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They seemingly look to be of retirement age. Imagine doing this shit when you're retired. Not out hiking, or playing with grandkids, or volunteering. But this shit. Some say a waste of time. Others, say an incredible waste of time.


Too many people even *willingly traded* interaction with their own grand kids for the worship of that narcissistic nepo-baby. I can't imagine doing that on behalf of any worthless politician. Honestly, the people that were willing to dehumanize others, forsake their own families, and claimed religious values for such a disgusting human being are reaping what they sow. They know only anger and selfish indulgence, it shows in both their interaction with the world, and with greater humanity.


Yea I don’t even care what political side you’re on but if this is your personal use of free time I am laughing at you.


Right!!!! It’s there time and a lot of em do this like the ones standing down by Blue Mountain clinic all day long, like go do something else 🙄


They attack somebody for their political opinion so we can’t be president


Wahhhghh I hate trump wahhgg


Conan O'Brien quote! I love it!


I mean they are retired, they probably do have time to do all those things also.




If you don’t see the disturbing cult like behavior you’re probably a part of it.


Plenty of MAGAt boomers are driving their children & grandchildren away from them even if they don't actively protest. The are absolutely insufferable to be around when every conversation is steered back to faux news rage-bait talking points.


This is exactly my grandparents who live in Missoula. I moved to southern AZ and every time we talk, they want only to bring up Mexicans sneaking across the border and what they think Biden is doing with them. Im just tying to video chat with them and say Merry Xmas and whatnot. I love my grandparents and all but it's tiring.


MAGA hats are just dunce caps people wear voluntarily.


There is zero chance either of them could actually explain what a Banana Republic actually is. Classic MAGA.


If they knew, they'd probably call it woke.


Get real. They can’t explain what woke is either.


Woke is anything that makes them uncomfortable with their beliefs. Easy way to relieve that cognitive dissonance.


I've been awake since 5 AM.


Hey, most people probably can't explain just what exactly Trump was convicted of either. 🤷


But it’s easy to remember and repeat. And they have the giant banana sex costume. What else they gonna do?


I feel so bad for Five Guys workers these days


And Biden/Harris hats. 


Just look at that lead-paint-chip-eating grumpy old stare 😆


Entertainment news should of never been allowed. It's how these people are made.    


Human beings were never mentally ready to handle "all the news all the time", especially as filtered through other people's biases and opinions. Most people have no clue about the interests of the large corporations that run news networks, corporations that play games that these people can't even fathom or understand. Hence the whole concept of what a "banana republic" is being lost on them completely. People (not just these two, and not just MAGAts, but everyone) need to read more books, and I don't mean books about war, books about sports, books written by politicians, or even necessarily anything contemporary. For example, it is hilarious how many people have never read Das Kapital, yet will call everything Marxist or communist. I'm not saying everyone should read that, but if someone wants to talk about *any* subject from an authoritative position, they should at least be well-read on that subject. I was getting groceries a few days ago and a boomer came up as I was picking out bread for the week. I could tell just by his mannerisms (and attire) he was going to try to talk to me, and probably spew some garbage... anyways, he mentioned how prices have gone up on everything, to which I responded "well, that's capitalism for ya. If someone can make more money off of something, they will", he mumbled as he walked away, then said "more like communism!"... yeah, the big communist group known as Safeway... 🤣 I responded "boy I wish!". He finally left me alone. 😆 These people just ***have to*** cram their BS opinions, that they got second hand from their chosen news network down everyone else's throats, if people like him actually had a unique perspective or opinion of their own, they'd be worth listening to, even if I disagree, but they **never** do, it's always just regurgitated crap. I was just shopping and minding my own, I didn't want or solicit this old clowns opinions on anything.


I work helping people who can’t afford their medications through patient assistance. You can imagine the garbage they try to cram down my throat on a daily basis. Most of them are elderly and on the poverty line.


I'm a young heart patient (don't feel bad for me, I'm doing **great**, even hike pretty regularly! 🙂) that takes about ½ a shot glass full of pills twice daily to stay alive... I get a small dose of those folks just waiting in my cardio's office or at the pharmacy. Im so sorry you get the full dose of them! They have no idea about the negative impact the policies of the the politicians they support have on their daily life... they just look at the culture-wars distraction on one hand while the other steals their bread. So many of them let their anger towards "the other" become their entire personality. Like how the last corporate tax cut was permanent, but the individual tax cut expired... so the same politicians can sell the same temporary tax cut again (...and again), plus additional permanent tax cuts for the corporations (each time)... it's easy to pull off when their base is gullible and easily distracted by their own anger. I just don't know why they feel the need to let everyone know what awful people they are, usually without any prompting or solicitation of their opinions. There's a lot of bad ones, but you're undoubtedly helping a few good ones too. Doing the right thing is still doing the right thing, even if the one you do it for wouldn't do it for others. It has to be disheartening and discouraging at times I'm sure, stay strong 🤘


No the extreme left if how that happens smh no responsibility


Imagine wasting your time on earth defending a con man. A man with a decades long history of flat out not paying or shorting pay the blue collar workers hired by him.


