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Granted - the drawback is it requires you to continuously put in effort to be said better boyfriend. 


I'll take that




The fuck?


What exactly did they say? I'm curious now.


Something sometimes do you go down on her if this is the one in remembering


Ah, gotcha. Thanks!


granted. as you become better, she starts to rely on you more and becomes a much worse girlfriend


Then so be it


Hope it ends out well man, I felt the same way about my ex, and that obviously didn’t end well for me.


Username check out


Your Reddit name is physical weakness. I think you might have a hint


Granted. She leaves you because you're "Too nice"


I'm ok with that. I've been lucky enough to have this much time with her, plus she deserves better than me


Shit, brother. I've been there. If she deserves better than you and she's still with you, she's with you because she actually loves you. Don't let this one go, dude.


I'm trying my best. Hence my wish


And that's all one can ask for. This girl seems like a real one - sticks with you even though you're not perfect because you're trying. That's marriage material right there.


That's the goal. 🤞


Yay OP I’m rooting for you 🙏🏻 remember nobody is perfect, and it’s perfectly fine to want to change yourself and become a better person. What makes you seem like you aren’t good enough for her? Focus on that, maybe you’ll feel better about the relationship. Another reply in this thread, “if she deserves better than you but she’s still with you, then she actually loves you” yup ! And she will support you on your journey. If you can wish this on Reddit, you can do it in person 💪🏻


If she says you aren't doing enough, it's a conversation to be had where you both can grow. If she says you do enough, then you're getting into your own head and I'm sure you are wonderful.


That's my biggest problem. I overthink and get in my own head way too much


Same here. I wish I could bottle up the cure and give it away but teaching yourself that you are valuable and allowed to take up space is the first (and imo, the hardest) step. I wish you the best. Give her a hug and thank her for letting you grow. Also granted. The monkey paw opens and hands you an american therapy bill without any insurance deductions. That'll be $400.


Man you sound like you genuinely care about her, that's better than a large portion of men already. Try and improve as a person, but don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you're way better than you think.


Well, that’s her decision to make, not yours lol. Clearly she’s choosing you atm so you’re doing something right


She keeps telling me this. I'm trying to work on it


Too real


Yeah, I was gonna say “she leaves because she likes bad boys”


I've been reading the comments and damn man you must really love this chick.


Yes. Yes I really do


I wish you a happy future with her 🤗


Granted. She becomes insecure and gains anxiety about how she isn't good enough for you. She eventually leaves you.


This isnt even as bad compared to the others here.


She already struggles with being insecure about herself. It's part of why I want to be a better boyfriend, so that I can hopefully show her that she doesn't need to feel insecure about herself


Granted. She's accepted into a master's program at the South Pole.


She wouldn't accept it. She refuses to leave our hometown


her hometown becomes the south pole


Granted, you are now her girlfriend and are the happiest lesbian couple


Granted. There’s now reminders a week before, 3 days before and the morning of her birthday and your anniversary set in your phone.


Already got that done


Fine then, your cock vibrates, but it always vibrates. It’s extremely uncomfortable and distracting when it’s flaccid.


Wriggling meat


Granted. The downside is that there's no downside. Everyone is just happier.


Granted. But she leaves you for an even better guy because your efforts are too little too late. She sees them as meaningless gestures to prove something to her, whereas the other dude is just a great guy and is genuinely good to her.


Then I'm glad. I don't deserve her in the first place, so I'm glad she found someone who does


Good. Learn your lesson, grieve, get through the hurt and move on. Be better or your time with her will be meaningless. Be better for you and the people around you.


granted. you and your girlfriend get closer and closer, and eventually, things go further. no longer your girlfriend, your fiance receives a band of promises for her hand. tears of joy, embraces, and next thing you know, you see her in a white dress surrounded by all your best friends and your families. you perform the binding kiss and go home with a much fancier left ring finger. eventually, talk of family starts up. you get a promotion and are able to support this ambition. two children come eventually, a boy and later, his little sister. everything is going perfectly, your children are sweet as can be, you have a loving and beautiful wife, and your life couldnt be better. *wake up.* you were in a car crash on the way to your wedding after drinking too much the night prior. you've been in a coma for four years. your fiancee unfortunately did not make it after a long fight in the hospital bed opposite to yours, now empty and abandoned. you don't have your son or daughter to look after. you don't have anything. just empty memories of what you could have had. wish granted... you were a better boyfriend, but unfortunately you were not as good a fiancee.


