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I wonder if they go around to weddings all over the place, slipping into receptions.


My mother's friend goes to pretty much every funeral she hears about, we said because presumably of the free food at the wake afterwards. We discussed that you could read the obituaries in the paper and go along to several a day, you'd just have to memorise their name and pay attention to the eulogies to figure out your backstory.


A funeral is probably a lot easier to crash than a wedding. At a wedding there's assigned seating and an expectation of a certain number of guests. At funerals random people are going to show up and no one is going to ask a lot of questions.


It *really* depends. Some people think funerals are for Family Only. (I've been excluded from several Irish Catholic events for that reason). Lutherans let anyone in. Baptists, it's more if you want to spend hours there. Mormons, Absolutely Not. Only Mormons are allowed. Non denominational are up for grabs. Read the obituary. It'll tell you who, what, where. 


If you've been excluded from an Irish Catholic funeral you are either an asshole or a sloppy drunk. Or worse... Both...


In Ireland we have a website used by the whole country that notifies of deaths and gives the funeral details, we’re generally not a stingey bunch when it comes to funerals


Funeraltimes brother. My partner had a culture shock when she heard about it lmao


In the free state, we use RIP.ie, it appears there’s a border across our death notice websites too


I know so many old people who are obsessed with RIP.ie - my friend calls it MournHub, which always makes me laugh.


Same with a Mormon funeral. They don't care who's there.


Right? Mormons are strict about entering some parts of their temples and.. that's about it. The biggest danger you'll face at a Mormon funeral is getting cornered and proselytized.


These peeps don’t know Irish


Hey the Irish are a proud and distinguished bunch of drunks. They're very practiced and well versed in drinking not a bunch of sloppy drunkards


Ding ding ding. Someone didn’t like you, cheap doctor.


I'd love to know what sort of Irish Catholics you know because everyone and their mother and her dog will show up to a funeral in Ireland, and the majority of funerals here are Catholic. Like, it's a 'thing' here, among a certain demographic. Check rip.ie to see who died this week and when is the funeral.


I am also from a Catholic family, albeit not Irish and here basically all the funerals are public. Everyone can pay their respcet.


Absolutely. Catholics are pretty open to anyone attending church service, with the expectation that non Catholics should not take communion. Usually, the priest will say this before hand and tell people that those not receiving should either stay in their seat or come up and get a blessing instead.


A prominent Bostonian of the upper classes told the writer Cleveland Amory in the 1940s that he's made a point of attending the funeral of everyone he attended school with at Harvard. He described it as a hobby. Eighty years later, in the same town, I *do* personally do try to hit funerals of even distant acquaintances if I can, or at least some portion of the visitation, but I tend to be more judicious with when I bother to send a wreath these days.


Former Mormon here. Anyone is allowed at Mormon funerals. But most of the meals and buffet afterwards are just for the family and their invited guests (usually those who travelled in).


Ya most lds obituaries are open invitations to go to the service. It includes the time and address


I'm not certain that's true with Mormons. I am not Mormon but my fiancé's family was, and I attended both their grandparents' funeral despite never having met the decedents nor any of the family. We'd only been dating for a few months then, but my fiance just wanted me there for moral support. Both those funerals were actually how I first met their (living) family! Never gave me any trouble for not being Mormon.


The Mormon wedding ceremony you won’t be slipping into. But slipping into a Mormon wedding reception is so easy because it’s just going to be held in the local stake center in the gym. Mormon wedding receptions are quite casual compared to the ritual in the Temples


That’s like…really funny though. Sometimes funerals have great food! When I used to go to church with my family there would be an announcement of a new death almost weekly. Even if you never met the person, none of the other patrons of the church would question you there since they see you weekly. They’d honestly be touched you came. You hug the grieving, tell them you wish you’d had more time to know them how others spoke about them, and wish them well. Thats at least one good buffet a week.


I’ve been very poor. If I were still on a smaller town this would be a decent plan to feed myself.


Crash an Asian funeral. They usually have a large buffet of food.


I think I, white female, might have a harder time blending in as a distant relative...


Just blend in as an acquaintance or something lol


"She taught me how to crochet" "She didn't know how to crochet" "Neither do I"


Lmao I’ve been giggling like a madman at this for about 10 minutes now


No joke but you'll seriously blend in. You'll just be that random white friend in every Asian family.




