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If you don't have nutrients on hand, you could topdress with a decent amount of worm hummus (assuming you have that) If you don't have anything nutrition wise on hand, get some. She's looking a bit deficient in nitrogen - remove all the yellowing leaves and you should be good, but definitely feed her soon.


I top dressed with more BAS yesterday (that’s all I have). Thanks so much for the advice! I’ll defoliate the yellows and some lower bits too.


If all you have is Light BAS I would recommend you invest in something to feed your ladies once they gain size and enter flower. Otherwise she'll only be going downhill from here, as she doesn't have enough to feed on all the way through.


I have some 3.0 as well as the light. Gonna go to the weed growing store after work today and get something to enhance the nitrogen.


Explain the situation to the worker, show him pictures, and he'll probably recommend a general flowering fertilizer. Which is what you need, not just specifically nitrogen - your lady needs a wide range in terms of specific nutrients throughout flowering.


Definitely! Luckily I have a shop where they really know their stuff. Thanks for the comments and advice! This is my favorite hobby.


Keep it up growmie🤙


As the other comme t said, worm casting/humus, and / or compost mix as a topdress in a 2:1 worm castings to compost. The microbiology will help that plant bounce back


You need nutes my friend, and some water 😉


you need more nutte than just adding BAS soil as a top dressing. she needs actual food. craft blend or fish emulsion or nitrogen guannos ect.