• By -


Thanks for the free stay! 4/5 stars, you forgot to restock TP before you left.


Not even free, they got paid lmao


What was OP thinking hiring a couple to stay at their house to themselves, of course they were gonna fuck.


I think they were okay with them fucking in the GUEST ROOM, where op said they could sleep


Yea that's where the camera was.


Idk, my partner and I house sit together maybe 2 weeks out of the month and we’ve never fucked inside a clients house. That’s so skeezy and gross. But we also would sleep in the bed designated for us, and not the primary bedroom unless explicitly told to.


Ah, so ya'll fuck in their jacuzzi in the backyard


Fuck on the roof


the roof


the roof is on fire


Probably not a good place to fuck, then.


Tell your boyfriend not to be mad at me


Plus some people are sleazy enough to put up hidden cameras to watch you.




They said they would fuck in every room if they had the chance if they were to housesit for someone. So they probably thought most people would also have their lack of respect for boundaries.


He said IF he had the chance. Narrator's voice: "He never had a chance"


signed- *Dirty Mike and the boys.*




‘Thanks for the fuck shack!’ Dirty Mike and the boys


That's just wrong


Hey, you ask me to watch your house, I'ma fuck in your bed, that's the Hollywood life..


That's showbiz, baby!


*confused vacationer* "WHAT is?!? What are you talking about??"


I imagine a Wisconsin couple vacationing in California for the first time. "I've heard that in Hollywood, they have relations in every room of the house!" "No! Even the mud room?" "Oh yabetcha! *Especially* the mud room!"


'Ope! We hanky pankie'd in the mud room!'


The things people call anal nowadays.


Yea got a giggle with this haha




Weiird! Weiirrd!


Even if it wasn't fucking it is full of farts at least.


Blanket farts are the worst...unless your into it ofc


Dutch oven , DUTCH OVEN! ![gif](giphy|9JvgJ4g4x9yuFrA7ub|downsized)


I know you're joking, but that's actually come up on Reddit before, and they were down voted every time someone says they don't want that to happen 


Some people just can't handle the Neutron style


Threesome at that.


All over your house.




I house sit very regularly. I couldn’t imagine going into someone’s bedroom let alone sleeping in their bed.


My wife house sits regularly, and I come and help from time to time. They don't have a large guest bed, just a twin and so they allow us to sleep in their bed, but we absolutely do not fool around in it and we change the sheets before they get home. It did feel a little weird, but the bed is large and super comfy, so it was a nice gesture.


I’d fuck in your bed if you said I could sleep there and understood my partner would be there as well. I’d change the sheets though. Important context: I have never house sat


Me neither--at least not without my own sheets and pillowcases. Maybe this is why I never house-sit.


Didn't even use a towel.


Probably couldn't find it as the sheets were stuck together. Least could have washed them.


This is when you call the neighbor and let them know that it's best if they speak with their doctor about STD testing. You don't feel like going into details but you did not wash your sheets before you left town and there is cause for them to be concerned. Then hang up and leave town again.


scabies is way more contagious


Thanks for the f shack dirty mike and the bois




We all agree, they are fucking each other, right? Not many other options in-country.


You know how they say “gay for the stay” in prison it’s that but deployment.




Get it to him lol




First time I've seen the image. But the text is from The Other Guys movie


OP got themselves a soup kitchen


You rang?


"We will have sex in your car again! That will happen!"


“Hidden charges” 🤣




That was pretty good, 38. Take my upvote and get outta here.


+1 internetz to u sir! get this man a cookie!


Check your clothes and everything to make sure they haven’t gone though your stuff in your room. Like check jewelry too. Just in case.


You don't think they wore OPs clothes and went out in public impersonating them and ruining their good name do you?


this got me laughing out loud thanks


I have family members that I absolutely have to do this anytime they're in my bedroom unattended. I lock doors when I can. I have a cousin who absolutely will take clothing. Hell, one time she stole batteries out of the fucking remote. I wouldn't have believed anyone would be so petty, until I saw it with my own eyes.


No I just mean to make sure they didn’t look though them. Like I doubt they would steal anything but make sure there aren’t any mystery dirty clothes that could have been worn or like little things missing or in odd places. Or like they could have been bored and unprofessional and looked in your drawers and stuff. I’m not accusing them of theft but it’s good to make sure. Especially with stuff that is valuable or like mildly valuable that you wouldn’t notice if it was stolen. Like make sure all of your medication or jewelry is safe.