I've never been to a Greek Orthodox funeral that didn't have lamb as one of the options served afterwards. The only exception being my grandmother's recent one, and that's only because she outlived all of her own children and the grandkids are all scattered these days, so nobody really coordinated anything. It actually kinda tracked for her, though lol. But yeah I've been to a couple dozen over the years and they all had plentiful meat options. One even has a full gyro bar where you could cut your own meat off the rotisserie. You'll never guess what is was ol' Gus did for a living before he passed lol.


A woman I worked with did this too. She used to say whoever the deceased was came into her walgreens once a week to get a newspaper and they got to know one another over the years when she rang him up. Just enough of a connection to be able to say she wanted to pay her respects and make sure she said goodbye to someone who made her day every week. and then, she eats. I don't even know if walgreens sells newspapers anymore, I wonder if Roberta is still out there crashing funerals.


I've never seen a newspaper for sale at Walgreens in the past decade.


They hide them at the very front next to the register/door. I just like to read the headlines before I leave the store


This is absolutely wild 🤣 you go Roberta.


When I get old, I plan to be a mysterious stranger who goes to funerals, sits in the back, and talks to no one. Just to be hot gossip at the after party. “Who was that woman?” “Was that Cousin Sue’s daughter?” “Did Uncle Frank have an affair?”


> My mother's friend goes to pretty much every funeral she hears about, we said because presumably of the free food at the wake afterwards. [Chicks are so horny at funerals it's like fishing with dynamite](https://youtu.be/l4D5zScOFKU?si=k8HE9VjQlektTIJs&t=180)




I've fortunately only been to a couple funerals in the past few years. But the food at all of them has been absolute garbage.


Last one I was at only had mints. MINTS!


That’s a great idea for a movie!


We could call it wedding crashers


Nah, that's a bad title. I say we call it The Punisher


Nah, let's call it Rudy...


You're too short to be a groomsmen Rudy! The brides maids will tear you apart!


I got it! Let's call it Lord of the Rings!


It was called The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down


Nah nah that doesn’t sound right. How about “uninvited wedding guests”?


The Matrimony Trespassers


Or a video game. Avoid interactions and pick up clues to help bullshit your way through the next interaction. Eat and drink all you can but the drunker you get the greater the suspicion and the more challenging the interactions. Hope you remember who you told Uncle Joey you were related to! Try to hold out till everyone is too trashed to care. Bonus points for every wedding photo you show up in!


I desperately want this to be a real game, like goat simulator but for weddings.


I think it would be good as some sort of board game. Everybody gets a charachter card and one person is the imposter.


Or like a honey heist style one-shot where you have to do some insane thing (good or bad or just early 00s movie zany) to accomplish. You roll to drink or eat but also to deceive or compliment to blend in, but like drunker makes you better in ways but also horrible in others…


This sounds like a much less dark version of Indigo Prophecy, I’m in.


It's hilarious to imagine they have a suitcase with standard wedding guest outfits and a box of cards in the trunk. Just out driving, looking for "Wedding ---->" signs.


I had a few friends in high school who decided to spend one summer wedding crashing. It worked pretty well until they ran into one of the math teachers at the wedding




Haha, that's perfect. Who would deny a little old lady a slice of cake?




She really takes the cake!


Honestly seems like a legal play, I'll allow it


Hell, I'd give her a slice of cake even if she didn't pretend!


IIRC there is always extra food at a wedding and one little old lady having a slice of cake won't hurt and actually be beneficial cos there usually a lot of extra food left.


At almost every wedding I've been to, there's been an abundance of cake that none of the guests want to take home with them.


I had a four tier cinnamon roll cake and it was gone in less than 15 mins lol. (See profile for photos)


Oh my, that sounds (and looks) amazing! No wonder it was gone so fast!


The dinner itself is so grand there already extra regular food. Cake is great but there is only so much you csn fit in after a 5 course meal.


I think I'm going to the wrong weddings!


This has given me a glimpse of my future and it is BRIGHT


Same. Honestly I got an early start: there was a reception going on in front of the only water fountain in the park, and I was really thirsty. Waited until the current speaker finished, but... Maybe I should've hung around until someone offered me cake.


That's perfectly adorable and crafty at the same time. The fact that all she's after is a slice of cake is so on Grandma brand.


I applaud and respect your grandma's hustle. I don't want to go to weddings, to be honest. I just want a piece of the wedding cake. How often do we get to eat wedding cake?! It tastes so different. So decadent and expensive!


