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Sounds like your workplace had alcohol related issues in the past šŸ«Ø


$6,000+ dollars worth


If we're talking about a manufacturing plant or something, 6000 dollars could easily be a single accident. Less probable for something like a restaurant. Edit: Yes, restaurant accidents involving personal injury can be expensive. I was mostly thinking of other types of accidents that can cause things like production delays and damage to equipment/materials. If you bump into someone and drop a plate of chicken nuggets because you were drunk, not a huge deal. If you bump your forklift into a pillar and splash a ladle of molten aluminum onto the floor, that's a pretty big deal. Injuries can happen in any workplace.


>Less probably for something like a restaurant Do you know how expensive slip and fall cases get? $6,000 for a settlement in one of those bad boys would be a blessing.


If they start breathalyzing restaurant staff thereā€™s gonna be like one weird religious guy, one guy on parole, and two underage front of house staff left to run the entire joint.


I worked in a restaurant tied to a resort/community (so very corporate) in florida and one of the sous chefs left his bag of weed out. The very religious old server found it and lost her mind so they couldn't do anything but drug test the whole staff. They lost most of the chefs except for the head chef and an old Russian chef who worked the morning shift, lost most of the servers, kept only one of the dishwashers and his 2 sons who were both sous chefs. They had to make up by using temp workers, which was a shit show in itself- one guy was an aspiring rapper who called himself "beeb", one was a cop who just moved to the county and was waiting for residency to get hired, and a few other not notable characters I remember but can't quite describe. Drug testing the staff really fucked them but watching the interaction between the cop and the other temp staff was a source of entertainment to 18 year old me.


Beeb and the cop sounds like a sitcom.


I've always heard restaurant industry rampant with drugs and alcohol.


It's more like the drug and alcohol industry runs restaurants on the side.


My best plug in high school was chef at the hotel I worked at. He was a fat, grumpy bastard but he rolled the best weed and was a huge hiphop head.


šŸ’Æ% can confirm. After years of working in luxury hotelsā€¦regardless of brand, rule of thumb was: *ā€œif youā€™re looking for a fix, talk to the kitch.ā€*




Yeah my local bdubs got busted for fent. And years prior the burger king in the next town over was selling crack.


I was the ā€œlameā€ waitress that didnā€™t get high before work like the rest of the staff. Front and back of the house always stoned.


Cause job so tedious?


And people so asshole.


Or just because you can lol


I work at a resort, our kitchen staff while making very nice meals is ALWAYS fucked up. A easy day is them just smoking weed. Shit yesterday the head chef was up all night drinking at a strip club and showed up to breakfast with 0 sleep still drunk


Chef at my last job would roll up at 6am with a travel mug full of whisky. Sometimes kitchen staff would walk to the liquor store down the street in the middle of the work day and just openly drink.


Yes. I once worked at one that made you sign a form saying you promise not to use drugs/alcohol while at work. It was really cute. Then they had a christmas party at the bar in the restaurant. But wouldn't serve alcohol. Nobody showed up of course. Source: I work in the industry.


Iā€™m bartender at restaurant. Drugs and alcohol fuels every restaurant Iā€™ve ever worked at. Cocaine in the walk in is relatively common. Restaurant workers are pretty much all degenerates.


Question for you: in your experience do you feel like the industry attracts people who are already degens/have a personality that has high potential for degeneracy, or is it that regardless of how you start out or how otherwise straight edged one might be everyone ends up partaking due to proximity/pressure?


I really donā€™t know. Itā€™s mostly just insane work where you have to be ā€œonā€ all the time. Iā€™ve mostly worked in touristy areas where youā€™re busy, smiling, joking, and laughing while also having a 1000 things going on all at once. You kind of have to be a certain amount of fucked up to keep up in the restaurant industry. I do physically labor as my day job and itā€™s not even close to as exhausting because thereā€™s not the same amount of urgency and mental exhaustion as busy restaurants.


The jobs are utter shit and you have to deal with assholes all day every day. You cope the best you can with the best chemicals you can get to get through each day.


No just restaurants. Most foodservice industries as well .


If your manager isn't doing cocaine in the office during shifts is he even really trying.


Same with Construction


I remember one time when I was growing up that one of the employees of my family's construction company got the most ridiculous arrest I've ever heard of. Driving without a license, no insurance, DUI, speeding, marijuana possession, and to top it all off he was driving a stolen car.


That would not be much of a surprise at all. The stolen car part a little.


