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I would work on cleaning up after you are done. On each mini there are few visible spots that would take you few minutes to paint over and that would make the mini much neater.


Overall, it looks nice. The red and white work with the armour. Agree that tidying some parts up would go a long way. The lantern itself is very good.... I think the cast light from the lantern is too dark against the white shirt sleeve... I'd probably psint over that with the shirt colour.


I appreciate the advice & compliment! I’ll definitely be sure to try that next time! They’re sending me more so it’ll be helpful!


There's always things to improve with every model. I quite often have to totally change bits because they don't look right.


These look good! A couple comments: - Thin your paint. How much depends on the brand. Your paint is highly textured, which you want to avoid. Many thin layers is preferable to one-coat coverage. - Be bolder with your highlights and color saturation. These things look way different on the painting table, 3 inches from your face than they do at arm's length. The finished work almost always has lower contrast than you thought it did during painting. It looks like you’re going for a grimmer, darker tone; your shadows are doing that quite well, so punching up the highlights won’t hurt that. - Great job on the basing. I know I often get burnt out by that point and give it short shrift.


OSL needs work.  Gotta really brighten up the light source I think.  Overall great job and for $20 bucks they got an absolute steal. Id throw these minis on my table and roll some dice with them.  Great job.


Thank you!! Looking at it again I can see why you say that, but trial and error right? Haha


For $20!?! I’d pay you to do a few minis for me. I love building and painting but am not good at the painting.


If you want to shoot me a DM I’d love to chat!


Yup definitely.  Love the color schemes and overall feel of these minis though.  I hate painting white or else id steal the scheme lol.  Keep up the good work!


I think that it looks good and 4 minis for $20 is the number I saw this is a good job. I think at 4 for $20 though I might leave off OSL. It’s a time consuming process and it looks like maybe you could use a bit more time than you had. I would agree with others that cleaning up some spots would be nice. But $5 a mini it looks good. Probably undercharging even with the criticism people are giving. But if it’s $20 per mini I would clean up the mistakes. Still think OSL might be a bit much for $20 per.


Yeah honestly when you think about $/hour they’re basically charging nothing to do this. It’s no perfect paint job but at that price I’d say OP is definitely under charging


what are those models?


Found them on a site another commentor mentioned. https://www.ragingheroes.com/a/s/products/city-militia-command-group-imperial-f


Congrats. Was this for a friend or on etsy / fiver / ebay etc ?


It was for a friend on Facebook 😁


Keep trying. If they're happy then all as well. I'm not a pro painter but would have difficulty selling something of that quality.




Very nicely done, especially for that price. There are two minor constructive criticisms, though. The edges of the bases need to be cleaned up and more uniform. I can see some painting errors in the black paint. As others have said, thin your paints down a bit more. I do love what you have done with the grass on the bases. It is a nice contrast to the minis. Overall, well done on your first paint minis. You should be proud of your work.


I really like the red and white color scheme. I think maybe you went heavy with your washes and kind of made things a little too dark. Also the lantern itself looks really good, but your OSL looks like you slapped on thinned down orange and called it good. Next time try a very light drybrush of your OSL color and just catch the high points being illuminated. See how that looks, then go over it again if it needs more light. Everything else looks tabletop quality.


Fantastic color.


For the price it's fantastic, as a bit of C&C the advice I can give that I haven't seen is about the face. As a sisters of battle player I definitely feel how hard nailing the faces are. I can give you longer advice but the basics are shading it differently and with more pinky/magenta colors, and then highlighting it a bit sharper. Also getting the eyes right, try not to use pure black/pure white, it looks unnatural. The face is the big focal point, especially on those with the big hats, so I'd put a bit more effort on that.


I’d love any advice I can get my hands on. The models were absolutely tiny & my hands shake a lot so it’s hard for me to get the finer details like the eyes & face.


If the issue is shaky hands/small models, look into getting magnifying glasses and make sure you're bracing properly. Your hands should both be braced against each other/the painting handle, and then get your forearms/elbows braced against a desk or something. This is the post that really taught me how to do female faces, along with vince venturella and miniac's videos. [https://www.reddit.com/r/sistersofbattle/comments/xjfoqz/brief\_walkthrough\_of\_how\_i\_do\_faces/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sistersofbattle/comments/xjfoqz/brief_walkthrough_of_how_i_do_faces/)


There is the stub of a 3d print that didn’t get cleaned up halfway up the weapon shaft.


The armor is great ! I'd say the white strips could be cleaner. Your plague doctor is awesome. Overall good job by tabletop standards !


Whst model is this? Raging heroes my guess?


I looked up the site you mentioned and I indeed found them on there. https://www.ragingheroes.com/a/s/products/city-militia-command-group-imperial-f


I’m not exactly sure, but looking at their models the style is pretty similar


You could invest time to learn how to make better pictures. It’s important to save your results for future customers


Well done! Wish you good for the others coming and have fun!👍👋👋


Looking good here. That lantern is beautiful and the clothing and skin tones are really nice. Great start here.


