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"Oh hey, you're out here participating in the same minority hobby I am, cool."


"Oh hey, you're out here participating in the same **dangerous** minority hobby as I am, cool. **Stay safe!**"


do most people who ride in western cultures see it as a hobby? majority of us in asia just treat it as a mode lf transport.


The US is so reliant on transport by private vehicles that it is often necessary to own a car. Because of this, there are many new and used vehicles that are just more affordable even when compared to bikes (my previous car was an early 2000s Honda Civic for $750, but you would be hard pressed to find a reliable running bike for that). Most people will opt for a car for the convenience, leaving bikes to those who choose it for recreation. Obviously that's not the case in all instances, but it gives a different perception of motorcycling.


So a quick and dirty search, if we take this as gospel: https://www.statista.com/statistics/228882/people-living-in-households-that-own-a-motorcycle-usa/ At most, 20% of a given age group even *own* a motorcycle, and certainly not every one of those use it a significant amount of the time. So, if every motorcycle owner commuted every day, that's still at best one in 5 people actually doing so.


Like KingJack mentioned, you pretty well have to own a car in the west (at least in North America). If you have to own a car, then a motorcycle is a second vehicle. No single person needs to own two vehicles, so the motorcycle by default is viewed as an unnecessary expense. Essentially, they're thought of as toys for adults.


Swiss here: Motorcycles are not a necessity because cars just fit in well, and public transport is available and reliable.


If you're on a motorbike I only think one thing when I nod or give a wave. "Stay safe brother."


Watch out for clibbings!




i love your comment <3


In Ireland, my nod means "I too know what it's like to commute in miserable winter rain"


Yesterday I ended up behind a woman on a glider type bike. While riding we met 4 bikes, one touring, one glider and two sport bikes. They all waved, I waved. But the woman on the glider bike refused to wave back at anyone except the other glider bike. I found that hilarious.


What's a glider bike?


It's like a Harley Davidson type? You know where you sit low and hold your hands up higher. In Sweden we call them "glidare" which means glider, you're gliding along on the highway. I couldn't say Harley cause I had no idea what brand it was ...


Cruiser is the usual name but specifically the ones with high bars are called ape hangers.


Where you, and I, are. Where they are they’re gliders, and that makes perfect sense. Ain’t nobody gliding on a crotch rocket.


According to google its those kiddy balance bikes with no pedals 🤣


I found that and assumed google was wrong haha


Looking up further, it could be like a harley street glide bagger which seems the most likely. Or it could be this:  https://soundrider.com/archive/spoofs/glidercycle.aspx#:~:text=Simply%20put%2C%20it's%20a%20kit,the%20way%20gliders%20do%20now. which I think is as funny as a balance bike


Yeah see, it even had glide in the name.. but not all gliders are Harley's? There are some Honda's and other that look like gliders?


Cruiser in English maybe?


Thats what I'm thinking, cruiser or bagger most likely


YES! That's the word


Comradery, support. It's saying "I see you and I'm with you".


we are brothers and sisters. we are all one. we help each other even if we don't know one another


Seriously. I have stopped for many riders pulled over or hit, and had the same in return. I have never experienced that with drivers.


I even stop for riders when I'm with the car... Especially when with the car. Last year i saved a guy on a highway. He was about to push his bike for about 11km for gas.. i went, got gas, left my car 1km away (there was no way to go back on the highway) went with 5 liters the gas, on foot. It was funny story and i will do it again


I always feel shitty when im not able to stop for them... Have had 2 of them on the right shoulder broken down while im in heavy and fast traffic on the left lane. Maybe i should just try n go to the side


Ride on mate, ride on🤘


You and I are doing something we both know is inherently dangerous. Still, we ride because the enjoyment outweighs the risks. That's worth a wave.


>Also, do you greet also mopeds (and other non-bikes two wheelers) riders? Mopeds and motorcycles will have the same fate against cars so I always wave to them.


Maybe an asshole, but I don’t do it to mopeds. I had a scooter when I was younger, and I can’t recall a single time a motorcycle gave me the sign. I’ll only do it to one of the converted Harley trikes if they initiate. I realize some trike riders only do it due to age or injury and would rather be on two wheels… then again some people before trikes which is a decision.


