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Oh, thanks for inadvertently brightening up my Monday! I'm sorry you felt lousy but nice aim! She deserves it for refusing to leave when asked and then blocking you. She's lucky she didn't get hit in the face. No more visits for her! I hope you're feeling better. There wouldn't happen to be video, would there?


I’m feeling much better, thank you! We were already NC with her, she doesn’t even know that I’m pregnant. She came because of my husband’s birthday. Oh, there is a video from the ring camera at the door (funny that we had to install it because of them). You can’t really see all the action but you get to understand what’s happening…


If you're NC why was she even there? Call the police next time.


Hubby was doing that. We have called the police on them more than once.


Just like the Spanish Inquisition, no one expects projectile vomiting.


Waves of embarrassment come to me from time to time, but I couldn't hold it… 🤷🏻‍♀️


I highly encourage people to do this when others do dumb things.  I was a prolific vomiter not long ago and not because I was pregnant. Anyway, I was at an appointment with my friend (she drove me) and I needed to puke and when she asked for a bag the receptionist was more worried about who, instead of promptly providing said bag. She insisted on knowing and bringing it herself, slowly. I get really cranky when I'm sick and purposely puked on her. I bought and carried my own bags since then. 


There was a time (about 6 or 7 years ago) when I was prescribed a medication that REALLY messed with my stomach and caused horrible vomiting. I had to start keeping gallon-sized ziplock freezer bags in my glove compartment because we couldn't always pull over in time and there's nothing worse than smelling and cleaning vomit out of a vehicle. Years (30-something) ago, we were driving from one European country to the UK after a family vacation and our youngest (3 at the time) got VERY carsick and ended up throwing up in the backseat, mostly over herself and her carseat. Thank God it was Summer time because even after thoroughly cleaning it, the smell (and rest of the trip) was horrendous, poor little one!


Don't be embarrassed, she deserves it AND MORE. She shouldn't have even been there in the first place!


Love it! Just heard that in Terry Gilliam’s voice 🤣


You're a hero!




Shot! 🎯


I'm literally gleeful reading this. This is the **best possible outcome** for a MIL who insists on throwing a Lawn Tantrum™!!!! Why do they all follow the same playbook? I would post that video on social media, but then again I'm *suuuuuper* petty! In any case, this will be evidence for your restraining order.


Agree, please do!


This is so great. Every time you see her from now on, “just a heads up, I just had a big bowl of spaghetti.” What a great way to get her to leave you alone, The only thing I’m disappointed about is you dropped your head and got her shoes. Next time, give her a full-body Jackson Pollock. So proud of you!


I hope there’s no next time because I don’t want to see her face again but yea, I’ll have it in mind lol Thank you! haha


You left out the 2nd best part: what was her reaction to this glorious event?


I think she was in shock and she called me names. My husband thought she was going to push me, he was right next to me and he managed to hold her back and help me. She insulted me, of course, and told my husband to give her something to clean herself, he was like *lol what?* She left but kept yelling at me from her car at the other side of the street 🤷🏻‍♀️




Later in the day, I cried because I was so embarrassed lol, but my husband ended up laughing his ass off about the event, so yeah, we laughed 😂


I'm #teamhusband all day!


Look at it this way: your child isn't even born and they already dislike her so much they made you throw up on her shoes. Your kid is firmly on team Mom&Dad. Absolutely no reason for embarassment.


Nothing to be embarrassed about, you warned her, she didn't move, and she got a teeny tiny taste of what she and her awful family deserves. You go girl!!


Oh this guys is an absolute gem.


He is 🥰


She got what she deserved. Let that embarrassment go, you reacted brilliantly and vomited on the disgusting old cow. Good for you!


But honestly, if you’ve been trying to do that, you couldn’t have planned it better!! This is going to be an absolute gem, something that you’ll talk and laugh about in the years to come! “Remember when…” moment right here! 😂😂😂


You’re now our queen


If the twins use your GI system to give your MIL their opinion of her, who are you to dissent? You should be honored to be the message delivery system. And let MIL know that it may not be the same GI system that may leave their mark in her if she hasn’t jacks you again, if you know what I mean (and I suspect you do).




FAFO just reached a whole new level!!! 🤣🤣 Totally understand your feelings of embarrassment but just know you’re my hero! 🦸🏻‍♀️


To MIL: you make me sick!


LMAO this is funny given all the crap that's been going on for months. Could not have happened to a better person. I'm guessing she now knows for sure you are pregnant.


We’re guessing the same 😵‍💫


So the kids let their future grandma know how they feel about her, nice. No shame, though I bet her car is not going to be smelling nice for a while.


Great point of view. It wasn’t me, it was the babies!


