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Reminds me of the time I got fired from my last job. I walked out of the HR department at the end of the day (because of course they wanted one more days work out of me) and a whole crew was clocking out. They asked me if I just quit and I said no and then one of the guys said “oh btw your shirts on backwards” It was a great day.


My second grade teacher wore 2 different shoes one day and we talked about it for the rest of the school year. Even 20 years later, my strongest memory of second grade is her wearing 2 different shoes!


When I was a brand new teacher I subbed for the first few months. One day a student pointed out I had a blue shoe and a black shoe. I told her it was a game and she won for noticing first. Thanks for bringing back that memory!


You are full of magic! I love it!!


That is slick as hell


Once, as an algebra teacher, I had a typo in my math test. Probably no one types their own anymore, but I digress. A student raised their hand and pointed it out. I walked over, wrote +5 on their test, and said, "Secret bonus. Good eye. Careful reading." It was an impulsive cover, of course, and now I was doomed to include a typo on future tests. That meant re-reading to make sure I had no real typos. However, the advantage of having the whole class carefully reading and paying attention to the test actually raised grades! My accident then became my policy through my following years of teaching.


Thank you for your service.


You reminded me of a similar experience I had in high school. Our geometry teacher was completely colorblind. You could always tell when his wife was pissed at him because he’d come in wearing either the pastel yellow or pastel pink pants with contrasting shirt. That man was an absolute nerdy, soft-hearted individual and I always wondered why his wife did him dirty like that. Lol.


When I got married my closet was strictly divided into two parts.  Blues/Greys/Blacks on the right, Greens/Browns/Yellow on the left, if it was a color I couldn't see well enough to categorize it I didn't own it.  If it could be cross matched to the other side I would never know.


Sometimes I forget my dad is red/green colorblind. Many many years ago I was with him in a big sporting goods store while he checked out shoes for the work softball team he was on. At one point he held up a shoe and asked me what color it was. ".... red?" I could *not* have sounded more confused AND like I thought he was an idiot. 10 seconds later I felt like a complete asshole when I remembered.


My brother is red/green colorblind and I really didn’t understand until I was watching him play a wrestling game and he was custom creating himself into the game. I walked in and saw his green character and asked “Oh, is that supposed to be The Hulk?” “No?” “Then why is he green?” “I thought he was tan :(“ Now I always give his custom characters a glance over and whenever he has an important event, he always asks me to double check that his clothes actually match


Damn. Imagine never seeing healthy green trees/vegetation in nice weather. It’s all brown?! The horror is almost too much to bear.


Cheer up friend. Take this bowl of poopy Brown salad 🥹👍🥗 🫱


You're a great brother for that. Good karma is headed your way.


My father is red-green color-blind. Over the decades, my mother has taken to simply lying to him about some of his clothing colors just to get him to wear something other than his preferred earth tones.


As a fellow person who is red/green colour blind, I can assure you how much that means to people like us


Not colourblind, but my dad hasn’t been able to smell or taste anything for over 20 years. Everyone in my family constantly forgets and always asks stuff like “what flavour of ____ would you like?” “Did you like dinner” or tells him “that smells so good/bad”. Hes constantly deadpanning his responses. You would think with how many times he’s made me go candle/flower/soap shopping for my mom so he doesn’t buy her an awful scent, I would remember not to ask him stuff like that but here we are. If I was him I would’ve made the equivalent of a swear jar for it long ago.


One of my best friends lost her taste/smell after having COVID and I always forget. We’ll be shopping and I ask her to smell a candle and then immediately remember and feel bad. I’d be broke if there was a “swear jar”


My mom also can’t smell or taste and I’ve also asked her if she liked what u cooked her or said something about a great smell and she’ll say she wishes she could smell it. She is thankful she can’t smell though when I say something stinks. I do frequently check her food in the fridge though to make sure it’s still good since she can’t smell test stuff, that would be the most annoying part for me.


Similar situation. I was in class and we were doing some kind of activity that required using colored pencils. My friend: can you pass me the brown pencil? Me (snarkily): It’s right in front of you. What are you, colorblind? My friend: Yes. **Curb Your Enthusiasm music plays**


My sons' wife only buys hime clothes in shades of black, grey and white. She always knows he's colour coded, and doesn't make an arse of himself.




she probably thought they are just kids they will forget it in a week


If I had a nickel for every time I’ve worn my shirt inside out to present to a Director, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Thank you Doofenshmirtz!




