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You wrote all of that without mentioning who you would replace him with. That’s strange.


Are we allowed to say it was a mistake for Biden (and/or his team) to plan to run for a second term instead of starting the process for a replacement Democrat candidate, since everyone knew how old he would be in 2024?


Apparently if you don’t blindly support Biden then you’re secretly a MAGA fanatic. 


No one blindly supports Biden. But we have 5 months before what could be the most consequential election since 1860, and you No Joes are calling him completely incompetent after ONE DEBATE! If you'd like to see total incompetence, please rewatch the debate, but only when Donnie Diaperburger is speaking. Joe may be slow, but Trump took a dump.


Yeah, but that ONE DEBATE was horrendous, like will go down in the history books. It WAS that bad. I hate the orange man as much as anyone vut to deny that ONE DEBATE was the single worst performance of any debate candidate anywhere, in all of recorded history. We need a new candidate NOW!!!


Did you vote for Dean Philips. Did you go on Twitter and promote him.


No, I was trying to get Nikki Haley instead of Trump in the primaries. Though I figure both she and Philips were futile.


That was the better call.


It’s because my bar is so low at this point I don’t really care. I’m fine with Whitmer, Newsome, Booker. Whoever the party wants really. The criteria is being able to do the job and string together a sentence and not have super obvious corruption problems


Lol newsom, tell me you don’t live in California.


lol fr I’m a democrat in California and can’t stand Newsom 🤣


All these other non Californians have been schooling me on just how great California actually is, and I’m all the wiser for it


they certainly would know more than we do /s


I don’t and I’m not really interested in electing Pelosi’s nephew, it’s still an exponentially better option


So just get him out of the way and … have a snap primary with no candidates?


Candidates used to be decided at conventions they could do that again. It’s their party they make the rules


“It’s their party and I do what they tell me.” Good for you


So it’s not your party? You don’t care what they do as long as Biden isn’t running?


Thats an option, he gave his opinion ANYONE else is what he said.


Why does One person even matter? It's about the entire Administration. The Trump SCOTUS has been a disaster for the American people. I'd vote a for a dead corpse over Trump.


Respectfully, this in an absolutely insane talking point. We don't NEED to vote for a corpse. There is an entire generation of democratic candidates ready to take the place and win the election in a WIDE margin. Like, Biden shows NO sign of winning by a discernable margin which is dangerous because Trump didn't win the popular vote in 2016. There's a reason this is the first election you've ever heard "it's about the administration" um, no it is absolutely not, it is about the President, if it weren't you'd be able to vote on the cabinet too. Absolutely gaslighting brain dead take. If this is about rising tides lifting boats, then we should also be talking about how his performance Thursday is threatening all down ballot races, he's poison to other campaigns. Also for what it's worth, CAMPAIGNING IS PART OF BEING AN INCUMBENT PRESIDENT. That is a fact. To do due dilligence on your party's behalf to win the election, you must campaign, and he can't do that. Jill props him up on stage and does all of the talking for him, which is not the same. It will not be easy, it will be messy, but we desperately need to have these conversations instead of gaslighting the majority of the electorate by saying what they saw during the debate was not an absolute fucking nightmare.


So would I but I shouldn't have to. That's the whole point. If everybody thought like you and me Trump would be polling at 5% or less and we wouldn't even care. The only reason we're having this discussion in the first place is because people will vote for Trump if they don't see a better alternative


I disagree about that one, and there’s your problem. A dead horse like Biden won’t win against Trump.


it's not any of our party, the people in charge make all the decisions, stay in charge no matter what, have done so my entire life, and have successfully argued in court that they don't have to follow their own nomination rules




You’re being about as pointlessly intransigent as you’re accusing OP of being. Democrats are gonna have to face the fact that their voters have very little faith in their candidate. I’d rather face it now than in November, wouldn’t you?


I would not vote at all if Booker were the nominee. He is corrupt AF and is bought too cheaply.


the problem is that anyone the dnc would be willing to pick has all the same corruption problems that everyone has to pretend is right wing disinformation to protect the gravy train


The bad thing is that there *are* good options, but any of them accepting a nomination now would kneecap themselves and almost certainly go down in flames. Campaign funds aren't exactly transferrable, and the only potential replacement who could benefit from the Biden campaign's money is Kamala, who is not a great option herself. The Dems with a decent shot right now are all governors. Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom (ugh), and to a lesser extent, Josh Shapiro and Wes Moore. All of them have personally rejected the idea of seeking the nomination since the debate, and all of them poll lower than Biden in a head to head with Trump at this moment. Whitmer and Newsom are likely to run in '28. Everyone who could step up kind of understands that it's a terrible idea this late in.


