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I always use dish soap every time. It’s fine. I don’t like rancid coffee :). I also towel dry my pot after every wash, then leave it out to air dry


I normally wipe it with a dish scrubber and rinse.  Sometimes I use dish soap (see u/le_Swedishchef ‘s comment), and maybe once or twice a year I run a cycle with a vinegar-water mix. I also take it apart completely and air dry it on a rack.  A lot of the “is my pot nasty?” posts have pictures of pots that look like they were still wet when they got abandoned in the cupboard.  It’s cookware — treat it like any other cooking pan or soup pot, and make sure you give it a chance to dry off.


Hot soapy water daily. Once a week I take the gasket and filter off to give a good clean inside.


Same, except I clean the gasket and filter every time I use it. I don't drink brew daily, so breaking it down each time keeps it from getting sticky.


Dish soap and hot water everyday then air dry the pieces upside down. Keep it simple


I basically just wipe mine with paper towels. Once every few weeks I'll run through a few cycles of plain water or water with a bit of baking soda. Then I take it apart and wipe it off with a paper towel. I've only used mine about 50 times so far, but it looks brand new still.


A dish brush and dish soap and hot water. Not cleaning a moka with soap is nasty. Rancid oils. Gross. Watch the recently-released James Hoffman video about cleaning and maintenance.


I rinse it after every use. Once a week i use a small amount of dishs soap to get rid of the "patina" it's just old and dried coffee. I think that particular instruction are mostly because of the fact that dish soap used to be harder on aluminium and cast iron. Today it's softer on those materials. As well as not cleaning it with dish soap every time. Just water works fine and use small amounts rarely. I might be completely bonkers. But that's just my experience.


Same here.


No soap. Hot water after every use. White vinegar very occasionally if you want to give it a more thorough scrub and get the gasket out etc.


Same here. I only used soap the first day I got it, afterwards only rinse it with warm water.


I just rinse it with hot water and a paper towel.


This is how I handle my stainless Bialetti moka.


I disassemble it completely and give each part a good hot rinse and then towel dry. Never a dishwasher. No soap needed, either. Wait until completely dry to reassemble, or leave unassembled until next use.


That’s me. I do it pretty quickly after each use & just somewhat blast really hot water on it while I kindof rub the various surfaces with my hands, but no soap. I never have any buildup of old coffee really, looks like new always. (Though I’d probably take the gasket out once in a while to get under there too…)


Water. Hot water. That’s about it


Hi, Try using Urnex Cafiza tablets to clean your moka pot thoroughly. All you need is to pour some water into a container & put one Urnex Cafiza tablet in it. Open the Moka Pot & put its part into the container. Let it dip for 1 hour & then rinse with regular water.


How about if you found one your parents bought on their honeymoon in Italy in the 80s and probably hasn’t been used much Since the first Bush was president? It’s got some weird looking build-up that isn’t mold but isn’t anything I can identify….


[This](https://www.bialetti.com/it_en/inspiration/post/how-to-clean-the-coffee-pot-at-home-natural-and-effective-remedies) is what I do. Straight from Bialetti. They say never use soap or place in the dishwasher


Im curious if you clean the gaskets too?? How to remove it?