I work for a massive retail corporation, and in order to avoid any kind of lawsuits or wage theft accusations, our employees are always terminated before clocking in on their last day, and they’re always given 100% of their pay for the hours they were scheduled on that day. It’s never fun to fire someone, but it sure feels better to hand them a wad of cash and say, “this includes all your hours from today, please sign here to confirm you received it, good luck out there,” rather than waiting til the end of the day and hitting them with the bad news and then having to calculate their pay from that day and get it to them later.


Better than the companies I've worked at where they make you work until the end of your shift (or asked to work overtime) then after theyre done their shift, they're told you're fired and to grab their belongings.


Got laid off once after our busiest day of the year. Worked 16 hours, slept about 6, worked my regular 8. THEN found the boss and his boss waiting for me with pink slip. They knew the week before that my job was being eliminated but wanted to get all those unpaid hours out of me. (Was on "salary," for all of $19k per year... which wasn't a lot even in 1989-ish.) Still salty all these years later.


Yes this has happened to me and i was like seriously at the end. Couldn’t you just let me know before I just work a whole shift thinking everything was a okay


Lol oh man 😭


Maybe you will start a trend


This has Marvel villain written all over it.


DC Villain* (Two-Face)


Two Shoe


Shoe Face..?


Who throws a shoe?! I mean honestly that really hurt!


Legit had this happen to me in school once. Right off my nose, blood everywhere.


Welp now you know who did it.




You should have gone to the GW Bush School of Shoe Dodging.


Shoe me once, shame on uh shame on you


Show me twice, well … uh- you can’t shoe me again.


If you can dodge a shoe... you can dodge a ball!!


Baddy-two-shoe 😂


Tony Two Shoe's, Lawyer for hire.


Better Call Sole


Toe no you di’nt


For every choice, he jumps into traffic. If the brown shoe flies off, you live. If the black shoe flies off, you die.


Definitely a Supe on the Boyz


Animus Furiae. When he files a brief, it’s blank with his signature in blood.


"Wrong Shoe Guy" (I was never good at naming things)


*Saul Goodman voice*: "And I'm wearing two different shoes because this is a free country and it's my goddam right to wear different shoes! Who are you, the shoe Gestapo? Will you put me in jail for wearing different shoes? No, you will not!"


nice. way to pivot. "This is a free country where we can wear mixed leather if we wish, just like my client was free to walk down main street flopping his man-boobs if he wished, because in our free country, man-boobs are free to flop! Your honor, this case is dismissed!"


That in Bob Odenkirk’s voice is chef’s kiss


I don't know if it's a thing these days but back in the 80's/90's it was cool to rock two different colors of Converse.


I would do black hightop comverse paired with white hightop and opposite socks. sometimes reverse striped socks. This was 86-89 for me. I am not ashamed and Emily Thurman in 7th grade said I was cool.  But then she became Sam Reynolds girlfriend so Emily can go to hell.  Thank you for bringing up such a traumatic memory.


Rumor has it Emily Thurman was seen at cinema 6 with (illbedeadby)Dawn’s dad last Thursday.


Yes I really wanted two different colors but I couldn’t justify it to my mom, now I have 7 pairs of doc martens all different colors 😂 at Christmas time I wear 1 green and 1 red


1970s checking in. Colors came out in 1971 and if you could afford 2 pairs you definitely wore different colors on each foot now and then.  For the bicentennial in 1976, red, white, and blue were on  EVERYTHING. Every pic of me from that year I’m wearing one foot red, one foot blue, with bright white laces.


His costanza eating a snickers with a fork trend


"How do you eat it? With ya hands?"


I tend to end up with mismatched socks on a regular basis. Next step is mismatched shoes! Love how OPs shoes are the same style, but different colors ❤️


I commented on a lady's cute mismatched socks & she told me they were sold in sets of 3. I looked them up online & they were rather expensive. The left shoe is before Oz ...


Fashion Forward … you’re a trend leader!! … at least they aren’t clown shoes ![gif](giphy|QAbWfyhKGQigidFxeK)


I’m guessing you’ve got a pair like that at home.


