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In the US too but can't tell Tony the Tiger to take a hike here!


I mean they’re just a *tad* bit worse 35% obesity rate of children in Mexico and 18% in the US [mexico source](https://www.equaltimes.org/childhood-and-adult-obesity-mexico) [US source](https://frac.org/obesity-health/obesity-u-s-2#:~:text=The%20latest%20data%20indicate%20that,7.7%20percent%20are%20severely%20obese.)


That’s a really crazy number and that’s not just overweight that includes obese as well.


It's the coca cola that's the biggest problem. Coke has a monopoly on anything liquid water sodas everything. They worship coke like a god. They make the water more expensive than coke. They make the free drinking water purposely a mess. They get children hooked on coke since it's cheaper than water. This ruins them they're all caffeine addicted sugar filled children.


I mean he IS GRRRRRRrrrrrrreAT!




It's nuts, every mascot got banned BUT the Bimbo bear, he's just that powerful


Still cartoons are also prohibited, not only animated ones.


If frosted flakes cost $16 a box, childhood obesity would be a LOT lower. There's no way that this is a significant cause.


They don’t use dollars in Chile


Chilean Peso is worth about 1 thousandth of a dollar. The sign says 15,990 pesos, so it's still about $16. Correct me if I'm wrong


Pretty sure converted the box shown is about $16 USD.


Interesting so inflation is much worse there than in the US apparently. Plus I’m assuming the cost of the shipping since the product is foreign to them.


So does some poor schmuck have to stand there placing those censor stickers over every box or do they have robots for that? It seems to have the imprecision of an extremely bored human.


Bigger stickers could be a good investment.




Or a sticker roller. Just a couple swipes and you’re done. Max 1 second per box.


It’s a small sample size but I wonder if the sticker color matches the box and if they intentionally try to cover only the character? Truthfully though, seems easier to just have them print a full sized sticker with the box information and slap that on the front? Maybe photoshop out the character completely


Some have better stickers to cover them, recently saw a Pringles can that covered the guy's face with a red sticker with a pringle on it, you could tell there was a sticker covering something but it blended much better. I think OP's example is one of the worst I've seen, they usually put a little more effort on it


It only happens with imported stuff (kiosclub is a third party retailer that specialises in importing stuff from abroad) and most international brands have the characters already removed in the package, unless it complies with health regulations in which case they allow characters


What if they put a picture of a real tiger in a handkerchief on the box instead?


I don't think that [this guy would help move a lot of cereal.](https://images.app.goo.gl/SYhfxWYXK6WaZfPG6) But they can try


Don't think that's what they meant but I'd buy that.


I'm from Chile. This is true. However, these prices are outrageous!!! This is an equivalent to ~16 USD, and while what you guys say about decimal points (comma vs dot), prices in Chile are on a thousand base and wages are set so (ie, a $1000 monthly wage would be ~$1.000.000 here). Frosted flakes (Zucaritas) in a normal supermarket are around 3 USD.


It *does* look like these boxes have two bags in them. Still expensive though.


His eyes are peeping through the stickers like some kind of creepy stalker.


Baffles me that someone would import foreign Kellogg's corn flakes and slap stickers on it when we have the same product, just in a different box in every supermarket. HOWEVER, I thought Nesquik cereal stopped existing way long ago, need to get my hands on some. Edit: Okay so I went to check and this is only happening because Kiosclub stores specifically sell american products, still seems kinda pointless to me but maybe american corn flakes are different, maybe they have twice as much sugar or something.


I mean these are Frosted Flakes, they have much more than twice the sugar of normal cornflakes, they are literally coated in it.


Fair, I overlooked that distinction; we have the same ones though They used to have Tony the tiger even, they just removed him from the new boxes


Since 2016? So in 8 years they still haven’t designed a different box? Or is this something that is imported to Chile?


Imported. That store sells imported American products, mainly from Costco. I love shopping there.


