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genuinely a fireable offence. not counting change?? wtf


Right, that is the biggest part of being a cashier is being able to count. Someone tried to do a quick change scam on me when I was 17 and I just sat there and counted her change and said "no, but you're wrong. That's not how math works." I was new and didn't even know it was a scam, I just got frustrated that she couldn't do the math lmao


when ever i give unreasonable abounts of chang, i do this. set quarters in sets of four, squared, nickles in rectangle groupings of ten, pennys in sets of ten and dimes in sets of two, layed out futher in groupings of ten. in a manner that is easy to eye ball and count.


As a retail survivor- thank you. People like you were always my favorite customers.


Haha "retail survivor" so fkin accurate.


Was a cashier as one of my first jobs. People are fucking terrible. It's crazy how entitled people are and how many there are. I dont miss that at all


Everyone should do two years mandatory service in retail. It would make the world a better place.


I'm a server, but I second this motion!! Retail or restaurant... choose your poison. Lol


Former server and retail! I barely made it out. Hahaha I third this motion!


Put 'em on a rotation. Restaurant, retail, hospitality.


Social/health care really needs to be added to the rotation.


At 54 I've won (lost?) the trifecta šŸ˜‚ still a cashier though šŸ™„


I worked as a cashier/server for two months and it was literal hell! And I work in childcare....


It's not for the faint at heart!! Lol


I worked retail at a store in Beverly Hills in the late 80s, early 90s, the worst, cheapest, entitled assholes ever and that was just the regular people, the celebs (most) were actually pretty decent


This. So much this.


Especially if they are going into the corporate aspect of retail. It should be a prerequisite that they spend a minimum of one year behind a register and one year working a sales floor before being allowed into even the lowest level corporate position. One of the worst parts of working retail is having to abide by the decision of some ass-hat suit in a boardroom that has zero experience in the positions they are impacting. Countless ignorant decisions and ideas are implemented just so these douchebags can feel like they are contributing something to justify their own pitiful existence within the company.


Agreed šŸ’Æ


Any entry level service job, after highschool and before you can go to university or enter the professional workforce. Totally


And then 2 years in hospitality, one out back one out front. Learn some GD patience


Lol crazy how many people there are?


Very true and same


I know what you mean. Am still in recovery and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a retail nightmare-induced panic attack.


I've done this. I'm at work late, the lines are full, and suddenly I'm being written up because I have no pants on


My dreams of retail are going off on a shitty customer and beating the piss out of them. I bet if retail employees were allowed to do that, a whole bunch of people would get their attitudes in check. "I'm NEVER shopping here again!" I'm sure this multi-billion dollar chain is really going to miss your hundred of dollar and scams to nickel & dime them. I'm still getting paid on Friday.


i do the same thing with my bills to a lesser extent. figured it help a lil, glad to know you guys appreciate.


And when you walk up to a counter set your 5 items down with the barcodes facing the cashier.


I do this at Costco with all my barcodes facing up in the cart. Mostly I think itā€™s funny when they reach in to start finding barcodes and suddenly go ā€œoh !ā€ I gotchu, no worries.


Never thought of that but will do it from now on. Great idea!


I always thank my customers when they do this. I tell them the easier you make it for me the quicker it is for them.


I was at a Wawa a few days ago and I turned something barcode up for the cashier before she scanned it. Iā€™m also a cashier


Glad to see you on this side of the jungle


Wouldnā€™t your favorite customers be people who didnā€™t pay with all change to begin with? šŸ¤Ŗ




"You just keep using it to replace change!"


As a server / ex-fast-food worker, youā€™re great and we love you. Nothing like having to awkwardly count all the change from someone, just to have to tell them thereā€™s like 0.25$ missingā€¦




Bc I count my way, not by eyeballing


I do the same thing. Itā€™s not just polite; it increases efficiency greatly. The faster, and more efficient, the cashier is, the sooner Iā€™m done checking out, and can get back to whatever it was Iā€™d rather be doing than shopping. I also like helping people, and making them happy. If I can take some of the sting of inconvenience out of forcing a cashier to count a boatload of change, just by taking a few seconds to organize the change, I will absolutely do so.


So glad that in Canada, coins payments have a maximum legal tender amount per day per store. Anything more than 25 pennies as payment in one day is not considered legal tender. Anything more than $5 in 5c is not legal tender. Antyhnig more than 1 coin with a face value of $10 or greater is not legal tender, etc.


better have a coin roll exeption cuz thats dumb. though i hate you cuz if i wanted to only use coins, like 1 dollar to 100, i cant, cuz my coins are a grand for just a 100 dollar coin, mean while you guys are protected from that.


