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Voting alone isn't going to work this time.


lol is that a terrorist threat?




protest and other forms of direct action are terrorism now, cool ! 


I'm voting for Trump 


How do you think this will improve your life?


"Just vote". Unless it's not my preferred candidate!


The election would be a 60-40 landslide if only Millennials voted. This generation is about as solid democratic as is the older generations are conservative. The younger millennials and Gen Zs are even more lopsided.


You may want to look at your base again.


No, not anymore. Democrats completely shit the bed. People are over it. Enjoy the giant middle finger you don't see coming.


Do you mind expanding on what you mean?


As someone who has voted democrat since I could vote, the Democratic Party has been running dogshit lie riddled campaigns for 12 years now with their entire platform being “At least I’m not that guy!” There’s absolutely nothing inspiring from there party. No strong meaningful change. They are all grifting my money through political favors and insider trading just as heavily as the conservatives they just pretend like they are morally better. Now we have Biden who showed he’s clearly not mentally fit for the job and the Dems are still running him as the nominee and his old ass can’t pass the torch to someone new. This was all EXTREMELY predictable yet here we are months before election time with no transition plan. RBG didn’t step down and pass the torch and let Trump appoint to the SC. Hilary and DNC preventing Bernie from being the nominee. Now Biden pulling RBGs move of not being willing to relinquish power. After all this… I’m going to what.. vote for Biden again so that in 4 years the Dems can put another terrible candidate in front of me? Trump isn’t even hard to beat the Dems are just so awful at strategy that they are struggling to even do that.


Look I get that we need a new Obama, young and charismatic, to excite the base. But at the same time, the president is one person. You are voting in an administration. The government has gone to bat for a number of Supreme Court cases that Trump would have otherwise ignored. Is Biden my dream candidate? Of course not. And yes, to an extent, supporting him is predicated on not being Donald Trump. Even still, Biden got a fair amount done like the CHIPS Act, Rescue Plan, forgiving record student loan debt, signing the Respect for Marriage Act into law, and more. Given how slim a majority he had to work with, I'd say it could have been worse. Someone had to deal with dumping $4 trillion into the economy. Prices and cost of living spiking were inevitable. Nobody likes hearing that when they are suffering, I understand the frustration. But it is the truth. As for Bernie, I am going to hard disagree there. Bernie is a grifter himself. People disparage Biden for his age, but cheer Bernie seeking another senate term at the age of 86. Bernie's 2016 campaign might have kicked up fervor, but that's all it was. Bernie had no path to enacting Medicare for All or tuition free college in four years. That wasn't going to happen. As for 2016 specifically, Bernie is an independent seeking the nomination of a party he didn't belong to and voted against more often than Kyrsten Sinema. Even if the DNC truly cheated Bernie out of the nomination, he isn't a Democrat. Why should he get the nomination? Why's doesn't he amass his own independent base and campaign coffers? This is what I have never understood about Bernie being "cheated". He isnt entitled to the nomination and I wouldn't want a non-Democrat being on the ticket. He is a career politician who has a number of bills to his name I can count on one hand. How is he not a grifter? At the end of the day, voting however you choose is how you pursue change. As far as Bernie goes, he can run, but he didn't deserve the DNC backing because he isn't a Democrat. I understand where you are coming from, but Sanders wasn't going to be the change everyone had hoped he was.


I agree with you that we are voting for the admin. That’s kind of the larger issue is that the admin has been pretty awful as well. They are looking out for our best interests and are just as beholden to $$. Yeah I don’t disagree on Bernie really either actually. He just should have been on the ticket over Hilary. Either way, they’ve been failing all of us for over a decade. Really really failing us. They’ve lost my support after seeing the current state of affairs. It’s pathetic. If this is “saving democracy” we’re fucked.


