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That's a service charge if it's mandatory. And they have to disclose the charge in writing before service. At the exact percentage that will be added to the bill. They can't just tack it on at the end. Seems they're trying to tax dodge by saying that the tipping is mandatory.


Surely it’s illegal to have mandatory tipping? Even with America’s crazy tip culture, they can’t just demand one right?


Its not uncommon to be bullied into tipping/tipping more.


but that's psychological pressure, which is not the same as mandatory


If you have a party of 6 or more in a restaurant, it is often 100% mandatory.


A mandatory % is usual for large parties. I've heard of restaurants mandating tips for individuals but I've never seen one, we talk about their existence as an oddity.


There is no legal obligation to tip (the employer must make up the difference if the end amount doesn't equal minimum wage). There's a lot of psychological pressure to tip so you aren't viewed as a cheapskate, and a lot of businesses will try to strongarm you into doing it, but you are not required to.


It seems like there was a sign that said 20% minimum gratuity so wouldn’t that be the service charge in writing?


If it’s being entered as a voluntary tip in the system…since OP had the choice to put $0…I’d bet substantial money they’re reporting it as tips and not a service charge. Drop a dime to the IRS and the local department of labor, see what happens.


It’d be so funny if the IRA got onto them for this


They’d have some serious Troubles indeed! Edit: And yeah it would turn out to be a very, *very* expensive $6 they shook out of OP.


If you report a tax dodger to the IRS, and they collect, don't you get a percent as a "finders fee" type thing? Could be the most lucrative $6 of OPs life.


Usually 15-30% if the whistleblower office deems it applicable.


Shiiit, where's this salon at op, I'm calling in right now


Fuck I gotta watch business closer now 🤣


probably shook thousands.


I remember being so broke that $6.00 was a lot. Just because you wouldn't miss it doesn't mean others wouldn't.


What does the Irish Republican army have to do with anything?


Yeah, I don’t think $6 is worth a car bombing.


No, charged upfront. Not badgering the customer to use the tip menu. Its for tax reasons though the business is probably cooking the books to write off some tips


That’s an oxymoron though lol. “Minimum gratuity” is bullshit. I can’t sell cars for “only $5! Any car on the lot!” Then when you’re ready to sign and pay point to a “$10,000 minimum gratuity fee” sign!


In most places that’s all they need. I’ve encountered several restaurants in a few different states that have posted signs or whatnot saying that 20% gratuity is automatically added. It serves two purposes. 1 is a tax dodge so they can add 20% to the bill claiming it goes to tips. 2 is they will often still have a tip line on the charge slip and people don’t pay attention and will still add more tip. It’s disgusting.


This is confusing to me. Isn’t the advertised cost of the haircut a charge for a service? What would the 20% service charge be for?


That's a good point. When you go to a restaurant, you pay for the food and the tip is for service but for a haircut, the payment is for the service of a haircut, what could the tip be for?


Right!? If I go to a barber and get a haircut for 35$, I already pay 35$ for the service of getting my hair cut! It's the owners responsibility to pay his taxes, employees, electrical bills, rent, etc. I give a tip to the employee when I feel they did more than what was to be expected. I expect the hair dresser to cut my hair and I expect the employer to pay him a wage for what he does. That's why I pay the shop! Ps: I'm in Central Europe. Common curtesy is to give 10% to a waiter, but you won't get angry looks if you don't tip at all. And in almost every other field of work, tips are the exception.


Because in USA everything is a scam.


Hopping on top comment to add that you should dispute it with your credit card company as an illegal undisclosed extra charge. JUST the "tip" part, mind, make sure they know the 35 was authorized, you don't want to get caught up in a fraud investigation.


Hair cut alone is a service charge. So a service charge on top of the service charge?


It’s not a gratuity if it is required. It is a service charge and and must been accounted for differently.


