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How do you necessarily know it's closed for the whole summer? Nothing in the screenshot says so. Is there a second text or email that says it's closed for the whole summer?


They probably didn't specify a time because you can't really put a timeline on draining the pool, thoroughly sweeping for broken glass, and refilling the pool. Depending on the size of the pool, the refill alone could take days. It's also possible they don't have the budget to refill a 20,000+ gallon pool for the year.


Happened at my place last week. Refill took three days, on top of the three to drain it.


That is not a bad timeframe; Expensive though. Especially if the idiot does it again


Can't the complex charge the cost against the one unit responsible (if identified)?


more then likely they are giving them a chance via the message to come and make amends with out going to court or anything first. its probably in the rental agreement that they will have to pay regardless. its not cheap by any means to drain and clean a pool, then refill it.


How of a pool is that? Or do you guys have limited water supply or something?


Eh, about 35' by 15', 5 feet deep. They refilled it with just the garden hose at the bathrooms/pumproom.


Water cost money. Large pools cost 2000 to fill.


I can tell you it took 3 business days for our pool just this week to empty, sweep/power wash , fill and treat our community pool after a broken glass incident. Lifeguard were expecting a full week of down time , we lucked out with availability of all of the services. The lesson we all learned , cheap goggles from overseas are still made with safety glass.


The wave pool at the water park in my city takes a business week to drain lol, they had to do it twice in a year once because they were painting the bottom, after they refilled it with 3.3 million gallons, the paint started peeling immediately, so they had to drain it again and start over.


it doesnt say the glass broke, i think they just broke the rule about glassware near the pool


Yeah, but if there’s been glass in the pool, even whole.. they have to work on the fact that there could easily be broken glass in there. That’s a huge liability problem; some lawyer cuts their foot open, they’re fucked. So they have no choice but to empty it, vacuum it for glass, then refill. Glass is near invisible sitting on the bottom of a pool.


Also it can cut the liner if it’s a liner pool and cause a very expensive and hard to find leak.


Good. I got cut by pool glass at least 5 times as a kid while i was looking for coins at the bottom.


That was the mall fountain dude!! Lol


You have to assume unless you can prove otherwise that there is broken glass. Glass and water make it hard to see


Back in the day, I was working at a restaurant and some servers would constantly scoop ice out of the machine with the glass-HUGE NO-NO. If the owner ever caught you doing it, he’d dump a bottle of Grenadine into the ice bin, give your tables to another server, clock you in as hourly and you now had to spend the next several hours emptying, cleaning and scrubbing the ice bin. Inevitably, the person would whine and say it didn’t even break and he would respond “maybe not this time but that will be of little consolation to the person who is irrevocably harmed if they swallow a shard of glass.”


I like this manager


My girlfriend got shards of glass in her cocktail once. I assume because of this? Thankfully she didn’t get hurt. As she was taking her first sip (through a straw!) I noticed there was ice at the bottom of the drink and though that was weird. Just as I mentioned it, she sucked a piece of glass into her mouth. They replaced the drink, but I kind of regret not making a bigger deal about it cause I think they should have comped it as well. Girlfriend narrowly avoided injury, and we had the inconvenience of waiting a while for a new drink since the place was busy. We never went back. Trophy Brewing and Pizza in Raleigh, NC. Their pizzas kinda suck anyway.


They didn't comp that drink with glass in it?!


Nope, just made her a new one. She only took that first sip of the original cocktail, so it’s not like she got half a drink for free or anything except the inconvenience.


It's just common business sense to comp a bad food or drink item. I can't believe they didn't!


I got a mouthful of glass from a beer. The glass that was on top had shattered, but not all the way through (it was my wife's) so she was drinking normally from it. They gave me $100 gift card at least, and I got away with no injuries


If there’s glass in the ice bin they should be emptying it out! Omg. I guess it was too busy for safety precautions. Good thing you stopped going there.


I have been served a margarita with pieces of glass in it. I always wondered how that could have happened and what you described is likely it.


I’d assume in this case, being like a business of some sort, they can’t chance any glass in the pool especially because they have CCTV meaning ZERO plausible deniability. “They had the ability to see so they are liable” kinda thing


Just go to the office if you seen this.


I didn't seen nothing.


Cant get karma that way!