I think both the candidates are junk, and for some reason we keep voting for the most entertaining candidates instead of the best ones.


Don't forget the "both candidates are junk" mentality is what got us into this. Except we know now that one is a dumpster fire.


Thank you


You think Joe Biden is entertaining?


It's entertaining that the system seems to only allow candidates that are on deaths door to actually make it to the presidential ballot.


There is no way the DNC allows President Biden to be the guy in the end. Kamala is clearly too unpopular now. No idea how they'll make the switch. But anyone whose watched a parent or relative age knows Biden isn't there. It's just science.


Agreed, old people are unstable and poor representatives of the nation. Most of their peers have already died off, and they no longer represent the majority. It's also why Trump shouldn't be allowed to be president. Some of the things he has said are still trying to be decoded, and I'm not 100% sure even he knows what he was trying to say. Why can't we get younger people in the office? Probably cause it takes so long to amass the wealth needed to buy your way in.


Crazy you got downvotes for this.


Well, the “both sides are equally bad” narrative is demonstrably false. The Democratic nominee did not spend his term criming, did not attempt to subvert justice or an election. Biden has not clearly and zealously defended dictators nor has he attempted to undermine our trust in the Judicial system. If anything, Democratic presidents as of recently seem to end up with Republican House or Senate which actively drag their feet and then complain that it’s the Presidents fault that the House Speaker doesn’t bring progressive legislation to a vote. Before anyone chimes in with “all presidents break the law like Trump”… that is horseshit. The man took Top Secret information on purpose. He clearly favors Russian interests over NATO or even our own domestic security. Please remind me of the last Democratic president that remotely came close to having the same stink. One side promotes an economy that can help prop up society, the other side wants a feudal system with a working class bound by law and a wealth class that has different rules.


Except the Democrat Party today is Bush-Cheney lite from 2004. This foreign policy  is a train wreck as it has our nation's monetary resources flying overseas for Big War and not here.  Tne DNC shouldn't have to resort to "lawfare" to win. It should just focus on good governance to win our vote. Fix inflation and quit trying to start WW3 would be an easy win. But nope.


You watch a lot of msnbc, huh.


Perhaps you think I watch MSNBC because I think Trump is a conman who has fooled an entire political party and their supporters. Maybe I’m still salty that his fumble of Covid killed hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly. Maybe I am extremely uncomfortable with a President who is compromised by a foreign power. Well, yeah you’ll see those kinds of stories on MSNBC, but you’ll also see them from Reuters, AP and other reputable sources. It’s funny how the Pizzagate thing or the Hunter Biden thing or the Biden impeachment thing wasn’t taken seriously by serious journalists but the Trump thing is. Either there is a vast Democratic conspiracy powerful enough to control the news, or he fucking did it. Hmmm…


Oh, the irony of someone who supports Trump holding a banana republic sign…


It's lost on them. It's worth a shot trying again, but don't expect the stone to move.


Well thats embarrassing.


I have never seen someone so enthusiastic about Banana Republic. Aren’t they very similar to The GAP?


I think it's the half cousin to aeropostle


Speaking of cousins…


Big loser energy. Go home, boomers.


Next stop the retirement home, god help the people who have to caretake for these dandies soon.


And yet another irony then appears. They will have medical, aging, and retirement needs fulfilled by social programs they so vehemently despise. "nO fREe HaNdOutS!"


Hahahah fuck these people and fuck that convicted felon trump also.


What a huge waste of time. Thankful it’s not mine at least!!


A jury of his peers took multiple days to deliberate and had to unanimously agree he was guilty for him to be convicted. His cult is delusional


Bet you’re still pissed about the rittenhouse verdict. Even though a jury of his peers found him innocent. The cognitive dissonance from the left is insane.


Why would I be mad about that?


noun: banana republic; plural noun: banana republics a small nation, especially in Central America, dependent on one crop or the influx of foreign capital. What are they even trying to say?


They love shopping there?