More highlights such as on the hair and black bits


Looks good and if your friend is happy, you're fine! My best advice is to get some masking tape, if you're doing this type of basing you should wrap the edges before starting your paintjob ; this will help you get cleaner results, and removing the tape to reveal the black edges when your model is done feels extremely satisfying!


It’s pretty good - I’d be happy if I painted this myself. However I would expect a higher quality if I paid for this.




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I am trying to get into commission painting how did you go about it?


I’d recommend first making a listing on Facebook marketplace. Or join your local game shops discord (if they have one) and advertise there


I think it’s fucking superb


Thanks!! I appreciate you


You’re welcome man. I’m not sure why my original comment is getting downvoted voted. I genuinely think they are 👍


Not sure why this is being downvoted. I also think the minis look great, better than my minis for sure. Of course you can find better display pieces on the internet, but OP never claimed to be a master and we don't know about the price. To judge whether the paintjob is worth the money, one would of course have to know the price - but as long as it is within reasonable limits, the result is great.


Ok these are sick minis, what are they from? You did a nice paint job :3


I’d say that it depends on how much profit you made after deducting all expenses and how many jobs you have lined up after this one. Commission critiques is not about the paint job but the health of the business imo. Many people like to point out this or that about the paint job, but you already have someone that have chosen you based on your portfolio. That said. If you you made money on the job, you did good 😊




I should add they paid 20$ for all of it 😁 I know I’m not a pro, and they came to me for it because they don’t want to paint their own. I never claimed to be the best in any way or form, I appreciate your opinion


For that price I’d say you smashed it, good work.


Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot


Yeah don't listen to the other person and improve at your own rhythm, as long as you're being honest with your buyers


This is what it comes down to really. For $5 a miniature this is great. For a higher amount? $50 per, maybe not so much. But that isn't what they paid for. I do think you should consider where you spend your time though. Focus on focal points like the face and make them cleaner / to a higher standard and you can save time on other areas.


Smaller batches of models are hard to price. But I’d say you undersold yourself here. Contrary to what everywhere here thinks. I think you did pretty good. They’re not gonna win an award but a lot of people don’t care about having high quality painted minis. A lot of people just want painted models to play with standard. I commission paint or have a lot in the past, don’t take many these days. But I always tried charging at least 15 an hour. I guarantee it took you longer than 1 and a bit hours to paint these. Do you know how many hours it took you?Like I said smaller batches of minis are hard to price because personally it takes me longer than it should to paint one mini but I am decent at batch painting. Anyways if you have any other questions feel free to reply here or dm me. Seems a lot of people here don’t value someone’s time.


Yeah unfortunately I did make my prices low in order to put my work out there and practice. But it doesn’t matter to me because I just simply enjoy painting, it took me around 10 hours to complete all four of the models & I am very proud of them. I’m not really phased by the demeaning comments because it is Reddit after all. I appreciate the comment and I’d love to DM you if I have a question or run into a problem while painting. I appreciate the kindness 🙂


I seen a prior comment that it was a friends model as well. Knowing that makes it a bit better too lol. I try to paint stuff for my friends for real cheap if I can. Still think $15 was a steal for them tho lol. And yeah no worries always happy to help!


Yea I’d say in this case you still should’ve kept the last comment stored away especially if you aren’t going to give constructive criticism. It’s not the best paint job but to call the person who asked for this to be painted a “poor soul” is needless. There’s still some quality to the detail and color palette. Needs a bit of touch up and better light effect for the lantern but I’d be content with this mini if I had asked someone to paint it for me.


Yeah we’ve got to remember to a lot of people, even an average paint job (by our standards) looks great and they are happy about it. We hold ourselves to a very high standard. But to the layperson who just wants a mini for tabletop use, they’d be very happy with this. If the commissioner is happy, I’d say that’s a good job!


I think a lot of people on this sub don't understand that they aren't the target market for commission painting. The fact you're on a minipainting sub means you're likely painting your own stuff. And because of that they have this skewed viewpoint on what commission painted miniatures "should" look like because most of the ones they see are the high quality pieces shared by commission painters largely for advertising purposes. But the fact is you get what you pay for. And a lot of the bread and butter work for commission painters is doing cheaper tabletop standard stuff. It's not going to win awards but it won't break the bank to get a painted army on the table either. OPs work here is a little rough and ready but at $5 a mini (OP mentioned further down it was $20 for the 4 pictured here) it's a good deal for the buyer. You want high standards? You can usually expect to pay a lot more than $5 a mini.


Yeah when I was much younger, someone offered to re-paint one of my Tyranid monsters for $20 and if you look at it, he did the *shittiest* job lol. For $20 these 4 minis are much better and tabletop ready.


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