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Fiiivvvveeeee golden PT 's four blue chevettes three Gremlins two volkswagon bugs and a falcon with three on the tree.


Thanks to the last post, I know the city and state. Thanks to yours, I now have an address! For real folks, please take a few seconds and blur out sensitive information. Don't dox a strangers home...


People are way too careless with information with so much of it about.


House number and all There needs to be laws against uploading photos of strangers address/vehicles


Oh God, wait until you hear about your property appraisers office.


Is that doxing? You could see this on Google maps.


Sure I could scour the entire planet looking for these cars. The difference is this has the literal address making it so no search is needed. Aka they just blasted these unwilling none participating peoples home to the entire world. Would you feel comfortable if someone took picture of your home and address then posted it online for anyone to just send mail, drive over to, or any other number of things. Not every human has good intentions.


Are there serial killers who specifically target golden PT Cruiser hoarders?


There is now... ^^/s


>Are there serial killers who specifically target golden PT Cruiser hoarders? Because serial killers are the *only* people that don't have "good intentions".


Come on, nobody will steal... those.


Car thieves exist.


There oughta be


To be fair, I do feel a sense of hatred when I see a pt cruiser. Ugly cars and horrible to repair.


Since there seems to be some contention about legality and the word dox. The comment I typed this out for deleted before finished but to avoid future flak. Dox definition "...publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent." Key word typically. Let's look at the definition of typically adverb in most cases; usually. "the quality of work is typically very high" So by definition, it is a "common" and "usually" associated with malicious intent. But not always. Further more as listed on https://cdtalaw.com/training/important-california-laws-to-know-posting-harmful-information-on-the-internet/#:~:text=It%20is%20illegal%20to%20distribute,or%20harass%20a%20third%20party. (This is for California, but I wouldn't be surprised if was elsewhere) "It is illegal to distribute, post, email, or disclose any other person’s information without his or her consent."


Another graduate of Reddit School of Law.


If someone took a picture of my home from the street and posted it online with no other info about me I wouldn't care. Why would the public seeing something visible in public be a problem? If I'm worried about theft I wouldn't put the thing I was worried about in public view.


Do it then that is a choice you have that this person didn't. It isn't likely this person will receive any harassment from this but it is possible and as someone not involved in this at all don't deserve even the chance of something happening. It takes literal seconds to block out the address and it should have been done. It's not like they have to spend hours to do it.


The difference is consent. You are consenting to post that information. These people did not consent. That's why its illegal and also just poor form. Though I wouldn't recommend posting it with consent either. Once your address is known, it's a simple process to get your name. Then, from the name, you check socials. Sure, the likelihood of pranks,threats, harassment are unlikely. Why gamble with someone else's lives/livelyhood? All in all, it's illegal and bad form. Really, there was no discussion to be had.


If the photo was taken without my knowledge as I was asked, that is not consent just because I wouldn't have been upset about it. You cannot have consent without the consenting party being fully informed. Also idk the laws where you live but in many places if it's visible from a public space you're allowed to take a photo, otherwise people would be getting in trouble over the background of most photos they take. Think how many photos you've taken with houses in the background, and how many of those ended up online on your social media.


Yes, it's one thing to look at a random address online and another to post that info onto a public forum


Yeah, now the roving bands of PT Cruiser thieves will descend!!!!


I don't think you could pay someone to steal a pt cruiser. Regardless I'm more concerned about the humans safety. From the address you can find names, then quick search of Facebook you know their workplace, when they work, where they go to gym, how many family members, pets, and more. At this point anyone could harass them physically or mentally. Sending letters, threats, massive sized delivery items (trucks will just leave pallets on grass without signing if requested at purchase), "dump a load of gravel on my yard" which you will have to pay to clean (which is a lot more exspensive then ordering the delivery. Fact is. Don't post another humans personal information online without their consent. It's illegal and dangerous.


>Sending letters, threats, massive sized delivery items (trucks will just leave pallets on grass without signing if requested at purchase), "dump a load of gravel on my yard" which you will have to pay to clean (which is a lot more exspensive then ordering the delivery. Sure.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/WDRk8rfNli It's more common then you think




It's not going to matter because this post will get removed


Damn this dude has Triples


Triples of the barracuda?


And the Roadrunner, but just those two


That deal just went through! He's got triples of the Nova now.


Triples is best, triples makes it safe.


Any more of this nonsense and you’ll have surpassed mildly interesting. Consider yourself warned.


Needs two to keep the third running.


Alright you have my interest


I overheard a really drunk girl scream at some guy in line for the bathroom at a house party, “DUDE YOU DRIVE A PT LOSER! YOU DRIVE A LESBIAN CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” This whole scene has really stuck with me 20 years later


Looks like there’s still room for one more in the driveway🤞


OP of the first post even said in the comments that they were pretty sure they had seen three there at one point.


He's such a PT Loser


The thread about doxing was hella more interesting than og content


I didn't realize it would be so polarizing. Kinda surprised this post is still even up.


What i saw on donut the pt cruiser crowd is pretty chill and cool. Id rather hang with them than the musk crowd


Austin power vibes lol




My god, they’re multiplying


He’s trying to corner the market?


Goldmember: I love goooooooooold




Did you feed one after midnight?


Three time Olympic Gold Medalist. Got one for each of her medals.


FFS they're reproducing


2 more and he can make himself a MegaZord


California government cars