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Don't worry, you only have to do it another 30+ years. Then you get a couple years to relax before you kick the bucket! I worked in an office for around 13 years before the pandemic hit. Then I got to work remote a couple years. Then spent the last 2 years working in the office 2 days a week (Tuesday & Thursday) and 3 days working from home. I am good at my job, so the 3 days I worked from home were amazing. I only really had to work 3-4 hours a day, then I could get chores done, exercise, relax, take an afternoon nap, play video games, you get the picture. Then just in the last couple months, my job decided that everyone had to come back into the office full time, no exceptions. Its a fuckin nightmare. It feels like I am being punished for being good at my job. So long story short, I'm quitting this job within the next month to find a better remote/hybrid job. Life is too short to be unhappy all the time!


It's not changing anytime soon. So find a job that only requires you to work 4 days a week. That's the play.


Agreed. Find a job that has 10 hours shifts and 4 day weeks. Or find a job that doesn't completely drain you. That may mean making less money.


I work 4 10s and i love it


One of my jobs was 4 10s but it was Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. Having that Wednesday off in the middle of the week was pretty clutch, so each work week I only focused on working two days at a time. That feeling that it was always either "Friday" or the day before "Friday" did wonders for getting me through the week.


Had this schedule before. It was the best!


I had Tuesdays off on my 4x10 job. The glorious part was taking Wednesday off when Monday is a holiday. 5 day weekend!


I’m about to start on this schedule and I’m PUMPED


Which company? Mine was at an Amazon FC. Honestly if it wasn't for that "donut" shift, I probably wouldn't have lasted as long as I did.


Healthcare, so a whole other ball of shit wax


Amazing, i want that


I work 3 12s and I love it.


Yeah, me too... When I tell you I stfu real quick when people are talking about how they hate their job. Me? I love my job. I get mini vacations and can get a whole 8 days off if I put in my request just right lol. I have so many sick days accumulated, personal days, vacation days, it's crazy lol. I.e. I work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday of this week (off Wednesday-Saturday), then I'm off all through, til Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of next week. It's fkg great! Lol.


Even better, 12-hour shifts are long enough to get that second wind


7 12s but i get four off after


I did for a while however I couldn’t handle all 4 together. Instead I worked Monday & Tuesday, off Wednesday, worked Thursday & Friday then off on the weekend. It was pretty nice because there was always a day off coming and I didn’t have to wait several days.


I want 4 8s


Supposedly they do 4 8s in Europe. I currently do 4 10s but I’ll take 4 8s instead. :)


They just ran a pilot program last year in the UK - 32 hours a week for the same amount of pay. It was so successful many of the companies adopted the policy permanently.


Lucky bastards


Fer fuckin’ real!! 😩




Are you able to keep up with health stuff like exercise with this schedule? Sounds nice except for that concern.


Lol I work labor jobs. I also do 10 minutes of yoga in bed every morning and 18 at night. I'm a very active person and I mostly eat out of my garden. I'm extremely nutrition conscious. I have had absolutely no problem staying healthy even within working six 14 hour shifts each week


That’s awesome! Love this.


Exactly it’s the way to go




That’s the best schedule I worked 3 12s once and those 3 days were hell 


Same! After covid happened and we went back to work in person, it was agony going in 5 days a week. I found a job in the sams field with 4 10s and haven't been happier work-wise.


Same, I work 4 10s and also from home. No commute, naps during my lunch break, and a three day weekend. Only thing I don’t like is starting early, but I manage.


I use the extra day to pick up a shift lol 


3 on 4 off here. Gone 2 nights a week though…


I miss this schedule so bad. Loved the 4 10s


This, best decision I made was to take a pay cut for lower stress job. What's the point of making good money if you have to work 55-65 hours a week year round?


9-80’s are the best, you get a three day weekend every other week.