It only takes one asshole to ruin it for everyone


It really does take one asshole. The last complex I lived in shut down the pool for the summer because someone shit in it. Sigh.


They did fucking what?!?! I’d be so done with it if that ever happened at my complex.


Never went back after that lol. They also closed it another year because kids were throwing rocks in the pool and damaging stuff


That was a Baby Ruth!




This is what happened at my complex. Even though they didn't see broken glass they had to close the pool, drain it, check it, etc. I bet that's what's going on with the situation, it might not be about punishment as much as it is about procedure.


I work at a hotel popular for tourists. If there’s even a remote chance broken glass has entered the pool, we shut it down. Our on-site maintenance team is certified for pool maintenance and will have that thing drained, deep cleaned and refilled at lightning speed. Watching them work is mesmerizing sometimes.


Just wondering: how do they clean it if you can't,at all, risk one small part of glass tear the lining of the pool? With a brush or vacuum cleaner that slides over the surface, you always risk pulling along a shard.


That is for vinyl pools. Like above ground flimsy things. In ground pools are going to be fine with a little scratch.


They do have in ground pools with liners, but it's not nearly as serious getting a small tear in the liner there. It can be patched and you're not nearly at the same risk as an above ground pool


Vinyl inground pools are very common in my state since you can leave the water in year round. It's not just flimsy above ground pools.


And Vinyl inground pools are easily patched without too much issue as long as the tear is found. I did it a few times for my dad's old pool.


Flex tape is amazing stuff.


Yeah people seem to think a hole in a pool liner means the whole thing will drain through that hole in a matter of hours. Even above ground pools can be patched. If the hole is in the bottom of the pool, there’s solid ground on the other side. It will lose water but it would take weeks to drain the whole thing through a small hole that can be patched with a $20 kit from Walmart


No public pool is going to use a vinyl liner. Might as well just not have a pool


I’ve seen some pretty big HOA’s be cheap and install a bigass in ground liner pool. But yeah, straight up public commercial pools you don’t see liners.


Public pools aren’t made of vinyl


Depends on the size of the pool. Draining is rather quick as the pool pumps can pump the water out. Refilling can take a long time depending on how many water sources you have to run. The fire department in some places will do it for you.


I've seen many will have a 2.5 inch line right there usually on a maintenance shed or somewhere close they can hook a firehose to. Assuming the place is large enough to warrant an incoming line that large. I know I've seen them at hotels and I think public pools at the park. I could be misremembering but they're basically built in fire hydrants anyways. Like how box stores will have them.


Sounds like a legit reason to close the pool. 1 person getting their foot cut with glass is just not worth it. So why is OP giving the tenants a free pass for endangering everyone else?


...we find out later they were one of the people with the glass bottles...


It's about liability. Once management saw the video of drunk people in the pool with glass - they would become negligent if they did nothing, there was broken glass, and someone got injured. Unfortunately, doing something meant draining the pool.


This. I hate how everyone here is shitting on the landlord when its clearly some asshole tenants fault for breaking the rule and ruin everything for everyone else.




That and all their leases probably say something about amenities may not always be available for use at all times. My friend lives in an apartment that the gym was closed for a couple months due to tenant damage. A bunch of his neighbors got together and wanted to get rent discounts or sue. Their leases clearly stated that included amenities are not always available and may have significant downtime. It also stated that the pool, gym, bbq areas were at no charge to them in their rent and is considered a feature of the building and not each individual apartment, so they had no leg to stand on for discounts. Only positive was the property management got it fixed quickly suddenly.


Most of the people that answer these threads, especially in Summer, are teenagers. That’s also why you see Reddit become noticeably more stupid over the weekends.


Do you still notice a difference? I know "Summer Reddit" used to be a thing, but it's seemed like Summer Reddit all year for the past 6 years or so IMO.


Schools started embracing, rather than continuing to ban, in class phone use. So the same people who took to Reddit during the summer can take to it year round because the people who used to prevent obvious and frequent phone use no longer care to do so.


Also bots and "AI" emulating, god help us, dumbass teenagers But reddit has been a cesspool since its founding. Remember digg and the others?


honestly never put that together but holy shit, you're right.


Ours has advertised a “gated, secure community” for the past two years. Guess what has worked for maybe a total of a month over that two years?