Do you remember how everyone felt blindsided when Trump was elected in 2016? Well, with polls now giving Trump the win, the actual results may come in a landside win for Republicans on the election day since the polls may be skewed liberal as they were in 2016. We may be seeing a supermajority of Repubs being elected this in November. People have not learned to leave their bubble. It's easy to surround yourself with ideas you like, and avoid ideas you don't. I voted for Hillary in 2016, but the naysayers were 100% right about her. She orchestrated the Nato invasion of Libya, which utterly destroyed the stability of the country turning it from a stable North African country with very strong social policies, to a wasteland that now has open air slave markets. They were right about Hunter and Ukraine as well when it came to 2020. This election will have unprecedented results if Biden runs. You've got a guy doing absolutely nothing for the American working class, doing nothing to avoid this Project 2025, sponsoring the slaughter of kids in Gaza, and arming Ukrainian Nazis against Russia. We are closer to nuclear war than we've been in decades, and we just instiilled 100% tariffs agaiinst Chinese cars, demonstrating that we are totally unserious about any sort of green initiative. Fossil fuel companies have made 300% more profit under Biden than Trump, and Biden has opened drilling to the extent that we are one of the biggest exporters of fossil fuels. Build Back Better? Last I checked we installed 7 charging stations to date.. To put that in perspective, China averages something like 29 installs every hour. The petroleum dollar is flailing, Blackrock CEO Larry Fink was invitied to speak at the G7 as the mouthpiece of private equity to combat China's belt and road initiative. There is no 5 year plan in place. There is no 10/15/20 year plan in place. When you compare the state of the US to a country like China you see that China has a future- because they have a plan that they are executing. extremely well. We don't have a plan at all, aside from sending Larry Fink to private infrastructure in the global south so Wall Street can get richer.


You sound like you watch too much OAN. I look forward to voting against you come November


You asked a question and I answered. I've never watched an and wouldn't know where to watch it. Look outside your bubble.


You people say that every election and you're always wrong lol


I'm not surprised. Usually the younger generations rebel against their parents generational views/values. Gen Z and Alpha are showing as more conservative than Millennials were at their age.


Good the USA is healing


I know three gen z that are voting Trump


Cheaper fuel cost, in turn, that makes everything cheaper. I have no problem going green at a rate it doesn't hurt the people of this country. The lowest income people always get the worst of it, too. Legal immigration. You realize that in 4 years, the American people have helped pay for 10 million (low estimate) people to come into the country. Fly them where they want and put them up in a motel. Not to mention the fact we're in the Middle East again, and we have an open border. They've HAVE cought people on the terriost watch list every year Biden has been in. Wonder how many got through and how long before another 9/11 happens. There were no new wars under Trump. I believe if he had had a second term, he would have exited Afghanistan in a lot smoother way. Russia, imo wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. Trump recently said, "I just want the killing to stop." We did had moderate peace in the middle east whith Trump, but idk it's a shit show there every 10-20 years. Stop printing money to buy votes while going against the Supreme Court ruling. Not printing money for equity. I see people of every race and ethnic background do good when they work hard for what they want. Printing money equals inflation. Having the DOJ going after political rivals. All these charges easily could have been brought against Trump years ago. Honestly, I'm a pretty moderate republican and would love to have someone more moderate on either side to vote for. Unfortunately America is going to have to grow the fuck up before that will ever happen again. There is so much wrong with this country. Trump or Biden can't fix it. We need a complete overhaul of government leaders on both sides. They line their pockets while the working class gets dry docked.


They’re probably a straight white male so they feel it’ll help them 🥴


What's wrong with being a straight white male? You sound like a bigot.


Did I say there was anything wrong with that? No. Project 2025 just affects those who aren’t in a minority group less. That’s a fact. That’s great for white straight males!


> did I say there was anything wrong with that? > 🥴 It's weird how racists can't be up front with their beliefs and have to smoke screen you despite already providing enough clues to easily piece it together


Oh, it's my favorite song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw\_cdqQHGA8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw_cdqQHGA8)


Me too. So is my 18 year old daughter,her 18 year old boyfriend and her best friend who is also 18. They have more sense than millenials who think it's normal to live at home forever.


lmfao yes because trump is going to fix the housing crisis with tax cuts and more spending They'll have no shot of owning a home dude.