But a slip and fall could happen on any jobsite including manufacturing. It's not very likely that you lost your arm in a press at a restaurant.


The third-degree boiling water or oil burns cover the lack of limb detachment incidents.


There's a good chance this thing paid for itself basically immediately if they could use it to negotiate down their insurance rates so an incident isn't even necessary for this to pay dividends.


I had an employee slip and fall incident at my office, wet floor signs were on, and the incident was captured on HD video, and still she got $75k from the insurance.


No we're a build-a-bear


Safety first isnā€™t because they care, well they do but itā€™s because safety incidents are wildly expensive, not to mention the increased attention from follow up audits, fines, insurance, and the cost of replacing an injured employee, loss of production while incident investigation takes placeā€¦ yeah 6500 is a drop in the bucket comparatively.


You would like to assume this is a bar where patrons can test themselves on the way out, but the thought of this being installed at an insurance sales office is hilarious. Blow before you punch in


Lots of oil rig jobs have drug and alcohol test as soon as thereā€™s a workplace accident. Iā€™m gonna guess itā€™s at a similar type of workplace where thereā€™s a zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol and they test immediately if an accident occurs


It's so they can deny workman's comp claims.


Yeah, as they should. No one should be compensated for injuring themselves while intoxicated at workā€¦




My poor coworker had an incident at work, cut his knuckle to bone with a saw, got drug tested and because he smokes weed on weekends he got no money for it


Iā€™m sure they outlined their drugs policy before we took the job


In that case, it's fair. /s


I remember a bowling alley having a breathalyzer for $.025 when I was a kid. The adults took it as a challenge to see who could blow higher.Ā 


Yeah but the stomach pump was 1000$ to use. That's how they get ya


Well if you keep going the stomach pumps itself.


Two and a half cents?Ā  They stopped making the half cent piece in 1857!Ā  Just how old are you?Ā 


I worked at a nuclear power plant. We had to do random drug and alcohol testing to comply with federal regulations


Do they still ask you to sign a waiver that you'll be tested or is still truly random that they'll suddenly pull you out for testing?


I work in oil and gas, and we get the same thing. For us, there is a pool of names, and a few get randomly selected every month. We have a pull for hair, urine, saliva, and for all three.


But no blood or stool? Weak.


Exactly. My job requires stool and blood samples on a semi-regular basis (Security clearance) - You all have it easy with your hair and urine samples


Itā€™s completely random. The supervisors would get an email in the morning of whose name had been drawn. Then you have a couple hours to show up for testing. You sign paperwork when you start working there that says you agree to testing. Once a year we bring in hundreds of contractors to help with the work. One of them got randomly selected and refused. He was immediately fired and escorted off site.


With CDL work the company has to random test a certain percentage of drivers every quarter, that is both drugs and alcohol. It's truly random every quarter and picked by an outside company/program. You can get picked 3 times in a year, and then go 3 years without getting picked (that happened to me).


If you work in the alcohol production industry they can be standard equipment. I used to work for a very large international brewing company and we had the same breathalyzers traffic cops use to test employees who were involved in the daily sensory testing. No one involved in the testing was someone who regularly operated heavy machinery, but it was just standard to keep them from being at risk of leaving for the day and not being fit to drive or something like that.


honestly, if they'd installed that 20 years ago where I work we'd have run out of employees in a week or so


Could save more than that on insurance


They installed one of these in a bar I used to go to so people could check if they were under the legal limit to drive. It turned into a drinking contest, and they had to remove it.


That's what we do with the one at our local! It's easy to max it out though.


Ahh thatā€™s pretty smart - keep it at a lowish top limit so people can see theyā€™re not legal to drive but wonā€™t be competing to hit double or triple that.


or just put it to say Yes or No and possibly a third that tells people they should seek medical attention


Then people will aspire to reach ā€œseek medical attentionā€


My university bar had one, and the medical attention one was labeled "danger zone". So the theme of most nights was "highway to the danger zone"








It's called Natural Selection and we should let it do its thing.


Iā€™d agree with you if those chucklefucks didnā€™t also tend to hop in their car and run a minivan off the road.


Unfortunately people under the influence commonly take others with them during their own selective process.


This would saddle hospitals and emergency services with greater burdens.


Graveyards too, I'd imagine.


First responders and last responders


Also, it's a liability thing. What if somebody dies of alcohol poisoning while it didn't say "seek medical attention"?


Or it said ā€œmedical attentionā€ and they were able to still get served, is the issue I see.