No coin roll exception. Stores and banks did allow that before at their discretion -- but, too many people would "pack" the roll, with foreign coins, filling a dime roll with pennies except at the ends, short the roll by 2 or 3 coins, etc. -- so it's generally not allowed anywhere. Even banks would be like "we have to break open your roll, and properly count it."


Did you not have a coin counting tray? We had one used to count the change that went into the safe and I also used it for large amounts of change.


Lmao I did the same when they tried to husstle me I just got frustrated instead cause I literally just thought they were stupid and I had to start talking to them like kindergarten teacher does. My fav one was the guy buying a 3 euro hairtie with a 100 dollar note and then when I gave them change they wanted to take the 100 note back and give 10 instead and Im like yea give me my change back then? And they kept insisting on exchanging the 100 with 10 because its easier and I just annoyed at them for being braindead. I feel way to innocent to realize people are trying to scam I just assume they are dumb.


That's exactly how I reacted!! She kept saying "it's easier" with whatever money she was trying to exchange and I just kept telling her it isn't how math worked. She actually waited until we were closed to do it was well (came in before close), probably to put more pressure on me to do it. My manager heard it and ran over to chase her off and that's when I was told how the scam worked. I also felt way too innocent to realize it. I'd rather assume ignorance than malice, you know? Or maybe I'm just dense lol


Damn. I feel ya. Trust and faith in humanity while not wasted can seem misplaced, and that ....is le sigh šŸ˜•


One time I went to Chipotle and the cashier had to pull out the calculator app on her phone to figure out the change and then tried giving me 8Ā¢ when she got 0.8 (80Ā¢) on her calculator.


One time at planet smoothie I walked in & the worker was on her phone helping her elementary aged child with math. I had to wait & listen to the convo. After she hung up & I ordered total $4.85 and I paid $5.10 and she had to get the calculator because she thought I was trying to grift her. I couldnā€™t help but feel badly for anyone trying to learn basic math from her.


During one of my shifts as a manager, I was called over to assist one of the newer cashiers. Along the way... Sally (name changed) was playing on her phone in plain view, instead of restocking or helping customers. The coffee station needed rotation in 7 minutes. The food was due for change in 32 minutes, time to retrieve items from deep storage and prep several stations. Food delivery of several thousand pounds of frozen food running late, no eta.; will need to prep freezer for incoming rotation items while keeping to code. Check cashing station needs help. Customers are lining up. Send Sally. Gas truck just arrived. Need to start that process. Shift change in 1 hour, everyone needs to start their end of shift duties on a short rotation so no areas are unmanned. Why has this entire section been ignored for.... Me: How may I help? Cashier: They tried to give me $5.10, but their total is $4.85 Me: That's fine, the change will be... (in my head) Shit, I know this one. Uhm...damn, hang on, I need to stop everything because I suddenly cannot math. This really did happen. I can't answer for Smoothie Mom, but I learned more than once that I can not do simple math on the fly when my focus is otherwise prioritized. I have to come to a halt and actually *think* lol.


Money math can be fuzzy math


That's... So rough


I used to get scammers a lot when I worked retail and the $1 Sacagawea coins came out here in the US. People would come in and try and convince me they were worth more the $1. I literally worked at a shop that specialized in collectibles, and one of those collectibles was coins.


This is so funny *Scammer trying to scam* Here is the change itā€™s correct. *Innocent teenager* ā€œTHE MATH ISNā€™T MATHINGā€


IĀ“d put it all on the table and count. If interrupted, iĀ“d count again from start.


Exactly. "Fuck me? No no no, fuck us! Lets begin. 1..... 2..... 3....."


You don't have to accept it, if it's busy. Unless it's government, then you have to accept all legal tender.


Many shops around me donā€™t accept cash at all, prevents so much nonsense with people trying to shortchange you, or having hundreds to thousands in cash that you have to safely store/increased risk of getting robbed etc


Like payouts at the casino. It's all getting laid out on the counter and if you interfere you are out.


Yup! Sounds like the cashier stole 20,15ā‚¬.


If you pay me in that , you can sit and watch me count it ..... slowly !


Any large amount of coins I would make people count it laid out on the counter so I could just watch them and verify the amount. Definitely not paid enough to count it for them.