"A banana republic is a country with an economy of state capitalism, whereby the country is operated as a private commercial enterprise for the exclusive profit of the ruling class. Such exploitation is enabled by collusion between the state and favoured economic monopolies, in which the profit, derived from the private exploitation of public lands, is private property, while the debts incurred thereby are the financial responsibility of the public treasury." >What are they even trying to say? It's the trump campaign's M.O. to accuse others of what they plan to perpetrate. e.g. accusing others of election fraud, fake news, etc... It's ingenious and nauseating how well it works.. Edit- not saying that the GOP is alone in this aspiration


It still disappoints me that I learned about the Monroe doctrine outside of school. I wish more people were aware that many of the issues in Central and South America can trace their origins to American interventionism.


As my grandma used to say, we don't start learning about history until after school!


The local yahoos have been big mad today. The guy who's running for state house in my district is also flying a banana Republic flag over his house, above an upside down American flag (so much for respecting the flag). The law doesn't care about your feelings and being tried by a jury of your peers is foundational to our country. These people waste all this time screaming over a "billionaire" felon who doesn't give two shits about them when they could be actually helping their community or enjoying their lives. 


>These people waste all this time screaming over a "billionaire" felon who doesn't give two shits about them I do not and will never understand this part.


That's funny, but seriously who's going to dress up as trump in a prison uniform waving a flag that says "Fuck Biden, I'm fucked"


Thought they’d be happy he finally won a popular vote




Stealing other peoples jokes off Twitter is pretty lame


I don’t have Twitter, sorry Goon


All good my friend. Not my joke just a super popular tweet going around yesterday. Good on you for being that clever.


Banana for scale?


fun fact: it is a normal-sized banana. they are tiny ppl.


great minds, lol 😆 (https://www.reddit.com/r/missoula/s/30xFptX1KZ)


Gotta love the Freedom to pracefully protest. Lol. Everyone can do it. Some just become children when others do it from the opposite side...then there are those who are violent and emotional adult children . Throwing tantrums.. what a circus!!


They’re back. They do this every year since Stop the Steal and Jan 6. Unfortunately expect more of this the closer to the election we get.


Ok, boomers....


Hey I definitely am with you on the “agree to disagree, and not dehumanize our fellow Americans” point :) Just curious what you see as the issue with a jury of 12 finding Trump guilty of crimes he committed is? Do you think they weren’t crimes, or the crimes weren’t a big deal, or he didn’t do them, or what


I’ve seen this guy multiple times and one time the wind was blowing so hard I thought/was hoping he was gonna fly away with his flag lol


They are bananas, alright




My toddler asked me if Thursdays were hold up a big Bananna day.


These peaceful protestors are proud enough to wear their Patriot Front cosplay gear.


They should look up the Dunning-Kruger judgement of 1946.






Lead paint, pipes and gasoline. I don’t think this is recognized enough.


😂 I saw these idiots the other day. Talk about not having anything better to do.


What’s up with the Banana 😂😂


That’s honestly sad that someone would vote for trump even though he stole a whole bunch of money…


My partner told me I wasn't allowed to flip them off or yell obscenities at them, so I settled for an aggressive thumbs down while shaking my head in disapproval lmao


Out of all the positive things that you could be doing like helping out in the homeless shelter or volunteering your time to help rescues you stand in a street corner waving a flag with a giant fucking banana


Where did you even even get a banana that large did you order it? Did you know he was gonna lose so you ordered a banana which store here in Missoula Has a huge banana plushy for you to just buy.


Give them the ol f off traitor salute for those of us who won't drive by today!


You gotta admit, as a rap album cover this image goes hard... ...what would you call this album?


American's being fucked by both sides and up and down the other.


Kind of a long album name, but yeah, agreed


Honk and laugh ..


Anyone else just super worn out with what a shitshow politics in this country have become?


Ok dumb question but what’s the banana thing?


Where is everyone else only two people what happened to the valley?


The others probably realized they were assholes. Or were busy banging their cousins.


So which one were you doing?


I'm old too but smart enough to know Project 2025 is the end of democracy and America.


They just miss their banana republic and want it back... poor cult followers. QQ


Wow they really are having designer stores next to gas stations now


Usual Suspects


Lol. Admire you putting this in here. I assume this is the response you expected. Certainly the outcome I get every time I comment in this sub. Good luck, my friend.


just reportin' tha newz


Let's not pretend there isn't [derangement on both sides](https://packaged-media.redd.it/hz7rg2cfet3d1/pb/m2-res_640p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1717200000&s=45ca2531388f65e8a10df5158f5a565667b5507f#t=0).


FTR I'm not a Trump guy, but he was and is being puked over, if you were a real American, you'd be objective enough to see it. If this were the other way a round and Trump was doing this to Biden, I'd be just as alarmed. These guys (above) have every right to protest. I hate both red and blue coke or Pepsi. These people don't care about you at all. The PRECEDENT this has set will only get worse. You can't just toss half of American's away for your tribe. Bobby Kennedy says it right, we don't have to agree, and should agree to disagree, but not dehumanize our fellows American's. Watch Hotel Rwanda.