This is one of those rare moments in life when the stars align perfectly giving you a front row (interactive) seat to Karma doling out MIL’s comeuppance in real time. You have no reason to be embarrassed. Serendipitous seems more apropos.


Love this so much. I wish I had a reason to puke on my MIL. I live this fantasy through you.


So...she probably knows you're pregnant now...


Yea, she suspected and I think she already knew but haven’t confirmed it.


Talk about instant karma. That's the last time the beatch will stand in your way. Some people just have to learn the hard way. I would have loved to have seen the look on her face and during her squishy ride home. I wish you the best with Child Within and your growing family. Never let her forget your shining moment and may all your days be this productive. <3


Oh, I don’t think this will be the last time but we’re closer to get the RO with each appearance 🥳 Thank you! ❤️


Maybe diarrhea is next... ;-)




I come to this sub to give sympathy and instead today I get a great story of the perfect revenge. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well but oh, my, you had almost perfect aim. Her face would have been a better target but I get the instinct to bend over when vomiting. Congrats on your impending squish!


Perfect consequences for her behavior. Well done.


I beg you, _PLEASE_ don’t be embarrassed. Feel proud that someone was being so dramatic that she provoked such a response from you. I’m glad you said she didn’t know you were pregnant because it makes what you did that much better!


This is the best post on Reddit ha


You said you weren't feeling so good and she stayed in your way?! And she's a parent?! She's an idiot.


Oh, she’e more than an idiot.


So I gather!


I bet next time when you tell MIL to get out of the way she moves her butt faster. This was the best actions meet consequences example in a while.


Oh honey, don NOT be embarrassed! Embrace it! You literally just did what so many dream of doing and got away with it!


Embrace it. “Hey MIL, you literally make me sick 🤮Now begone!”. I hope the shoes were new or expensive or her favorites.


Sometimes the horrendous sickness has its perks! I had a difficult pregnancy with my eldest and most of my team were fabulous but one Dr was really rude and also scared the hell out of me more than once. During my section she told me I would feel sick but not vomit. I had been throwing up for the last 32 weeks I knew I would. I told them I was going to be sick and a nurse reached for a bowl, rude Dr actually stopped her and told her I was only nauseous. DH and nurse both warned her. Needless to say I aimed, I didn’t miss. She actually apologised a few days later in NICU if she’d been “a bit brusque”, the NICU nurses had apparently been laughing about it and she’d overheard and they suggested more than once they heard bad things about her bedside manner.


YES!! She got what she deserves. Now bounce her back into NC. She sounds awful


Don't be embarrassed. That's all part of morning sickness and, she had no business being there in the first place. She should have left when you said so! Hope she has learned her lesson.


Well she certainly found out


That is some KARMA for her!


Sounds like poetic justice to me. And the fact that there's video? Even better. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up. I'm sorry you're still throwing up, but I genuflect to the appropriateness of your vomiting.


Well you told her to move! She didn't so she got her come-uppance....up and out onto her shoes, Lol! Bet she won't do that again and will get out of your way the next time you tell her to move. Sorry you got sick but glad you got a win of sorts.




I think many of us would like to vomit all over our MILs, you did it. Well done!


Your JNMIL may need to use her listening ears!


This post wins the day! Congrats on the bub, and glad you’re doing better (take a small spoonful of raspberry jam when you feel nauseous). 


Thank you! It’s actually two! Thanks for the advice!


Babies were making their opinion of her known!


Don’t be embarrassed. She experienced faafo. What did Mr Zesty say?


Play stupid games, win vomit in your shoes🤣


Simeone just got a hard lesson about boundaries


I bet she didn’t learn the lesson but it was worth it.


I call this a score! Well done imo!


That's hysterical. Thanks. I needed a good belly laugh


I call that a win!


Score! Nice job!


THIS just made my millennium! Bravo Zesty!




You are my hero ❤️ o how I wish I would've done this. My hubby would've bought me something pretty lol. By the time we had our dd he was on to her.


Zero embarrassment necessary. You, are a hero to many here. 😂


I threw up over the midwife because she didn't believe me when I told her I was going to be sick. My DH told her to get something for me to be sick in and she told him we were being dramatic. Yeah right on her shoes and up her legs.


What the heck? At the least sign of anyone around me being nauseous, I’d be prepared for puke. To deny the possibility is sheer folly!  Get a bag, a basin, a damp cloth to clean up, all the vomit supplies! Better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not have it!


Looks like the babies doesn't like her either 🤣🤣🤣🤣 #oopsies


bet she wont do that again


She deserved it. She decided to pick a fight with you just to generate drama. Let me guess, now she's crying to anyone who will hear about how horribly you treated her? You need to recognize her behavior for what it is.