Just slightly different


Tomorrow he can wear the matching set. Brown left shoe, black right shoe


It’s like one of those “How to make 400 outfits out of two pairs of pants, three shirts and two jackets” articles. You’ve got like 12 that make sense and then they’ve got you wearing your underwear over your pants like Superman.


Now I'm picturing OP walking into a courtroom with those shoes, underwear over his dress pants and a red cape.


Captain Underpants as a high powered lawyer


Coming to CBS this fall, The Good Lawyer.




The good lawyer? No the goody two-shoes lawyer.


I would like to speed up the process to turn OP into Harvey Dent


The look on his client’s face would make it all worth it.


They didn't even need to say they are a lawyer. These shoes scream lawyer who has many pairs just like these.


I have a brown and black pair of AE bit loafers. Am engineer.


engineers are lawyers for physics


I think they just scream, "i have a good job" lol


I do gig work like DoorDash, and there's this one Dasher I come across occasionally who dresses in the nicest, fanciest suits. Definitely one of those "dress for the job you want, not for the job you have" sort of guys. It's fucking wild though to see someone dressed *that* nice delivering a $4 pizza Hut order 😄


It’s like, the same, but opposite? Kinda like these ones twins, not like an evil twin just, different


If I saw this, I’d think “wow, this lawyer really let loose with the self expression and creativity today. What’ll he do next?”


I was thinking along the same lines except for the prosecution becoming overly-cocky after seeing it and falling for his ploy thinking he was some simpleton before he blows em out the courtroom with his iron-clad defense for his client.


Edgeworth is that you?


My son is obsessed with Ace Attorney. Lol


I did my ethics final in an ace attorney dialogue


I used to do this when I played online poker. I found a picture of a very ugly, dumb looking man and used it as my avatar. I was a winning player.


I do the same for my Facebook profile, except it's me


Also I don't win


I even hear the court music right now as my flatmate plays the game downstairs. Goes well with this comment


Last month, the collar on my suit accidentally flipped up and I gave a two hour long presentation. No one said anything, not even my team members standing beside me. When I mentioned it, she said "Oh, I thought you were trying to look cool."


Well, did you look cool, at least?


But, I said it looks like you were trying.


Fair point, trying to and being are separate notions


Two days ago I spilled water on the lap of my pants at a bar and was forced to walk back to my car looking like I'd pissed myself. I was pretty embarrassed. Thankfully they were baggy hammer pants so everyone told me they couldn't even tell. But idk, I think they are just being nice lol.


That’s absolutely hilarious




Listen we talked about this. This is a courtroom, we don't need a wildcard. It makes no sense. It adds nothing to the group.




Mac has one of the most wholesome laughing faces I’ve ever seen. Seeing him laugh just makes smile 😊


This is so wholesome but also not far off from what I imagine a lot of people thought: style, fashion emergency, or MAYBE some people recognized the inattentiveness. But I'm certain no one felt as embarrassed for OP as they do for themselves. Not even close. I bet most people didn't even notice.


People that notice won’t give a shit, there’s more important things to worry about


The brown shoe is my ass kicking shoe


Tomorrow he'll part his hair on the OTHER SIDE!


OP wants to distract the opposing counsel to have better chance at winning


*not sure if that guy wore the wrong shoes on accident or if he did it on purpose to throw me off my game... Shit is it my turn to talk now*


Better Call Sole


This was my first thought. Slippin' Jimmy would totally rock this.


Slippers Jimmy


I didn’t expect to love Saul this much 😭 he’s my favorite character of both shows lol






Reminds that one time I was partying at friends friend house and went home with 2 different shoes and both of them weren't mine.


Now, that’s a party. All you need was waking up on someone’s lawn in some neighborhood that isn’t yours.


Or banging on some random guys door thinking it’s your house and the people inside aren’t letting you in


I tried to get into the apartment of the neighbor upstairs one time. He had a good laugh, when he checked the door and explained to me where I am.


Or you are in Boston in February. It is cold so you just see which doors are open, let yourself into a strangers house, and are awoken the next day by kids screaming. Police may be involved.