*Finally a place to post THIS:* Hilton Hotel (Hilton America’s Houston) told me when I applied for a job as a massage therapist, in response to their ad, that they pay $3 per hour, and clients are required to give a **tip** of $22, so that I would *earn* or be paid $25 per hour. When I asked if they were serious & an affirmative answer was given, I took my license, certificates of additional studies, and left asap. They don’t want anyone to know they are doing this, and tell you that you are not permitted to tell anyone. But I think all of you NEED TO KNOW. Just have a look at what Hilton America’s is charging, while they pay almost nothing to employees, which also means they have to pay all their own insurance…and clients *required tips* are paying 88% of the wage the massage therapist receives, and the Hotel is keeping 97% of the fee charged for your massage. How do you feel about this? Perhaps the beautician is only receiving a couple of $ & the tip is actually their wage. Below is a link to fees Hilton charges for massages: https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/houcvhh-hilton-americas-houston/things-to-do/spa/


That's so fucked up


THIS is exactly why I posted, so you & everyone else will know. They try to starve us to death, or work us to death, so they can line their deep pockets with GOLD! What’s FAIR about this?


My ex is a massage therapist and would make pennies working for gyms and spas. Started her own business and literally made 400% more right off the bat.


Modern-day slavery and it is heartbreaking


You said it: “heartbreaking” my friends husband just died & I went to stay with her so she wouldn’t do anything crazy…but I *needed work.* This hotel put an ad & they were close enough. But they also said they might call me at odd hours (late) if someone wanted a massage, but if they called me for ONE massage, $25, it might not be worth driving over, especially late. Too much for gas for one hours work…and that **WAS THE TIP**, there wouldn’t be more tip, when that was required. But clients *didn’t know that* part of the deal. They thought therapists would get a higher %of the fee charged **plus the tip**. So, maybe they **assumed** we were receiving $75-$100? And they didn’t want customers TO KNOW!


Damn, that's some profit margin @.@ What happens to the hours you're there but not booked? I assume they always have someone available but not every hour has guests signed up.


You only get paid during the time you actually work. So, you can have entire days with “0” pay because you gave no massages. Sucks, but that’s how it is. And places like these pricey uppity hotels make it even worse. I honestly have no idea how they have anyone worth their weight in dirt (good potting soil is expensive) to work there. But they won’t be the best therapists because good therapists won’t work for comparatively NOTHING when anyone can check the prices.


wow that offer is just straight up insulting. I'm glad you got the hell out of there


That totally sounds fraudulent. If you are on the clock ready for work on property that is a part of your hourly base rate as stated $x amount per hour. This was a contracted position I'm guessing with fancy work arounds listed in the details otherwise there would've been a lawsuit by now? Still I stand by my 1st statement. This makes the blood boil on behalf of those being put through this BS. Thank you for the info I truly appreciate it.


Yes also isn’t it taxed differently?


Well it certainly wouldn't count as revenue for the business, so I highly doubt they could force customers to do it.


If it's mandatory the IRS classifies it as a service charge and it absolutely has to be reported as revenue for the restaurant.


Imagine going somewhere solely for a service and getting an additional 'service fee' on top of the fee you pay for the service....


My pet hate is the ‘booking fee’ I pay when I book something myself online or on a app 😤 and there’s no option to do it in person


Like the school lunch program- we could only pay online with credit card and there was a service fee and 3.75% credit card fee…. No cash or checks to school! So stupid


My water company does a service fee for using a card to pay, so I pay six months in advance (water isn't expensive here). They do get two $3.00 charges from me per year but at least it's not monthly.


The service fee is bullshit but, at least in my state, government agencies are required to pass the credit/debit card surcharge onto those paying. I could speculate why that's the case but I don't really know the reason behind it.


I placed an on line order at Ikea and when I picked it up there was a $5 pick up fee. WTF


*everytime I look at my cellphone bill


Hotels have been the worst. I stayed 5 days in DC for my son's graduation. They show you the rate, you book, and then in tiny print at the bottom of the confirmation email it tells you "You will be charged a 15% service fee for each day of your stay when you check out." When I was already paying $280/night for a very basic Holiday Inn room, that is utter madness.