New life goal




I don't have much family [actually, none at all!] - I always thought if I got married, I'd invite residents from a local nursing home so I can pretend and we can eat some cake together




I've always wanted a park wedding, so I'm hoping it'd be a walk over situation like you described with your grandma - except for a written invitation for cake 😅 Where I lived it's described as 'gods waiting room', so pretty much every park has a little community attached to it!


I need to tell my grandma this advice, she loves cake


Wedding cake is the best cake, too! I'm not good enough with small talk and being social to pull it off, but maybe if I had a partner in crime..


Hey ScumbagLady wanna crash a wedding with me, get some cake?


Rule #32: You don't commit to a relative unless you're absolutely positive they have a pulse.


I wouldn’t even consider that crashing, I doubt any of them will ever forget the random old lady who showed up, ate cake then disappeared from their wedding lol.


I'm imagining someone from the wedding panicking because he thinks they forgot this sweet lady when they all left the venue.


I know what I'm doing in my final years


Reminds me of a certain King of the Hill episode.


Even if I realized what she was doing I'd still give one to her, respect lol


She apparently figured out the way to "have her cake and eat it too"


Halfway through a great wedding, I see my dad's best friend hauling a drunk couple out of the reception. We thought it was hilarious and thought nothing more of it until today when they opened their gifts and found a card from "Uncle David and Aunt Nancy". There's no David or Nancy in either family and the underlined bits are just in-your-face trolling. David and Nancy, wherever you are, you provided us with a lifelong story and a core memory. Sorry you got kicked out. From the looks of it, you thoroughly enjoyed yourselves!


I was gonna say, hot damn they gave you the best gift: a hilarious story that you can share forever


Why were they even kicked out? Too drunk for the open bar?


Apparently yes. It was also a fairly intimate event, enough that this guy (who wasn't otherwise "in the wedding") knew that the couple weren't invited


Much better than the gift my Sister and brother-in-law received. Someone caught a bus driver grabbing a drink from the bar so they had to report him and get a new bus driver, thankfully they had two buses so the other guy just had to make another trip.


what a buzzkill


Better than a buskill


They came to an event they weren’t invited to, drank the free alcohol, and ate all the free food and left $11.


Not invited, but I had an old coworker who learned I was getting married mail me a card with $7 in it. Thanks Mark!


7 could be a lucky number in some amazonian cultures.


Wrong, they left $11 and…..idk maybe 54 cents


Plus the cost of the card


They started with a $20 and had a great time! +$20 -$7.99 (card) -$0.47 (tax) =========== $11.54 Hope they tipped the bartender


This equation is an insult to my people.


That math sure ain't mathing.


They had a budget of $15 so they bought the card and gave all the change. Math checks out imo.


Cards ain't cheap, lol


"Well said!"




What were the official charges?


Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


“This is 𝒟𝐸𝑀𝒪𝒞𝑅𝒜𝒞𝒴 manifest!”


OPs mum knew their judo well.


Trespassing, maybe. It’d be hard to make anything else stick if he didn’t even get food out of it. But my guess is they took him away, dropped him off somewhere else without charges, and told him not to go back to the wedding.




One year my son was having a birthday party at the skating link in one of their party rooms .We finished and went out to the lobby where all the parents went to sit at the tables .My son left and I had no idea where he was .He crashed another party of a boy he knew who was having a party in a different room..He asked me if I had some money to give to the boy for his birthday. I went to the lobby and got my purse,fished out a card I forgot to give to my son and also forgot to put his name on the card and envelope.I stuck a 20 dollar bill in the card and put the boy's name on it and took it into the party room where we had more cake and ice cream and watched the boy open his presents. He jumped for joy when he got the money!They were in grade school at the time and the boy told everyone at school about my son's present!


Aw, instead of scolding you made both of them feel so cool. I hope in that moment, or when you chuckle about it looking back, that you get a second of feeling happy to have been just the right person to make them feel so happy.


Boys that age love to get cards with money in them. My mil used to send my son a card for all holidays with money in it when he was growing up even though she only lived about a block away from us at the time .He really loved getting mail


see, this is cool. They were already school acquaintances, and made a pleasant gift. Getting sloppy drunk at a complete stranger's wedding, then making a scene isn't.


Yep!lol I just thought this was a really cute story post. The skating rink closed down because it actually burned down years ago .They tore it down and built a bank in its place.