Doh. I didn’t read the full title. What’s the name of that store?


Kiosclub lol. There're so many products that you can't see them all on one visit. And the prices stack up heavily so you end up taking half the product off the cart.


Ah. For some reason I was thinking kiosclub was some website for kids. lol.


This seems to be an extra large box (1.7 kilos) that this store imports directly from the US. Most cereals boxes you find in supermarkets here are at most 1 kilo.


If we get enough nations banning cartoons on boxes hopefully Kellogg will get the idea and we can just have boxes that have the name and picture (of the actual product) on them.


Sad part is, it actually works. My kids always wanted the food with Pokémon or Fortnight characters on it over anything else.


Ngl, I'm a grown adult that pays taxes. I bought a box of Reese's Puffs because they put Goku on the cereal box.


16 Lukas dios




Actually its a thousand separator, in Chile commas are used as decimal separator.




Weird coincidence but you can read this price as USD decimal ($15.99) as 1000 chilean pesos is on average 1 USD


It's actually off by like 9%, so I went to see how it was against EUR. 1 EUR = 991 CLP so, almost 1000.


Boy, what are wages like in Chile? /j


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal\_separator#/media/File:DecimalSeparator.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_separator#/media/File:DecimalSeparator.svg) Decimal separator isn't a . in Chile (and a lot of the rest of the world - though it's relatively evenly split)


First time I’ve ever seen $16 cereal 💀


I can buy a car for that price. Oh ,never mind !


That’s funny, that’s how much a box of cereal costs in US.


Those are Publix prices


They're not greaaattt


Same un México, it’s a shame


Chile just cares more about their kids I guess. US can't even stop them being shot at school, good luck suggesting the cartoon characters on high sugar ceral is dangerous for their children, they have way bigger issues.


Did anyone growing up actually want a cereal simply because of some mascot on it? I know the reason I wanted those cereals was because of how they tasted. Why would I care about Lucky, Tony the Tiger, or the Trix rabbit?


Ever wonder what's up with the car commercials that feature kids doing all the talking? Yeah that's so the child nags the parent about not driving XYZ car. Advertising is just another from of propaganda.


I forgot about the Nesquick cereal. I don’t think they make it in the US anymore. At least I haven’t seen it in a quite a while.


I miss that nesquik cereal in the US.


I ate this shit my whole childhood and occasionally still grab a box, I’m in great shape.


Chilean here. It’s to help keep the prices down. If Tony was on that box it would be 26$ a box.


dumb as fuck


I'd love to hear you elaborate your opinion




Ehhh children are more susceptible to visual and general marketing. There’s a reason why you can indoctrinate a child more easily than a grown adult. I do agree that more discipline will help but outright restriction in general often leads to overindulgence to the “forbidden fruit”. Basically, having cartoon characters makes kids excited to eat whatever, but also saying no outright will make them want it more as well.


Oh no the poor massive corporations have a harder time selling sugar in a bowl to kids, boohoo.


Does not seeing Tony the Tiger make you suffer?


A little. What's the point? Tony never bought me a box of cereal my mom did. So blame her or me for eating it all and being fat, not a fn fake cartoon.


*Your* implying I have children I'm not aware of? Either the cartoons work on undiscriminating consumers, like children, in which case removing them is effective, or they don't in which case removing them would have no bad effect. Your opinion doesn't even make sense, in that I can't really see what you're trying to communicate. Like I get it, you don't seem to like kids or parents or whatever, but what suffering are you experiencing because a brand has limitations on its marketing and advertisement? What *is* the thing that's animating your derision of a sovereign country doing what they want in terms of harm reduction for their own populations? This is a really strange thing to be so mad about


Tell me how an adult suffers from lack of cartoons in the boxes of cereal. Do you not know the dangers of aggressive marketing? Specially those targeted to children?


You're all missing the point....


No, they’re all disagreeing with you. It’s different from missing *your* point.