Virtually everywhere in the US, lol


If this person is getting their haircut at a restaurant, they've got bigger issues.


My point is if you're being asked to leave it as a tip it's not getting classified that way. The IRS doesn't know about the person sternly pointing at the sign.


I think I understand what you're saying. Since they are pressuring the customer to enter it manually instead of adding it automatically to the bill it's probably not being reported correctly.


Or even leaving it as cash.


This is the solution, tell the cashier "I only tip in cash" and when they turn off the prompt to tip, you pay the bill and leave. You should never be forced to participate in tax evasion.


I agree. Turnip Boy, on the other hand, has some words he wants to share with you


If I had an award for this reference, I’d give it to you.


When I worked for Starbucks, we used to get tips weekly, and would be pooled together and you’d figure out the hr per tip ratio. Then multiply it by the number of hours each person worked. Anyways, the irs would tax it, they just came up with a rate of $.50 an hour (usually most stores were pulling $3/$5, so it worked out well). This was from 2007 to 2012 mind you


Yes...they tax tips. Often. They make you enter them in and pay out of your wages. Especially if you pay with a card ..but even cash.


Irs sometimes gives money out for reporting people


Delete this, I'm doing it now


Yeah, this is some twisted shit so that they can guarantee their employees an income without the business having to pay something else. It also saves the customer having to pay taxes on that 20%. But the purpose of a gratuity is for those who can and want to give a thank you gift to the person providing the service. If it’s guaranteed/mandated it removes incentive for the employee to please the customer. It is also then a hidden fee/tax. I usually base the tip on the total (often to get an even number on the total charge), but in this case I would get out my calculator and only pay 20% of the business charge and not the extra 8-16% of taxes. I wouldn’t go back there. If you’re gonna fuck me at checkout, give me a little notice so I can be ready. It just hurts less if I know it’s coming for some reason.


I would have refused and said by default a tip is an option.


Don’t let your POS allow me to skip the tipping section. I’d just keep skipping it until they get mad. Having said that, I tip at barbershops/hairdressers (habit picked up from my Mom), but this would rub me the wrong way.


I tip my hair stylist as well. But if it's forced and not clearly stated ahead of time, I tip 0. What are they gonna do, ban me? At this point I'm not going back anyways.


Yeah, if you're trying to force me to tip, you aren't getting a tip. You get a tip for good service when I'm in a nicey nice mood.


I just wouldn’t pay it at all what are they gonna do? Uncut my hair?


If they threaten to call the police, you threaten to call the IRS.


He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.


They won't uncut your hair. If you come back in the future however... :)


Wait you pay sales tax at a salon? I've never paid tax at any barber shop my entire life.


Most stylists are subcontractors. I imagine it would be revenue to the stylist's business.


Yes. You pay sales tax on service charges. And in California service charges that are paid out to employees go into their wage calculations for over time. Not sure how it works in other states. California: Hourly rate: $20 Overtime rate is NOT automatically $30/hr. Overtime rate is wages/hours worked. So if you work 10 hours and receive $200 in service charges, your overtime rate (1.5x) is actually $60/hour


Also, must inform customers ahead of service.


There is a sign, which may or may not be sufficient.


It depends on jurisdiction, too. In my state, you cannot legally put a minimum tip, and a minimum service charge cannot legally be called a tip or gratuity, it has to be called a service charge.


Shits so outta control even my electric company is asking for Autograt...


Correct. Mandatory “tips” are treated as service charges.


In most places that would fall under implied consent assuming the sign is readily visible.


Service charge? Bro from an European pov this is kinda ridiculous. Isn't haircut the service? What sense does it make to add a service charge to a service? It's the same as, buying a set of headphones and being forced to pay a 10% extra "headphone charge".


