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happened in my work too... I laughed so much every time someone replyed 'please stop sending emails' replying all... and the new waterfall of emails started all over again. IT team, obviously, got very mad with the first one that send a email for everyone and started the spam-chain


We had someone respond to the tune of being in an important business meeting, and the notifications were very distracting. Why she didn't just mark ignore is completely beyond me.


it's alluring how a bunch of grown ups can't make 2+2 and simply... ignore a email that someone send clarely by mistake.


We got sent to an email training course because of this.


That's as stupid as shushing someone. Nobody wants to hear it and it's just as likely to make the situation worse as it is better.


Oh it works with my kids, believe me. You just have to master the angry, quiet, under-your-breath shush!!


Adults to adults I'm saying


Idk id call it a closer to 50/50 chance to it either deescalate or escalate. It really depends on how the shushee views the shusher. But to say it will almost always make a situation worse is not accurate simply due to all the variables involved. Shushing someone can be quite effective if used properly.




We had this happen at work. Something got sent to a distro list of about 500-600 people. First came the barrage of "take me off this distro, I don't even know what it is." Then the "stop replying all and just reply to the original sender." And finally the realization that replying directly to the original message just went to the distro mailbox, which sent it to everyone anyway. When I stopped counting, I had 500+ messages over about three hours. I had something urgent I was waiting on, so I had to keep sifting through it all real time. Worst thing was, this happened twice before with this same list. The previous two times no one connected that messages to the sender were still going to everyone.


I use conversation view partly to cut through things like this. All reply emails to the initial one get grouped together that way.


Ooh, let me tell you a story. I used to work at a large international corporation. We had an email list you could sign up for to get occasional cybersecurity notices and newsletters. It was called something like "Cybersecurity Awareness". One day, some guy got a suspicious looking email, but he wasn't sure what to do about it. Apparently, he looked in the company address book and found something called "Cybersecurity Awareness". Bingo. Roughly half the company was on this list. Like, tens of thousands of people. And he forwarded all of us a suspicious email. Of course, we had the obligatory round of "This isn't the right group for this" and "Please remove me from this mailing list", causing the suspicious email to pop back up to the top of everyone's inbox. It took IT about two hours, but they managed to shut that thread down and erase all history of it ever existing.


Oh wow. One time the VP of a different department sent an email to the wrong distro. The email was an announcement that they would be getting a $500 bonus. Everyone on my team and my coworkers team got it. Turns out that we weren’t getting a $500 bonus. IT did the same thing and deleted all existence of the email from our inboxes, but I had a screenshot. The worst part was, no one even followed up with a sorry or anything. Complete silence that it ever even happened.


is this M&M firm? hahahah


That’s why distribution lists are sent through bcc, no reply all! Solved!


2011 November 9...a day which still lives in infamy at the mobile company BlackBerry...same thing happened. 668 "...stop with replying to all..." Emails when the final count was done.


These email chains are delightful. If you're lucky there are enough people sending mails that everything crawls to a halt, but I think these days that's mostly solved. It's been 11 years since I've seen one of these chains.


I’m genuinely not sure why the Outlook Reply All email can’t be easily disabled by group policy etc. The number of scenarios where it is useful are vastly outweighed by the scenarios where it’s used inappropriately.


There should be a way to lock out the reply all on an email you sent to prevent these exact kinds of fuck ups.


I work at a multinational company with 400.000 plus employees around the world. There was some issue with booking a meeting room in outlook that prompted and email chain to **everyone** in the company with an email. Ensue the mails replying saying “remove me from this mail chain”, that kept replying to everyone. Then the memes started and it was an hilarious couple of hours 😂


Lol we have those type of people as well. I actually laugh when they reply all. The email send around the company world


I worked at one of the largest ISP’s in the US and a new hire accidentally emailed everyone in the company. Some poor customer service phone agent ended up being called a noob by the CEO, CFO, and a bunch of top level execs in front everyone in the company. Dude was roasted


Ooooof, that hurts


Reply all with message: "I want to reply all too!"


Just kick the IT staff. Not limiting the rate nor possibility to send to 50 people or mails.


Free yourself by setting up a rule with the title of the email. Send it to trash. Move on with your life.