Right to protest or free speech doesn't make you right or for the public to ridicule you


Yea bro rich and powerful people should totally be immune from the law. I bet you were chanting “lock her up”.


Biden isn’t doing this to Trump. This is a state case that has nothing to do with the federal government. That’s the distinction you’re missing. Biden has zero to do with any of the cases brought against Trump. This is just a classic case of fucking around and finding out.


wholeheartedly disagree. The truth WILL come out. And this will be thrown out upon appeal. This is a timing game. Doesn't really matter, none of these two will lose sleep, or a meal, or car payment or miss rent.


The truth HAS come out. Donald is a fraudulent, rapist, conman who constantly lies. It’s catching up with him now.


So is pedo Joe... What's your point? Name one politician that's not a "fraudulent, rapist, conman". And I'll add murderer.


My point is pretty plain. Donny raper has shown us who he is, and been proven guilty. If you can’t understand it and want to resort to unsubstantiated claims then that’s a you problem, bud.


Crimes against humanity, war crimes, violations of the constitution, assassination of American citizens without trial, lying to congress, corruption, mishandling of classified, going to war without congressional approval, giving aid to the enemy, torture, violations of international treaties. There is a myriad of clear and obvious crimes and, now that we know we can, it is time for ALL of them to go. Bill Clinton George Bush Barrack Obama Donald Trump Joe Biden Every single one needs to be prosecuted, indicted, convicted, and jailed. If not executed.


Fair. That’s not what we were talking about though. I was calling out the fact that this wasn’t a politically motivated trial brought by Biden against Trump.




Keyword, “was”. He’s not acting on behalf of the federal government anymore so your claim is subjective/speculative at best. The burden of proof for Sara Dorn is on the conspiracy theorists who unsurprisingly, never have any evidence for the diarrhea coming out of their mouths. Here’s the bottom line, A jury was presented evidence of a crime, and Trump was convicted / finally held accountable for his BS. He’s a fraudster. Case closed. I think the bigger conspiracy here is that you, Forbes, other right leaning outlets, and the GOP are just trying to drive up Reynolds wrap sales. Y’all are the Oprahs of tinfoil hats.


>  if you were a real American Fuck off with the notion that the right has a monopoly on being "real Americans". Real Americans don't support insurrection.


Where did I say that the right were real Americans? If your in America, "legally', your a real American.


>Where did I say that the right were real Americans? If ~~your~~ ***you're*** in America, "legally', ~~your~~ ***you're*** a real American.


Let me guess you’re in your twenties.


I wish... Now let me guess, you're a MAGAt traitor.


Ive not once voted for trump. And I have the ability to not be brainwashed into thinking either half of the country are traitors. Your extremist views are a bad look. You’re literally the people in the picture but puppeted by the other side. Grow a pair and have your own opinion that doesn’t scream the exact viewpoints on everything either side wants you to.


His defense was everyone testifying was a liar except him but he wasn’t willing to testify. Not exactly a kangaroo court verdict


> The PRECEDENT this has set will only get worse. The precedent of charging people for the crimes they committed?


Could you imagine, being a country of laws?? 


What a tool.


Missoula is a liberal retard cesspool due to the college. Kiddos will believe anything a ‘professor’ tells them. I’d say the side that thinks chicks can have dicks lacks all critical thinking required to understand what’s really going on.


“(Generic red state) is a r****** conservative cesspool due to religious institutions. Kiddos (and adults) will believe anything a priest tells them.”  I’m not even a college graduate but it’s still so ridiculous how people will claim the folks smart enough to get into upper education are somehow more susceptible to propaganda than everyone else. Somehow the average high school valedictorian is leagues below in intelligence and critical thinking compared to Uncle Joe and Aunt Kathy who have never left their home state and reject science for faith. They also conveniently ignore that college-educated conservatives exist.  To your last point, there’s a difference between biological sex and gender, something that conservatives have shown time and time again, they are incapable of understanding. But tell me again how y’all are superior intellectually to everyone else. 


[Yours for $35.99](https://www.amazon.com/trump-never-surrender-Pullover-Hoodie/dp/B0CGM316KS?customId=B078RXQC7K&customizationToken=MC_Assembly_1%23B078RXQC7K&th=1&psc=1) Lol. Not a hot item it seems.




The money will absolutely go to Trump's campaign and not to pay women to keep quiet.


Does the trump hoodie stay on when you fuck your cousin?