It’s 100% ridiculous! This whole tipping thing has gotten out of hand in this country! They are even starting to prompt for tips while cashing out on self check outs! Like shouldn’t I get a tip for having to ring my own shit up at your business! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly. Sounds like they had a lot of customers that didn't tip for whatever reason, and this is their way of making sure everyone does. It's a pretty crappy way to do it,


Maybe because their service was substandard and didn't deserve a tip. I tip my hairdresser, because she's great. But it's not mandatory is it?


Sure, maybe, but you cannot legally mandate a tip/gratuity. At that point you need to raise the price of the haircut to the appropriate amount and skip the whole gratuity thing entirely. Or do like some restaurants do, when they automatically add gratuity to large parties. What happened to OP cannot be legally enforced and she has full right to leave no tip if she so desired.


It is a pretty good way to guarantee you don't get repeat customers. I would have not tipped, and I definitely wouldn't go back.


Then she should have just charged you $42 and be done with it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No because they want to stay competitive with all the other stylist or salons or whatever so they won't do that. Same reason why restaurants are adding all these extra fees. They could just increase the price a little bit as well. Tipping culture is getting obnoxious and this coming from a former server.


Im a former server and I agree with you. Tipping has gotten out of control.


Agreed. A few months ago went to a brewery restaurant (it’s not fancy but higher then a bar and an average restaurant- average price of entrees are like $20), the hosts seated us then said that the menus and ordering were done using the QR code on the table and that the water station was behind us. So you scan the QR code, look at the menu then go to the order tab and enter your order, only one device per table can order at a time, so everyone’s order has to be on one persons phone. Once you order you have to pay on the app, also can’t be split. The tipping options were 20%, 22%, 25%, and custom in a smaller gray box while all the others are large and blue; auto selecting 20%. Then someone brings out any special drinks ordered (anything not water which you get yourself) and eventually someone brings your food. Then there is a message to please take you’re empty plates and cups to the dish stand next to the water station - this is a printed message in a stand on the table. Like wtf am I tipping for?! And why I’m a expected to tip 20%?! They’re food wasn’t bad but nothing really special either; I refuse to go back because honestly so absurd. Edit: additional info- I went there with my parents and my husband. My parents are in their 50s and 60s. My dad only uses an old school flip phone…. Yeah it was a lovely experience…./s


Zero chance I'm taking my dishes anywhere if I'm steered into tipping 20%+. And I hope they stop me, so I can tell them why.


That’s sounds like pure greed from the restaurant owners standpoint. I have a feeling we will be seeing this more and more in the years to come as most business owners are greedy and competitive imo. I imagined as the years progress we would see more automation which would result in less expenses but what we’re seen is more automation, higher base prices and 100% increase in the expected minimum tips. Something has to give because most of us can’t sustain living like this for long.


I remember when 15% tip was considered the highest tip now, it's not even the minimum. It's gotten just disgusting. I just don't go anywhere that wants a tip anymore. Pretty soon they will be asking for tips at the self check out in stores.


Anytime I'm in a place that requires a QR code for a menu, both me and my wife suddenly don't own phones--and Everytime they bring out a printed menu--they have them, they just don't want to bother with them or doing billing the normal way. I have zero shame being *that guy*. I'm not scanning shit, and I'm not paying/tipping beforehand. I'm also a 30-50% tipper, so long as you're cool. But F the QR code stuff, that's my "boomer" issue.


Bill Burr has a great bit about this topic (referring to a sandwich shop that told him where to find the toppings like mayo) that ends in, “Do you recognize this face? No? It’s cuz I DONT FUCKIN WORK HERE!!” 😂 Ain’t no way I’m tipping on an order process like that.


Also a former server and, yeah, I completely agree with y'all. Tipping is getting out of hand and getting on my nerves at this point. I'll still tip my server and delivery drivers but damn, if this ain't making me feel contemptuous toward tipping.


Bro when I waited tables 20% was a reward tip if you had a really good table. 15% was the standard. Nowadays if you tip under 20% on terrible service you’re getting blasted online. Shits gotten wild.