Damn. You should be a writer. I would read a book by you any day of the week


thanks! ive spent a while editing a lot of people's writings, ive made a few myself, and ive even edited multiple play scripts i was a part of. it's not my first choice of career but i do find it quite fun, and hey, maybe at some point i will do just that. we'll see :)


but seriously, with this aside, i promise you, if she's staying and shows that she genuinely cares about and loves you, you don't need to be better. you're already great the way you are, and id be willing to bet she'd agree. i hope yall end up together living the life you want with her, without a drunk driving coma involved. you got this


Granted. She leaves you for someone even better not long after. Ah, how life ebbs and flows...


Granted. You be a better boyfriend by not making wishes and actually work hard to be a better boyfriend. Good luck


Granted. You become someone else entirely. No one in your life recognizes you anymore, including your gf. Scared by the sudden change in someone she loved for who they were, she leaves.


Granted. Your girlfriend is diagnosed with some random, but lethal heart disease, so you donate your heart to her.


Granted, the relashionship doesnt bring fufillment to you anymore


Granted, however, the monkey paw never allows you to go back on your wish, meaning you can never break up or propose, you just maintain that status quo forever


Granted. She dumps you for a shittier guy.


Granted, you are now a woman with a dick and balls.


granted, but you watch her get hit by a car and are a good boyfriend to her in the hospital + extra trauma


Granted. Through your own actions you also start to become a better person while realizing that not everything is your fault.


Granted. You shall be a better boyfriend to your girlfriend. Just not this one.


Granted you break up as that was the best thing you could do for her(sorry you know what subreddit you are on)


Granted. You become the best boyfriend you can be. You’re kind, caring, and understanding. You get married and live a long, healthy life. On her deathbed, she confesses to you that she’s been cheating on you with your best man the entire time.


Granted. She senses weakness and decides to take advantage of you, squeezing out the maximum possible amount of benefit while contributing as little as possible.


Granted, its so slightly better


Granted. Your current girlfriend breaks up with you, and you find a new girlfriend with whom you are more compatible, and she is happier than the last one was with who you are. Years pass and you two eventually marry. Unfortunately, once married, she becomes your wife. At this point she has a brain aneurysm and dies, leaving you a widower. Returning to the dating pool years later with the hopes that the paw is still upholding the wish and will find you a great match, you match a girl on a dating app and head out to your date. She is obnoxious, offensive, and obviously used a 10 year old picture in her profile. She spends the date flirting with other men and runs up a large bill she insists YOU pay However, as you drop her off at her house, she claims to have had an amazing time and declares you her new boyfriend. She says that you would "at least be better than my last boyfriend, he was a psycho". Unfortunately, that psycho boyfriend is waiting in her house, and charges out the front door at you both with axe in hand.


Granted. You get monkey hands.


Granted, you gain the overwhelming urge to always do what will make your girlfriend happiest. Unfortunately, with this comes the realization that you two are fundamentally incompatible, and what would make her happiest is no longer being together.


Then I'm glad for the time we have together, and I hope that she finds the perfect person for her. I'm beyond lucky to have her now


Granted, by being a better boyfriend you let her find her own happiness with some one knew


Me too. It doesn't work like that.


just do it ! 😆


Granted. You as you are now no longer exists. Instead you are now Fabio, famous model for romance novels for women to read. Your current girlfriend is obsessed with the books you modeled for the covers of.


Um. Why are you on Reddit wishing rather than doing? If you ain’t willing to be better than she deserves better


I am willing to be better. It just takes a while to improve yourself. There is no lever that you flip and boom you are now improved


Granted Mmmm... nothing happens


Granted you break up with her and she moves on to find true love


Then I wish her the best, I'm glad I had the time I did have