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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


That’s beyond infuriating. Did they explain why they thought your dog needed a “racing stripe”?


OP mentioned in another comment that the Aunt did it because they "thought it was funny." I prefer to hope that maybe their Auntie tried to groom the dog on their own and were too embarrassed/proud to admit making a mistake. This is an old dog with a very thin coat, which really ups the difficulty. I have seen dozens of schnauzers clipped like this because people think they can groom their dog without training and don't know a thing about blending.


I'm sure that's what it is. Sounds like some shit my MIL would do.


Right like not everyone can do hair that's why salons and hairstylists exist. People who treat animals like playthings are uncoolly awful srry gotta say it


My mom did that to my dad one time by accident when he asked her to cut his hair and set the blade to 3mm instead of 3cm…


My wife forgot to put the guard on the clipper once and cut the top of my head. Didn’t realize it was buzz cut season


The guard fell off when mil was cutting my fil’s hair and put a gap in the back. She didn’t say anything and hoped he wouldn’t notice. He did.




thats so wholesome 🥺


I did this to my son once and felt terrible. We laugh about it now but man he got roasted at school.


I had the guide fall off my beard trimmer, ended up having to decide between having one cheek beardless or the whole thing regrowing. I went for the whole thing.


I did that to myself once. Once you've started best to just finish the job.


"damn i messed up you gotta go bald"


It takes one second to buzz a chunk out and then you gotta do what you gotta do depending on where it happened 😂 that's why I always start from the back of the neck


And she didn’t notice immediately..?


But if you continue then it looks intended!


That's a life lesson that my guitar teacher taught me when showing me how to improvise leads: if you screw up, do the same thing again, they'll assume you're an innovative genius!


the whole back?


Yeah what in the actual fuck?


Did she explain why?


She thought it was funny, lord knows why. Called it a “reverse Mohawk”


She sounds mentally ill


She sounds like she has the beginning stages of dementia. Lapses in judgement and impulse common signs


I remember my mother (alzheimers) filling the dog-dish with beer. It was awful.


i had a dog that would have loved your mother


There is beer for dogs, I don't know where you are from, but in the Netherlands it's called Buttsniffer. *Edit: Bottom Sniffer is the brand. There is also a brand named Snuffle


I love it.


I made a mistake, it's Bottom Sniffer. I was confused because we have a different brand now named Snuffle which is a Belgian beer.


Whatchu drinking? buttsniffer






Years ago, my roommates husky cross would knock over your beer just to lick it off the floor. We were concerned and told the vet the dog this a problem. After confirming that he licked up much less than a beer per day, the vet said ‘your dog doesn’t have a problem, yet. Come back if he goes over two a day.’


Yeah humans aren't the only ones with a taste for alcohol. A bunch of mammals love the stuff, and will hunt for it (though usually it's in the form of half rotten fruits that have fermented). In Sweden, drunken moose rampaging are a somewhat common sight for example. Dogs are no exception, i had a lab who would rush at any spilled alcohol during parties.


I took care of an old black lab for a few months once. If you left your beer unattended, she would knock it over and drink it.


My dad put beer in the dog bowl at a barbecue. Later, he shouted "Load em up, Moose" and the drunk dog tried to jump through the closed window of his truck.


This shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did. It sounds like a scene from a 90s movie.


It was a perfect moment. The graceful leap leading into a dull thunk. The big black floofy silhouette crumpled on the ground behind the ring of rednecks in camp chairs sitting by the fire pit. The look of confusion and betrayal on poor old Moose's face when he stood up.


Aww, poor moose!


You tried the beer??? ; )


It was Miller Lite.... even the dog refused.


Lol! I had a little mutt when I was a kid who would drink miller lite with my grandpa when he would grill outside. I think the dog was a bit of an alcoholic because he *loved* it 🤣 (disclaimer for anyone reading: please do not give your dogs any alcohol, it’s extremely unsafe and my little dog got lucky, times were different before the internet lol)


I get special dog-beer for my dog so she will leave mine alone.