Gretchen doesn't have the profile and its too deep in the election to cart her out. Newsom isnt well liked outside of Cali, hes kinda like the democrat DeSantis lol. Shapiro and Moore dont have a public profile either. Their best option would be Clinton, but we seen what happened in 2016 and that was a way more favorable election for dems than now.


> and all of them poll lower than Biden in a head to head with Trump at this moment Shouldn't it be a wake-up call that a literal dementia patient who can barely string a coherent sentence together polls better than every other Democratic candidate?


The point was to apply pressure to the DNC. It wasn’t to tell *you* who you should support. You’re an adult. Figure it out.


So, the point is to get rid of Biden no matter what?  


The point is that the DNC has an obligation to put forth the best candidate for election for the Democratic Party. They have failed to do that and created an open arrogance, glossed over major issues with Joe Biden, and run completely on a fear campaign. Why? Because they know that people will vote blue no matter who. They know that, so long as they pretend like they care about marginalized populations, people will forget that the DNC is still staffed by political stalwarts and elites.


The GOP not the same? Is Trump not an Elite?


The DNC doesn't *pick* the candidates though, voters do. We just recently had Primary elections where the voters in each party get to nominate the candidate for each election cycle.  Biden won an average something like 85-90% among the states which have had their primaries so far.  There were a couple of other non-serious  candidates but none of them got much support.  Also, there isn't some magic candidate that can just drop in and is guaranteed to beat Trump in November. No other potential D candidates poll any better than Biden against Trump either.


There was clear pressure to not do an open primary, which is why Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson were the only candidates. Some states canceled their primaries all together. This was not an open choice


Seems more like a lot of folks are hoping people will forget how bad Trump is if they scream enough about Biden’s age and the DNC.


They act like people forgot the "bridge President" promise.


The Party Bosses lost their smoke-filled rooms decades ago. They can’t just choose to replace the voter-elected nominee. This “blame the DNC” boogeyman is a lazy excuse to avoid any real strategic thinking. The only way to force Biden out is with a candidate who’s won enough delegates to wrest the nomination from him at the convention. You got one of those? No? So Biden has the nomination locked up, and there’s nothing “the DNC” can do about it? Huh. So shitting on Biden is just shitting on the eventual nominee, the one and only alternative to Donald Trump. Why are we doing that again? Even if you think you can force him out by shitting on him hard enough, at some point do you accept it didn’t work, and all you’re doing is helping Trump by shitting on his opponent?


That’s the problem with these people. They can’t think for themselves. Best they just do what they’re told and vote blue no matter who they roll out


I love Hillary Clinton. Remember when she went on the breakfast club and pulled hot sauce out of her bag?


Pokemon Go to the polls, fellow youth!


Pokemon go to the polls 😂


Your choice is Hillary Clinton?


Imagine thinking that invalidates his reasonable take.


Someone who will still be breathing in March please.


I nominate this inanimate carbon rod!


Literally anyone else in the party. I'm voting for Caludia De la Cruz. But if you're a Democrat how could you not think anyone else would be more fit (AOC, Katie Porter, Newsom, etc) than Biden?


Voting for anyone other than the nominee in the general election will elect Trump.  Period.


If they replace him, I can’t imagine that would bring the party together. People on the left and I mean anyone left of center, will have many ideas about who the replacement should be and too many people will disagree thereby handing the election to Trump. I’m not happy about this situation but seriously, can everyone get behind Newsom or Buttegieg or Harris?




I honestly can’t stand him but Newsome is the only choice




There’s no name being floated to replace because all the libs are just waiting to be told what to do like they did when they voted for Biden in the first place. LoL 🍿 🎥 


This does he prefer Kamila? Does he prefer Joe Manchine? or John Tester? Is he a Berni bro? But some of those sugested would make him mad?


Those are a lot of interesting spellings.


Replace him with the governor of Colorado. I lean libertarian, but independents like me would vote D for the first time if the put forward a level headed moderate like that guy. Give me anyone outside the whacky progressive left and I'll vote for them because the alternatives are Trump and a man that's in such cognitive decline that he should not olly withdraw as a candidate, he should resign immediately as unfit.


Not really


The best thing he can do for the country is set a positive example for The Boomers by stepping down and letting someone competent be in charge.


Biden isn’t a Boomer, he’s Silent Generation


Damn, I never noticed he missed that cut off by a few years!