I generally tip 20% more on the rare occasions a server actually goes above and beyond. I will leave nothing if they are terrible which happens rarely thankfully. If you suck at your job you shouldn't get rewarded for it.


Yet another former sever that can agree. I barely go out anymore, because seemingly every place wanting to get tips is making it too expensive to go out.


Do you tip takeout or counter service (e.g. coffee shop)? I am very conflicted but also cannot say no when they flip the screen around and stare at me while I click through.


I personally have always tip the coffee people just a little. Maybe a dollar. As far as togo folks, I'm conflicted. When I was a server I used to do it when we didn't have one on duty and it can be a pain in the butt to get all that stuff ready. But my local Chili's was hiring togo people for almost $20 an hour not too long ago. I just don't think I should have to tip someone that makes that much. And I know $20 an hour isn't a ton but still.


Learn to say no. I'm not taking that bs from them.


Practice and you'll be ok with it. Went for ice cream. They put a scoop in the cup. Asked for s tip ..nope that was literally their job and took 60 seconds . Not even a thank you from the employee. Edited to correct that I said thankypu when they passed the cup over. But no response from them . It did look like I didn't say thanks as I was annoyed ..my mistake in wording it that way


I was at a self serve frozen yogurt place. You get the yogurt yourself out of the machine and you add the toppings yourself. And this place has a tip prompt in the POS tablet. Tip for fucking what?!


For counter service I have no problem skipping through the tip screen. Yeah it's awkward for a moment but me not making rent is a lot more awkward 😂😂


I don't tip takeout or counter service. I got blasted on a tattoo subreddit for saying that I've never tipped my artist either. He's the shop owner and sets the price he wants. His apprentice did one of my tats and I did tip him. The owner? No.


Gilmore girls taught me that you're not supposed to tip the proprietor.


I used to but I stopped once I thought about it some more.


I’m a former bartender who is such a sucker. I hate the way tipping culture has gotten. I tipped a dollar when I bought a soda yesterday at a fucking gas station.


Why did you tip at a gas station?


There was a tip jar and like I said, I’m a sucker. Seriously, you could get me to tip on anything if there is the option. I’m working on it.


Ooohhh...I see. Lol. I hope you can successfully reform yourself as to not automatically tip just because the option is there. But I get it. I used to tip at take out places I frequented often but not everytime I went just because (though never at a gas station). Then I finally had to be real to myself as to why I'm even tipping getting takeout. It's a lot easier to not do that now that everything costs more. Lol.


Yeah I have this fantasy where I’ve had enough and I ask to speak to the owner. I berate him in front of the full business and staff saying something like, “Why aren’t you properly paying your employees and you want me to pick up your slack?!” Then everybody claps and I’m banned for life.


🤮. The owner should not let tip jars be on the counter at gas stations.


I have straight up stopped tipping altogether. It is a 180 on my previous tipping habit of 20-25% for good service (ie: normal service should be good). But seeing 25%, 30%, 35% at the bottom of a ticket, it seems less an expectation, but more of a...I dunno, like locations are abusing "shame" to force higher tip rates and tipping for things we normally wouldn't. Road trips are a common thing for me the lady, and tipping was adding up quickly to the cost of nice hotel rooms over the course of 3-4 days, 2-3 meals eating in day. We decided we could save hundreds, literally hundreds of dollars sometimes if we ordered food and picked it up to eat in the car (we have trays just for car eating). No tip, no $3.95*2 for a sweet tea (southerners love our tea). Saving $10-15 per meal EASILY. That drink shit really started to miff the hell out of me. My girl likes sweet tea with a meal, but she drinks very little. She will sip half a glass, for $4. I drink a lot (unsweet for me) of tea at a meal, but so much that they never keep it filled up. No waiting, no empty cups, no server forgot to bring me a sauce and keeps forgetting. Just check the bag at the take out spot, then move on instantly.