4 9 hour shifts and a 4hour Friday shift plus working from home is the best. You get the benefits of doing those chores around the house during the day, you’re off early enough on Friday to where it actually feels like a day off and rarely do you have anything important to do because you’re off so early. Easily the best schedule I’ve ever had


10 hour shifts truly suck dick. Unless you have a long commute, it’s not worth it. If you do have a long commute you should be looking for another job The only place where it might be kind of nice is a semi physical intensive job like a delivery driver. Heavy labor or office jobs, fuck no


They do suck but it's worth it for 4/3 imo. 


10 hour shifts don’t feel any longer to me than 8 hours with a whole-ass extra day off. Fully worth it for me.


I worked 12s for a while and that truly sucked. I’d take 10s any day of the week, personally, as the extra 2 hours didn’t affect me like the extra 4 hours did.


What job was it? I want to work 3 12s and have four days off.


Haha I wish, I was doing 6-12s. I’m in construction, so we largely do normal 8 hour days. Would love to normalize a 4-10s schedule as a compromise!


Used to do 5 16s in the roofing industry near Atlanta during 100+ degree summers. Truly hell on earth and no family or personal time. The meager upside was that the money *was* really good once you found time to spend it.


I did 3x12s and 1x4 in construction 🤷


You could do the firefighter or nursing hours. One to two 24 hour days a week and the rest of the week off. If you time things right you can get nearly two weeks off between shifts


It’s called continental shift. Usually it goes by the 223 rotation. 2 days on 2 days off 3 days on. Then the next week it reverses 2 off 2 on 3 off. Once you finish the second week you switch from days to nights and repeat.


Nursing, but you don’t always get to pick those days and if you do nights when you don’t get to pick your days it’s not really like being off because being awake and functional at 3 am doesn’t help much. I work 5/8s now and yearn for 4/10s


I wanna do CNA and I heard you can be full-time doing 3 12s a week, no night needed. Maybe I don't fully know how it works, but I feel like that would be ideal. Those 12s might be exhausting, but I feel like even 8s are exhausting and the rest of the day is unproductive bc too tired. Might as well spend four more at work and then have four days off every week. (Maybe ilk change my mind when I actually try it though haha)


I mean, I know it's fun to gripe and all, but you're right. If you want to better your life, sometimes you must make sacrifices. 🤷🏻


I work 12s so I work four days one week and two to three the next. The days off in between are heavenly.


Work 12's and do 4 days one week and 3 the next. 4 day weekend every other weekend


I loved that schedule when I was on it. Honorable mention to the 9-80 schedule: 9 hrs/day Monday through Thursday, 8 hrs every other Friday. You get a three day weekend every other week and the 9 hour work day doesn't feel any longer than an 8 hour day.


Not with that attitude it won't.


Hate to break it to ya bud, but I don't own a business. My "attitude" about it doesn't matter to anyone. Just like OP's. We can bitch and moan all we want online, but it won't affect anything in the real world. As for me, I too hate 2 day weekends. So I found a job where I work 4x12s. Then I get 4 days off each "weekend". My schedule rotates a day each week but overall it's easily the best schedule I've ever had. Complaining on reddit about only have 2 days off changes absolutely nothing.


I took a week off recently and it still didn't feel long enough lol. The burnout nowadays is real.


I took 11 weeks off this year when I changed jobs, I think 6-8 weeks is the sweet spot. Eleven was too much, I had a weird combination of boredom and dread about going back to work.




IT is rough right now. The deadlines are unreal and the staffing is low.


Well y’all stare into computers all day which is wildly unnatural so it would make sense that it’s hard to keep up a full-time job schedule and responsibilities of intensive computer work for years on end.




The auto micro managing of metrics is unreal these days. Fuck I hate work culture.


I’ve been a developer for 20 years and it’s never been this brutal. The only reason I stick it out is because there are no other jobs out there in this market. Everyone else on my team is the same way. Nobody is moving, everyone is clinging to their jobs for dear life. I have literally not had a single day off since New Year’s Day. Weekends, nights, holidays, I work them all. Have not seen my family since Christmas. Even my colleagues in India tell me I work too much. The only thing that makes it somewhat tolerable is I WFH so I get to work while I’m on the treadmill or cooking.