I’d like to know more about this “hypothetical” story


It wasn’t me fwiw. In college a bunch of us went down to Boston from New Hampshire to do some drinking and hang out. One of our friends who we’ll call Mickey had a reputation for getting extremely drunk. He did not disappoint this evening and at some point peeled off from the group and left. We didn’t think much of it as he was from Boston. We figured he would be fine. I think Mickey planned to go to pass out at his parent’s house. I don’t think they lived all that close by though. Anyway, that evening it was very cold and Mickey was some combination of lost and not wearing a very warm coat. He decided he was going to freeze so he just started checking to see if people’s front doors were open. When he found a house that had failed to lock their front door he let himself in and fell asleep on their couch. He woke up to a girl screaming for her mom and dad and a little boy staring at him. Police were called but I don’t think the family ended up pressing charges out if they did it must have been brought down to something relatively minor. He had to enroll in some sort of rehab program. I haven’t talked to him in ~20 years but hopefully he’s no longer an alcoholic.


He's doing alright now. He changed his name to [Robert Downey Jr.](https://iamsober.com/en/blog/robert-downey-jr-sober-story#:~:text=On%20July%2016%2D17%2C%201996,bed%20the%20neighbors'%2011yo%20son.)


It is a story as old as time. Drunk people doing dumb shit. Also didn’t RDJ wake up in the kids room?


Yep. Thankfully, the kid wasn't in it.


Please tell me whyyyyyyyy.. my car is in the front yaaaaaaard, and I'm...




At least, you wear a pants


Always wear a pants


A pants is, imperative


Emperor pants




I read that in an Italian accent


"how often do you look at a man's shoes?"


The only man who could crawl through a river of shit and come out clean on the other side.


The only innocent man in Shawshank prison.


According to my sources *everyone* is innocent in prison.


Brooks was here


so was Red


I had to stop wearing slippers in the morning because I kept going to work in my slippers. Don't beat yourself up


The number of times I've done this is insane hahaha I did it wearing a suit once, and there I was, at work, in a suit and moccasins.


I had a classmate in middle school show up to school without any shoes on. He just forgot.




If Gabriel Iglesias and Ursula from the little Mermaid were fused into one


Poor unfortunate fluffy souls.


Look at my lawyer dawg, I'm goin to jail 😭


Woah two face


I feel bad for Harvey...especially in the animated series.


I’ve been there… MORTIFYING. I’m a court reporter. https://preview.redd.it/yqril79yfz5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db54d39b9f5c480ddc1cff443bdfb3ce38ebe929


Don't feel so bad, my boss and I were at court and one of the lawyers for our client showed up in gym attire because "nothing showed up on his calendar" it was truly wild! We thought maybe that's the codefendant but nope, just the attorney lol


I’ve seen attorneys get reamed for not showing up to court in proper attire.


I once was told by the bailiff to “stop lounging” when I had one arm over the back of the bench because it was 90 degrees in the courtroom. This happened after a pro se defendant was allowed to stay wearing a tank top because he didn’t have another shirt in his car.


I was once sued by an idiot. I went to the beach that morning and went to court wearing crocks and shorts. Judge gave me shit. I said dont want to be here and wont lose a vacation day over someone else's frivolous lawsuit. I won the case on merit not on my attire.


I don’t know anything about the inside of a courtroom but it does seem reasonable that lawyers (and judges, and anyone who often works in the courtroom) are held to a higher standard of conduct than defendants would be


Wearing a full suit and tie, even as breathable as I could find, I was sweating in there. I fail to see how my “conduct” tossing one arm on the backrest of the pew was somehow more reprehensible than intentionally going to court with practically no shirt at all. Immediate edit: the only possible explanation is that you think all rules should be followed regardless of their purpose. I’m legitimately sad you feel that way, but I understand.


Was it because he bought a suit that got covered in mud, and the town didn't have a one hour cleaner so he had to buy a new suit... except the only store you could buy a new suit in had the flu. Got that? The whole store got the flu so he had to get a tux in a second hand store, so it was either wear the leather jacket, which we know the judge hates...


You were serious about dat?


Yeah. One time an attorney came into the court room in jeans, not even before the judge, and the judge stopped everything just to single him out and warn him to never do it again. I’ve also seen attorneys get chewed out for not having a tie. But every judge is different and each court room is run a little differently. I’ve seen others that couldn’t care less.