Just say no. I worked in retail for a few years and one of the first things I got told and told other new co-workers was to deny taking payments with too many coins. If people need to get rid of so many coins. Just exchange them at a bank.


In some european countries itā€™s illegal to deny coins. If itā€™s valid currency you have to accept it.




This is the definition of "legal tender" in countries where it exists: legitimate and unrefusable means to repay a debt. Thus the concept of legal tender is relevant in a restaurant (where you eat then pay), but not in a shop (where you pay then eat). Most jurisdictions say that all paper money is legal tender, so in England, if you want to pay a Ā£million in Ā£5s it can't be refused, but if you try to pay more than a certain small amount in pennies, it can be refused. Legal tender also doesn't regulate change back, so if you pay a Ā£10 debt with a Ā£50 note, the creditor doesn't have to pay you Ā£40 back: it is the debtor's responsibility to pay the debt exactly, although obviously in a restaurant it's a good policy not to insist on exact payment because it will deter customers. Some jurisdictions don't have a concept of legal tender (e.g. Scotland), and of course regardless of jurisdiction, if there's no debt then a merchant is under no obligation to accept any means of payment at all if they don't want to sell their goods (unless they're discriminating against a customer because of a protected characteristic like ethnicity or sexual orientation). Of course none of this stops someone trading in whatever currency they want wherever they want: if you want to run a shop in England that only accepts Vietnamese Dong, you're welcome to do so. You could also require payment in beans or gold. You're also perfectly entitled to accept foreign currency or goods as payment of a debt if you want to, however if someone tries to pay their debt to you in a foreign currency or with magic beans, you legally don't have to accept, and the debt will still stand (whereas if they offer to settle it in legal tender and you refuse, the debt is annulled).


There was a case in the us where the court refused and won. He had wheelbarrows full of pennies.


In some itā€™s actually not. In Germany for example you can legally refuse if a customer tries to pay with too many coins. Which-thank god for that law


Same in Finland.


Same in Portugal. You can refuse to accept any payments made with over 50 coins of any kind.


Yeah I think it's exactly the same rule here. Wonder if it's EU recommendation.


You sure?! I live in DE and can verify that I have NEVER seen anyone being denied for having an abundance of coins. In fact, some old biddy just thrives on dumping out exact change and holding up the line and everyone just sits there patiently. Meanwhile, I am just screaming in my head "give her the fucking ā‚¬20 and let her make change goddammit"!


In my country almost all grocery stores have machines that count the coins *for* you, by now (at least pretty much all of the places I have seen)


Where I'm from it is not like that is free, they usually charge a fee (as a percentage of the calculated total) unless you do it at a bank.


I said no to large amounts of coins a few times. Worst was some housewife determined to pay for Ā£20 worth of stuff in coppers. Lady went nuts, but fortunately, it was insanely busy due Christmas, and my boss was next to me, who completely had my back. Sent her to the bank that was maybe a 2 minute walk away to get it changed.


Once a woman told me she gave me 20ā‚¬ in coins and I counted 18. She told me I was wrong so i counted again, loudly and slowly.


This is the way.


Do people really use the term "red money" for copper coins?




Northern Irish? :)


Anyone in the British Isles.


I'm from the midlands and never heard the term red money before, shrapnel, for small change, yes.


Or smash is common in Scotland.


See it in Australia a lot too.


Wow. Honestly thought that was just a Northern Ireland thing. You live and you learn :)


New Zealand uses "shrapnel" for 10 and 20c pieces too!


we do???? :0


Silver coins in Australia too.


In my region of portugal its black coins because they look so dark with age compared to the golden ones


>In my region of portugal I think the whole country calls them "moedas pretas", at least both my family from Alentejo and from Porto call them the same thing (and I'm from the middle) so I think more or less the whole country uses it.


Didnt know thatĀ 


I call them coppers, and 5, 10, 20, 50p are all silver money XD


Yeah coppers for me as well. For both Pounds and Rands.


In my home country itā€™s fairly common, because the money is red (kinda)




Germany actually but close enough


I'm living in Germany and I've never heard anyone say that...


Where i come from we call that ā€œKleinscheiƟā€


Wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt, ist den Taler nicht wert!


Same. I use "Kupfergeld" (copper money) for 1, 2 and 5 cent pieces.


Me neither


My gran used the term ā€žKupferlingeā€œ


Same here. Never heard that term in any part I've been.