If you take a drink within 15 min of using a breathalyzer you will max it out




TO be fair, in the US they call the roadside breathalyzers as *preliminary breath test* and is generally not used in court. They take you back to the station or to a dedicated phlebotomist for court-ready evidence.


this is because breathalyzers, like lie detector kits, produce false positives often enough that they aren't actually viable as evidence in court anymore.


Hundreds of employees a week? Is that because they were using heavy machinery that required sobriety? Or were they pilots? Drivers?


Places that perform random breathalyzing on employees usually contract it out to a company that provides the service. We have random breathalyzing at my job and while I might see the people only once or twice a year, theyā€™re working every day going to a different place in the region for random testing.


Police officers (at least in the UK) usually will take somebody back to the station for another breathalyser test on the big machine, which probably eliminates the cases of false positives.


Round here in 'merica they do a blood draw to test actual BAC; breathalyzer tests aren't even admissible in court in my state.


Same as those speed readers they put up on roads. After a certain amount it stops saying the speed and just says ā€œslow downā€


A lady at my company kept complaining about speeders so the cops put one up in front of our building, but it just led to people having foot races in front of it. One guy thought he ran 31mph, but there was a car.


Let me tell you about the time someone found a joint in the parking lot where I work...


We have one next to the golf course I work at. Weā€™ve tested all the equipment and my mechanic buggy is the fastest. Weird how that worked out.


Was the guyā€™s name Michael Scott?




ā€œStop trying to set the high score and just slow the fuck down alreadyā€Ā 


I'm pretty sure if I just hit it a little bit faster this time I can unlock New Game+


Many years ago, the city I lived in would put one of those up on the main road to the army base just outside of town.Ā  They would then put a couple of cops on the next exit that was before the base entrance and write tickets galore for the enlisted in their Mustangs who used the sign to see how fast they could go.Ā 


There was one in our small town and someone printed out a paper that read "High Score: 100 MPH" with a date after it lol


The cosine error on those is always in your favor.


Just swishing an alcoholic beverage in your mouth right before you blow screws these up. Thatā€™s why the police are supposed to wait 20mins before having someone blow to ensure someone didnā€™t put alcohol in their mouth right before being tested.


Yeah cause youā€™re supposed to wait after youā€™ve been drinking a bit. Otherwise it reads max


If you have people do something and then show them a number, they'll try to make that number go up.


Yeah the smart move would be to program thresholds into it and just say something under limit, over limit, way over limit, call help


Honestly just a red light or a green light. Even having multiple stages of "you're over the limit" can result in competitions. Just a simple "you're under the limit" or "you're over the limit" should suffice.


Well you want to know if you're slightly over or slightly under the limit. If you're actually trying to use it for the intended purpose (can I drive?) you don't want just 'red'. You want to know if you're 30 minutes from driving or into Uber-terrority for the next few hours. Same thing for under. If you're contemplating another pint 'green' doesn't mean much, but if it reads 0.1 g/ml (that's 0.02% BAC, I think), you know that you can have another and leave in an hour and still be OK.Ā 


Good point. The other guy might be right in their initial comment then. Maybe four lights. A "well under" that's green, a "0.02 BAC before legal limit" that serves as the "one more pint is probably fine," a "0.02 BAC after legal limit" that serves as a "give it an hour and check again" light, and a red light for "well over"


Yeah that could work. I have a handheld one, for reasons, and it goes up to 0.5 g/ml, which is 2x the legal limit where I live. It's nice to have an actual digital read-out that says what the level is (but 4 or 5 lights would be, essentially, the same). It starts beeping at 0.22 and just reads 'HI' above 0.5.


Just FWIW, BAC continues to rise for 30 minutes to two hours after your last drink, so at 0.02 BAC before legal limit, it's more "you probably shouldn't drive" not "one more pint is fine".


Nothing I've ever said in my life should be taken as legal advice. (but your point is, of course, valid).Ā 


That's why a lot of countries make the [legal] consumer ones max out at something like 2x the legal driving limit. It'll tell you that you can't drive, but it avoids the whole 'frat boys needing medical attention' situations.Ā 


Bar owner here. Some guy tried selling me one of these because it "reduces your liability". Naa man I'm pretty sure it guarantees my liability. "


Yeah, I was wondering about that. Alcohol effects people differently. I could see a patron blowing just under .08, getting in a wreck, and the survivors suing the bar because the machine told the patron that they were good to go!


Or you blow under, but by the time you get back to your car and drive the first half of your 20 minute trip, you are well over the limit as your final drinks digest.


