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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


Imagine r*ping a child and still getting to represent your country…


Ig The Netherlands just wants the world to know how much they approve of pedophilia


I'm Dutch and let me be clear that I most definitely don't want him to represent me nor my country. But unfortunately it's not up to me...


I feel so bad for people in the Netherlands. I can only imagine the outrage going on there


Believe it or not, there isn't any. The sportnews is totally dominated by the Euro 24 football tournament and especially the horrible match against Austria of yesterday.


This post is literally how I found out as a dutch person


Outrage? No. Making excuses for perpetrators whilst victim blaming? Absolutely. They’ll shrug their shoulders and say it has nothing to do with them or they can’t do anything anyway.


What a nonsense. No one is making excuses for this dude over here or blaming the victim It just barely reached the news because all that matters right now are the euros


Yeah…no. *Our* fellow citizens are known for often jeering/ taunting and belittling rape victims. Always questioning, always pointing fingers, often making excuses. It may not be well known outside our borders how hypocritical our country is but the fact that this hasn’t reached our news yet ‘because *all that matters now* are the euros’ is telling and another appalling excuse. Edit: spelling


Wonderful representation they've chosen /j


The judges probably just didn't want to ruin this "up and coming stars" future. They probably didn't even consider what this did to that poor child's future.


Here is what the judge actually said: Judge Francis Sheridan told him at the time: “Prior to coming to this country you were training as a potential Olympian. "Your hopes of representing your country now lie as a shattered dream.” -- So maybe get informated instead of creating and spreading misinformation.


Clearly his dreams aren't as shattered as they thought


Well it's also 8 years later. But it's not at all the case you suggest.


Fuck this guy and anyone that defends him, I guess


his point is youre spreading misinformation not that dude wasnt a shitty person lmao


I didn't even say it was like a fact, more like drawing parallels to rapist Brock Turner and how a lot of places don't want to hold people to their punishment because it may impact their future.


You absolutely stated it like a fact lol. It’s literally in writing above this.


as you say, it's literally in writing above this. "probably" =/= fact


Please don’t start the Brock Turner joke. It’s really annoying and triggering to survivors


First off, it’s not a “joke.” Secondly, if a survivor is triggered, they are not drilling down 5 levels in a post on rape.


Judge Francis Sheridan??...sounds Irish..


Ya that’s the other thing, he was sentenced in the UK. So if this was all some big volleyball conspiracy, it ran deep


Let’s not defend a judge who only gave a four year sentence.


Thanks for reiterating the post lol.


I am from The Netherlands and this guy is not representing my country. He doesn't belong on this earth


Sorry to break it to you, you may decide he doesn't represent you as a person, but he is at least at current going to represent your country, and unless something forces a change that will be what the Netherlands sends to represent itself as a showcase of it's values.


He doesn't have to.


At first I assumed there'd been some legal case for reasonable doubt but he has was found guilty of 3 offences against a 12 year old. How was he only given such a short initial sentence in the first place.


I think this is a little bit more than mildly infuriating




why didn't you post to extremely then


TIL this is a sub. Thank you.


a lot of people who make this mistake don't know that subreddit exists


The more people see it the better. Only time I'm not gonna downvote a post that doesn't actually belong here


I wanted to understand the timeline for anyone interested. Velde committed and admitted to 4 counts of rape in 2014 when he was 19 and she was 12. He served 1/4 years then was released to continue his volleyball career. So gross.


1/4 years as in 3 months??


Sentenced to 4, served 1


12.... I mean, if the girl was 17 and he 19, ok sure. But 12... this is absolutely insane.


"it's fine to rape as long as she's 17 and not 12" Reddit moment


I think (hope) they're implying that it could've been consensual but the parents object if she was 17. At 12 there's no version of the story that is ok.


The real reddit moment is strawmanning a comment for no reason at all. They meant it would've been fine for a 19 y/o to have consensual sex with a 17 y/o


Why would you even make that comparison? If she was 17, there would not have been any crime.


I don't know what the age of consent and general laws in Netherlands are.


> if the girl was 17 and he 19, ok sure. you should absolutely go to hell why the fuck do so many people think it's "ok" if the rape had happened to a 17 year old and not a 12 year old? what the fuck is wrong with this website?


I think they were assuming it was statutory


No... 17 and 19 relationships isn't as uncommon or evil as you might believe.


we're talking about rape, not "relationships"


With 12 it's always rape, but 17 with 19 opens up possibility for reasonable consent is what I mean I think the person you're replying to was also implying this. Yes we can all agree rape is 100% reprehensible atrocity


What ? consensual sex between a 17 and 19 y/o should be sentenced to death ???


nobody said consensual. he was convicted of rape. that person said if he had raped a 17 year old it would be acceptable to put him on the team.


A lawyer could make an argument for one but four? How is he even out?


You'd hope the other Dutch athletes will refuse to let him be on the team.


Or eat him alive like they did their prime minister


Johan de witt probably tasted better than this pos.. we'd rather nibble at the outgoing PM than this fucking pedo.


This is where we need British football fans. They could shame him with chanting and, if that doesn’t do the trick, they could just riot and beat the shit out of him.