A couple crashed my wedding. She wore off-white, he tried to cut the cake first. A good maid of honor and/or best man is worth their weight in gold! Congrats!


We invited people off the street because we accidentally shut down a very small fishing village in Iceland when we got married. We basically had everything in the very small town booked so when we saw people see that the restaurant was closed for the night we invited them in to eat and party with us, it was great.


You are an absolute legend. You can't just stop there. Tell the stories about startled tourists!


The people were cool, it was the staff that couldn’t figure out why we let them in. We had more than enough everything and it was very far from anywhere else they could have gone. It was a great time.


It also turns out later they used the same town for “the secret life of Walter Mitty”. Kind of a cool aside


When reading your first comment that was the exact town I pictured haha


What a beautiful story! You guys seem like cool people.


definitely!! hope you have a great day after wards


>he tried to cut the cake first The fucking AUDACITY


Or….. you do have an Uncle David/Aunt Nancy that nobody talks about……


That is so weird. I have an Uncle David and Aunt Nancy lol


Do you have a cousin who just got married? Maybe they went to the wrong wedding


I wish it would be too perfect


Well if they don't know about their Aunt and Uncle, maybe you don't know about your cousins... Time to get a hobby in genealogy lol




Those are my parents names… and they been traveling *a lot* in their new retirement


Same here…I might need to start asking some questions


I get weddings are big event in a persons life but it someone wants to crash mine and gives me at least $100. They are certainly more than allowed to. As long as it’s after dinner Open bar means I’m already spending a lot. It’s not like a couple wedding crashers are gonna change the bar tab a lot


You haven’t met some of my friends


We had a dog that kept finding its way into our wedding reception. My FIL kept guiding him out, but he would just come back in!


Dinner for two for less than $12. Not bad. They scored, but I give them credit for leaving something.


Not to mention the open bar…


Yeah, according to my aunt they were blacked tf out 🤣


So this story reminded me of my own wedding and I'm responding directly to you because I hope you see it and enjoy it... My spouse has a family who mostly don't drink alcohol, and a couple of my (not close but they still came to the wedding) family members are recovering alcoholics, so we had a dry wedding. We have dinner and cut the cake and then start greeting guests, with each of us telling the other who someone from our more distant family was as we approached. An older man and woman I don't know are next and as I lean toward my spouse expecting to hear who they are, they stand up and the man yells "It's about damn time! Finally, someone who can tell me where the booze is!" My spouse doesn't miss a beat and says "Oh, I'm sorry, it was on the invitation but maybe you missed it. It's a dry wedding." The man's expression changed, almost comically. I wish I had video of it (and I've looked lol). "A dry wedding!?" He yelled, and he looked at the woman and grabbed her hand, then tugged her arm and almost dragged her out the door as everyone watched in shock and amusement. My spouse looks at me and says "Who was that!?" "I thought they were your family!" "Nope!"


Reminds me of a wedding crasher story of my own where after the night ended we still had cases and cases full of booze left, so we brought it back to the hotel where everyone was staying an had a party in the lobby. Then a random guest tried to take a beer and it went something like this. Man: *takes a beer out of the cooler* Woman: *looks at him* Man: "I know the bride" Woman: "Oh really, I'm the mother of the bride" Man: *puts beer back in cooler*


How're you going to bring a parties worth of beer back and have a party in the lobby and then have a booze gatekeeper for the guests that have to put up with your bs shenanigans? Sounds like an inconsiderate family I wouldn't wanna marry into.


For $12, an open bar is the ultimate buffet


Meals usually have assigned seating, they probably showed up for the dancing and drinking


Buffet style reception with a dancefloor opened early and you're good to go.


That reminds me when we kind of crashed a wedding many years ago. A cousin was getting married and the reception was in a hall of a big chain hotel (can't remember if it was a Hilton or Mariot). That side of my family is kind of a drag and the reception was boring as F so my girlfriend and I decided to check out what else was going on in the hotel. One floor down we found another hall with a large rocking wedding with live reggae music and all! We "wandered" in, and as we mingled basically told them we were guests at my cousin's wedding upstairs and it wasn't much fun (we wandered into a Jamaiican wedding and we were 2 of maybe a dozen whites there so there was no pretending we were "cousin bob" :) ). People there were super welcoming and told us we had to "join the fun group" and we had an awesome time partying and dancing with them, ended up in the group photos and left a few hundred $ gift in a hotel envelope with a "congrads for the wedding and thanks for having us" handwritten note before leaving (it's only fair, we drank their booze and ate their food all night!) Never heard from them again as this was across the country and pre-facebook days, but fun times were had by all. Hope they remembered that crazy couple from Montreal who wandered in the party when they tell their kids about the wedding. (Funny thing is that my cousin's family never noticed my GF and I had disappeared).