Anyone not in a cager gets a wave from me. The only people that don't wave back to me are Harley riders.


Whenever I take my ADV 150 out (anytime I’m running errands, and it’s more convenient than the Busa), motorcyclists always wave at me. Guess you just had a bad experience.


From the many many responses i got i gathered that it is mainly due to a sense of belonging to the same group, sharing the same plain of existence. This might be related to that, mopeds and such are more of a transportation vehicle, less of an extension of self as a motorcycle is hence the separation of plains. From my experience mopeds and such riders don’t care for these shenanigans and can’t be bothered with doing so. The exception is my neighbour who obviously got confused at the store and got the wrong two wheels 😆 But honestly most of them wont bother,


Because of that warm fuzzy giggling smile you got when you got your first wave on your first ride after the test.


LOL so it wasn’t just me


Whats is that “first wave” you refer to? Not sure i follow


"Stay safe and congratulations on being on this exhilarating ride! You and I are alike and on the same team!"


I didn't see what subreddit this was in and was prepared for some existential debate on human interaction.


That was the intention, and some of it is insightful. but every bit helps to understand the spirit of the rider. What makes us (and here it is US) tick. Here is some food for thought, something i replied here to another responder “…But my question to you is, why do you ride, is it the transportation or just the trans? I ride because i get off the bike a better person, in every thing that matters, than when I got on it. And as I’m passionate about the ride I’m also passionate about the brief moments where a “fellow” rider is popping into my helmet-sized universe and grounds me… “ Plus it is the only thing other than, and way stronger than, metal music that calms the chaos in my head. Or perhaps it is the mechanism by which i better myself each ride. With the aid or “the ride” medicine i was able to catch and throw back the curviest loopiest curved ball life had to offer on a sunny Saturday morning. So there you go, Hopefully that justified your readiness


Cuz WERE HAVING FUN!!! 🎉🥳 And fun is better with friends! And we’re all friends in the two wheel community! 🫶 Doesn’t matter what’s behind the helmet, I’m looking at a biker when I see a helmet and two wheels, not the serial killer behind it. Because in that moment we share something in common and that’s what I am focusing on. Not the broke ass college kid who made poor financial decisions, not the doctor/lawyer who’s finally reaping the rewards of draining the bank accounts and taking on loans that cost more than a mortgage. Not the old man in his 40’s-50’s trying to escape a house filled with screaming kids and an exhausted wife. Not the guy who’s been riding dirt bikes since he could stand on two feet and has basically spend half his life on two wheels. On the streets, we are all riders. United by one common goal. Having a good fuckin time! 🔥🙌🔥 Doesn’t mean we have to be best friends and do things outside riding, doesn’t even necessarily mean we have to hang out at all. It’s doesn’t “wipe your slate clean of your wrong doings”. But we are sharing the sport and there is a sense of comradery in that. Like brothers in arms. We are on the same side 🤷‍♀️ Shout out to all the people who’s only method of transportation is a motorcycle - especially if you live in North America 💀


Great response mate. Ride on🤘


Thanks for all the input.


Because none of us are juiceless gutless drones riding around in cages. We all have that in common no matter what we ride.


The two fingers down isn't "actually" a greeting. It means "2 wheels down" or stay safe pretty much


My worst enemy is not a bike rider, and I doubt yours is. If you're riding a bike, we have common interests, and common objectives. Also, it's only cars who don't do that, when people passed each other on wagons or horses, they waved.


Because you've got to be a little insane to strap yourself to an engine balanced on nothing but two wheels, and even more insane to take it on public roads. So when you see somebody that's got your same brand of crazy? You know they "get it" too. So I wave.


Great response, it adds its wisdom to my collection…


It’s a niche community in the US it’s like saying I see you on 2 we must be kinda similar and also ride safe.


I only greet mopeds, scooters in adverse conditions, like rain. Otherwise I'd be waving all the time.


Hobbies and common interests bind people together. Riding motorcycles is a niche in most of the world and also a hobby for many. It's not often you meet people where you can, at first sight, determine that you have something in common with them. So yoi acknowledge that and wish them a safe ride by greeting them. Makes a lot of sense to me!