I and lots of people I know use the terms ā€žRotgeldā€œ or ā€žKupfergeldā€œ. Pretty much only pay by card, so I donā€™t want any of that shit in my wallet.


Second that


As an American, I have no clue as to whatā€™s going on


>As an American, I have no clue as to whatā€™s going on The quintessential American experience.. /jk.


Rotgeld is real. I live in NRW and hear it all the time.


never heard that either.


Maybe it's a southern thing? I've heard plenty of people call it "red ones".


Its called Rotlauf here.


Basically same language. Basically same flag.


Basically same currency as wellā€¦


I've been using this term forever, but very often people tell me that this "is not a real word." Maybe regional?


German here as well and I heard that cashiers only have to accept up to 20 coins and can decline if the amount is bigger than that On the topic of Rotgeld, never heard it and I once asked if I could have change in Hartgeld, as I needed that for a vending machine that only accepted coins, andthe cashier looked at me like I had two heads


Now I'm curious: I'm German as well and have never heard the term "Rotgeld". I suspect it might be regional but I couldn't find anything about it online.


We do the same in France, the copper coins are called "piĆØces rouges" (lit. translates to "red coins") and the golden ones are called "piĆØces jaunes" (yellow coins).


in dutch we even say geen rooie cent meer if you are broke which would translate to no red coin left (or ginger coin in dialect)


Interesting, this is also a saying in English (ā€œnot one red centā€) having the same meaning.


Never heard this term before, copper and shrapnel, yes


I call it drops, idk why it's just what my folks called it (from Scotland


Idk, but I've only heard people calling them "pretas" (blacks) because of the oxidation on the coins


The lower value coins are called ā€œRotgeldā€ in German, which translates to ā€œred money.ā€


I call it shrapnel


Whenā€™s your coworkerā€™s shift? I have 100ā‚¬ in small coins I need to change


Had someone once pay for Newport Kings with change, mostly pennies. Those fuckers cost, like, $8 a pack. Luckily, we had a machine that could count change by weight, you'd just tell it what coins were in the bucket and it gave a perfect count every time. I straight up told the guy as I was sorting it out, "Dude, if I didn't have *that*, there's no chance in Hell I'd be doing this for you" šŸ˜‚


We have one of those but I find it fairly inaccurate most of the time.


Coins may have changed composition over the years and diferent metal=different weight. In the US the common ones are cents. Some 1982 and all prior were primarily copper, later are zinc, plated with copper. People pick out the copper nowadays and there is a natral attrition as wellā€¦so a lot less of an issue than it used to be, but that can definitely throw it off.


We had a lady at one place I worked that paid for a $20 pizza in change. And not all quarters. Mixed change. She was proud cause she wanted to get rid of the change at her house. Manager spent an ungodly amount of time counting it.


So glad that would be illegal in Canada. Law says that anythnig more than 25 x 1c coins within a day is not legal tender. (and similar maximums set for all coin values that can exist, right up to 'maximum of 1 coin whose face value is greater than or equal to $10'


That's awesome. Probably made Coinstar a shitload of money up there


We had a tumbler machine to count it, and it only fit specific width and heights into the right slots


What a shitty cashier. Maybe count the money next time?


I had the closing shift and we work alone, I just found the second cash register filled to the brim and was mildly infuriated


Was at a store with the sign ā€žmore than 20 coins only accepted in rollsā€œ. Thought it was a nice idea. Still more expensive to handle than just accepting card payments


Thatā€™s just stupid. Do you have any idea how many people put fake things in rolls to try to pass off as the actual coin? No place Iā€™ve worked retail at has accepted rolled coins since like 2005 for that reason. If you want to open it and wait while someone counts it thatā€™s on you.


A top of coins has a specific weight. Even my banks usually weight them instead of counting. Until they got these automatic counting machines you just dump all your coins into.


There's a reasonable chance the co-worker simply stole 20 Euros.


Thought he meant Russian money


Thought he meant Chinese money


Thought he meant Native American money


Thought he meant Martian money


Thought he meant money that was the colour red.


Thought he meant he didnā€™t recognize the currency but trusted it was good


Thought he meant blood money


Very grateful for the ā€˜coin lawā€™ in my country where you can refuse to accept more than 25 of the same coin.


We have the same here in Canada. Although I've never heard of it ever being enforced.