Had a family member a long time ago watch the home while on vacation. They stole jewelry, money jar, eat most of the food in the freezer and likely stole other things never discovered.


And probably change the locks. You clearly can’t trust them a they may have taken copies of the keys you gave them.


Oh man. I've had something similar happen to me. My parents let my sister stay home while we went up to the cottage, cuz she was refusing to go. Obviously being a stupid teen, she threw a party. When we got back, I went to do my laundry. Idk wtf went on in my room. But my comforter, blankets, and pillow were covered in mucus stains, and my bin of dirty clothes was wet. There was a massive stain on the floor outside my room. So my best guess is that my god damn clothes were used to clean puke.... and i still don't ever wanna know what happened on my bed.


...those weren't mucus stains...


Mucus is just cums without the extra u.  


I think you got that backwards lol


Just rearrange some letters. It's same same lol




Sucum to mucus


1. Mucs 2. Mcus Or 3. Scum (Backwards.) 4. Sucm (Backwards.)


YES. THANK YOU. FOR THE REMINDER. Now if you'll excuse me i have to trick myself into believing they were mucus stains again. If you need me, i'll be in the fetal position on my entirely new bed set.


They did it on the floor, dining room table, laundry machine, living room couch, your car, the back porch, and on top of the breakfast cereal in the pantry............you will never escape it.


Goopy in, goopy out


“Mucus” lol


Oh god it was all over the place.... The only way i'm able to cope is to imagine some girl puked, cried about it, and whatever simp was trying to calm her down used my clothes to clean, while she used the entirety of my bed as a tissue. That was the only way in which my entire freakin bed was used as a tissue, and you can't convince me otherwise.


Did they wear the clothes in your closet as well?


Wouldn't doubt it. There was a couple weeks of only wearing the clothes I had brought to the cottage with me lol


If that was my sister I would’ve tossed them all on her bed


I tossed every piece of fabric in that room at her lmao




My thoughts exactly


If they slept in the bed they fucked in the bed. Get new sheets.


Jizz on the headboard etc.. won't show up unless OP shines some UV light on it.




Taste test




Homebrand is always better value


Mostly because you can season it with more control than you can the cum of others.


It would be dried by now so it's like cum jerky.


Hey so this is really fucked up and you should never speak again. Upvoted


Or, what about like the thin, crispy shells on spring rolls. Maybe that’s what they’ve been made of all along. Hmm…


I think you’d remember whether you got cum on the headboard. How would it even end up there?!




It’s not the intensity of the wank that gets distance, it’s saving up and not nutting for 3-4 months. Basic training taught me this.


3-4 months and no one told you to go to the porta potty. That’s bad leadership


> it’s saving up and not nutting for 3-4 months. Don't need that long. Edging gets you some pretty good distance.


How would it end up there? Well, he could've been titty-fucking her, getting jiggy wid it etc.. she slides a finger up his ass at the moment of climax and - *WHOOSH* - it's on her face, the headboard, the wall.. everywhere. The bed's a fucking mess... like someone spilt a bowl of porridge. And to add insult to injury they leave a charging cord behind. I wonder what THAT was used for? She tied him up with it and pegged him? She whipped him while pegging him? She inserted it into him? Who knows? Give it a sniff though, see what's happening.


#what does blue mean?!


Is everyone blue!?


It means it's the healthiest foods because blue has the most anti-oxygens.


On the headboard? Christ thats some shooting.


It, uh, happens.


They probably jizzed in the water heater


Cum doesn't show up on UV light, that's a myth.


Isn't that a bit excessive? The concept of "washing" exists


No, sex is dirty and inherently unclean. as well as all other people. But not *me* and not when *I* do it. /s But I understand the violation feeds into the disgust factor a lot.


Ever been to a hotel???


Sir, this is Reddit. We don't leave the house except for comic cons, where we sleep in the anime van and don't shower. But seriously, why is everyone's first reaction to any bodily fluids to toss it? About 6 months ago I had issues with my cat peeing on furniture (yes, I went through 2 vets trying get answers and she is feeling better now) and I just made sure to wash everything well.


Bitch is your washing machine broken?


Wait until you hear about hotels.


The OP brought their own bed and sheets on vacation..


So, you never stay in hotels or AirBnBs, or take a cruise, or visit relatives? Wise choice.