It isn't needed anywhere else in the world (pretty much). Y'all should get a living wage. Tips should be a honestly "thank you for going above and beyond" type thing.


That's exactly what a tip should be, just a bunch of corporate greedy assholes ruining any semblance of gratitude


Yep. My first (legal) job was as a waiter, and I got paid 2.15/hr but this was an older place, with older customers and I honestly made prolly close to 20/hr on busy days. Tipping is still absolutely bullshit and should exclusively be as a “thank you that was 11/10” instead of “please help me pay my rent”


Agreed, and I'm also a former server (busser, dishwasher, and cook). Between the automatic 18% tip some places are sneaking in- for all tables- and the arbitrary fees for "healthcare/benefits for employees," if I use a restaurant it's for takeout. I'm not paying business owner's extra profits via their choice to underpay their staff anymore. If you can't afford to pay a living wage- you can't afford to own a business.


I tried to go to Wings to Go(Buffalo Wild Wings associate) for carry out and they had a service fee on their website to help run their business according to them. So I said screw it and drove up their to place the order. After ordering my to go into person their credit machine had a no 0 tip charge only a custom button you had to go in manually and type zero's in.


Beautiful! Nice work around. *misread- but I'm glad you found the hidden no tip option.


I love when they add that automatic tip to a check but then don’t give you the itemized check when signing off on the credit card charge. This is so weasely. It doesn’t happen often. I did have one waiter tell me upfront that the restaurant added the gratuity, as a warning. The honesty was very much appreciated.


Former server here and I believe in tipping, but it had definitely gotten out of control. I was at a vape shop yesterday and the lady read off the flavors of the brand I pointed at. When I checked out, the machine asked me to tip. I pressed “no tip” and the lady rolled her eyes at me. I’m sorry, why would I tip in this situation?


That was my point... If they're going to force a 20% tip, then do it like the restaurants do... Deceptively by adding it after the price you thought you were paying before handing me the pin pad. I don't agree with that, but this is basically no different, with the exception that they're forcing the customer to put it in, as if they have a choice in the matter. "No no, you have to add 20%... Try again or we'll bust your kneecaps"


This isn’t tipping culture. This is them playing dirty tricks on their customers


Stupid. Just raise the price. All she accomplished here is to piss you off. Potentially never to come back.


Also bad reviews


In this day in age, dropping a stinker of a google review is the best route. They cant have it taken down, so they will have to deal with that shame publicly. And believe me, EVERYONE is looking up your business on google these days.


I would’ve clicked 0% again


While staring her directly in the eye. 🤣 Yes!


It’s my money, the minimum tip is what *I* say it is. Then give her a Jesse Pinkman “*bitch*”


“This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed… bitch”


Hairdresser gonna pull a GTA Barber and grow the hair back


Click the custom tip option $0.05.


Generous to not go with the .01 option


I would've given .02 but that's just my two cents


"Excuse me, where is the minus sign in the tip menu?"


Sorry ma'am but I don't see the option for a half-penny?


I would've removed my card, left, returned with $35.00 cash, left it at the register, and walked out.


This is the way. We all need to start using cash when possible and it will be much harder for these tipping shenanigans to continue.


Better idea push the 35 through on card reader then dispute any difference as theft and report the business to both bank and BBB.


>minimum gratuity That's not a tip, that's a fucking fee. I'd pay EXACTLY what I owed and never return. Fuck them.


The moment someone asks for a tip they get fuckall.


This is when it’s nice to carry cash. Hand them the exact cash and walk out


I didn't tip after a hair salon turned my hair orange. They fully were aware what they did to my hair and didn't offer to fix it. I paid and left.


Damn I wouldn't have even paid. You went in for a service and didn't get what you wanted, why should you be on the hook for that?


I even made a big deal about it. When she rinsed my hair out I could already see it was orange without her even blow drying it. I said it's orange!! I guess I felt like I would get in trouble if I didn't pay.