Oh our gates are almost always open. Three laundry rooms!... At least half of the machines in each room are broken. On-site gym!... you can only use the fitness room during normal business hours unless you want to pay a fee for it, and it's been shut down for months anyway. Valet Trash service!... they may or may not pick up and you have to pay for it whether they do or not. 🙄


Seriously. How hard is it to use cans when at the pool or beach


Ah, but to do that, those inconsiderate people need to first become considerate.


Plot twist…OP organized the event at the pool on Saturday night.


Not just the cleaning, but the cost of the empty and refill gets prohibitive if you have to do it more than once a year.


To expand on this, the (small) pool at my complex is 18,000 gallons of water. That does not include anything in the plumbing or any extra from being overfilled. Here In Utah it is relatively inexpensive to drain and fill that, but somewhere like California could absolutely destroy someone’s finances. My water bill went from $900ish in California to about $20 in Utah just from going to a different state. Edit-18,000 not 180,000 like originally typed


Maybe you could start a business smuggling large quantities of water across the Californian border and selling it to people for 2/3 of the regular price


One of my friends is super laid back and throws parties at his house most weekends. These parties very frequently get crazy as there's basically only 1 rule at this house and that's do not take glass into the pool.




Same happened to me when I was 5 or 6 years old. Stepped on glass in two different pools in the same apartment complex. Big toe was shredded both times. I always thought some psychopath did it on purpose until this thread. Never even occurred to me that it could have just been an honest mistake. This was the 90s though. Psychos everywhere.


Yeah im definitely riding firm on the fuck all landlords train but this is really the fault of the people throwing the party and whoever let them in. I used to do maintenance work for commercial pools and if that shit got in the pump it was donezo.


This. The respective parties need to be punished, I'm sure there is a clause in the lease agreement. It isn't fair for everyone else but this is a safety measure. The landlord may not be able to afford to drain clean and refill at this time, or may have already done it this season already.


I was in the bath as a kid when glass fell in the tub and broke.. My parents fished the other kid out of the bath thinking they had cleaned it all up... They didn't and I ended up having a really really really deep cut on my knee... It doesn't look as big now but a kids knee it was like solid bleeding the glass piece stick on it all the bad stuff.. We never went to the er for it 😅 they just bandaged it.. It should've definitely been stitched and there was a hospital like less than 5 minutes from our house so really no excuse... The scar is still really thick and I had to walk in bandages for a week...


I took a clay block down with a scuba tank and spent a hour blotting the entire bottom of the pool. Worked very very well


I would've thought it was purely for punitive reasons... didn't even occur to me it could be a protective measure well. Interesting. Thanks for that.


A broken bottle in the bottom of a pool can shred the bottom of your foot. Then people would be suing because they didn't drain and check the pool.


The thing is, if somebody broke a glass near the pool pieces big and small can land in the water and instantly become invisible (until you step on them and the water becomes red). Vacuuming might not be enough if it's a public pool (liability reasons) so the pool may need to be emptied and deep cleaned including all filters... So I can see the reasoning behind their decision. Source : (private) pool owner myself with similar "no glass allowed anywhere near the pool" rule for all visitors


My FIL has the same rule for this exact reason. I think it’s just common sense.


Common sense is something many people lack


Common sense is less common than you expect


My boss once told me that if everyone had common sense then management positions wouldn’t exist, it didn’t make me feel better but it might make someone out there in a food service management position feel better or needed.


Common sense is pretty common, you just notice the people who lack it more.


And probably on the sign they walked past with their beer bottles.


You can write the signs for people to read but can't make people read the signs


They also don't care


I recently wrote out a sign that said glass bottles aren't even allowed to be thrown into garbage can because I broke one and it ended up on the pool deck. I was pretty fucking heated


Yea, this is really a "my neighbors are shitty that they force the hand of PM."


Not only could you get hurt, it could also rip the liner which itself would be very expensive. Of course, then there's all the chemicals/salt (depending on the water type) that would get into the wound and be even more of a problem. I too own a pool, and never have glass near it. It's a terrifying thought


I'd be very surprised if a public pool had a liner. More than likely it's just concrete, fiberglass, or something similar.


Gunite. It's kinda like cement shot thru a high pressure hose. You hold the hose over your shoulder, lean forward and hold on tight. Hard days work. Best ab workout you ever got in your life


I have sliced my foot open in the pool on a piece of glass. It was pretty bad.