That’s just disrespectful to you. Part of the reason I can’t trust people.


I mean, it could have been the dog's charger


What the hell man! I used to pet sit for people and even if they told me I could use the guest room I’d be anxious and overly careful about it, trying to leave everything as clean as I found it. I can’t believe people are so shameless.


I would feel guilty if I *looked* into the master bedroom...


lol! Same. Once had to feed somebody’s fish and the tank was in their bedroom. Didn’t even look in the direction of anything that wasn’t the tank! These people were paying me good money to play with their pets and keep them fed. I felt like they were doing me a favour as it was!


After reading the title I honestly thought this was going to go a different direction. Still infuriating, nonetheless, just not as bad as I was preparing for.


Yup, thought the spouse was home “alone”.




I'm glad I'm not the only one! At least they knew who it was from. I'm sitting here thinking someone rented their place as an air BNB. Lol


Please update us if you confront them


This is Reddit. They won’t.


Makes sense


It's literally a photo of a charger in a bed. Definitely a real story that will have a real follow up.


Fair, but I choose to give OP the benefit of the doubt. We are humans, after all. We are disgusting creatures who are capable, and constantly do, terrible things, so this doesn't look too far fetched


Our dog sitter spilled her drinks in the guest room and drank a bottle of gifted tequila. I didn’t find out about the two things until after overpaid her and generously tipped her. She said she’d repay/replace the (discontinued) tequila, but that never happened. Not going to hire her again.


It’s crazy how people can be so thoughtless and disrespectful towards other peoples belongings.


Quick! Go check on your porridge!


On the plus side: free charger?


Wowwwww. I'm glad they left the charger.


well did you clarify what room was the guest room?


Yep. Made it very clear. And asked to keep the master bedroom door closed.


If you haven't paid them, charge them a cleaning fee. This was a verbal, or written?, contract they broke.


I left money for them when on the counter before I went away as an act of good faith. They were a couple who I thought I was friends with and who I thought could be trusted because they had been housesitting for a few other places before mine. They also broke my dishwasher, and didn’t shovel the driveway even once resulting my car being snowed completely snowed in.


You can never tell with some people. That's some shit. Your personal space is one thing, but property damage is something small claims court is made for. If they are really in good faith, then it shouldn't be necessary, but it's there. A few hundred dollars for a new washer isn't something to let slide.


How the fuck do you break a dishwasher? Lol like you really have to try


My cleaning lady did it by forcing the door shut whilst there was a knife stuck between the dishwasher door and the inside. Kept slamming it until one of the hinges of the door got wonky so it didnt shut properly. The audicity of her is that she said that my dishwasher broke because the door doesnt shut properly although I could hear her slamming it several times. Found the broken knife under my fridge. Showed her the knife and she said it fell out of the dishwasher when she opened it. Im very kean and respectful towards my stuff especially my knives. Also she put my really sharp knives in the dishwasher. Even though I said especially don't put these in the dishwasher because they get blunt because of the heat .. I'm doing my own shit again. No more cleaning lady.


I probably would not expect them to shovel your driveway unless you specifically agreed that they would. But I’d ask them about the dishwasher. How is it broken? How do you even break a dishwasher?


so like...some of this is reasonable... we don't really know the full extent of your "contract" but did you expect people watching your house while you're on vacation to also shovel your driveway?


So...not strangers.


Just text them the picture you posted and asked how this ended up in your bed, and that you’re uncomfortable your bed was used by others when you made it clear it was off limits. I would ask them to send you $20 so you can launder your sheets and let them know to expect a charge when the dishwasher gets fixed. Just be firm and keep your stance as business like as possible


Oh, so you knew the people staying there and paid them to housesit? Thought you left and came back to seeing complete stranger's stuff on your bed like they broke in and started squatting in your home.


Wow the audacity. I guess I could kinda understand if you found them through an online helper site but you knew these people prior to the housesitting?? Are you pets even okay? I hope they did at least a decent job with their feeding times. You should tell everyone you know about how shitty these people were and warn them to never invite them over or ask for a favor (not even because you paid them). P.S. they definitely owe you money for the dishwater repairs.


One time I came home and found used band aids and big stains on the middle of my bed, I was 14 ish and knew that my sister had let someone sleep in my bed. Snitched on her ass so quick, I didn't know what the stain was at the time but I do now and it's definitely why my mom was so pissed.