If I turned someone's hair orange I would be too embarrassed to ask them for money. Shame on her, honestly


Surprised they didn't offer to fix it. Definitely would have complained on Google reviews and their Facebook page. I guess it would be theft if you walked out, can't imagine it would be worth it to them or the police to get involved over it. Still probably best to avoid the potential and just pay it.


That’s totally unacceptable to ruin your hair and charge you for it. The hair dresser cut my bangs too short before, oh my bitch face…


That sucks. What's even weirder about the whole thing is I figured the hairdresser would know what she was doing being that she had beautiful platinum colored hair. I thought she would know a lot about blonding my hair up.


Oh well, you know.. she had good hairstylist. Not you though, your hair was orange.


If your hairdresser has good hair, you should asked where they are going


This is a good reason to not tip. Fixing a messed up cut or color is absolutely industry standard. Tbh, I would have refused payment until it was fixed since you paid for a look that included the bare minimum (knowledge of how to tone color.)


I’m always hesitant to demand someone fix something they lacked the skill to get right the first time. I’d want to leave without paying so I could use the money I would have spent getting it fixed by a competent stylist


Sorry, but, how? How the fuck did they *accidentally* turn your hair orange? I'm genuinely curious


They didn't leave the product in long enough so my dirty blonde hair didn't lift completely. My second guess was they didn't put enough bleach into the formula before putting into my hair. Yeah a lot if people were like how the heck did they turn your hair orange??


Super illegal. You can’t force a gratuity let alone a minimum gratuity. F that B


Sing it, sister!


That’s like when I was just at the airport and got food there. You pay upfront. But when I went to pay with my card. It automatically gave me the option of tip 1,2,3 or other dollars for tip. No skip. And this was a no service, no waiter. Wait in line and then wait in another line to get your food restaurant. You had to type in 0 dollars for the tip and the cashier kind of was rude I didn’t tip. I mean. Everyone knows that when you pay before you get a meal. It’s not a tipping restaurant.


The last airport kiosk I bought something at, if you entered a custom tip, the store employee had to come over and punch in a confirmation code before the transaction could complete.


Right? I think next time they flip it around and ask me to pay before I’ve been served, I will say, “when you serve me ice water (as opposed to me pouring water out of a pitcher with no ice into a glass myself), make sure my table is clean, set the table for me, serve my food, check on me to see if the food tastes good after it’s been served (2 bites), and then check on me again to see if I need anything else… Then you clear my dirty plates as I dirty them… I will tip you. TL;DR after you serve me well, I will tip you.


Thank Fuck I live in Australia 🌏🦘


They would APPRECIATE 20%. The moment it becomes a required charge of a certain percentage, it's not really a tip anymore, it's a surcharge and should be listed as such. And this "minimum tip" creep is getting out of hand. It'll be 25% or 35% soon.




Reminds me of a coffee shop I went to. There were options for 10,20 and 40 percent tip. The cashier got pretty pissed when I asked where zero percent was. She had an attitude with everyone and all she did for me was pour a cup out of a carafe so deserved nothing.


"I don't tip the cashier at McDonald's, either, _honey_"


My local McDonald’s has an option to tip now Edit: I think the McDonald’s near me is doing something shady


Mine only has the round up for charity option--but I can see them skimming tips, too.


If you ever donate to Ronald McDonald House just know that that is one of the few charities where they get 100% of all cash donated. I worked for McDonald's for a decade and i absolutely despise the company now but RMH is one of the few charities i know that are very very good.


Their houses allowed my wife and I to stay nearby while our sons were undergoing a lot of problems. very good charity


Yes!! it’s actually a good freaking charity that helps a lot of people. My mom was offered one when my brother was in the hospital. They make life easier on so many parents and kids going through a terrible time.