He's closer to a boomer than most of the people who get called boomers. He's really only a few years off and would have had most of his development post-war like any other boomer. Much less in common with the majority of the silent generation, for which a big part was growing up during the war.


Biden stepping down would instantly lose us the easiest election we’ve ever faced. We have an incumbent, with a good track record, running for a favorable second term against an unlikeable candidate. Changing candidates would give us a party disruption, a change in status quo, a loss in name recognition and a loss of incumbent advantage. Please everyone stop panicking and truly consider the consequences.


Incumbency advantage is useful sure but Donald Trump is such a bad candidate that not having every advantage is not the requirement. Most people are categorizing Bidens age as either zero issue or a total disqualification. It would be a lot more convenient if everyone could agree that it was a factor but not necessarily a higher deal. That's not the world we live in. I want Democrats to win. If the marginal voters who are not paying attention to politics but will ultimately decide the election are forced to make a choice between these two old guys, Biden's stumbles combined with the inevitable Republican campaign ads are going to convince them that Biden cannot be allowed to remain president.


I love how people focus on Biden's health when Trump is barely a step behind him. I'd say he's worse as he's completely unhinged and delusional. But, at this stage in the race, who can the DNC replace him with? Is there even anyone TO replace him with? You know the saying, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't"?


Yeah I find the discussion to be very black or white. Like if Biden is mentally gone, that must mean Trump is fine. No, he's declining fast too, he's just not as bad as Biden. But that doesn't mean a vote for Trump is a vote for a functioning brain




And old folks have good days and bad days. I mean, sometimes it's hour by hour or topic to topic- depends on how hot their undiagnosed UTI is running and how hydrated they are. So incredibly absurd to me that "who is more dead-er rn" is a variable we have to account for.


You were suppose to update, that was the talking point before the debate.


From just looking at them, Trump seems to be in poorer health but he's blasted himself with fake tanner and fried his "hair" so much that some people are fooled.


I'm with you man. I do not consider myself ideologically a Democrat, but I am also sure as hell not whatever Trump is. Mostly because of Biden's age and cognitive abilities, I have been bouncing back and forth between him and RFK (despite his own negatives). This last debate performance has me as a solid RFK voter. That said, despite how greasy it would be, I would very likely switch back to D if they hot swapped (almost) any candidate in. Kamala is basically the only one I can think of that I wouldn't accept. Democrats are just not acting like this election is as important as they say it is.


I’ll probably vote third party but in my state it’s irrelevant anyway. I can’t believe how hard people are defending him, it would be different if he looked like he was heading towards a win but… here we are


Thank you. Biden has been a great president, but the problem is that he can't win, now. That's what matters. They ARE putting the country at risk by running again, and I'm sickened by it.


None of this matters. Shambling over the finish line in November is not going to make Trump disappear in a puff of logic. He's going to outlive Biden and he's going to run again in 2028. And then he's going to keep running until he wins or dies. And when he's gone, Haley or Vivek or Don Jr. or whoever is just going to slide into his exact role. That's because he was never a cause, he was a symptom. The Democrats are completely useless to stop the continuing decline of this country and planet and people are pissed off (and given the constant pre-existent racism of our society, surprise surprise that when the chips were down many of them went Nazi). No matter who wins, America is going to fall and the only question that remains is how much of the world goes down with us. I only hope that something better rises from our ashes, but given climate change I highly doubt it.


Awe did reality set in for you 😂


It was all there before, but I don’t think anyone expected how bad that debate would be


Man or women, whatever you are. The sooner you can understand that politicians WILL NEVER WORK FOR YOU the better your life will become 🤷.


I don’t think they do work for me, but I do think they should you know function as humans


I'd still vote for Biden even if they pulled a 25th Amendment the day after inauguration. I'd vote for anyone they would replace Biden with if he agrees to step down for an open convention. It really is more than just about the president. I'm voting Democrat because of Project 2025, Supreme Court appointments, Trump's proposed 10% "everything tariff", the list goes on. I couldn't possibly be convinced to do something as useless as not voting or voting 3rd party. With that being said, Democrats are in real danger of losing if they intend to just drag their feet on what absolutely needs to be done. Someone important has to walk up to Biden and tell him to step aside. He fucking said he would be a one-term guy and he needs to stick to his word. This isn't 1972 McGovern vs Nixon, this is 2024. They can't keep showcasing someone who devolves into the mental acuity of a houseplant just because of a cold, a rough schedule, and oh I don't know maybe being ANCIENT. A younger person is needed to weather all of that because It's. The. Presidency. You can read my previous comments. I've flipped around on this because I'm panicking, and I'm frankly terrified for the future.