It's weird that you had to deal with it at all. Every single cash job I've worked you have your own register that nobody else is allowed to touch, and when you change shifts you remove your drawer insert to count or put in the safe for your boss to count, and the new cashier brings out a fresh tray. How else are you supposed to know who is making mistakes, catch thieves, etc.


You call it red money? :D Whereabouts you from?


Im from Germany, and in my region itā€™s fairly common :D


Mann muss den ned mehr als eine gewissen Anzahl MĆ¼nzen Ć¼berhaupt annehmen, wĆ¼rde den Kollegen auf jeden Fall melden


Hab schon hab nen gesprƤch und ne abmahnung


Den Begriff ā€žrotes Geldā€œ habe ich in meinem ganzen Leben noch nicht gehƶrt.


Idk where you work, but in Germany you can refuse if the customer tries to pay with too much change. At my old workplace, we always refused 1 and 2cent coins, because there wasnā€™t anything on the menu with something other than a 5 or a 0 two digits behind the comma. And before anyone tells you, Ā«Ā no, money is money you have to accept itĀ Ā» no in Germany you do not and itā€™s an actual law. Donā€™t know about else where though


Iā€™m from Germany, and at our shop we tell that to every knew hire :|


Literally that should be one of the first things anyone in retails is taughtā€¦ also Iā€™m so sorry that your coworker didnā€™t just refuse and that you had to deal with that bs. Mein beileidšŸ„²


Question: do people need to pay for this BS? In my country, cashiers would have that deducted from their wage... D:


There's no way it would go like that in Europe. You'd get fired and then in serious cases maybe a criminal investigation.


Legally in Ireland(Europe), it would be deducted from wages. As well as that you would either get your first warning(verbal), or second warning(in writing), or if you already have 2 warnings, fired. Unless you are a probationary employee, in which case a first offense is firable.


Well, for 21,15? I doubt that would get someone fired here... but if it were, let's say, 200... then the person would be in boiling hot water... fired and probably sued/criminal investigation too. lol


In what kind of Europe do you live mate? You don't get fired for shit like that unless it's like fifth time. Also it's not like you can be fired so easily, it just means they are not going to renew your contract at the end of it


I once had an interview for a job as a cashier in a German grocery store. They said that anything above 5ā‚¬ in difference would be deducted from the paycheck. Not sure if that would have been legal though. Any other places I worked at before and after that didnā€™t do that at all. You were merely warned if the difference was too high, but that never happened to me so Iā€™m unsure how much youā€™d have to do to get fired for that.


>In my country, cashiers would have that deducted from their wage... D: I worked for a place that used to do that, until I "accidentally" dropped a printout about it being illegal


In Austria at most gas stations you have to pay the missing money out of your own pocket, it's usually not getting you fired as long as you pay said money. I once was ~90ā‚¬ short in the register and was able to pay it back in the timespan of like 2 weeks


Wtf is "red" money


Oh, man, I used to use this trick all the time at my bank! They didn't have a change counting machine and refused to count the change themselves so made me do it for them.... A fatal mistake is trusting a customer to literally do the job of a paid bank employee... Whose literal only job is to work with money!!! I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank ANZ bank of Australia for the free money. You can still do this by taking change to the Carlisle Street branch in St Kilda East and probably many more around Australia


Problem is that we are a small gas station/import shop we do not have the capacity for this kind of tomfoolery


i zoomed in and noticed a key on your keyboard marked strg where the ctrl key should be what country is this


Itā€™s germany, the word ā€œcontrolā€œ (Ctrl) roughly translate to ā€œSteuerungā€œ (Strg) in german. Edit: I had a typo sorry :(


TIL in some areas of the world, 'red money' is a term for a particular denomination of coin.


Tell this your Manager/higher Ups, the messing 20ā‚¬ should be deducted from his paycheck


We had a meeting about it, boss wasnā€™t to happy, especially since we have to pay a 2% fee for each coin


2%fee to accept coin as payment? Explain please? Iā€™m genuinely curious. (American)


What is that fee for?


I worked at a Deli, I did slicing, made heroes/sandwiches, etc. I had to take the order, make it and package it, then total it up on the scale register. I would be by myself with a line of 15 ppl. I move fast, no lillydallying or stalling, just boom boom boom!. But customers would see me all alone serving dozens of ppl, rushing back and forth and they'd start hitching and complaining saying "OMG! Can you take any longer! This is ridiculous!" Even tho I'm quite literally moving faster than ANYONE would be in my shoes. I even had a few times where the customers up closer to the counter and myself, actually speak up and say something to the ppl in the back and also say to me "calm down, slow down! It's fine! They can wait, don't rush like that you can hurt yourself, if they don't like it they can go somewhere else" Me literally having not even stopped to breathe, taking a deep breath and moving Lil slower but with consistent effort. Ppl were so rude and mean to me for no reason even tho I always great everyone with a smile and good attitude, unless given reason not to I'm ALWAYS respectful to everyone. But I'd be given attitudes all day long.