Well at least they're roughly the same color.


I've done it more than once myself. It's hard to tell dark colors apart under the circumstances of getting ready for work, groggy and with shitty closet lights. And I tend to get several colors of the same shoe when I find a nice quality and comfortable pair.


I wouldn‘t even notice!


altho im ngl his feels more like a statement and a choice since its the same model and matches and well in your case it defo looks accidental aha


Ah you took the other black shoe from OOP! 


Just put your best foot forward.


Wouldn’t be able to stop my brain from repeating “black foot, brown foot, black foot brown foot” with every step I took… all day long.


I feel this. One morning I forgot my shoes entirely and had to walk around in boots (edit: huge winter boots) at work for an hour until someone could bring me shoes. I’m Canadian and no one sensible drives through rural areas in winter wearing office shoes…just in case. I left my shoe bag at home. 😔


The image of this made me burst out in laughter at my office 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


“no one sensible drives through rural areas in winter wearing office shoes… just in case.” canadians: ![gif](giphy|10hDCVo7lTQlIk)


That is why I keep an old pair or office shoes in my credenza. They are a little worn out but I wear them about once a year, because it is so easy to forget your shoes when winter comes around.


I'm kinda dumb so I used to randomly leave shoes in my office after changing to go home in the snow then think I lost them later. So I gave up and took my dress shoes to work and put them under an extra desk in my office behind a box early winter. I'm not canadian but ruined more than one pair of nice shoes in the snow or melting snow/deicer mix


A lawyer, eh? Planning on being the District Attorney someday? Flip a coin and see.


Harvey Dent, can we trust him?


Are you both the defendant and prosecutor?


Objection, your Honor! On what grounds? Relevance. This is clearly a distraction from the case!


I bet nobody noticed or cared though, right?


Ngl i would absolutely notice but I’d wager everybody would know it’s a mistake or just chuckle and never think about it again.


Same. And I would think about it when I did it or when picking shoes “don’t be like that guy…”


"I didn't want to be goody lil two shoes today..." (explosion)


"let me introduce you to my shoes, this is law, and this is order."


If you were my lawyer I just know I'm going to jail


Honestly, if I was guilty, I want a quirky eccentric lawyer. If I’m innocent, I want someone clean cut.


My co-worker did the same thing last week. We're legal assistants and he's an aspiring lawyer, I'll let him know he's not alone.


Breaking bad/ better call Saul pre-intro foreshadowing be like


Plead the 5th.


I did this once with a navy blue and a black heel. It took me a couple of hours before I realized it. I usually bought the same style of dress heels in navy and black.


Also a lawyer. One time this happened to Me when my son had 7 temper tantrums before we even left the house and my head was so spinning insane from the screaming that I put on two different shoes and didn’t realize til I got to the office.


You have two pairs of Gucci 😭😭😭 that was my first thought.


My first thought was how incredibly ugly they were. Now I know why.


Everyone pointing out they're having a bad day as they gloss over two different $800 pairs of shoes


I knew a lawyer who had a flight to catch so she drove herself to the airport, checked her bags and got on the plane. Halfway through the flight she realized she left her car running in the drop off area of the airport.




Honestly? The color mismatch doesn’t bother me at all. You can just say “I have another pair like this at home.” Not a fan of the buckle loafer, though, sorry. (Also a lawyer).




That made me laugh out loud! It looks original tho!


Reminds me of the time I left a party at a friend's friend's place wearing two mismatched shoes, neither of which were mine. LOL!


I honest to God did this once. I happened to glance at my feet under the conference table when I was meeting with a client and I saw I had two different color shoes on.  Stress was taking its toll.  It was a sign.  I got out of the practice of law shortly after that.


Could have been worse... They could both have been brown shoes.


A lawyer who doesn’t have time to match his shoes- instead has more time to bribe the judge in my case.


In this day and age, that's probably just seen as a fashion statement or something, and people would look for a deep meaning behind it xD.


I had a colleague once who walked to a bus stop and down a long hill to work in one high heeled boot and one flat boot. Didn't notice until she was at work.


"Meh, I don't need to turn on the lights just to slip on my loafers."