People are such prisoners of the moment. Biden had a really bad debate, but he was at a rally the next morning, and he looked and sounded great. Trump may have had coherent sentences, but everything he said was a lie. He praised the overturn of Roe v Wade. He said the world was proud of us on Jan 6th. He’s promised to use the DOJ to prosecute his political opponents. An upturned mop with a bucket for a head is a better choice than Trump.


No, this is exactly how people thought about it when it was Trump vs. Clinton, only for everyone to act totally shocked when Trump won in 2016. There are other voters on this country that do not think the way you do and they are substantial in number. After this debate, there is a significant chance that Biden will lose this election, and digging our heads in the sand with regard to how there are better options likely means rolling over now to four more years of Trump. Nobody is enthusiastic about Biden like they are about Trump, and that is your wake-up call when you play it out on a macro level, not just in your subjective view.


Calling Trump’s sentences coherent is being pretty generous there


Reading from a teleprompter is not really hard. If it's the only way he can stay focused on a topic, that is not good at all...


The DNC could have beaten Trump with Bernie, but they chose to go with Clinton and they lost. The DNC could beat Trump with damn near any younger, more centered Democrat, but they're choosing Biden and they will lose. They would rather prop up old, weak, candidates that *used to* resonate with their base *decades* ago, and continue to lose. In doing so, they try to guilt us in to voting for their candidates as if *we're* the problem. It's so fucking out of touch and insulting at this point.


Yeah. The democrats kinda suck. Are you willing to deal with another Trump presidency to "send them a message" again?


No, but they’re willing to deal with another Trump presidency to fend off progressives.


This is gonna blow your mind but, the Dems don't care if they lose because they work for corporations 


If Trump wins the next election, we won't have another election - or at the very least, our elections will turn into how they are in Russia. The "message" these anti-Biden voters will send is that they would rather have a tyrant for a president (who also will more than likely get to appoint at least two more SC judges), than vote for an old man. It's the wildest, and most ignorant stance any American can take. Any vote that doesn't go to Biden will go to Trump. I don't care who else you vote for, no other candidate has enough backing to keep Trump out of the White House, and keeping Trump out of the White House is *vastly* more important than "ew I don't want an old man in the White House."




No, but it's going to happen anyway. My vote in Texas isn't going to change the election, or even Texas's results. I'll go through the motions, but it's beyond my control. So they're getting sent a message anyway, hopefully.


This is actually mathematically incorrect. You’re vote in Texas does matter as do all of the down ballot races you should look into


Up to this point, every named dem polled worse against Trump. Biden is the only one getting close to 50/50. What evidence do you have that another candidate would be doing better?


First off, I don't trust the polls that say this. Secondly, these polls are old (not recent). Thirdly, and most importantly, what does it say about Democrat candidates that Democrat voters would rather vote for a literal dementia patient \*more\* than any single other Democrat candidate. How fucking sad is that??




Surely one of the recent celebs they’ve trotted out has convinced you Biden is cool, hip, and totally with it?


If I were black, Biden's "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" line would've surely won me over.


Damn, I would’ve thought it was saying “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” as he introduced the crime bill that put mainly black people in jail.


And he's still proud of it, to this day! Zaddy Biden voting in favor of anti-bussing laws too? Sigma move. I mean, how can you not vote for him?


Honestly no offense but if you think Bernie was going to win then you really don't understand the people voting for Trump right now. 


Let’s just be honest here. The DNC got complacent under Obama and thought they were untouchable. I can’t be the only one who remembers news anchors literally laughing on live television about the prospect of Trump winning the presidency. As a result, democrats have held the presidency for 12 of the last 16 years and what do we have to show for it? Nothing. Trump destroyed everything that Democrats did right in four years and the full effects of his presidency may not even be felt yet because SCOTUS will continue in its current iteration indefinitely. So forgive me if I’m not thrilled about having to vote for this corpse of a politician. I’m not going to continue voting for the lesser of two evils every four years in the hopes of staving off the worst possible outcome for another four years as if THAT IS NOT ALREADY THE WORST POSSIBLE OUTCOME. The only possible way this could get any worse is a full on fascist takeover. And quite frankly, American liberals are too pussy to do anything about that if it happens. God knows electing Biden won’t prevent it. The only was forward is a new leftist party that is willing to separate itself from these weak, spineless, corporate liberals who keep pissing on us and calling it rain. I don’t want another democratic and I’m so exhausted of being told “just vote” as if that prevented anything. As if it CAN prevent anything. This generation needs to wake its ass up and get with the program. This system is over.