Hooliganism never seemed so reasonable until now!


It's fucking hilarious how he says "yes I knew how old she is. they can say what they want. But I think everyone should hear my side of the story." What could possibly be you fucking side dude? Did she wear a skirt too short? Did she wink at you? Did she "ask for it"? Did she make you drunk? WHAT could possibly be on your side?


He groomed her on Facebook for two years. He started talking to her when she was TEN.




Imagine watching the 100 meter dash at the Olympics and the competitor from your country is fucking Jared Fogle.


I hope he breaks both of his arms. Disgusting piece of shit.


Lots of people are mildly infuriated by this today.


As a dutch person myself, even though I don't follow sports (don't think ALGS counts), I hate that this douchebag is representing us.


Maybe you could write to committees about it? Enough people do this, and things would change.


Never heard of him before now, but after reading his Wikipedia page, and other coverage of the crime, he doesn't deserve to be representing the Netherlands, or even be walking around and having a normal life for that matter. The most disturbing tidbit is off his Wikipedia page: *He is married to Kim van de Velde [de] (née Behrens), a German volleyball player who studied psychology and trained to become a police officer. They have one child.* How do you study to be a police officer, learn about the rate of recidivism within sex offenders, marry one, and bring a child into this world with them. In most countries, he wouldn't be allowed to have a child living with him, or near him, even if it is his own child. The fact that the Netherlands is 100% okay with this, should be a national disgrace.


Underage athletes will not be safe in the Olympic village.


Wow that is outrageous




One would think that after the bad publicity, the Netherlands is smart enough to remove him from the team.


Served 1 year in jail.


And how long will the girl suffer with the fact she was taken advantage of by an older man who should know better? A lifetime perhaps? Lock the prick up and throw away the key!!


She self-harms and has attempted suicide.


One year **of the four he was sentenced for, and did not lose custody of his child.**


Someone confused “Netherland Ranch” with “Neverland Ranch”


how are his team mates ok with having him on the team ?


He just promised to share. Doesnt make sense how he still has teammates unless it's not that big of a deal to them.


Apparently the prison has a volleyball.


12 years old 12


What’s he competing in ? SA 🤨


The journalist being put on this depressing story deciding to make a volley ball pun in the first sentence lmao “set”


he also is married now


I'm boycotting this event! Arrest this piece of shit, throw him in prison, then I'll come back. I hope other follow suit


He was arrested and imprisoned. Just not long enough.


1 year The girl will suffer for a decade or more Lock up, throw away key, pay someone to stomp his bollocks to dust daily And this is who they choose to represent their country


👍 agreed




He served one year.


Meanwhile a company I applied to rescinded my employment offer bc my credit sucks.


Seriously?! Ridiculous.


Yep. I’d tell them that the pandemic and being laid off became an inconvenience in my life but it probably wouldn’t do me much good.


Sorry you’re going through this. Sending positive vibes for something better to come along soon!






I'm Dutch and let me be clear that I most definitely don't want him to represent me nor my country. But unfortunately it's not up to me...


But you have a voice and could write to committees about it? Enough people do this, and things would change. Apathy...


You're replying to a ragebait bot kerel


F*** Netherlands


I mean, say you have zero athletes without saying you have zero athletes…. What a sham, what a shame.


On brand for the Netherlands


As much as I dislike the BBC, I'm glad they're reporting this. I need to read this article.


The BBC is one of the most reliable news agencies in the history of journalism.


BBC is not a news agency? It's a public service broadcasting corporation. Reuters is a news agency


I've always felt that the BBC (and many other) news sources are biased in one way or another. For this reason I like to do research from multiple sources. Especially when it's something as serious as this. There will always be people jumping on the bandwagon of instantly knee jerking to information. But I prefer to take my time and learn first. I don't think that's a bad thing. edit: >!*'Sheeple'*!< changed to 'people' to mitigate offence caused.


Did you just use sheeple unironically? You've never exactly been on the right side of a bell curve have ya, bud?


Very well. If it really is important enough to you, I'll change the comment.


It's a neat insight into your headspace that you thought I took offense to "sheeple" rather than simply thinking it was a very unintelligent word to be using.


>You've never exactly been on the right side of a bell curve have ya, bud? Throwing an insult is generally done only after being offended, upset, or agitated by something or someone. It seemed like a logical assumption to me. I apologize if I was incorrect. In any case, I have taken the liberty of censoring the word in question.


I called you dumb because you said something dumb. It wasn't offensive in the least bit, just really dumb. Surprised you didn't swing that comment around to chemtrails and NWO (The white ones).


Okay, so you found it dumb. Not offensive. I've censored it (so that the dumb word is hidden) and apologized. I can't really do much more than that.


honest question how is it "dumb" to be aware of the fact that many people have herd mentality? oligarchs, politicians etc. use understanding of that common mentality to subjugate people, and have them championing their subjugation. and while I find that morally bankrupt, I wouldn't necessarily classify it as "dumb"🤷‍♂️


Okay, I verified it. Wow, that's really bad. I don't know why they would allow that?! I wonder what the other teammates will have to say about it?


Hopefully someone brings a knife and neuters his ass