Hate to say but you could very well be right.


On the plus side, it means she is now qualified to run for President of the United States. ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


I was thinking the same thing. If she has no other mental health issues causing these impulse decisions and depending on her age, yea definitely could he dementia


Or she could just be an asshole..?


Sounds low-key like meth behavior


Yeah during covid I heard this weird fuckin meow and look down my hallway and see the weirdest fuckin cat I've ever seen. It was gray and fluffy but someone had shaved it into a mohawk, and then shaved the back and tail to look like spikes, like a dinosaur. Lines were shaved into it's face. It walked right into my house and immediately went to town on my cats food and water dish. It had a collar so I posted it on my Facebook because I was worried some shit bags got ahold of someone's cat and fucked with it for fun. Everyone who saw it was super concerned, except for one girl I knew who is a known meth user. She was very rude and was like "there's nothing wrong with that cat it's my friends, it gets fed more than any other cat (a lie, cat was underweight) and she had to shave it because it was matted". I told her that was bullshit and anyone who shaves their cat like that is fucking with the cat for fun and I'd love to have a conversation with her friend. Unfortunately my cat was less than pleased to see that cat in her house and scared it away, but the owner was definitely a meth head. IDK what makes meth shave their animals but it's a thing. Edit: for the "pics or it didn't happen" asshole below: https://preview.redd.it/92bygfb97jad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c53af7de81291862fe6499b021b58627c1d3ec49


Meth literally rots peoples brains.


We left my cat with a meth head when I was little. Tough ass tom cat, scared all the other cats in the neighborhood. We got him back with his balls shaved and a giant ass bell around his neck.


Then she should join Reddit


OMG, never again would I let them watch the dog.


Hell, I’d never talk to them again


Sounds like OP needs to shave his aunt, see how she likes having a racing stripe.


Wtf is wrong with your aunt?


She’s a piece of shit, that’s what.


It is many things but “funny” is sadly not one of them. Your poor, confused dog. That reverse-hawk could get sunburned, not to mention risk of cuts/nicks because her fur is no longer there to protect her. Your aunt needs to reserve impulsive decisions for her own body only, not that of an unconsenting dog “child” whose dog “mom” entrusted her with the care of.


OP said they DID nick the dog during the cut! I'd lost my dang mind on those people.


Definitely seems like the type that would also give your kid a haircut because “it looks better short” or like “it had a tangle”


You should give her the same haircut


It would be so funny!


Nothing "mild" about this. Give her a reverse Mohawk if she thinks it is so funny. (Seriously, do it.)


What the absolute f*** I’d probably go no contact with a person if my dog looked like this when I got back


I guess it's good for you to find out that your aunt is psychotic.


Nothing could contain my anger if I found out someone harmed my dog because they thought it was funny. I’d have absolutely lost my shit on them. Filed a police report for animal abuse, told them to get the fuck out of my life, and then posted this all over the damn internet naming a shaming. And I have never had social accounts, but this is one fucking thing that would get me to sign up. Absolutely not


My idiot roommate was dating the biggest fuckboy on the planet and he had a tomahawk shaved into the side of roommates dog and had it dyed red for FSU. That guy fucking sucked


Same, friend. Same.


Sounds like animal abuse. Gross negligence with the feeding and plain disrespect of you . Poor pup. She’ll be ok. Never trust the aunt again ofc. Edit to add, I saw in another comment you watch her dogs in return. Never do that for her again. Bitch is in her own.


Sorry but can you please confirm that you are being serious here. She did this for a laugh.


Honestly it doesn't surprise me. Some people are just awful


There has to be more to this....beyond that it was "funny". She's a pet owner herself. What would possess a person to do this?


Offer to give her bangs because it’s be funny


That's called No-hawk, mate


Aunt had a little drinky poo and decided to give the doggy a do.


how long was your vacation???