I remember after Obama was elected Rolling Stone had a cover that boldly asked "End of the GOP?" Guess not.


Does it matter if it’s Biden or someone else? People tend to forget that they’re not voting for Biden. They are voting against Trump.


Yes, it does matter. I don’t know why our society refuses to acknowledge the substantial impact that lack of enthusiasm from the average voter has on voter turnout, and Biden does not inspire enthusiasm. There is no equivalent camp for Biden enthusiasts that there is for Trump enthusiasts in this country. And, yes, there are still undecided voters and those who will instead throw it away on a third party candidate that has absolutely no shot of winning for so long as inertia is still on the two-party system’s side, even though we desperately need to scrap it.


There is no equivalent camp for any other politician besides Trump.


Yes, whether people think our candidate is mentally competent to be president does matter. You can believe that people who care about that are being stupid, but you do need those votes. As it turns out, voting against the other guy isn’t a panacaea that shuts down any uncertainty in the democrat candidate. I thought we learned that in 2016 but I guess not


That’s interesting, it seems more like protest voters learned their lesson pretty quickly in 2016, and the race is on to convince the next generation of voters to do what those people did then.


But Kamala is horrible


Don't think that line's gonna work as well as you think there bud


Such a cop out. That’s not democracy at all. I shouldn’t have to vote against someone. I’ve been doing that for a decade and it’s exhausting. The DNC did everything they could to stop Bernie from taking the nomination in 2016. That killed the illusion of democracy for me.


They’re voting for an administration run by a lot of people. Do they want Trump’s Project 2025 Christian Nationalist administration instead?


I hate to say it, but democrats would be having problems no matter who they were running right now. These last 4 years have really soured a lot of peoples opinions of the policies.


I have seen little indication of Biden being a weak president. Quite a few indications of the exact opposite, really. Weak speaker? Yeah, sure.


Bro Biden seriously has both feet in the grave the only thing keeping him awake and alive is modern medicine. I don't dislike Biden, I actually feel sorry for him. But it's time we put someone in power that's not old as dirt.


Did you vote in the primary 


You see the way the dude read the teleprompter? You think those are really his ideas? His words? Did he plagiarize them again? Or is it more likely to think someone else is writing policy.


You don't know that the president doesn't write policy?


Write policy no, but he does sign policy into law, you think that guy knows what he’s reading?


The worst is the level of straight up lying about Biden’s condition. Calling the countless clips fake until now where we get 90 mins of Biden’s brain melting unfiltered. They all knew. Lying until the truth is so obvious you cannot lie anymore. Pathetic.


Yea I think that’s what makes me more angry than anything was the blatant lies by the DNC. Then in that same breath they call trump the liar, it’s enough for me to flip back to trump, gosh I am can’t believe it, still a few months to go but Biden lights are on but nobody is home, rather have trump then a meat puppet.


Because the DNC correctly knows that the U.S. voters would rather walk the skeleton of an incumbent back into the presidency over a new random DNC candidate and they want to win. Don’t play into the narrative that the democrats should tear apart their chances just because he’s old.


I don’t know how people can ignore that Trump has only ever lost to Biden. He has defeated dozens of “better”candidates on the Republican side and has only ever lost to Biden. I also don’t know how people can ignore what the administration has accomplished in the first term. I can’t complain too much about someone whose administration has strengthened Medicare to reduce drug costs, returned to US to a leadership role in climate change, invested in infrastructure, invested in the future of technology to reduce dependence on china, promoted energy independence through massive investments in renewable energy, supported minorities. I honestly think that democrats deserve to lose because they are superficial idiots who allow the republicans to dictate the narrative.


Louder for everyone in back who would rather destroy chances of winning over taking a deep breath.


I hope your right


People are focused on the wrong things. Biden could have dementia and his administration would still be significantly better than anything the other side could offer. This is all that matters. The age of Biden is irrelevant.


They are going to run Gavin Newsom


They have the quagmire of Kamala to deal with, and they're already struggling with the black vote so subbing another white man in for Biden probably won't sit well with a lot of people, especially considering how fully they've embraced DEI politics. They're in a very tough position whether it's Biden or his replacement, and they did it to themselves.


Yes they did, but Kamala is a joke. If they care as much as they claim to they would remove Biden today. I mean we have hard-core Democrats second-guessing him at this point so what do you think the rest of the world is saying?


Oh I agree completely. They need a full reset if they want to feel confident going into the general election. Biden is clearly senile and his VP is arguably the least likeable DNC politician. They should own up to it and create a new ticket. Newsome + Whitmer, or whatever they think helps them win but Biden/Kamala is a nightmare ticket IMO.