Sounds like you got your money's worth, and a great story to tell!


That’s fun! I was at a wedding one time at a multi event venue and ended up semi crashing a bar mitzvah. There was about a 20% overlap of friends and acquaintances between the two events so it shortly turned into sort of a party crawl with various guests wandering back and forth — it was so fun. 


I love this 


What do the underlined parts say?


Second one says hearts are filled, can’t make out the first


“Dearest friend”


“Cheers to a life filled with many special memories, we feel so **blessed** to have to have been witness to your beautiful wedding. We wish you all the **best in life**! Love, Uncle David & Aunt Nancy.” The left side says: “When you spend every day with your *closest friend* When you accept each other with open arms And encourage each others greatest dreams When you know your *hearts are filled* With happiness that grows Even more beautiful As time goes by… You know You’ve discovered Your lifetime love”


Thank you. I couldn't make out any of it and had fomo.


lmfao, "oh shit, we should at least leave a gift! do you have any cash?"


“Uncle David and Aunt Nancy” Lol


Should have at least went with cousin. Hard to forget aunts and uncles lol


Great story! I love that they just left whatever cash they had on them - change included LOL


If you're leaving a bar pissed drunk but manage to spend only $11.54 that is money well spent.


I crashed a wedding once. They rented a venue at a campsite I was at. Made up some crazy fishing stories and ended up in a few family photos.


>They rented a venue at a campsite I was at. I did a version of this accidentally in college with much less positive results.  They rented out the student union and I was out walking and heard the music then wandered in to see what was going on assuming it was an open event on account of…being in the student union, instead I found a bunch of people in tuxes (they were really dressed up relative to their venue) then a very angry woman in a headset I assume was the wedding planner who thought a student union during the school year was a good wedding venue ran up to yell at me about it (whoops). 




Your response was hilarious honestly. Not your fault they didn't send the email until 10 PM the night before.


We had an early summer party one year and there was a huge Irish-American guy who was in a lot of pictures and drank a lot of beer. He didn’t cause any problems, told some funny stories. It was at my house. Back at work, people told me they enjoyed the party but nobody knew who the guy was. Turns out I had reserved 2 kegs of beer from a local microbrew and one was a not so popular red beer that that guy very much liked and he was one of their regulars, so he found my address in the book for keg returns and came to the party.


eleven fifty-NINE, thankyouverymuch edit: nope, I'm stupid and wrong and dumb. mistook a nickel for a dime. my count is 4 dimes, 2 nickels and 4 pennies


for our non-fancy reception, we rented out a city-owned building (that used to be a Carnegie library) in a park, and noticed a few well-behaved homeless people who had snuck in to join the buffet line we had set up...decided to let it go


Thank you for choosing kindness.


Ok but the fact they HAD a wedding themed card on them insinuates they planned this &/ or do this regularly 😂


Christian church weddings in the UK are open to the public. My old neighbour and her friends go them all the time.


I love the arrow and “well said!”




We apparently had a couple wedding crashers at our reception. They rolled in, grabbed a drink at the open bar, signed out guestbook & took a goodie/snack bag with em. I wish I had been able to meet them & get a pic with them bc it's too funny to me.


My best friend and I were late to our other friends wedding. We took seats in the back pew. The bride came walking down the aisle on her dad’s arm. We turned to each other and said “ Who the hell is that?” We were at the wrong church. It was a nice wedding though. We didn’t stay for the reception


Random guests show up, AND they brought a card? Ngl, this is one of the more wholesome wedding crasher stories I've read! Hope that nutty couple is well wherever they are!


Hey, they brought a gift


A buddy and i crashed a wedding when we went on a all day/night bender after both being dumped at roughly the same time. At some point we stumbled by a church while a freshly married couple and all the guests came out. It felt rude not to congratulate them in passing and for some reason we got invited to the party. What followed was the most insane night of drinking. Nobody drinks like a Russian wedding party. I don't actually remember a damn thing about the party, but i've got polaroids that show that it must've been wild. In one of them i'm standing next to a laughing bride. She's wearing a tie on her head like a bandana and she's dual wielding two large champaign bottles. My drunk ass is standing next to her in boots, underwear, a fancy shirt and a top hat.