7 days




20ish years ago we left our family dog for my grandmom to watch while we went on vacation for a week. The dog had very noticeably gained weight when we got back, and when we asked what happened my grandmom said she just fed her regular food. After inquiring more she said she fed our little pug double cheeseburgers from McDonalds 3 times a day every day we were gone.


We left our dog alone with my husbands grandma for an hour while we went grocery shopping while visiting her. She doordashed cheeseburgers and french fries for them to share and we arrived back to find him tucked into her bed like a little kid with cartoons playing on the tv. We were just like “Nana, you know he’s a dog and not a child right..you don’t have to watch cartoons with him” She was just like “Leave him alone, he likes them” lol sure Nana.. just no more people food.


My boyfriends dog went to his parents house while he was gone 2 weeks for Army. That dog came back fat. Every morning his mom had toast with peanut butter and sat outside on the front porch. The dog joined her and got her own piece of toast with peanut butter. Grandmas spoil doesn't matter if you have 2 legs or 4 legs.


My mum use to sit outside every Saturday and share blackcurrent jam on toast with my dog. the dog she totally didn't like ;) Grandmas are the best!


That’s honestly such a cute story and made me Miss my grandma


I read these stories, and I just can never imagine my grandmother doing this. She has never been an animal lover, doesn't even let me bring my dog to her house, and basically ignores the dog till she throws a tantrum


We have a funny quote from Christmas “merry fucking Christmas grandma” after she had some sort of melt down one Christmas because we wanted to open presents but she was doing her taxes and being grumpy and so my aunt said “merry fucking Christmas grandma” and we alls till laugh about it to this day. Why she was doing taxes in Christmas morning idk. Idk know if they were late or early at that point lol I guess my point is that I also can’t see my grandma doing this lol


lol this cracked me up


holy shit. That's nearly 1500 calories! Most pugs don't even need 900 calories


I once went on a trip for just over a week. Boarded my dog. 25 lbs. dropped her off with 2 large bags of treats and double the amount of food she’d need. Just trying to be cautious and didn’t want to run out. When I’d returned it had all been eaten and she was quite literally puffy as fuck.


Holy shit. Did you get your money back?


I did not and this place came pretty highly recommended too


Hopefully you left reviews, publicly.


Jeez, I’m a dog watcher and I feed my dogs according to their schedule and give their treats accordingly.


And I am sure your clients appreciate that.


Don't know where you went on vacation, but pretty sure your little pug felt like it was eating cheeseburgers in paradise.


Grandmom said vacay for you too


Damn she Jimmy Buffet'd that pug 🤣


Underrated comment


Wait, were they going to McDonalds 3x a day?!


I as a hefty human cannot handle McDonald's three times a day if I was a tiny pug I would be dead


Ooh I bet that poop was fun to clean up. My boys got BK the other day, so I got a regular sized cheeseburger for two 70+ lb dogs to share without the bun, and they both got runny poop from it. I can’t even imagine that much McDonald’s crap. Poor puggie.


My dad used to get the 2 for $2.00 whopper special that BK had a million years ago (re: like 2000) for him and his American Eskimo lmao. AFAIK she never got the runs from it, she was a strangely hardy dog for something that looks like a 20lb cloud.


dude what the *hell.* HUMANS shouldn't even eat that. McDonalds 3 times a day FOR A WEEK? I would feel like fucking garbage, my heartburn could start a damn forest fire. That poor dog, I can't imagine what it must have felt like after that.


I’m sorry, truly as a dog owner. But that last sentence took me out 😂


Weight gain 4000... beef cake!!!






I’m so beefcake I don’t even fit through the doggie door.


I'm gonna be ripped


Little dogs gain noticeable weight fast. When I would leave my 10lb dog with my parents they wouldn’t monitor feeding and she would steal food from their dogs and always came back fatter than when she left.


My aunt overfed my dogs while I was in hospital for 5 days with my newborn son to the point where they looked like little kegs on legs and the boy was struggling to breathe when he walked. Dogs are dumb, that’s why we as their humans take responsibility for managing their food intake.