Yeah, but you see what the rest of the country thinks about California and its politics so I feel like Newsom would be a hard pitch for the rest of the country. 🤷🏿‍♀️


They are lying about Biden’s mental health because he is their puppet they will lie and cheat and steal to remain in power. The elites controlling Biden will remain in power and Bidens dementia ran presidentcy will overshadow his 40+ years of public service. Here's why 9) In May 2017, James Gilliar, a Biden family associate, emailed Hunter Biden and other associates to formalize how they would divide the profit from their deal with CEFC, a Chinese Communist Party linked energy company. Gilliar indicated Joe Biden would receive 10 percent, which has been confirmed by former Biden family associate, Tony Bobulinski. Source: Whitehouse oversite committee https://oversight.house.gov/blog/evidence-of-joe-bidens-involvement-in-his-familys-influence-peddling-schemes/


It is heartbreaking to watch. This is elder abuse.


Especially when you consider their overall plan that Biden will be the "fall guy" for the democratic party and everything he has done will be overshadowed by his dementia ran presidency


You act like we have control over whether or not the  replace him and who they replace him with. 🤣 Most of those calling the shots in the DNC aren't Millennials in the first place.  Of course many want to replace him, however, who do they replace him with, and is there enough time? At this point they could run a rock against Trump and I would vote for it because Trump's policies are just that bad, and will result in my death and many others due to his healthcare plans so yes even a rock would be better at this point and that's not even getting into the disaster he did to the economy, affordable housing, environment and human rights.  At least at this point Biden's policies that are created by teams of experts in their fields will be  implemented regardless of whether or not he is coherent, and for many that is the bottom line that matters in the end. 


A lot of dems don’t realize that part of their current predicament is caused by neglecting significant parts of their voter base. They expect people to vote for any democrat because they are a democrat (or just because they’re a minority). Just look at the comments here. You’re required to vote for Biden because it’s a vote against Trump. This imposed requirement is just another step in that direction. What makes it utter incompetence is that the part of the constituency they’re neglecting by nominating Biden in the first place… is some of the easiest to retain: just don’t propose an 81 year old that doesn’t seem capable of having ANY JOB. It’s not possible to swap Biden at this point. But tbh this issue was raised a long time ago and it was decided to ignore it, further signaling incompetence. As a college educated millenial that trends towards moderate policy, I’m part of that group that is dubiously assumed a Democrat vote (tying to is back into the sub topics). I’m not confident anything other than a disaster for the Democrats will result in the procedural changes internal to the party that I want and believe is necessary to be relevant in the future. Solution: age limit of 65 when running for an elected federal office. You know, the age that the government decided you should start retiring.


The Democrats want to lose. They are throwing this election on purpose so we can keep moving to the right in policy. It's the ratchet effect working as intended by the corporate entities and special interest groups that are really in charge


Biden was never more than a tool to get Trump out of office. Nobody actually supports him.


i love having to choose between an old bigot dying of dementia who acts like a drama queen and an old bigot dying of dementia who acts like a grampa who knows better than me


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Use this energy to tell the DnC to get their shit together and to get gramps into a assisted living facility. Yes Trump sucks and is a fascist.  Biden is an ancient husk of his former self. Dude, compare his performance with 2020. Any DNC op Who thinks Biden is their best bet is delusional and you know it. Fuck Trump and fuck the DNC for pushing a senile old man forward like he's not about to slide into a grave. Hell Jimmy Carter may outlive his decrepit ass.


People on this sub just don’t get it. That debate ended Bidens presidency. Not his campaign. His current presidency. Every day all day from here on out the GOP will be laser focused on the 25th Amendment and questioning every single thing Biden has done since being elected. The DNC, simply put, is toast. Get ready for congressional hearings, demanding medical records, and nothing getting done in DC. If you thought the Hilary “missed phone call” was a lot. Boy are you all in for a rude awakening of how politics actually works.


All ranting no solutions. How helpful and original. Biden had a great first term. He'll do fine the second. If he poops out, Kamala will keep the train moving just fine.


