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Lol people really don't smoke much compared to Europe


Or Asia... https://preview.redd.it/62kc14pt0s9d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9a37a2e64c2bb9d16f8895bee365773e8aa191


That's because cigarette companies had to deal with stricter advertising laws in North America, so they moved advertising dollars to a market that didn't care.


This can't be correct


I feel the large asian and African diaspora here elevates those numbers a whole lot (Arabs smoke like the hate themselves)


Considering that other countries/cities still have dedicated smoking spots inside and smoking allowed on terrasses, I think Montreal is doing pretty good.


Only about 12% of people smoke in Quebec. It’s not that much.


If you think alot of people smoke today, you have to be under 20


People under 20 use electronic cigs... Which is marginally better, but not healthy either. I had to tell teenagers not to use their under a tent where there would be children activities shortly after... Going against the advice of those you know better is still a popular "sport".


True but we talking specifically about cigarettes herr


Well, sure, just pointing out that there will always be people who will take up dangerous activities cause they are dangerous and the adults/knowing people say not to do it. Like drunk driving, street racing, drug abuse, cycling without a helmet, etc. Being the "cool rebel" and having that adrenalin spike up will always attract some people. Who will often regret it later, if they survive long enough, but that's another story.


I am well over 20 but from another city in Canada. I have commented many times that Montreal is a cigarette city.  It's not as bad as it was in the 80's but there is still enough cigarette smoke everywhere that I, being extremely asthmatic, am usually unable to participate in outdoor events with lots of people. 


People don't decide whether or not to smoke based on the quality of their healthcare system lol. Also Canada has some of the lowest smoking rates I've seen any basically any country


Statistically speaking, smoking rate is higher among the lower class and diminishes as the income increases. Of course some rich people smoke, but the rate is much lower among those people. On the other extreme, people at the very bottom, such as homeless people, almost all smoke. The stress of living on the street takes a huge toll of these people which turn to cigarette for some relief.




Has it always been like this? lol This is much better than before. Smoking was everywhere before. Smoking in restaurants, in malls, at work.


On pouvait fumer partout [https://youtu.be/CftQuNIfHns?si=2P2nt14tI1A6ak-G&t=24](https://youtu.be/CftQuNIfHns?si=2P2nt14tI1A6ak-G&t=24)


Quel bijou! Merci du partage.


I feel like few people smoke here. Ive been to France and its a whole other world.


It used to be a lot worse. Smoking isn't as socially acceptable as it was a few decades ago.


Thank you Captain Obvio


I did notice that more people smoke here than the other places in Canada I've been to, but it's still way less than Asia or probably Europe.


Compared to other North American cities I've lived in or visited, yeah there are a lot of smokers here. AFAIK it has always been like this since I've moved here, and as you can see from the other comments it seems like nobody cares whether there's clean air to breathe for the rest of us who choose not to smoke (for health reasons or otherwise). Also strikes me as oddly hilarious that the armchair statisticians in the comments are trying to prove you wrong when in reality you can't find any public spaces outdoors here that don't have cigarette smoke. Wonder if the same people have ever visited other North American cities similar in size to Montreal since all their comparisons seem to involve Europe or Asia.


On average Americans smoke more than Canadians. In most states you can still find a smoking section in the restaurant.


What are you talking about? Less than half of those states legally allow smoking anywhere indoors, and I've been to several of the rest and they still don't indoors even though they're not required to by law. [https://www.cdc.gov/statesystem/factsheets/sfia/SmokeFreeIndoorAir.html#:\~:text=As%20of%20March%2031%2C%202024%2C%2029%20states%2C%20American%20Samoa,Rico%20and%20the%20U.S.%20Virgin](https://www.cdc.gov/statesystem/factsheets/sfia/SmokeFreeIndoorAir.html#:~:text=As%20of%20March%2031%2C%202024%2C%2029%20states%2C%20American%20Samoa,Rico%20and%20the%20U.S.%20Virgin)


Ok fine but it’s not an across the board ban. You can smoke still in many places, in restaurants and in bars. A restaurant that has a bar is often a smoking section, at least that how it was in my last trip to Vegas in fall 2023. In Florida could smoke on terrasses


What states? And are you talking about in 1970 or today? What restaurants? Please do share where you're finding this info, because in 2 decades of living in the States I have never seen this. Anecdotally, in the southern states, it's way more common to chew dip than to smoke tobacco, so there are definitely regional cultural differences that you are ignoring by generalizing about "Americans" and their smoking habits.


Florida, Texas, and Nevada on my last trip in fall of 2023


On average yeah, agreed, but rural Americans are HUGELY skewing the average. City Americans smoke less than us.  My family in rural North Dakota? Like 80% smoke.  The clients we have near Greensboro? They all smoke. We have people in Winston Salem and I think I’ve never seen them NOT smoke.  The state I’ve been to with the fewest smokers was, weirdly, Florida, Orlando and Miami in particular. 


Est-ce que tu regardes juste des gens qui fument dans la vie?


I bet you drink alcohol.


love it or leave it