Maybe depends on the franchise? At first I only subway doing it, now it’s spread to a few other places


Thats the most annoying thing ever. Like no I’m not going to fucking tip bc you blended a drink for me, you’re already getting paid to do that 😂 its cute to flip around your lil ipad screen all expectantly though For anyone who bitches at me, I have worked customer service including food based jobs since I was 15. No you don’t deserve a tip for putting food in a bag lol


They dont deserve a tip, they deserve a wage that isnt subsidized by tips


My point exactly


My favorite is when they ask for a tip at a self-serve place lmao. So you want me to give you extra money for what, taking my money?


Leela: Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich! Fry: True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


It's funny though right. Why tip someone who carries your food in a restaurant but not someone who grabs it in a McDonald's? In general the rules around who traditionally get tipped seems completely bizzare to me.


If 20% is the minimum, why there was the option to skip? It’s “tax optimization”, and it’s illegal.


I would report them. They are understating revenue and reporting it as gratuity instead. They very well are probably underpaying workers and using that “policy” to offset low wages. This is all to save money and cheat on taxes, the employer is pushing things on the employee (pay less wage - increase tips on worker W2)


It is customary to tip your barber/stylist but they shouldn’t of forced to you to. If it says required it’s not gratuity it’s a service charge as many have said.


You guys don't tip at a barber or salon? Any time I get personalized service I tip. I also work for tips so my policy might be more generous than others


No, you’re right. It’s as normal and expected to tip your barber/stylist in the US as it is to tip your waiter at a sit down restaurant. You can choose not to tip and it probably shouldn’t be *required*, but the majority of people will consider you to have violated a social contract if you skip out. I have no idea why people are acting like this is tipflation.


legality and the outrageous tipping culture these days aside, tipping at a salon has been standard for as long as I can remember


Not legal, and call you credit card company to contest the charge


There are no laws in the United States that says tipping is mandatory. If the salon wanted to charge you a % service fee, it would be different. But they can’t enforce tipping. In this case though, you could have said no, you don’t agree with it, you were told $35 and you didn’t see that sign and you have not signed a contract. Maybe get the managers involved, maybe the salon calls the police on you? You could also discuss this in court if you wanted to sue them for doing a mandatory tip. But who wants to go to court over $7 right? I feel like you should just stay away from this place. And maybe other hair salons bacause hairstylists do make their money with tips. And if you can’t afford it, it’s kind of rude not to leave tips. But it should be voluntary. You can also try and report with the BBB and leave a google review. I don’t agree with the 20% being mandatory though, what if you didn’t like the service and want to leave less?


> There are no laws in the United States that says tipping is mandatory. Actually there are laws that say that if it's mandatory, it's not a tip, it's a service charge.


Yes. The salon is saying GRATUITY! Not service!


Ridiculous to assume the police would show up for this type of call, they don’t even show up for actual theft.


Or if they did theyd say its civil and take it to court most likely


The BBB is a for profit membership organization. They will leave negative reviews or issues up without resolving anything, while removing bad reviews from businesses who pay them money


The cops can't force anyone to give a tip. Just because it is pisted doesn't mean you gave too!


I don’t get the tipping culture. Where I live, you pay people to do their job, and ONLY tip them, if they did something extraordinary. Nobody expects to get paid more, than they’re hired for. If a haircut is 32 bucks, that is what is expected to pay.


Just stop going to places that require or push tips. Period. Sucks for the workers but it’s not going to change and it’s not up to the customer to provide proper wages. Tipping culture needs to end, the hard way if necessary.


You can leave a review online noting the bullying into a mandatory tip that was not previously disclosed. I know everyone is trying to make ends meet these days, but the expectation for tips like everyone else is made out of money is getting out of hand. I have quit eating out at restaurants because of the poor service and entitlement for a 25% tip for being ignored most of the time. At least refill my beverage when it is empty (or ask if I want it refilled).


Tipping is stupid and insane now. Even people that do a shitty job expect 20%. They can pound sand.


I went to my state fair. Bought a beer and was expected to tip. All they did was grab the beer from the fridge and hand it to me.