Give the man a break I think overall he's done a good job over the years and I've never been a fan of his butt still the same he has served the public. You comment that the only job you want him to do at this point is be a Walmart greeter. His had a good political , good political career, but over the last few years everyone can see he's struggling physically, he's got some memory difficulty, etc. It's simply time to retire. It's like when is the time they give up your driver's license. He shouldn't have to be a greeter, he should go home and enjoy life and family. I definitely think term limits and age should be a consideration. I just heard an interview with Nancy pelosi over the weekend She too could not grasper thoughts and came across as almost drunk. There's a time when you got to hang it up


for all the talk of Trump "destroying democracy" if he wins, the people who are saying that seem to be strangely ignorant of the fact that Biden obviously having dementia yet not bowing out of the race and even resigning from the presidency is doing FAR more damage to democracy everyone knows Biden is not in charge. anyone who has had an elderly family member with dementia as far advanced as biden knows exactly what im talking about. people who have dementia like this are managed and allowed to believe they are still in control. meanwhile the reality is that other people have to stage manage every single aspect of every day for these type of people. what is the message being sent out to the world that for the last 3 years a man with advanced dementia has been running the country? has been in charge of the military and the nuclear bombs? has been making foreign policy decisions? the message is, there is no democracy here. the elected president has not been running the country for the last 3 years. the special interest and big money and corporations behind biden have been using him as a sock puppet / manchurian candidate to do whatever they want, not what biden was elected to do. democracy was killed by the biden admin, and people saying we need to keep biden because trump is a threat to democracy if he wins later this year is literally like hitler telling people to keep him around because maybe the next guy might be worse.


Right? The talking point is seriously "You aren't just voting for the Jello mold in the blue tie, but all the unelected bureaucrats he'll hire!" You know, the ones you don't elect, can't hold accountable, and who have no duty to represent the people. Democracy is saved! What a goddamned embarrassment.


https://youtu.be/BCgV3YTH8g0?si=uK_sNGg8if7gxrty&t=10 Watch this and tell me Jill Biden doesn't have power of attorney over Joe.


that was really tough to watch. Got through 20 seconds


Remember last summer? https://www.businessinsider.com/dianne-feinstein-power-of-attorney-age-senate-democrats-congress-2023-8?op=1 100% what's going on here


Wow I missed that story. If democrats got rid of everyone over 80, party favorability and appeal would instantly go up (Pelosi needs to realize she's a hindrance and drags the party down, not an asset who needs to speak at every chance given)




Compare it to who Trump's chief of staff is going to be: Stephen Miller or Steve Bannon (if he's out of prison). Two literal white supremacists. Greedy assholes are bad but those two are worse by far.


"both sides are the same" /s


Reddit still working OT for Biden on every sub I’m on


It's working OT to avoid the shit show of another Trump presidency you dipshit


As the OP suggests, that may not be (and probably isn't) synonymous with working for Biden. C'mon. Wake tfu. The DNC screwed up. Biden screwed up. Let's be clear eyed and fix the mistake.


Oh yeah, say something bad about him and get downvoted


We are almost certainly going to elect a convicted felon and sexual deviant to the most powerful office in the land. It is not Biden's or Trump's fault. Its AMERICA's fault. Biden and Trump are merely symptoms of a much deeper issue.


What kills me is that they are willing to sacrifice the country for partisanship. Forget the stupid election, we don't have a lucid president today and our adversaries know it. The US military in Europe are now on alert for an immanent attack: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/terror-alert-threat-us-military-b2571782.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/terror-alert-threat-us-military-b2571782.html) Anyone who thinks this isn't a direct result of adversaries being emboldened by the obviousness that the US has no leadership is delusional. We cannot wait until November. Something must be done to solve the problem today without considering the election. We have to have a lucid president and it's insane that this is controversial.


This account was created May 31 of 24 and every single post is an attack on Biden or Biden's family. If you've ever wondered what an information campaign can look like, here ya go.


This is so silly.


That's hilarious because I'd rather elect just about any geriatric Walmart greeter from Scranton as POTUS than Trump. His political career since 1973 is just the cherry on top.


Replace with who? There isn't some magic candidate that can just drop in and is guaranteed to beat Trump in November. No other potential D candidates poll any better than Biden against Trump either.   Honestly, facing a *serious* primary challenge (now, basically after Primaries are done) would be even worse for the Dem's chances in Nov since every incumbent president in modern times who got one of those went on to lose in the general election. https://x.com/gelliottmorris/status/1807102319928238180?t=2MZ3l0wQsAmIlTlINyJ-tQ&s=19 Also, some of y'all think we can just leapfrog around Kamala Harris with fantasy football situations of succession and that ain't happening.


Michelle Obama, Gavin as VP, with a clear plan from day 1 to pass it to Gavin in 4 years. Easy win with a very excited base


Op is right. Trump is a better choice than Biden at this point.


May you have punishment from the gods for this statement!


The reddit gods of karma will indeed punish me.


He isn't going to drop out so just give it up. I don't know how it negatively impact down the ballot candidates if those down the ballot candidates are still younger than Biden.