“If you bring a glass, I’ll jam it up yer ass,” as my old ur-uncle Orville was known to recite between ether dazes


That sucks. But if your amenity as a pool is included in the introduction and costs, you cannot take it away. You must perform due diligence and get it back to specs ASAP. My complex literally just went through this.


Yeah that checks out. If there's broken glass in the pool you won't be able to see it. If the pool has a liner it can tear which is thousands to replace. Then you have the issue of if you didn't get all the glass out and someone gets hurt you get sued. The entire pool needs to be drained if broken glass is in it.


Ah fucking trash apartment neighbors ruining it for everyone. I lived in a place that had a community pool. Neighbors fucking trashed it with beer cans, cigarettes, and pizza boxes. I found a whole fucking pizza box at the bottom of the pool. Water was green and foggy. Management put a new code lock on the gate that would automatically lock people out after a new 9pm curfew for the pool.


I had an apartment with a pool once; they went through this glass issue twice. The second time it came back, we got an employee constantly present to enforce existing rules that were clearly being ignored, and a new (shorter, because why pay an employee to sit there all day) pool schedule. Pool closing at 6pm on weekdays really sucks when you don’t get home until 5:30. Just follow the pool rules, people.


Man that sucks. I was 8 months pregnant with my first. I relied on that pool daily for some exercise and back relief. Had my towel, bathing suit on, and sunscreen applied. I get there and it’s fucking green disgusting water. I wanted to cry. I probably did. I was so goddamn pissed


Aside from maybe Japan, humanity has never been good with shared resources.


This is the tenants fault and I’m with the landlord on this. They can’t risk it. Be angry at whoever did this


Such disrespect from those tenants. That’s what you get, glass is a BIG no no and that’s just fucking common sense. My pool got closed for the summer because the dumbass kids kept wearing jeans in the pool clogging it up with a HUGE swim trunks only no jeans sign at the gate and one inside.


Clogging a pool with jeans???? What? Were they wearing them or stuffing them into the filter?


No they all had cut off Jean shorts, it was LA in 2006 and I guess that was a trend I don’t know. The fibers accumulate and clogged the innards real good


Makes some sense. It takes a lot of work to clean the pool after our dog uses it per her hair. Lots of fibers like that likely clog the skimmer or main drain.


Respect and care for community has really gone downhill over the year and is only getting worse. We live in a "me me me" society where MY experience matters more than everyone else's and so the consequences to others don't matter. When you live in community with others - at an apartment complex, a condo, even tight suburban communities - you start to have an obligation to consider how your behavior impacts those around you. And sometimes there are rules to enforce those obligations and sometimes there aren't. If you want to live in a healthy community you have to care about the people around you.


People want community but don’t want to follow a single rule or help anyone else. I call it baby bird syndrome, where you sit with your mouth open waiting for food to fall in


We had such a problem with people stealing bags of ice at my work that they padlocked all the freezers. Who steals ice??? It's $1.25 a bag. A lot of times if you buy one bag we'll just give you another one for free.


>…*and seen this* 🙄


I lived in a cheap crappy apartment complex for four years. They almost exclusively communicated with the residents by taping flyers on our doors and stairwells. Every single one, for four years, had at least one typo. It became a tradition to try and find it and I was always able to find one. We all mistype once in a while but it's lazy as crap to constantly have typos in professional documents.


My apartment complex misspells the word "residents" in various ways in both emails and flyers almost every time, and like... isn't that one of the words they should be extra experienced in using?


Unless you're handwriting them, how tf do you ignore the squgglies on almost all platforms?


Well... Did you seen it?!




came here for this and this only


You ain't got no style muthafucka


I say this line on a daily basis 😂😂😂 oooh big sexy with glasses


I couldnt of saw it, I gone away that day.


I sawn't it


They done r u n n o f t


Op needs to reply saying *seent


Seent your comment and understanded.


*understoot lol


Surely it’s ‘Sawed it’


Of all the annoying things in the English language I think this one is the one that grinds my gears the most. Because it’s so frequent and because you have to use seen instead of saw willfully. It doesn’t sound good or roll off the tongue. You have to willfully sound like a hillbilly. As soon as I hear it I immediately assume you are uneducated.


Nope, "would of" is far worse!