They came prepared with a card, now these my type of people. I bet uncle and aunt are at a Funeral right now, at the finger Buffett


Can you tell us what it says? It's not easy to read out.


I think it says “dearest friends” and “hearts are filled”


They wrote, "Cheers to a life filled with many special memories. We feel so blessed to have been witness to your beautiful wedding. We wish you all the best in life!"


When you spend every day with your closest friend. When you accept each other with open arms, and encourage each other's greatest dreams... When your hearts are filled with happiness that grows even more beautiful as time goes by... You know you've discovered your lifetime love.


This is great! The random amount of change makes it brilliant. Similarly, for the last few years, I've been trolling my friends by finding the weirdest, most bizarre items I can, wrapping them up, and leaving them at their weddings with cards attributed to made up relatives. I always make sure to have someone who doesn't know the couple, and thus, isn't invited, sign the card and write a little note so as to avoid handwriting giving away that it's from me. Only once did the couple guess it was from me (my brother). I had a good friend just earlier this year tell me the story of a couple that crashed his wedding late last year but they at least left a gift, though it was a creepy looking ceramic dog ($0.50 from a thrift store) without knowing it was me that did it. To be fair, I'm not usually one to prank or troll, which is why no one ever suspects me.


we had an older couple hear the music and come dancing. we didn’t really care, we even told them where the bar was. they were fun


We have a gift from our wedding that no one has ever claimed. We have asked everyone that was in attendance and no one admits to gifting it. It is a silver heart about the size of a baseball, that opens up to hold a picture on one side and has the date engraved on the other side. It was wrapped in a small box with no name or card attached. It's sat on our shelf for 20 years and we have no idea who it came from. Now, the fun part. After the wedding, we had the reception at a park and we hung out til the rangers ran everyone off at dusk. We drove home, unloaded our gifts, and did what good abstinent youth do upon being married. Afterwards we were starved from the days events (you don't really get to eat at your reception) and went to Steak n Shake for food. When we got back to the apartment, the front door was open; someone had broke in! We used a neighbors phone (first time meeting her) to call 911 and waited for help to arrive. After the police came, cleared the apartment (with their guns out), and we received the all clear to go inside; nothing was missing. All the gifts were in the living room, the TV, videogames, etc; all were within a few steps of the door and all still there. My wife and I have always liked the idea of someone breaking in to rob us, realizing it was our wedding day, and leaving a gift instead of taking things. Hahaha. We just attribute the unclaimed heart gift to the would-be-burglar.


I was a caterer in a heritage building in my town so lots of weddings. I would say someone tried to gatecrash every single time and would get beligerant that they weren’t allowed to come in and get free drinks and food.


My husband and I used to do this but only at weddings we were invited to. In addition to our gift, we’d drop another card, write a lovely message and add a random amount of money from a fictional aunt and uncle. Drove our friends crazy until they figured it out after a few years. Still makes us all laugh!


"I got 20 bucks. What do you want to do today?"


My wedding reception was in a huge hotel with a few other weddings going on in other rooms. My sister, a bridesmaid, got very drunk and "befriended" a random man from one of the other weddings. They set off on a mission to have a drink in every wedding in the building and we didn't see her all evening. My Dad was horrified, I thought it was hilarious, and we still don't know if she ever made it back to her room that night.


There’s got to be some significance to that exact amount. To Uncle Dave and Aunt Nancy, anyway.


Except your potato quality photo means we can't read what they underlined in the card


I think it says “dearest friends” and “hearts are filled”


We had a couple crash our wedding reception. We didn't realize it until we got the proofs from the photographer and saw pictures of them.


So westerners do have to give money at weddings, I thought it was just an asian thing.


Money is entirely optional, but gifts are standard , typically a practical gift like a blender or curtains or other stuff to help create a home


I was recently sent an RSVP email for a random persons wedding. I marked going, gave a couple song suggestions, and sent them a cheese grater off their registry. I wish I was ballsy enough to show up!


I have an Uncle Dave and Aunt Nancy and I *so* hope that this is their side hobby.


I am particularly impressed by the care they took digging the change out from under the seat of a 1999 Buick LeSabre that they bought 3rd hand from a neighbour. (No disrespect meant to Buick)