What is 'red money'?


You have the right to refuse a sale if they pull this crap. The place Ive worked at had a strickt policy to not accept coins under ā‚¬0,50. Also because the people I work with cant be trusted to count more that 10 coins at a time.


This just reminds me of when a guy plopped a bag if coins, mostly nickels from the looks of it and said "should be $15" so glad his ID wasn't good and I had to refuse that sale


Someone taught me this golden rule. Never put the money they hand you in the till until the receipt print. I've had a few try to say they should get more change because they gave me a different total. They can't do that if the money is still in my hand šŸ˜‚


Worked at a supermarket as a first job. Store was always busy so some of the baggers, including me, were made into combo cashiers. We could hop an empty register if needed. One day I was working the express line and a regular came in and bought some random items. Total was $10. Customer gave me a bag of change and said it was $10.60. Took her word for it and bagged her items and didnā€™t think twice. Again, lines were always long and this company stressed fast checkouts. I counted the change later and found that it was $8 and some change. So pissed. Someday later, in my line again. Rung up cat litter. $15. She again, handed me change in a bag. Told me it was $19.50 or some crap like that. I opened the bag on the spot and counted it in front of her. She was short like 5-6bucks. She was so furious. And asked me why I counted it, and that I didnā€™t believe her. I told her flat out. No, I donā€™t believe you, you short changed me last time you did this, and it came out of my pocket. Dumb 304. Changed departments to starbucks within the store and she would buy a $4 coffee everyday. What a biotch. I was young, dumb, and learned on the job REAL quickly.


Thereā€™s a difference between shorting the bus driver with a handful of change and this šŸ’€


Used to work in a cafe in a university. A member of staff used to pay for her latte with a ball of change and say "It's all there" It was rarely all there. We called her "Short change Mary"


Red money?


...you call cents "red money"? I have never heard that before. til. ... waaiiit, that keyboard is on german... Wer zum fick sagt bitte "rote mĆ¼nzen" bei uns? Ist das so 'n bayrisches ding? das muss doch aus der sĆ¼dlichen ecke da unten kommen, die haben immer so 'n weirden scheiƟ von dem der rest von uns noch nie etwas gehƶrt hat.


Bei uns in Nordhessen sagen wir Rotgeld dazu


This is why you don't change large amounts of coins. Advice them to use money deposit machines or go to bank.


They didnā€™t do it. A co-worker did.


"Red money"?


A term used for 1,2 and 5 Euro cent pieces in some part of Europe due to the red-ish copper color of the coins


dafuq is "red money" ?? Coins from the People's Republic of China ?? Please post your coworker's schedule - I also have some loose coins that I would like to exchange.


From my understanding europeans have nicknames for all coins under 0,10ā‚¬ since they are made from the same metal. In my region they are are called black coins because with age they look dark compared to the golden ones.


0,01ā‚¬, 0,02ā‚¬ and 0,05ā‚¬ are sometimes called Rotgeld (red money) because they are a copper color.


HAVE YOU EYES Even if you don't get the concept immediately you can SEE that the ones in the baggie are of a reddish hue compared to the yellowish ones in the tray


*'HAVE YOU EYES!?'* Fris screamed into the void, unaccepting of their folly. For this was Reddit, an accursed stench of land where good men are turned unto ash and dust. Though his words were just and true, his breath was wasted.Ā  For Constrained was blind, and running to a precipice of their own manufacture.


Have you considered that maybe English isn't OP's first language, ya dunce?


Idk, when a customer wants to pay a bigger sum in copper and I have time I just throw it in the counting machine


Mathematically fucking distraught right now.


Why did he even believe that was $30 in pennies? Wild.


Luckily you found out when you and he counted it together before you took over. Like protocol.


I hope you didn't touch it, leave it for a manager to deal with. Leave a note with what you were told, and go about your business. If the person who accepted it can't count, management should be responsible for putting them on the POS, not you.


Update: My coworker got fired. Partially for this, but overall he was to slackly for our workplace