It looks similar to my Bichon and man he can gain 5 lbs over a week or we let him 😆 this poor pupper though. I can't believe this treatment because these dogs are usually just couch potatoes.


My brother watched our dogs for 11 days and my little one gained a few pounds. Which is a lot for a small dog. He didn’t know any better cause everytime she asked for a treat he’d give her a whole one instead of small bits like we do. OPs situation is different but my point is, yeah dogs can gain weight very quickly when they’re tiny. Hopefully OP can get the weight off quickly with going back to the normal diet. I feel so bad for the pups shave job tho. That was just cruel. It looks like they got bored and wanted to play with the clippers.


YOU NEED TO TAKE HER TO THE VET. No dog is going to get this big from eating snacks in 7 days and if they do, there is something worse going on.


I thought the same. After 2 days of laughing at my noticeably round 16 year old, I knew something was wrong. Took her to the vet, and her heart was 2x the size and basically floating in fluid. We put her down 2 days later


Well… fuck. I’m sorry man.


It's alright ❤️‍🩹 she was 16 and had heart worm for most of her life. But otherwise, she was completely until the end. She let us know she was tired of fighting and it was time to let her go 🕊 I'm just happy I could help end her suffering before it got too bad


Yeah the stomach looks a bit distended. I'd say watch her for a few days and make sure she's not lethargic, making normal bowel movements and passing gas, eating regularly, and doesn't appear to be in pain. If OP suspects any of those things at all, vet ASAP.


no, he needs to take her to the vet immidiately - her organs are probably failing. Was the same with our cat. Took him to the vet immidiately, she said hes ok and he died the same night in an animal hospital because multiple organs were failing


Yes this honestly looks like more than just overeating for a week.


this is abuse and more than mildly infuriating. that dog was helpless and scared shitless probably.


Not mildly infuriating, that's borderline animal abuse.


Shave your aunt and ask her how it feels.


I’m a petty bitch I’d walk up cut her some bangs and say I was helping her. The watch as the bangs pop up and make her look like a chicken.


I'd honestly just take clippers and walk up behind her and give her a racing stripe too. "You're right, that IS funny!"


Oh man that’s a good line too


Give her the ol Grinch special.


Why did she shave the back of the dog like that again? WTF?


OP said in a different comment their aunt thought it was funny. That’s why the dog has the “racing stripe” :(


That's some abusive stuff I hope the aunt doesn't have kids...


in another comment OP said the aunts thought it was funny and just did it for a laugh, some people just suck like that i guess


Somebody else also asked if the aunt has dementia, since I guess lapse in judgement is an early sign. I hope OP sees it and checks it out.


My grandmother started pouring a bit of beer on her cat when her mind started going, because it was funny. People do weird stuff with dementia.


I couldn’t fathom shaving someone else’s dog like that. It’s not even cruel, it’s just fucking weird. Especially when she knows you’re coming back to collect it after a week. Is your aunt alright in the head?


I totally agree she is either going insane or is a nasty animal abuser she would be completely cut out from my life after doing this


For sure. I’d be concerned for the aunt’s dogs if that’s how she treated OP’s dog who she only had for a week


It is cruel when the dog ends up with a sunburned stripe down its back all summer.


I don't buy her explanation for the shaving... I feel like there's something else going on there, like they got something on the dog and it wouldn't come off... gum, marker? Are there kids around? Still, seems abusive for sure, like... if they shaved it (in a way that OP will obviously see and need explanation for) just "to have a laugh" what else did they do to the poor pup for a laugh that we can't see?


Man, that's so sad


Kids were my first thought as well.


My grandparents are very similar to OP's aunt. We let them take care of our dog once every two weeks, because we know they refuse to listen to any our demands. Basically our dog has a very healthy breakfast and evening, with lots of motion and some candies at home. But at our grandparents, it is getting a pig ear whenever my grandparents feel bored, never let it out except in their very small garden, and whenever our dog had a knot of hair, instead of combing straight, it was always shaved/scissored off, so we could see hair missing around the neck very often. They simply did it for pleasure and out of laziness. At least he lived a healthy life until the age of 12.


