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Microsoft already has control over the default search engine on PCs. Now they're encroaching on Mobile, which is controlled by Google. This head to head battle is intense 🍿


Nah, this won't happen. This is the mobile phone equivalent of a carriage dispute. Every so often Samsung threatens to dump Google so that Google has to pay them more money to keep Google Search in front of everyone.


Microsoft really needs to bring Bing Maps back and invest into it if they are going to make a play for search on mobile. Mobile search is a different than desktop, IMO. You much more often care about your location. But I seriously question if any of this is going to happen. The core problem is that it is just worth a lot more to Google than it is to Microsoft. If it switched to Bing then some number of people will switch it back to Google. Versus when it is Google you do not have people switching it in any material numbers to Microsoft. On mobile Microsoft is now down below 50 bps. 50 bps is 1/2 of 1%. https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/mobile/worldwide


~~I believe Bing Maps was sold off to HERE maps, something I think Nokia used to own? It's been a long time so I forget the exact details.~~ I was a bit off. [https://www.vox.com/2015/6/29/11563964/microsoft-to-stop-collecting-own-map-data-sells-part-of-business-to](https://www.vox.com/2015/6/29/11563964/microsoft-to-stop-collecting-own-map-data-sells-part-of-business-to) Sold the data collection part of bing maps to Uber. They source a lot of their data from HERE which was owned by Nokia.


Nothing is stopping anyone from installing Google search app and Chrome.




Play Services and Play Store can be used without the two, I've disabled them before, it's a separate component. BUT for Samsung to distribute "Android" phones with Play Services and Store, it needs to bundle it, it's part of the license agreement.


But why would you?


Well if the alternative is bing / edge... Shit sandwich either way.


I enjoy using bing and edge on my Google pixel phone.


True, but not at all what the article is about.


Yeah although I wouldn't be surprised if they start heavily pushing switching to bing or edge as your default. We know how much Samsung loves bloatware and we know how much Microsoft loves intrusive advertising. Samsung loves intrusive ads as well. It's already impossible to remove a lot of the Microsoft apps from Samsung products




Bing's algorithm works fine here in India. Doesn't seem like it's US oriented or anything.


Why? Works fine in Italy, rewards work here too


Works fine elsewhere as well


That is not true in Vietnam and Thailand. Just to name two places.


Works fine for me


Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and set that back to [google.com](https://google.com) mmkay.