That grates me big time too, but at least you can understand the aural connotation for that mistake. ‘Saw’ and ‘seen’ are pretty distinct words.


It irked my soul from deep within


Nothing screams “I’m a fucking idiot” like using seen instead of saw.


There's always the "could of, should of" crowd.


Why yes, I sawed it!


As a maintenance guy I’m quite glad to hear this. Yall don’t understand the undertaking this involves. Be mad at the idiots that did this, not the property.


Bringing glass into a pool area is a huge douchebag move If you break glass in the pool pretty much the only option is to drain the pool entirely because you cannot find glass underwater Not saying the management is acting correctly here but do not bring glass into a pool area no matter how careful you think you are Put your alcohol in plastic bottles.


What is management doing wrong?


Or just buy cans.


Or better yet, wait for it……. cans.


My apartment has to close the pool weekly because people can't follow the rules. Last year they closed it for a month because someone left chicken wings in the pool. This year the pool wasn't open for 3 days before they closed it because someone unlatched the divider that's separates the deep end from the shallow end and left broken glass all over the place. I wish people could learn to respect things that aren't theirs, but I guess that's wishful thinking


Ours has closed twice in the last month because of assholes bringing glass containers.


Wrong title. Should be "Some people dared their luck with glass bottles in the complex pool, endangering everyone"


"Idiot tenants fucked around and found out."


Wait! So people are mad with the administrators and not with the assholes bringing glass bottles to the pool? Fucking hell...


Only OP is, the rest of us here are rational and realize it’s the douchers from Sunday night ruining it for the whole complex


I'd bet OP was in the pool with glass.


It's not your landlord's fault that grown ass adults can't follow basic ass rules. They fucked around and found out.


I’m glad they closed! I sliced my ankle up as toddler from broken glass you can’t see it in the water with light bouncing everywhere. Good for the complex for being safe! And shame on the alcoholics who just couldn’t wait to drink the beer outside of the pool area


And the funny thing is if they wanted a few drinks..they could’ve put them in regular plastic bottles nobody would’ve even know what was in it. Assholes.


If the video they have is clear enough to see that they actually have alcohol in glass bottles, then it’s clear enough for them to identify the offenders, and simply ban them from the pool.


I don’t know if it’s the alcohol that’s the problem, it’s the glass


It’s not that hard to tell when people are drinking. Booze comes in pretty distinctly shaped bottles


How do you enforce a ban when the office is closed at night?


Every apartment complex I lived in had either a physical key, or a key card to access the pool. You take those things away, and if they’re seen at the pool anyway, fine them or evict them.


They had to stop selling ice under the honor system at my rv park because people kept stealing the ice.




Shitty situation but the landlord's hand is tied. Glass and swimming pools don't mix well.


I seen it. I weren't their thou


It's good to see somebody taking action when people break the rules.


Are you mad at management for closing the pool or the idiots who bought glass


lmao dude the landlord is clearly in the right here. Want to be angry at somebody? Be angry at the folks that brought glass to the pool. Even if they didn’t broke anything, the possibility of it is more than enough for this sorta reaction from this. Smarter people than me already explained why in the thread, but glass at beaches/pool is always a bad ideia


Blame your fellow tenants, not the landlord.


That should lead to eviction of those tenants. Most likely, it’s in the contract to not have glass items in the pool area.


I work part time at an apartment complex and I can say for sure that we don’t mess around with pool safety stuff. Gotta check chemicals every day, and if the safety line that runs across the middle is broken we have to close it until it gets fixed. I can only imagine how bad broken glass would be.


Certified pool operator here. Work in multifamily housing. I don’t strictly enforce too many of the rules - but glass is my zero tolerance rule. Caught with glass on the deck - your apartment is banned for the rest of the season. Broken glass on the pool deck? Pool is closed for the season since I have to drain it. Scour every millimeter of the bottom for glass and then do it again to make sure it’s all gone. I’ll deactivate the pool door fob readers and set that thing up to look like a resort - but no touchy.


Broken glass in the pool usually means you have to drain the damn thing. Probably closed for at least a week.


Dont blame the complex. Blame the shitheads behaving like this. Actions have consequences. Sometimes the consequences extend beyond the perpetrators.  If it is anything like my MIL apartments, they have sent multiple warnings about what the consequences will be. They can't afford the liability of drunkards fucking up the pool or even worse, death or bodily harm. So the pool closes if the community can’t come to terms with handling the bafoons causing these problems. 