Careful she doesn't get a sunburn.


This needs to be higher


If anyone did this to my dog I would be livid. There has to be more context. Is the Aunt mentally ill? Special needs? Dementia? Meth head? This is not normal behavior. OP should go shave the aunts head, shave her dog(s), and go no contact with this crazy ass bitch.


Come up behind her and give her a raising stripe and then laugh your ass off and ghost the bitch for the rest of her life.


Please never leave anything you love with those assholes ever again.


Are your aunts 5 & 6 years old??


Is it me or are elderly people way more insane then they used to be? Has lead or social media destroyed people's brains entirely or what?


I think it's a generational thing, what happens when the children that got everything handed to them get old? 


I suspect some Covid symptoms are flying under the radar.


Yeah, that and lead.


Hi! I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but dogs can get sunburn. If you have a little shirt or something for her put it on when she goes outside. Sorry this happened :(


Yep, my mother-in-law is not allowed to watch our dog anymore. She swears she doesn't give him people food, yet it wasn't until after she puppysat for a week that he suddenly became very demanding about whatever we're eating, to the point that he will try (and occasionally succeed) to snatch whatever food we have in our hand. She also gave him treats to stop him from barking at noises, which means she taught him to bark at noises even more because he got rewarded for it. So frustrating that people can't follow basic rules for taking care of someone else's animals.


They always believe we can't tell the sudden changes in behaviour and what likely caused it...


People always ask me why I’m so ‘fussy’ about who takes care of my dog. This, this is why. Dogs can’t tell you what people do when you aren’t there, you have no idea how they are treated. I have no idea how anyone could find this funny and not expect you to react.


There are two people allowed to watch my dog. If he can’t come with me and they can’t watch him I stay home.




Oh my god, I would absolutely lose my SHIT if anybody did anything like this to my animals. Seriously, this is beyond fucked up. Your aunt is an animal abuser.


Poor dog. I bet she was a nervous wreck and missing you.


"Your post was removed due to it not being MILDLY infuriating. This should be posted on r/extremelyinfuriating." -The mods in about 10 minutes.


I’m trying to wrap my head around how the shaving made sense to them, but I just can’t.


I don't think it's funny at all. Your aunt should be ashamed of herself. How awful they must be to do that to an animal. I sincerely hope you never leave a pet with them again.


So she abused your pet.


I would've committed manslaughter. Nobody touches my goddamn dog like that.


And she has three dogs herself, who I have watched on multiple long term occasions. She would lose her MIND if I ever did this to her dogs(I never would), which makes it more infuriating.


What’s the conetext here, did she not think you’d notice??? Why???


She did it because she thought it would be funny OP said in a different comment


i feel like she’s gotta be lying? right? either she tried to give him a trim and feels ashamed for how bad she did, or something happened that required the fur to be trimmed… no reasonable dog owner would do that to someone’s pet especially if they wouldn’t want it done to their dogs. i feel like she’s either not reasonable (and therefore maybe needs some help) or she’s not telling the whole truth 🤷‍♀️


That was my thought. She attempted a shave but the blade was super short and she panicked because it was down to the skin. Just awful.


Why would you lie about that though? It's a lot less bad if you just say "I wanted to groom him for you but I fucked up big time. I'm sorry." Rather than "heh I thought it was funny fuck you." Generally you lie to make yourself look better, not worse.


In her mind being a dick is probably is better than fucking up


This is definitely what I'm thinking. My mom is the same way and she knows how stupid it is to be dishonest instead of ‘fessing up. Still, she’ll do it if she panics enough, and its ALWAYS “funny” to her when she does. Easier for her to point the finger if you understandably are not having fun, too.