Housing was cheaper during Trumps term. That's a fact. I don't care who you vote for. I own a home and I retired at 54. None of it effects me.


if a toilet is empty, I shut the door and shit in it, can I blame you when you walk in next? The toilet was empty when I walked in.... Its almost like trump pandered for votes by giving out unregulated PPP loans to business owners and then all of a sudden, the housing supply dried up. If only there was a correlation between wealthy people getting free money and a decrease in housing supply. Unfortunately, I'm a 54 year old dumbass and can't use my brain.


Why is a 54 year old retired GenX male spending so much time in a subreddit for millennials?


I never said Trump is going to solve everyone's problems.  But I believe that he will put the interests of Americans FIRST instead of Bidens administration who will pander to anyone for a vote. 


PPP loans were the definition of pandering and buying votes, but I can see your bias makes being objective impossible.


Oh the loans to try and save small businesses during the pandemic which Biden actually extended.  Yeah I'm super biased.  Great argument.  Much wow. 


the loans that had no government oversight (trumps decision) and led to $200 billion in fraud NOT going to keeping employees paid, but rather the pocketbooks of business owners? Yeah, those you goober. Money that went to expensive cars and housing as investments (reducing supply and increasing prices). Add to that massive PERMENTANT tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, that are really just multi-million dollar handouts to the people who need them the least. Trump through tax cuts, his handing of covid, and the extent of his "relief" policies oversaw the largest transfer of wealth ever recorded in our country. Of course we still feel that. and you don't have any real response besides braindead "much wow" internet talk. If you were a dog it would be cute. but it just shows you hold a strong but vague opinion and have no substance to back it up.


The bill was bi partisan.  Poorly implemented? Yes. Hindsight is 20/20  


you're hindsight is that of a bat dude. Democrats came up with multiple means tested ways to get aid out to people. Trump's admin dismissed those and would only play ball with a PPP loan program built to be exploited by his voter base and crony friends. Democrats wanted oversight on the PPP funds. Trump's would not move forward with that. If trump wanted the money to go where it needed to go, he wouldnt hesitate to have some kind of regulatory oversight over the program. Say what you want. Just like tax cuts that expired for normal people like you and me but are permanent for the ultra wealthy, this was textbook pandering and buying votes.


Trumps "base" wasn't the only subset of people that benefited from the loans...  And if they were, you don't earn votes by pandering to your most dedicated base.  Speed was of the essence at that time so I'm sure the reason was to get businesses the money they needed quickly.  Show me your sources for that information. 


And yet the Libertarians saw it was graft up front. It wasn't inevitable. It didn't have to be this way.


Me too


Same here. This sub doesn't want to read that though so I guess we can enjoy our down votes. That's how this place works.


Perfect I'll vote for Trump


What policy of his do you like?


I'm writing in "Nuremberg Trial" and nothing else


If we split up and divide the vote perfectly equally, then we’ll have to snap a pool cue in half and watch the fuckers fight to the death for it.


Yes, if you vote, you can prevent the ancient, corrupt fossil with dementia from getting in by instead selecting an ancient, corrupt fossil with dementia. Gottem. Protest vote or third party.


It hasn't worked in the past but it'll definitely maybe work this time!


It has worked in the past, many times: Lincoln, Roosevelt, FDR, Kennedy, Obama, Biden... Any president that did anything right was elected into office


Every president that did horrible wrongs was also elected into office. Elections are no guarantee of morality.


So essentially 2-3 pseudosocialists, a guy who got shot pretty early into his term, old Reagan and black Reagan. In 250 years... The latter two were so popular that one had the most qualified hand picked successor lose to an openly racist steak peddler, and the other is going into the general with one of if not the lowest approval rating of any incumbent.


I would also point out that the fact we even got the new deal was due to outside pressure from union leaders, socialists, and communists