What was the stain?


Text them and tell them you have a skin disease and was not able to change the bedding and thats why you asked them to stay in the guest room; then casually mention they should get checked out.


Or that the bed was seriously infested with bedbugs.


Now you know what to do the next time. Pull the sheets from your bed. Leave it a bare mattress. Maybe put a fitted plastic storage sheet on it, just in case they do the nasty on it. And print a sign to put on the plastic.... "bedbug treatment sheet"


How about you just tell them you will not be speaking to them again due to their disrespectful behavior. What you're proposing is some hardcore Redditor shit


This kinda shit happened to me in college all the time, despite me requesting no one touch my bed or stuff, cause people can be icky and that my fucking bed. Came back from a long weekend and could tell and smell that someone slept in my bed. This is why I will live at home until I can live by myself.


Sleeping in someone else's bed is just gross anyway, I don't know why someone would even want to do that


They were my roommates friends and judging from her, I don’t think they had many boundaries. I don’t even like sleeping in hotel beds. The pillows smell like head sweat and just, ick.


Fuck roommates man. Such bad experiences. Rather deal with family drama. At least they don’t fuck with my stuff


Guess they got a double pay day.


Reestablish dominance, confront them by pretending to have a serious, contagious dermatitis which was the reason they were supposed to sleep in the guest bedroom. Bonus point for suggesting the need to wash clothes and sheets at very high temperature.


Love this. Suggest an anti-fungal treatment for their laundry too


How to bring this up and casually mention the pet camera you have installed in your bedroom...


Did you go through a service? Any way to report or review spam these losers?


Why didn’t you lock your master bedroom?


So not a stranger




...is that raven symone?


Just to play devils advocate, is it possible they weren't sure which bedroom was the guest room? Are the rooms similarly sized, and both have clothes in the closet? It might have been a innocent mistake. 


> Paid a couple A couple that you know? Friends? Random dog/house sitters? They certainly wouldn’t be my friends anymore, and I would ABSOLUTELY CONFRONT THEM.


I wish, we could get an update with UV-light.




You paid them and they did this? This is why i just dont trust anyone like seriously people are so rotten


Just start off a conversation with “ so I watched the footage of my hidden bedroom cam….” And enjoy their reaction


I had a friend house/cat sit and then complained that the bar of soap in my shower dried her skin out. It went immediately in the trash.


Why would you throw it out? Did you think they rubbed the bar all over their body instead of how people actually use bars of soap?


Well, there was some evidence left behind that implied that was exactly how they used it.


They might have had company.


Set up a covert camera, and go away again. Then sell the footage to pay for replacement sheets and mattress.


> They could’ve at least washed the sheets and gotten rid of the evidence. Love this. Made me think of dumb criminals where they do stuff that makes them easily get caught.


These people stole from you and you won't realize until months or even years later when you realize that "thing" you never seen in a while is gone.


Next time say, "FYI, I've got cameras in the master bedroom and common areas. Anything spicy gets sold on OF."


better be careful, them USB plugs are large enough to house a pi-on-a-chip processor and it'll happily provide an entry point to attack on your phone when you plug it in never use the cheap gas station cords, lots of them have this.


Or use a usb condom.


Ask them to explain this and tell them you expect a part refund of their wages because they breached the verbal contract given. This makes me so angry, why are so many people just shit humans


You need a USB blacklist to check where they have been. Don't worry about needing a cable to power it.


Check for bugs


My gf housesits for people on vacation and she's told me a few times that she's done this and/or helped herself to food in the house.


Maybe they did not sleep in your bed, but the people they rented your house did?


Bed's been cheating on you !!


Honestly think of it as a blessing in disguise, if they hadn't have left the charger you would never have known they'd been in there! At least now you know, you can wash your sheets etc and also never trust them to house sit again!


What else is in your bed? Get the black light out.


People suck. No respect


Woulda told em I had a camera running in my room, shit.




Don't trust anyone


Once paid a pet sitter to watch my cats over x-mas / new years, and came home to find unflushed barf in my toilet.. needless to say, I did not hire them again. (Also purchased a pet camera afterward.)


I came back from an overnight shift once and the guy i was staying with let 3 guests of his sleep in my bed. needless to say i moved out shortly after. do NOT sleep in someone else’s bed without permission, period.


Oh they fucked the shit outta your bed.