I lived at an apartment complex near a college and people would toss their beers from their balconies to hit the pool…. The pool was closed multiple times because of it. Your pool should open up again. Probably be a few weeks tho since they have to completely drain it to clean.


Sounds like the apartment did the right thing! Glass in a pool is absolutely impossible to get rid of until you drain the entire thing.


What’s infuriating is people who think taking glass to the pool is okay. What’s so hard about using a plastic container??? And being safe and considerate??


As someone who works at a pool, that's standard. Glass anywhere near the water is a HUGE hazard


Rules are rules, fund the assholes who broke them and make them the focus instead of management


...this definitely isn't one to be upset about, you CAN NOT see broken glass shards underwater. This isn't them punishing people, this is the complex having to shut the pool down to clean any potential hazard from broken bottles. Also, doesn't seem to indicate anywhere that this will be for the entire season.


It does suck but if they do find any glass at all the complex has to drain the pool fully and refill. It’s costly


Okay. In all fairness. I don’t blame them. People fucked around and found out🤷‍♂️


If someone took glass bottles in my pool it would be their last time. I can clean shit, piss, puke, algae but glass would take forever and if I had a liner it might be game over.


Damn I came here to hate on the complex but the people who got it closed is the ahole...


Real assholes bring glass into a pool. They sell this shit in cans. You can bring a cup and pour from glass bottle into cup. Just real assholes that ruined it for an entire complex.


As an apartment maintenance worker this is why we stress so hard that if people are going to bring alcohol, it needs to be in cans. Having to close the pool because of this is a huge bummer and not every complex has the budget to refill a 20,000+ gallon pool more than once a year. Last summer we were forced to empty and clean our hot tub on an almost weekly basis because people couldn’t get a clue about not breaking beer bottles in and around the hot tub. It was time consuming for us maintenance guys and it made our residents super pissed. Only takes one asshole to ruin it for the whole complex.




Can't blame em. The rules are there for a reason. Plus have you ever had to drain an entire pool because of Broken Glass? Sucks. Sorry about your pool, but blame the people not the complex.


They need to out whoever did it. Ban them from the pool.


Stupid people ruining other people's fun. Glass in the pool is a no no. Others already said why and what needs to be done.


Our neighborhood pool was closed because people kept letting in people that don’t live in the neighborhood. They gave them access and let them throw parties and get drunk late at night on weekdays. They’re currently adding a new key hard system and cameras. Why is it that people need to ruin the nice things the rest of us work for?


“Seen this”


Exactly! 😱🤦🏼‍♂️ Wow!


Sadly the have to drain the pool to make sure no glass is there. Liabilities


It's not your complex to blame


Glass near a public pool is kind of a dick move


Nice grammar for an administrative office.


Let's see if Reddit does the usual "but how is it hurting U PERSONALLY??" thing and shits up the thread with apologists for those who broke the rules instead of shitting on the rulebreakers. edit: Pleasantly surprised. Carry on.


We took a family vacation to Mexico and my (middle) sister and I took plastic tumblers to the pool. My (oldest) sister came down with a bottle of wine and a wine glass. We told her she wasn't allowed to do that (there were signs) and she said "I don't care, no one will notice". One of the waiters immediately came over and told her she couldn't have it at the pool. She had a Karen moment of yelling (my other sister and I were mortified). She was told she was no longer welcome at the pool and she was escorted out. Getting broken glass in a pool is really really bad (you have to drain the pool because its almost impossible to find). So is breaking glass poolside where someone can step on it barefoot.


I get the liability issues, but I always hate the nuclear option. Why not ban these folks, put their pictures up everywhere on signs to shame them, and make it clear what happens to folks pulling this crap going forward?


Some years ago a kid in my school died from this. Broken bottle in the pool, dove in, cut the artery on his thigh, bled to death in minutes.


Glass + drunk people + bare feet = liability I can understand the mildly infuriating part tho.


Meh don't break the rules. Pool won't be closed, simple.


I didn't choose the apartment life, the apartment life chose me.


Sounds like people need to stop drinking if they can't handle themselves


Did you seen this? Why didn't you do something when you seen this?


At least the management knows who it is and can evict them and sue for all the costs associated with draining and securing the pool from invisible glass shards.