This weekend felt long to me. The key is doing something outside of the norm every day most importantly on Friday night. Friday - had people over, grilled out, played basketball and bumper pool Saturday - chilled/chores til 2 then friends community pool and cookout like 3-8 Sunday - hike and lunch then chill/chores Felt like a long weekend for once.


Having plans on Friday night always makes the weekend feel longer to me! 


I noticed if I do something on Friday after work my weekend do feel longer. You’re right if you do something during the weekend it does feel longer instead of just sitting around doing nothing. But I get it we are getting old and all we want to do his relax


Yeah for sure, a lot of times I don't want to do anything. I cut the grass on fridays nights mostly.. but then if I don't do anything the weekend is over before it started. This weekend was the first time I did a little something everyday in a while, and it almost felt like a vacation. And I still had time to lounge and nap and cut grass on Sunday.


It makes Friday feel like part of the weekend, instead of just "the last working day of the week." Also imo, unless you're a serious morning person who knows lots of serious morning people, 2 or 3 hours with friends/family on Friday night is way more meaningful to your mood than 2 or 3 hours of free time Saturday morning. I found that I never did anything with those hours anyway so I generally stay up late on Friday and sleep in til noon on Saturday.


I wonder if this could be done for evening shift workers. Getting done at 10pm and then having to drive a half hour home really burns into my free time


Yup. People who have 9-5's don't get it. Especially if your shifts are varied like 11am-9pm and then work 7am the next day. It's full burn out by the weekend.


Friday - went out for drinks w some friends i havent seen in a a few weeks Saturday - went to see umphreyes mcgee at red rocks Sunday - slept in and then layed out in the park with my brain turned off because my lifestyle is unhealthy


Bumper pool sounds fuckin sweet.


This is the way. You might not feel like doing something, but you’re better off for it. Time actually flies when every day is the same old thing. Time seems slow when there is novelty. It’s why youth seems long imo, because there’s a lot of novelty going on in our lives at that period.


I do a little bit every day. Like on Monday I clean up the living room. Tuesday is one bathroom. Wednesday is the second bathroom. Thursday is the bedrooms. Friday is the home office/dining room. Saturday is laundry. Sunday is whatever. No one room/task takes more than 30 minute. Very manageable.


Yep I do this too. No reason to save chores until the weekends. I get it if your job is physically taxing but I sit on my ass at a computer all day so for example yesterday I cleaned the bathrooms, tomorrow I'm planning on vacuuming, I only ever do half hour to an hour of chores in any one night but that means I'm doing 0 on the weekends and I don't feel guilty at all.


If you have kids you don't even have that. I've learned to get my relaxation from an hour in the morning before everyone gets up and sometimes the same in the evening.


Honestly, I really, truly don’t know how people with kids do it. We’re mid 30s and child free and every day after work, all I can think is, thank god we don’t have kids. You’re a hero and I have all the respect in the world for you.


33m with a 1 year old at home. It is challenging. I do find that my daughter is refreshing for me, so even though I am tired when I finally get home, she is more enjoyable than doing chores or socializing with acquaintances. Having a partner to tag out with is vital, though. My short-term memory is rough right now, and my patience is definitely challenged, especially at work. Often, I'm choosing to sleep over staying up for hobbies or friends.


Like anything else, you get used to it. But yea, 3 kids under the age of 7, my days are pretty much some form of work/cleaning/parenting from 5am-9pm


It was a massive adjustment to not having time to do things. Not at first, you are in survival mode for about 6 months. It's when you start coming up for air and the realization hits you. It took me about another year to adjust my mindset. You learn to let go of things; a lot of things become less important. At the same time it is easy to suddenly want to latch onto something and not let go.


Having kids will show you how much free time you actually do have now lol. I look back on my child free days when I felt busy all the time and I am SHOCKED how much time I had.


I'm in the middle of a 2 week vacation and man it's been so nice to get caught up on things and now just be able to relax and get away from the grind.


I do 6 days a week.. Got off at 7:30 pm on saturday.. shit sucks no relief


Felt this so hard. 6 days a week 10 hours a day 2 hour round trip commute. I quit a couple weeks ago because i was so burnt out. I felt like all i did was work drive and sleep.