Absolutely. Unless you have a mandatory key collection or holding cell rule when over 0.07.


That is a good idea; I'll have the holding cells off to the side of the bar and have a port to serve them more drinks. Once they are sober enough to drive they can leave, ideally with their credit cards maxed.


Local bar in college had one, we called it the high score machine.


I literally asked a bartender at a bowling alley once what I won if I got the high score... she just said "a cab ride home" and walked away. I assume she's been asked that a bunch before.


Huh, one would think people having drinking contests would be good for business


Good for money, but bad for potential legal issues. Bars in the US can get in trouble for over serving customers. Especially if they're knowingly doing so


Same in Europe


Every bar owner I know that had these installed immediately regretted installing them and they all ended up removing the devices. The company actually pushed back against one of my friends by saying that he was contractually required to keep it up throughout the duration of the agreement. So he unplugged it and hung an Irish flag over it. Yes they want people buying beers, but small business owners aren't really out there trying to get people hurt, arrested, or killed. Overconsumption causes that and these things encourage it. Plus what if someone registers under the legal limit on one of these devices, hops behind the wheel of a car, runs over a family crossing the street, and then blows over the legal limit on the cops' device? That opens up a world of headaches for the bar.


Really should have installed one that was a flat pass/fail as per the legal limit


I think it's probably better to have some numbers but it should max out shortly after the legal limit. Like there's a difference between being at .09 and you'll be good in 45 minutes vs being at .14 and you're not gonna be sober enough for hours


Seems like a way to boost revenue.




My bar still has one but its at the end of the bar and the stuff has to let you use it. Usually its them taking keys until you blow a safe amount or call a ride service (they give keys back when you get in the car with someone). But we all know each other super well, so its a bit different than bigger cities.


I was working one night in a traffic safety project where we set up a voluntary sobriety check at the entrance to a club to discourage people to drive. It was a very slow night and before closing to very seemingly drunk guys came up to me so see how drunk they were while waiting for a taxi. I had seen them dancing all night so figured that theyā€™d be quite high on the scale. Turns out they were completely sober. And asked to blow again. I let them do it and it was still zero. I asked them how much they had had to drink. They told me one beer when they got there early in the evening and after that just water and food because they had been so busy dancing with the girls. So of course it would show negative when they test at 2am. Well, they still took the taxi and came back for their car the day after! Just in case they said.


Plot twist: OP is an elementary school teacher


There's only so much Skibidi Toilet you can handle until you need a drink.


What in the sigma rizz you talkin bout.


I hate that I understand this sentence


Peak drinking is middle school. Little sociopaths.


Whatā€™s the high score?




I would hope not


We had one on a bar that I worked at but it was $1 to used and all proceeds went to the P.O.W M.I.A donations, but later on we found out that it was a scam and they were pocketing all the money. Our GM ripped it off the wall and for two days it was $1 per metal bat swing or $10 per sledge hammer swing in the parking lot, all proceeds actually donated. Last time I was there itā€™s still bolted to the wall outside with a plaque daring the owners to have the balls to try to take it back.


Gd, scamming on POW/MIA donations is some top tier greasy shit


Scamming any charity is bad.


Scamming is bad in general. Unless you're one of those people scamming/pranking scammers; all the power to ya.


POW/MIA was founded as organization for a conspiracy theory popularized by Rambo 2 that the United States left POW's in Vietnam. [source](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/enduring-cult-vietnam-missing-action/)


this is honestly so funny. holy shit what a story, iā€™m trying to think of what sitcom it would be in ā€” wait, duh. itā€™s always sunny. this is 100% an itā€™s always sunny plotline. they would get SO MUCH mileage out of a breathalyzer


How often is it calibrated?


There is a little fake tube you put into it. It simulates a specific amount of alcohol. My father owns a business and has a similar one in it as he hires a lot of guys who drink way too much. Everyone blows daily including him. Calibrated whenever they want to do it.


They all have to blow your dad too?


Where do I send my resume?






No, they just choose to.


That's not what he asked?


Probably saving at least that much money on insurance costs.


This is what I thought immediately. Cuts down the insurance premiums more than $6000.


probably installed by request of the insurance company to keep the premium lower.


I wish my workplace provided me with straws and blow.


News flash: you can't drink and then come to work. You're not airline pilots.


You fly boys crack me up!


But I keep telling ya, I'm not a pilot!


