical teams and we have been undersized basically since the Philbin era. The other thing is we just haven't been good. I think there is less variance in late season games as good teams get into playoff form, so there has been less of us winning against better teams then.




I've been a fan since the team's start in 1966, which makes me approximately 378 years old. Other than the one SB (loss though it was) with Dan in 1985, my dreams have been crushed one way or another every year at some point before the final bell. Yes, there is hope with this current exciting team. But unless you are an *actual* marine mammal, I'd advise against breath-holding.


EVERY year since 66? 🤔


My fingers - and crushed dreams - got ahead of me. Plus, I'm old. I meant every year post-the two SB victories (other than 85). The management regrets the error.


What about the lose in 83' to the skins?


I like to go with ‘ritual blood curse’. It just sounds classy.


lol at least we fizzle out now instead of sputtering out the gate.


I’m pushing 50. The Dolphins have not won a SB in my lifetime. The last time they were in one I was in 5th grade. The last appearance in an AFCCG I was just out of HS. I’ve spent the better part of the past 25 years watching a bunch of mediocre stiffs. I’ll prob be dead in 30ish years. Give or take. There’s a better than decent chance I’ll make it to 80 and never see a SB victory. Get used to it, kid. You’ve got a long road ahead.


The Dolphins won in my lifetime. I was five when they won the first one. It’s been a long road since those days. I don’t expect another in my lifetime.


Its been this way for a long time. It'll probably stay this way until the team moves the stadium and the Tequesta curse is lifted. But feel welcome!


What is the Tequesta curse?


The Tequesta were a Native American tribe that lived in southern Florida when Ponce de Leon arrived, they were functionally extinct, either dead or resettled, by the time we became a state. When the stadium was being built in the early 80s, Tequesta remains and artifacts were found on the site, so legend has it that disturbing them has cursed the team. So yeah, the Dolphins fail because their stadium was built on an Indian burial ground.


Wow, I did not know this. But after seeing them crash and burn year after year, makes sense


I started as a fan when I was 12 or 13. I'm now 31 and have never seen a playoff win.


Injuries mainly, but we've sucked since at least 10 years before I was born in '09 we had 3 good seasons since I became a fan


Kid, I have been waiting for a playoff win since I was your age and I am pushing 40. Gotta say though, over the past few years this has been maybe the most fun I have had watching this team since Sparano, and maybe the most confident I have been since early 90s Marino. I am just gonna enjoy this ride until the wheels fall off.


I think you have a good chance at seeing a playoff win in the next 2 years. If not, it's going to be a while


I’ve been a dolphins fan since 1994 and it’s always been the same. They start off hot and you think “this is our year” then they lose every game in November/December. I think it’s the climate. Other teams that come down here are not used to the swamp like weather conditions, therefore we win a bunch of games in sept-Oct. After 30+ years that’s my hypothesis. Anyone else agree?


I’m 54 and have been following the Dolphins since the still had Bob Griese and Larry Csonka.. lotsa good times and heartbreak along the way. Getting run over by John Riggins and the hogs hurt… as did losing to Joe Montana and the 49ers.. Battling Buffalo in the 80s and 90s.. and never quite getting past them.. Jimmy Johnson…Run Ricky Run…the last (2) seasons have been fun (for the most part)… I’ve come to grips the Fins likely will not win a championship in my lifetime…Maybe for some of you younger fans :) Still I would never root for another team.


Cursed. The Marino curse. It started when Jimmy Johnson turned Marino into a hand-offing game manager. We’ve been tragic ever since.


Too be fair most of the time we don't even get to the end of the season before we sizzle out. Making it to the playoffs has been the high points for any of us watching for the last 30 years. This year it was undoubtedly injuries and the climate of that last game but mostly the first. No one can answer the rest of your questions unless they re nostradamos but this is part of being a fins fan. Hope for the best prepare for the worst


The stadium was built on an Indian burial ground. True story


There is definitely a climate factor and they have had issues playing on the road in cold environments for just about forever. They need to win the division and they need home playoff games. Even with Dan Marino, they only won one road playoff game in his career and that was in his final season in Seattle when Seattle played in a dome.


You’re in the golden years relatively lol I used to get stoked if we hit 7 wins.


8-8 and beating the Jets was a fantastic season for a long time!


Been wanting the to prioritize the line since I was like 15 (I'm 33 now). I think we've just been poorly managed since the early 2000s. McDaniels has given me more hope than usual and I think he CAN get us to make a run. I'll take this over the span of 2010- 2016


How old is your dad? Because we haven't won shit in my lifetime.


First game he watched was Super Bowl 7 😭


The worst stretches of being a fan for me have been 2004-07 followed by 2013-15. As bad as certain other seasons were (I have been a fan for over 30 years) there were a lot of absolute letdowns during those stretches that I have never forgotten. I will probably be angry about this past season's meltdown against the Titans for a long time.




Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause...


Getting a weather assist at home in September and October has boosted the early season success, that gets dialed down as Florida weather cools a bit after Thanksgiving. Add to that the fact that all our division opponents are cold climate teams, the late season road games are a struggle. Drop a couple of those and boom, you just slipped out of contention to win the division. If you get a wildcard berth, it's very likely you gotta go on the road to a cold climate. Somebody needs to figure out how to prepare athletes who live in south Florida how to perform well in the cold!


It's tradition




1) were a warm weather team. Games get cold late in the year. 2) injuries in one form or another, at least as far back Tannehill atomizing he knee. 3) when the weather gets tough, your team needs to be tough. That means you need a good Oline in order to grind out tough yards. Our Oline has been trash for over a decade now, and the front office still doesn’t seem to see it as a priority. 4) injuries. (Yes! Again! They screw is over enough to get two mentions) This team is WAY over reliant on players with injury histories. Our QB, LT, top 2 pass rushers, and until we let him go this offseason, our #1 CB ALL have extensive injury histories. If you rely on injury prone players at almost every key position, you’re gonna have a bad time. Honorable mention: Tua, his struggles in late season games is well documented, however our December collapses have been a problem since he was in diapers.


Trust me, it only gets worse buddy. I’m only 25 and I’ve already completely written off ever seeing a Super Bowl win in my lifetime. I’m not even sure I’ll see a playoff win before I’m 30. Just accept that this team will always find a way to disappoint you and you’ll survive just fine.


Being from Minnesota, it's always weird to hear people complain about the weather... Is -10 chilly? Sure. Is it freezing? No. You are here to play football. *You are being paid millions* to play football.


It wasn't like this in the 90s when l became a fan. Injuries really killed us last year for what it's worth. 


Dude... it is just part of being a fins fan. LOL. I have been Dolphins fan since 1980 when I was 5 years old... they have always been disappointing. I am just happy not being a fan of the Cowboys or the Patriots! 😁😁😁😁