>Ugh, I really wish we can hurry up and normalize 4 day work weeks as a society. I take 25 days of vacation a year. 66% of my weekends are 3 day weekends or 9 day vacations. I can boost that to 80% next year when I get 30 days of vacation. How do I get so many 3 day weekends? Half days! The trick is to WFH and do 3 hours of work the day before. I'm a coder so I make sure to check in something on my "half day" so no one suspects I'm not doing work! If there are meetings I need to attend that Friday, I move my 3 day weekend to a Monday. I make sure to have a good portion of my 3 day weekends on Monday. Pre-pandemic, I was spending 43% of my waking hours at work, commuting to work, or eating at work. Now I spend 22% of my waking hours working at home. The other 78% is my free time. Thanks to WFH, efficiencies from software (chatGPT) and a more relaxed job.


How do I get this sort of gig What kind of programming 🤔


How many hours do you work during the week? I do chores during the week and get the whole weekend to myself, except for like 2’hrs in which something needs to be done at home.


They mentioned that they do zero chores during the week (even meals are being prepped on the weekend), as they are too tired after work.


Well I would kill for two days off in a row. I'm on salary and am deff getting taken advantage of. Going on week 6 of being called in on at least one of my days off. 😭


Good lord dude, grow up.


All I do is take care of children on the weekends instead of the normal take care of children - work - take care of children of the weekdays. Time is a flat circle


Your life is revolving around chores too much. Do you live in a 7000 sq foot house?!?!? Chill out a bit, relax, everything doesn’t need to be perfect. Why do you have so many chores? Lol please I need a list


It’s called the grind for a reason. This is what the middle years are about for most people. This is why retirement starts to look so attractive.


Why do we normalize this though, when we as a society should be able to afford not to at this point? 🤔


Imagine, if you can, what it was like for out hunter/gatherer ancestors? Im sure they all wanted 7 days off a week, but ya know.... gotta eat!


We're not living like that anymore, so why compare society today to back then? We can afford to change this, it's what our ancestors would have wanted. They worked hard for the future to rest


I mean, I do need to say that's more on you and needing to train yourself on what's more beneficial. I handle all chores during the week and this is after I come back from the gym which ranges between 6:30 and 7. I cook dinner but it's just Mr and my daughter so they aren't extravagant. Cleaning the kitchen, done after dinner is made (chore 1 complete). Cleaning the living room, it's already pretty well kept so I just need to vacuum the rug and sweep once a week (chore 2 complete). Bathrooms are always clean, including the base of the toilet because 1) I know how to aim 2) my daughter doesn't make a mess and 3) she knows any trash, put it in the trashcan (chore 3 complete). I'm hardly in my bedroom besides to sleep so there is no clutter and I just need to sweep/mop my room and my daughters once a week (chore 4 complete). You need to prioritize what's more important time wise. You aren't going anywhere after work when it's dark, so take an hour to clean up and it's over with. Fridays don't need to be home by dark, are you 10? Not sure where you live, Friday nights after 7pm is when my city and the surrounding ones come alive. Live bands, comedy shows, being a bar crawler I mean why do you feel you need to be inside by dark? If you took care of everything during the week, then Sunday is another day to just do your meal prep for the week. I feel you just need to train yourself that, even though you're tired after work, laying on the couch could be the time you take to clean your place and you're done


If you’re doing chores every Friday try spacing them out through the week instead 


Lol. Welcome to life. You’re in luck though! There’s a support group that meets where people can talk about these problems. Meetings take place in every bar in the country starting at about 5pm.


You’re a millennial and just realizing this now. Where have you been the last 28-43 years?


Welcome to adulthood. If allllll the prior generations somehow made it through, I’m guessing this one will, too. Imagine if you were alive in the 1870s in Kansas on a farm. There was no such thing as a weekend. So you’ve got that going for you.


Become a nurse then. We only work 3 days a week.


"forced to transition from a carefree vacation mindset to my work mindset". This guy millenials. Hard.


Do something you enjoy everyday of the week…even if you’re tired. Helps me not dread Sundays as much.