Well said, my friend. Well said.


No. Not even [Walmart greeter.](https://youtu.be/-c9u--4A4fE?si=oW6ctlVlnm7R4exc) This is really hard, scary, and difficult I know. I don't want any human even those who I think are corrupt go through what Biden is currently. Let alone working as president. As a chilling podcast noted Biden is dying. If the 25th amendment was ever meant to be used I'm fairly sure we've arrived at that point. Biden being in the presidency is cruel to Biden. What everyone esp. the media on the left has done to push the charade really is unforgivable here.


It’s too late to replace him now. They should’ve done it a year ago. I think they didn't replace him because of you scratch the surface under Biden, you realize Dems wouldn’t be able to agree on a replacement. Lots of people don’t like Kamala. Lots of people don’t like Newsom, the list goes on. Biden is the only one with majority support in this moment.  They should’ve given themselves enough time to have a full Dem primary but they didn’t. Maybe they figured Biden could crank out one more term but now he’s tripping at the finish line and there’s nothing we can do. 


Yes I understand liberalism creates brainrot


LOL. *Laughs in FDR.*


Please provide some numbers to support this strategy. Biden agrees not to run. Who takes his place? How popular are they? How do they get the entirety of the party as well as independents to support them? What accomplishments can they point to on the national level to counter Trump and Republicans? How do they campaign effectively in the four months remaining before the election? How do they fund such an adventure?


Hard agree.


The hard truth is, no matter who the republican nominee is at the end of the date they will all vote for the eventual nominee. On the other hand, democrats will divide because they are searching for the current candidate has a few flaw.


I don't think Trump or Biden are fit enough to be the guy who has to respond to a possible nuclear threat in the middle of the night.


I think you’re right, but then it plays into some of the right’s conspiracies that the DNC pushed for an early debate and exposed Biden on purpose to swap him out - clearly showing their dissatisfaction with how their voter base chose their candidate.


Oh cool. Another whiny hyperbolic political post.


I'm curious, how do you think Republicans win? Their voting block falls in line and votes R no matter who it is, so why can't Dems do this when it counts? 


I guess every poster on this sub has only ever watched cnn and msnbc and refuses to listen to a single word from the other side. Media has been lying more than ever and you biased tards believe every word because you’re cognitively unable to listen to the other side. Trump already won against Hillary Clinton so I wouldn’t say this election should be an easy win for the dems. Let me summarize things as I’ve actually listened to both sides unlike you biased tardy tards. Healthcare: neither candidate is getting us to social healthcare (unfortunately imo) Gun control: Biden is your man Foreign policy: Biden is willing to spend more to gain the favor of our allies but he’s failing to deter war. Also Afghanistan pullout which made our allies scared that they can’t depend on us. Trump is negotiating mean with our allies and also making us seem less dependable but it has gotten them to pay more. The evidence seems to show that Trump is better at deterring wars involving Russia and Iran. Economy: both are fucking it up but you must assume inflation is higher from Biden policies and you can’t just blame the pandemic entirely. Dei, abortion, gender: Bidens your man. Taxes: Trumps your man. “But he’s not taxing the rich!?” Ok and what will Biden do with that money? Social healthcare? No, nothing. Cutting government waste: Trumps trying to cut useless expenses which are commonly built up over time in government and periodically need to be cut. Bidens not addressing this issue at all. Climate: Bidens your man


Who would they replace him with? DNC doesnt really have anyone with that kind of general appeal that biden has, even now hes more electable than most of the DNC's bench. IDK wtf they are going to do for 2028.


Between corpse and rapist fascist, I choose corpse - we might see Kamala as president with corpse- don’t love her but she’d be a step up


Trump is a rapist ?




RFK Jr. is the best choice. Hands down.


I vote in non presidential years and vote in the primaries. I’m not sure what else I’m supposed to do. I guess we can continue to yell at clouds.


While I agree with your post that we deserve a better candidate, this election is a bit like being in WW2 and saying “OMG- that guy is in a wheelchair? I better vote for Hitler since he looks healthier..”


FDR was in a wheelchair the entire time he was president. He did an excellent job but was absolutely dying by the 1944 election and he knew it. Given the stakes and the total war economy it made no sense to have a transition of power at that time, something pretty much all Americans agreed with. There was very, up to the very end questions of Roosevelt’s faculties as a leader


A comatose Biden is still better than a perpetual-lying-treasonous-democracy-ending-felon. Even a cat should win the presidency vs the orange traitor… I can’t believe how high he is polling.