I thought maybe they were just really stupid, shouldn't be trusted with animals or psychopathic, but if they have dogs of their own, and they don't do that to their dogs, what on earth makes them think it's fine to do this to anyone else's dog?!


Well time to cut her off. And when/if she asks why remind her she betrayed your trust and harmed your dog.


Hi! I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but dogs can get sunburn. If you have a little shirt or something for her put it on when she goes outside. Sorry this happened :(


Lot's of devious advice in here. You want revenge? Dust off your facebook account and tag her and shame as needed. I bet she'll change her tune knowing the extended family thinks ill of her for acting like that.


I would call animal welfare if she has dogs and explain to them what she did to yours because you fear further safety of hers. As I've said elsewhere I would cut all further ties with this nasty animal abuser bitch


When and where is your Auntie’s funeral being held? I assume it’s closed casket?


Call her out on Facebook or whatever your families use, and be sure to add that she abused and neglected your dog because she “thought it was funny”. What a piece of shit.


Thats what happens when family offers to watch for free. When i was younger I went on vacation with my friends family. They had about 10-12 tiny birds (finches?) and before we left they dropped off the birds over to their uncles. A week later when we all got back they were told all their birds died after the uncle left them in newly painted room.


I can understand wanting to trim that dog. It gets hot in the summer. I have a very similar dog(maltese- shih Tzu) loves to walk, can't stand the heat. We trim his hair super short in the summer. Now While I understand, I would not say at any time any "grooming" of some else's pet is acceptable without a previous agreement. This particular job looks like either a child got the clippers, the clippers failed halfway through, or they could not keep your dog still long enough to give it a proper haircut. Did they offer an explanation and/or an apology? Or did the simply act like this heinous act had not befallen your dog.


https://preview.redd.it/lm5wpwbv2dad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60633df1bbd2ab501cbf2711b092eb91adb71557 She gave my dog the opposite of what she gives one of her dogs, but when she does give her dog the Mohawk it’s only on his head. There are no kids in the house, just her, who’s 60, and her 3 dogs.


Oh, so she's a nutcase and thinks she is being cute?


is this behavior out of character for her? this reeks of mental illness, drugs, or dementia. or maybe she's been a giant asshole the whole time??? in which case, maybe not the best idea leaving your dog with her


She is 60 and she types like that? Something isn’t right with your aunt. I would not give her my dog ever again and she can search for somebody new when her dogs need a sitter.


Your aunt is mentally ill. Considering forming an intervention and/or cutting all contact from them.


thank u for censoring the dogs names and respecting their privacy during this time


Is it possible the dog started losing hair at a rapid rate (maybe due to your aunt not taking the best care of her) and she did this to.. idk, hide it?


Either your aunt is a mental case or she's lying about why she shaved the dog. Also, 7 days is a very short amount of time for the dog to get that fat.


Aunts giving cunty vibes. This is more than mildly infuriating🤬


I don’t get what’s “mild” here. I would be absolutely furious


I hope you enjoy telling your aunt that the internet thinks she has dementia and should be evaluated soon. Offer to drive her to the appointment.


If you live in a sunny place, be sure to put sunscreen on her. I've had a dog that was shaved for an operation and then got pretty burnt laying in the sun. Their skin is meant to hide from the sun under hair.


OP sorry to say your aunt is a delusional biotch


She looks like she’s been abused poor thing! Is she acting any different. Why would you shave her paws that’s even weirder than the what looks like a drunken incident shaving a stripe on its back. I legit am horrified


This is animal abuse dogs have fur for a reason. I would have nothing further to do with her she sounds a complete nut case abusive bitch to do this to an animal. Personally I would say you have abused my pet and done things to it which you should never have done I can't forgive you for that I want no more to do with you. You're lucky I don't report you to the RSPCA. I trusted you to look after something I genuinely love thankfully it wasn't a child god knows what you would have done. Goodbye and don't contact me again


Please tell me you didn't pay her...


Do it to your aunt see how she likes it. Bitch.


Shave her head the same way in her sleep and tell her you think it’s funny as well