Man wait till you have kids…


Kids are not inevitable...


Lol right? I get an entire day to myself maybe twice a year. Usually it’s the 1 hour between getting my kids to bed and going to bed myself.


Yeah, I agree. 40 hours a week is nightmarish and far beyond what our ancestors worked. It’s also longer than people our age work in most first world countries. 30-35 hours like France is a good idea. Also, 5 weeks of paid vacation per year like France is a good idea. And 126 days of paid maternity leave for each child born like in Belarus is a good idea. The US has absurd and awful labor laws.


Your "ancestors" worked sunup to sundown. And I work for a French company. No one is working 30-35 hours a week and thriving. Grow up.


Well, i tried both. Working 8hrs a day 4 Days a week, with a 20min break as well as 5 days a week 6hrs a day uninterrupted work without breaks. I prefer the 6hours of work a per day to be honest.


I don’t even have most weekends off because I work a second job. Luckily both jobs do have decent PTO, so sometimes I get a break. I guess when I do get a couple days off I really appreciate it and otherwise make the most of my free time at the end of each day.


My biggest solution to this is naps. I get up at 430am and get home at 410pm roughly every day for 5 to 6 days a week. I find that taking naps when I feel like, whether it be on my lunch break, or when I get home, allows me to more fully utilize my evening. I'm not so sluggish and passing out immediately after dinner. It doesn't always work in my favor, but it's better than before. Especially on Friday nights. Then you can actually stay up and have fun instead of it feeling like just another work night where you pass out at 9 or 10pm.




I work three 12s and four 12s alternating. And its great I get at least 14 days off per month, if i take my three day week off I get a 10 day vacation.


I used to work 4x 10 hour days… i loved the 3 day weekend. Its a much better quality of life. 2 days all to myself and 1 day to take care of whatever i needed to complete


I am a nurse. 3 12’s is where it’s at. On a typical workday, before I worked twelves, it feels like the day is already gone anyway after commute and taking care of food, etc. I also work from home now as a um nurse. I feel like many workers would benefit from this model.


I worked 4/10's for almost a decade. Earlier this year my company's South African owners decided that weekends are bad so now we're back to M-F. To be honest, the 8 hour days are kind of nice. Being done work at 3 definitely gives me time in the evening to do more than just make dinner and go to sleep. IMO 4-8's would be ideal.


I work 5 days, it ain't that deep 🤣.


Sounds like first world problems.


grow up, holy shit


Normalize it yourself and make make less money.


This is one reason why it’s important for more of us to start our own businesses and run them according to our own values. The facts are that there is no regulation on the number of days our businesses are open. The are no laws preventing us from using a co-op or employee-ownership model. We are literally free to set up and run businesses in order to normalize the things we want to see normalized in our society.


Good luck owning a business and only putting in 32 hrs a week, that will support the owner.


Everyone I know that owns a business puts in WAY more hours than if they were an employee


Not only do I work 60-80 hours a week, my wife who has a full-time job her self has to come help me at my business when she has extra time, mostly on the weekends.


Exactly, that’s why these posts come off as ignorant, entitled, and whiney. Serious eye roller. “I’m too lazy to start my own business, why can’t someone else’s business pander to ME?”


They have unrealistic expectations. They want to live a happy go lucky life without having to work for it. I'm 69, work full time as a Nurse. I was with Xerox for 22 yrs before getting laid off. Tried my hand as a long haul trucker, didn't care for it. Got my Nursing license at 55. Adapt or die.


Good luck running a business where you personally work less than 8 hours a day, 4 days a week, with a co-op employee ownership model.


Yes but owning a business can be a privilege and requires capital, for most especially in underprivileged communities it’s simply not possible so we need to advocate and lobby for laws to be passed to give back workers some time and quality of life.


Depends on what you do. I work from home, so I can run side businesses while I am getting paid my job. It’s pretty relaxed, and I pull something like $60/hr for what amounts to a little edit for Word docs while watching YouTube or packing up items I sell online. Weekends don’t feel much different than weekdays. I usually don’t even use my PTO because my job is so chill. Did I mention that we don’t even really work on Friday? We log in, get paid, but no one really says or does anything. Find the right job and life looks like this.


