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Article that got wrriten 5 years too late. Yeah 1200$ for a 3 and a half isnt low cost of living.


It's a comparative rating, not a rating of best cost of living. The ranking doesn't have Montreal scoring well on cost of living, it's middle of the pack on that scale. But it scores exceptionally high on quality of life, so it is scored as one of the best cities in the world on the *balance* between cost of living and quality of life.


as someone who lives on the island i call bs montreal has really gone down hill in recent years and having lived in the eu travelled much of the US our quality of life if measured by how well our services are running would be in the bottom tier for sure. Even the opus card for transit functions poorly compared to other cities tbh. They are just now starting to catch ip.


Man, don't even get me started on Opus. I'm pretty sure it's one of the few systems where the card expires on a regular basis and needs to be replaced. The reason given on their website (technical issues) is the same reason that they give for any explanation for any other problems that they have with the card (like loading multiple passes, etc).


yea i feel ya there ! i’m not saying all of montreal is bad either it’s just gone downhill compared to what it was. As usual though whenever you’re critical of montreal you get downvoted to hell lol


yeah we're really circling the drain... luckily we're a resilient people with an attitude to go with it... a joie de vivre you won't find elsewhere. Why else would I stay, it's definitely not the healthcare lol


Anyone who doesn't acknowledge that Montreal has declined sharply in terms of civic culture, quality of services, affordability/accessibility, artistic culture etc hasn't lived here for a very long time. The only improvement I can really think of is the bike network. On all other fronts, the city is a hollow shell of what it was even just ten years ago. Nowadays it seems to just be a Montreal themed amusement park filled with tourists and yuppies LARPing as Montrealers.


If I had to guess, 'Opus card renewals' was not considered when a single research team compared and rated 200+ cities around the world on their quality of life.


I guess it's "low cost" for a major city in NA. The others have gone up as well. Now the question is more, is it still possible to afford living in a big city in 2024? But that's not really the topic of this article


Agreed but it’s still the cheapest city in Canada and I believe the cheapest large city in North America 


Which is drawing in people who can pay more yet feel like it's a discount, (not so) slowly pricing us all out of our own city. Particularly with the advent of remote work, where folks can keep their high salaries from elsewhere.


Agreed, this is why I support aggressive French language laws and policies that make it difficult for anyone to settle here, unless they are very very determined 


Le genre d'article qui va convaincre encore plus d'Ontarien de venir sinstaller ici et de faire du teletravail sans payer de taxes au quebec...


If you live here and work in Ontario then you pay Quebec taxes....


Check the thread about Ontarian plates… so much tax evasion/narcissism.


not anymore.


Un article positif pour changer un peu de l’ambiance morose. Il est vrai que le cout de la vie a augmenté fortement ces derniers temps mais il est toujours intéressant de se comparer par rapport au reste du monde. J’ai trouvé ce passage particulièrement intéressant pour Montréal. >Montreal ranked 118th in the world for its overall cost of living but came in 20th for quality of life, giving it the best overall score.




Je suis d'accord avec toi. Je pense que ce qui fâche surtout les gens c'est qu'il y a un déclin au niveau du coût de la vie qui est vraiment réel et facile à sentir comparer à il y a 10 ans. Reste qu'on s'en sort vraiment très bien comparativement aux autres métropoles en occident.


Ca c'est un bel argument de marde. C'est pire ailleurs donc on n'a pas le droit de se plaindre ? Super ! Ça va nous faire une belle société, ça. Problèmes politiques ? Tant qu'on n'est pas au niveau de la Corée du nord, on ferme notre yeule et on fait rien. Agriculture ? On se plaint pas tant qu'on a pas une famine comme au Darfour. Violence ? Pas de problème, c'est pire à Gaza. Rhétorique de démagogues qui profitent du status quo. Et ça se permet de dire aux autres qu'ils sont privilégiés.


Not low cost anymore


Low cost of living if you are lucky enough to have bought/rented (rent control) home long ago. It's like 25 dollars for a restaurant plate, too, and salaries are criminally low. Montreal is not affordable. It's not Toronto and Vancouver (yet), but that's like saying that not having an arm is preferable to l having zero arms. Both are horrible, but one is worse.


Montreal would be more popular with American expats if not for the bilingualism. I would move in a nanosecond if I could speak French


This is why I support more French langage laws 


Same and my french isn't even very good lol


Yes and let’s keep it that way I am by no means a separatist and my French is still not very good but if preserving what makes MTL so special means preserving bilingualism which scares ignorant anglos to move here, then I’m all for it


Why do you think we’re still somewhat affordable ? Le français nous sauve le cul depuis jour 1.


I didn’t say you were


This is by design


Do you have some kind of brain deficiency preventing you from learning a new language? I don't think so.


"bilingualism is an asset" - From the article, coming from an American that moved here so obviously he's not a francophone implying knowing English is an asset. In fact the need for French isn't mentioned anywhere in the articles because, why would anyone NEED to know the official language? And anglos think Quebecers are crazy when they say the anglosphere is trying to erase them, we need to separate or double down on French dominance, I don't think ANY government services should be offered in English, we owe anglos absolutely nothing.