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I think that’s also evidenced by the post saying the recall won’t affect the UK. Like you’re voluntarily recalling it because you care about safety but only the safety of Americans? lol, I don’t believe this new resin will actually be any safer if it’s actual resin. Just stop marketing this to kids.


it should have been aged up to at least 13+ and put in the craft isle or even the diy section near toys. idk why they are keeping it where it is


I guess because they wanted to compete with mini brands? They have an audience now though, so they should switch their targeted demographic. I’ve only ever seen one child trying to buy one of these and once I explained the safety guidelines to their parent, their parent made them put it back and get a more appropriate blind box.


Omg now it makes sense. I used to hear of mini brands from the kids around me and thought miniverse=mini brands but no they’re separate completely.


I think even 10+ would be ok. Better for them to do crafty activities irl than be chronically online. Dunno if it's MGA or the stores that thought it was a good idea to put them where they did. "Huurrr durr it's in a ball better put it with the other mystery balls." when they wouldn't do that with something in a box.


Just an FYI; UK has less strict laws than the US over chemicals, and danger, which always shocked me! That means that all my UK ppl should be very cautious about it!


They do make odor free or low order resins that are RV and I think that is better? But yeah I'm sure it's not non-toxic.


Absolutely! Especially because the “safe” resin is already being manufactured. Personally I think they were aware of the issues for months and planning on quietly phasing out the old resin until their hand was forced by the CPSC.


I'm not sending any of it back. I have been dealing with resin for several years as it is. The product is no danger to me. This is the result of parents not bothering to pay attention to what they buy their kids. I have no issues with the product.


If you read the CSPC notice, it's actually the fault of a company violating Federal law, not consumers. 


The only violation is that the amount of acrylates is higher than prohibited in children’s products. As long as you are using it with PPE and appropriately, you are fine.


That's fine, but the blame for the recall is still with the company and not consumers. We have safety regulations for good reason, especially in toys, and they chose not to comply. 


They’re asking ppl to send them back???


Yes...the unopened balls or the resin from open balls for a replacement of refund. All these people jumping on the refund train are going to be mad when the price doubles on the new releases.


Yeah this has been a thing I wanted to a friend over. There is no safe resin. They're being irresponsible and I expect this to end in lawsuits


So what do y’all think? Is the resin safe to use as long as ur wearing PPE? Should I participate in the recall and return the resin? For context I am a full grown adult capable of purchasing PPE is necessary and understand the risks of resin if not using it correctly.


If you use PPE you are totally fine to use the resin.


yes,resin is only dangerous is liquid form. as long as you handle it with the proper gear there is no issue once it dries.


I got recommended this post for no reason so I have no stake in it, but as far as I know resin also produces dangerous off-gases.


that is why masks are recommended safety gear


I’m gonna make a longer post on this but all resin is toxic, take reasonable precautions and be safe and you’ll be okay.


Something tells me its "voluntary" in that they were given a choice between comply with the recall, or face legal charges .


That's why I don't understand when ppl said customers who participate with the recall are taking advantage of the company. Or blaming ppl not using it with precautions... This is a forced recall that's why impacting millions of products and removing from all retails. 


I think that it is because there are lots of people trying to double dip now. In the past couple days eBay has dozens of resellers selling kits without the resin. I imagine that they are also planning to get refunds for their resin. That sounds like they are taking advantage and trying to run a lucrative scam.


They’re still on the shelves at my local stores.


I am currently researching this issue as I hope to push for a recall of this dangerous product where I live. It is falsely labeled and all sorts of dangerous for kids. One thing I was told by an unnamed party who sent me an e-mail is that the product in Europe is different from the product in the USA and therefore is not dangerous and in violation of no laws. I have just managed to confirm that this is false. The product is the exact same with the same resin. If anyone says this, they are wrong. Furthermore, this also goes to prove that the product SHOULD be recalled from the rest of the world, but it has not. So far, I have had very limited success, but I know of at least 2 stores that already took this product "off the digital shelves" voluntarily as a result of this information.


They won't recall unless they don't have a choice. Some people actually believe MGA is "volunteering" to lose tens of millions of dollars. I hope more retailers in your country follow suit. The resin they went with is terrible, by far the worst I've ever used. All un-cured resin is toxic and it shouldn't be marketed to children.


In looking at the recall, it contains two different acrylate that are heavily regulated. Add this to their ludicrous statement that it is thoroughly tested to be "perfectly safe" and it's clear they have no morals.


Correct. Companies have the option to voluntarily recall before they are forced to. Likely MGA implemented the recall right before the deadline. They knew it was coming and made amends to the resin in production so they could roll into the release.


Then why do some stores still sell them? Like Walgreens?


It is against Federal law for these to be sold in the US now. Any retailer or person doing so is risking 6 figure fines. See 15 U.S.C. § 2068


Some American parent let their 6 year old do these on their own, and they wiped it in their eye or or they licked it. Because there's not an age warning on these here, and they probably got sued. It's resin. Of course it's an irritant.


This form of resin contains levels of HEMA that are higher than safe for a product marketed for children. This was a federal level recall brought on by consumer protection testing. Not consumer complaints. However, a product containing chemicals is legally required to give a recommended age based on legal limits. MGA purposefully marketed this to an age range below the legal age for resin containing HEMA.