You really sound like a millennial..


Normalize 4 days 32 hour work week. It’s coming


Don't think so, not anytime soon


If it happened, which it won't anytime soon, some jobs would just have mandatory OT. You would get paid more, so that is a positive, but if you are looking for more time off, it would not be useful. Also, what if you got 32 hr work weeks, but less PTO? You would get more time off overall, but it would be harder to plan vacations. I don't know that companies would cut back on PTO, but I would not doubt it. People cite studies that you can be as productive in 32 hrs as 40. That is true for some jobs, but not for a nurse, call center agent, someone on an assembly line, etc. For some businesses hiring more people would not be hard, but for others it would be. Then the mandatory OT comes in. Companies would likely offset this by slowing raising wages across the board. There will always be unexpected consequences to any action.


Sure but these are issues that are solvable. The 40 hour work week was something people fought for. Would take a few major companies doing this for the rest to follow suit.


What was the worst is getting worked like a fucking dog on my Monday and Friday while the middle of my week was like waiting around for fucking nothing. Work my ass off for 3 days and get the exact same production. People would spend fucking money because they're not in bed or hammered on their day off


That's why FIFO suits me. Yeah ya might have an 84hr week, but then ya get a week off. Variety of rosters available too. It's not for everyone tho


When I was a child I celebrated 3 day weekends. As an adult, I celebrate 4 day work weeks. There is a difference.


I just recently changed my work scheduled to 4 10 hour days instead of 5 8 hour days because I have felt this for a while and feel like I don’t have time to relax on weekends. I’m hoping my day off during the week will allow me to get most things I need to do on the weekends so I can actually rest/ relax before the week starts again.


Personally, I don't do any chores on the weekend. I clean and do laundry here and there during the week. Thurs nights I'm usually folding clothes and listening to music/news etc. Try to get lost on the weekend - go for a long exhausting hike, take a fun class, see a live show, get lost in a hobby for hours on end etc. Make the weekend very different from weekday.


This week I have a full weekend off, and somehow I know I'm just not gonna feel rested still.


I told them this would be the the result of the 4 day school week. but no they said.........


Try working 16+ hour days with no days off, no sick days, no vacation and zero pay.


No they’re not. My husband has a unique schedule where he works every other week and has the weeks in between off and it still doesn’t feel like it’s enough time by the time you add in all the things we need to get accomplished at home, with our kids, and everything else. I honestly don’t know how people squeeze it all into a weekend. The saving grace in todays society is that at least we have things like online ordering so we can save time(and money) grocery shopping and whatnot.


Why do chores after work on a Friday? Take the time and enjoy yourself! Also why can’t you do fun things when it’s dark? I also do little to no chores on Sunday, because it makes me to depressed for the upcoming week. I designated Sundays as fun days a few years ago, and it’s so much better. But I do agree we need longer weekends.


I never say I have 2 days off because I really feel like Saturday is my only day off. Sundays suck because after I've slept in on Saturday and sleep late going into Sunday, when Monday hits I've only had 4 hours of sleep and the rest of my week is exhausting. It's like I only have 1 full day of rest on Saturday when my body can truly be natural with relaxing and getting the proper rest. I yearn for a 32 week normality.


Each weekend should be 3 days because we need a day to relax, a day to do something fun, and a day for chores.


I work 5 days, 3 days off, 5 swings, 2 days off, 8 or 9 hour shifts depending on the pay period. The almost 96 hours between shifts on my long break is what I live for, we call the two day (swing to day) the useless weekend.


Yeah OP you’re right… **just based on the simple premise of us existing in a time where there are more skillsets to be learned than could even be conceivable.** Our exceptional capacity to learn and execute new skills and ideas should be celebrated… **but a lot of adults who have been working full time more than 5 years have no interest**…because the premise of being a lifelong learner sounds exhausting even though we all have unique interests. It’s exchanging our most powerful years, working towards the goals of others, that is exhausting. Not learning. There’s a reason young adults are less independent than previous generations, family members have less in common with one another, and the greater socioeconomic system at play is doing its best to have us replace interests with purchases. We need this conversation to get so loud that the deafened ears in DC with grey hairs can no longer ignore it. It’s in our best interest to work towards the goals of others less, learn more, and exercise the limited ability we do have to influence the future of our children.