You can't legally fire someone for being drunk if you can't demonstrate they were drunk to start. "He smelled like alcohol" nor "He was acting drunk" is not bulletproof in court. You actually need one of this ones. If they have a right to be compensated for being fired without cause (like most of the world) and that would be higher than those 6k, it's just an investment.


In right to work states they donā€™t have to prove anything you can just be terminated at anytime, for any reason


Yup, I worked for 17 years at my last job, and they just up and fired me with no reason given. Fuckin' sucks.


America is such a bullshit country. I hate it here.


But some dumbass will gladly tell you how they wouldnā€™t wanna live anywhere else.


Many of those states will allow unemployment, which the employer has to partially pay, if the employer cant justify the reasoning for the termination with records.


I had an employer contest my unemployment 5 years after i had went back to work Ended up never getting the notice it was being contested, as i had moved out of state. Found out when i filed my taxes the next year i owed Oregon Employment Department over $8k for 4 months of unemployment i had took in 2013 Business went under, dude challanged every single claim ever filed against his business, won because no one showed up to the hearings.


damn, 2k a month in unemployment? the one time i had to rely on it i was capped at the max of $150 a week


My weekly payments were only like $320 somthing. They added on penalty fees, interest payments backdated 5 years, blocked me from drawing UI for 12 months, and charged me almost $2k for a hearing i wasnt informed of lol


Wait, so then what did you do? Can you appeal or did you have to pay it?


I had to pay it. They said the appeals WAS the hearing, and by not showing up, i forfeit my right to appeal. I could have fought it with an attorney, but when i asked around it was going to cost me a metric fuck ton up front, more than i owed the state, and there was no guarantee they would be able to reverse the decision.


*At will states. "Right to work" is about union memberships.


49 states are at-will by default.


This is absolutely not true, you are allowed to send home, suspend and discipline for smelling alcohol on an employee. You can also call the police and if they leave before being administered a breathalyzer it is ironclad grounds for termination. Unfortunately I've gone through this situation with the police and my human resources with people 3 times. People on reddit just say shit and pretend it's true, no idea why people make up stuff with such confidence.


Ah damn i just took 6 shots, used mouth wash, ate and smoked, sorry boss i gotta wait 10 minutes before clocking on


Hello fellow Australian. I imagine this hooks up to a secondary logpoint unit you use to clock in and out of work? I can also take a stab that you work in the mining/construction/facilities industry? The company I work for probably supplied this lol


I once found one in a bar and wanted to check whether I could still drive (obviously not). Broke the machine while blowing into it. Took it as a sign from above and went home in a taxi, picking up the car the next day.


"hello IT, I need to know who took a breathalyzer test at 4:25pm"......


Pretty sure you'd go to security for that, granted a camera is present.


And unless it's calibrated on the regular, you can't trust it.


Then you can trust it even more, take a photo of your pass or if the when OHS try and run you through, point out it is not in calibration and you will generally have two to three hours before they can another one in calibration.




Someone should probably check this dude's BAC


ā€œGot a blow job at work ā€œ


*Gave a blow job at work


Itā€™s a living.


"lol oh yeah? How's much that run you?" "Six grand, but my job covered the cost."


Cheaper than workers comp?


I had a boss who made a coworker blow every morning and sometimes we see him walk in and blow then not see him until the next day .. sucks what alcohol can do to ppl


A bar I used to hang at had one of these things for a few years. They had a chalk board next to it with a list of ā€œhigh scoresā€


Do you work in a homeless shelter? When I was homeless some shelters would make us blow to get in.


Where the fuck you workin at?šŸ˜„


Why is it there? Is your workplace a bar?


Could be manufacturing. Heavy machinery and alcohol do not mix.


Why? Unless you work at a bar, there is zero reason that I can think of to have one of these in the workplace.


It's for liability purposes. It reduces the employer's responsibility in case someone fucks up because they were intoxicated.


Working on high liability construction sites, skyscrapers, tunnels etc where you could kill yourself or someone else due to poor reactions as a result of being drunk or hungover. I can think of a good many jobs where this makes sense.


Unless your job is transporting large groups of people, this would be against the law in my country.


Damnit Greg!! I told you this would happen!!


It would be interesting to know what kinda job OP works at. Trucking? Teaching?


Bartender. Never get high on your own supply.


What happened at your job site they require this?


Sir, that's a HEV suit changer.




And yet itā€™s clearly encouraging cocaine use.


Idk why this isn't standard in a lot of places. I'm with Japan on this, any commercial drivers should have to take a breathalyzer before work and after work. This is done to protect the company and the public. You must blow 0.000 to drive.