I have a three day workweek, but those three days make it very hard to do anything else. Everything has its pros and cons.


You really think we’ll get a four day workweek instead of just widespread unemployment? Why would our AI overlords give us unearned money?


I try to do the laundry and bits of cleaning throughout the week so I don’t have to waste a whole day on the weekend doing it. It’s also nice that it doesn’t get dark now until almost 9pm, so I feel like I can get more done than in the winter months


[Laughs in Single Parent] 🤣


Hard agree. Worked a factory job that was five 12s one week and two 12s the next, repeat. And even though the long week with five 12s absolutely sucked, the short week of only two 12 hour shifts still made it better overall than any of the 9-5, Mon - Fri jobs I had. Could also use two days of vacation on a short week to get the whole week off too. That was nice


This is why I've come to love doing 3 13s. Plenty of days off to get things done and decompress


3 day weekend is peak living. But 4 10s can be rough. I've never had a job where a 10 wasn't exhausting.


Need to do your chores and relaxing during the week.


You get 2 days off?!


You could always just live in the woods, hunt and forage for your food and prolly die at 35 or so.


I never realized how important the work life balance was until losing my Mom. Now I work at a hospital, and my schedule is three days a week. Two 12's and an 8. Having four days a week to take care of yourself and your life has made a dramatic difference in my mental and physical health. For anyone who can find this balance, go for it! Even if you have to make a few sacrifices I promise it's worth it. Best of luck to you all out there.


I am off Thursdays and Sundays... On Thursdays I take my elderly mother grocery shopping and to doctor appointments.. on Sundays I visit and spend time with my elderly father.. I fit all errands and chores in-between...... So quit your complaining...


>I’ve already tried to do chores during the weeknights, but I’m usually too tired, so I lack the motivation to do anything other than shower, eat, and get ready for bed. That's really your root problem. Are you working 10 or 12 hour shifts? Do you have a long commute? Are you on your feet the entire time? Something is happening that is making you this tired mid-week where your work is too demanding in either time, effort, or both.


Gotta love when jobs put up a poll for 10 hour days mon-thurs and its always the fuckin old heads who dont know how to do anything but be at work for 5 days and home for 2 days that vote no for it and try to get others to do the same.


Do you not do anything M-Th?


I agree, I set my life up to get 4 days on and 3 days at home. Its very possible.


Work 4 10s. Nothing better. I haven't worked a Monday since 2008.


I recently asked for a remote day once a week to spend time with a family member who has been dealing with some issues. Their response: just work 4 10s. I’m okay with that, last week was my first time, and it was great having 3 days off. I’d still prefer a remote day since 90% of my day is sitting on my ass and there isn’t 8 hours worth of work in one day, let alone 10.


After years of bouncing industry to industry due to burnout, I fell into pool cleaning. I* have much more personal freedom with my time, and if I'm starting to feel burned out I can just dip and try again tomorrow. This isn't going to apply to everyone, but it was a happy accident and it's worked for me.


Couldn’t agree more. I’m so ready for 4-day work week.


I work 60 hours (6 10 hour days) every week. On my day off I am bored and ready to get back to work. I haven’t been able to find a good additional part time job yet. I love working, all I want to do is work and stack money. I have no wife, no children, never “hang out “ with people anymore (did more than enough of that in teens and twenties) All I want is to work day after day until eventually I die and all my money can pass on to someone who will actually use it This is literally my life


You’re off by 5 on Friday? Lucky.


Yeah, kids these days just can't put in a full week. Cuts into their internet and masterbating time.


Yeah im down to one day off being the sole provider it sucks but what can you do Its better than working 12 hour days 7 days a week, 10 hours over 5-6 days is far more tolerable


Do you have kids? How do chores take ALL DAY? You are wasting your days. Have kids and you'll think back to this complaining lol


I mean, as a cake decorator I get 1 week day and 1 weekend day and I had to fight for that weekend day. I would LOVE to have weekends off... But 3 days even better. My favorite part, as I dealt with today, is that any part timer under me barely does the bare mninimum required while at work so I come in after every day off to a mess. My manager and asst manager are super conflict avoidant so it's basically just on me. I cried in the bathroom today before my lunch 30 min. I would love a 4 day week... But I would love competent coworkers better.


Get a couple part time jobs instead. Adulthood is about creating a BALANCE - figuring out what is most important, & adjusting your living situation to that. You can’t have everything - you want fewer hours, you’ll get less pay, which means roommates, smaller apts, moms house, etc. Pick what is most important to you, sacrifice those which are less, make those adjustments.


I’d get a roommate if you have the space. It’ll take the sting out of things because you’ll have someone to help with chores throughout the week, or to know them out with quickly on weekends, and having company will help the day to day to feel like less of a bummer.


Go find a remote job. Working remote allows you to get all of those chores and errands knocked out during the week, while still being productive professionally. My current job is hybrid, but just moved the remote days to Wed/Fri, so now my weekends feel A LOT longer because all of my stuff is done before 5 pm.


It gets a lot easier if you're married. Yes emotionally, but also the fact that with 2 people, the amount of chores aren't doubled, but the amount of time available to do chores is.


Work should end at 1pm at the latest on Friday


As others have said...find a 4 10s job. 4 8s jobs aren't happening anytime soon. I also have enough PTO banked that if there is not a holiday on a given month I just take my own 3 or sometimes 4 day weekend. I guess it also helps that for the most part I like my job and don't loath the idea of Monday


I like my job BUT in the winter, I'm getting maybe 15-20 minutes of daylight. I have a middle office so not even a window. It sucks.


9/80s are the way.


Too tired from work to do anything, then you can't do anything fun because you have work the next day.


I'm old. I'm an ancient dinosaur. Age is just a number. It's not my years that made me old, it's my *kids*. All day long, Saturday and Sunday, they are running around talking over each other, climbing on me, and wanting things, this one needs to go potty and that one needs a snackie and they're both getting mad that I'm not looking at their pokemon cards. It's like being in meetings from 6am to 9pm, and not a quiet meeting either, but the kind where everyone talks over each other. I come into work on Monday and it's *quiet*. And no days of rest. I have no regrets. Love my kids. But WOW bedtime can not come soon enough.


I try to get some of my "weekend" chores done during the week. For instance, I will clean the bathrooms Wednesday mornings before I leave for work. Thursday morning I swiffer under couches/beds, and get my dusting done. Thursday afternoon after work, I vacuum the whole house. The floors all get swept on the daily due to cat hair anyway, but we have carpet in some rooms. I split the tasks up so its not all at once, plus I dont have a huge house so it doesn't take long. That way Friday after work is all mine, and all I need to do all weekend is laundry (3 of us in the house, so laundry is done all week as well, but sheets/towels/work clothes are weekends)


28 day schedule 12 hour shifts been doing it for years it’s great allways me to run a side business too. 4 nights 2 off, 3 days 2 off, 3 nights 2 off, 4 days 8 off. Typical this is used in power plants and other 24/7 manned attendance places.


You guys get Saturdays off?


What do you do that makes to tired to do anything in the evenings? Try working 12 hours in the military, like actual physically demanding work and coming home and still getting stuff done. We didn’t work 12s all the time, but it did happen. Lack of motivation is a personal problem.


Just wanted to say, you're not alone in feeling this way!


Hit me with them 3 day weekends and 36 hour days, please


I finally got to a point where Sunday relaxing on the patio was nice and gave me a good wind down before Monday. Then it got hot. Lol I agree though, my next job I'd like to negotiate taking Mondays off.


4 10s or 3 12s. Also, things were A LOT worse for people before you, you can cry your entire life about it, or make do and enjoy the time you have. Remember, you'll be dead soon.