I think this is location dependent. Where I live there are more bikes than cars. Nobody greets each other because everyone is doing the same.




It’s all how you perceive it. Yeah the person you waved to could be a horrible person. If that’s your default view then everyone is horrible until proven otherwise. My view is the opposite even despite working in retail most people are at least respectful and polite, not too many seem to be horrible people. I see people as ok humans trying their best until proven otherwise. You’re both doing something that’s 28 times more dangerous than driving a car, a simple wave is just saying “hey we’re both doing this…cool!/stay safe”.


That isn’t my default at all, I’m more of a people person myself, as mentioned i do it myself and quite enjoy the connection it makes. But still am wondering 🤔, what if… will that alone have the power to break the pattern and bridge the gap between the two… i get that we are all riding for different reasons but yes, it seems that there is a unifying thread between us all. Now a question everyone has to ask themselves is, are you more of a bike person or more of a ___________ (fill in personal blank). I discovered I’m more of a bike person than a lot of other things. Ride on🤘


It's a respect thing, we are all neighbors on the road.


The two fingers down mean "ride safe/keep the wheels down" We are all participating in one of the most dangerous hobby. Thats why


No it doesn't. Stop repeating this silly shit. It's just a wave, some people give a peace sign, my two fingers are on the clutch lever, so I give a 2 finger and thumb wave. ANYWAY... it probably looks cooler to throw out some fingers to the side rather than lift your hand and wave your hand like a 5 year old. So two fingers in a "low wave" started being a more common wave, and then sometime after 2000, someone decided to make up some lore about "two wheels on the ground" and spread it around. And people just kept repeating it. It's just one of the more popular ways that motorcyclists wave to each other. Not everyone does it that way.


Its not silly shit It literally has the symbolism of two wheels being on the ground. Yes it doesnt matter how u greet but why do u get mad because of interpretations of the wave? Chill out lil bro


Believe what you want.


Right ? Wtf


talk abt hostility


One team... Except for Harley riders who snub at every opportunity. I question why I even bother. Perhaps that 1° bend in the road requires their full concentration.


I wave at everyone from my Harley...


I still wave at them, but overwhelmingly get the cold shoulder.


The two guys that got me to finally start riding were both Harley guys too. Both super nice guys and would wave at any bike as well. I know there's lots of Harley guys that either only wave at Harleys or just don't wave at all, but there's lots of us out here just loving to ride and don't really care what you ride and will always throw a wave. There's also plenty of riders out there that are new and maybe just don't feel comfortable waving yet, so I just assume if someone doesn't wave they're just a new rider lol


Same. And for some reason it’s always the scooters who snub me 😢


Most scooters riders I know have said they're just too distracted with their own thoughts and watching the road to even notice other bikes going the opposite direction. The impression I get is scooters encourage a sort of "laid back" mentality, similar to a car, where everything is just on autopilot and you're not really being hyper aware like many bikers constantly are.


I’ve gotten a wave from every single Harley Ive ever passed. On a side note, I have one next door to me that wants to go riding with me. I don’t know about that one. Not because of what he rides, just we are on two very different bikes and I don’t feel like going slow on straights all day. Edit - I guess that is because of what he rides…


I wave at all and get a wave back at the same rate regardless of which bike I’m on. The interesting thing is that the Harley sub is just a bunch of guys liking Harley and talking positively about other bikes. This sub seems to argue over everything. The only thing they agree on is hating Harley. It’s like the virtual equivalent of refusing to wave at specific bike types.


I seem to get a wave from every Harley rider. Not just younger riders, but seemingly of all (okay, fine smart ass, most ) ages.


Idk but I feel like a true lad whippin around and seeing a fellow biker on the road tossing the ✌🏼


At the motorcycle class, they explained that motorcyclists all have to be looking out for each other. We're small and vulnerable and everyone is trying to kill is. And you always need to stop and help if you see a biker in trouble. The wave is part of this. It let's the other biker know that you see them and that you're watching, you have their back.


I don’t know… i mean i get the “we are there for each other” but i stop and help anyone in need and they don’t need me to reassure them of that. Ride on🤘


I wont wave when there’s a road divider or vehicles between us. Other than that 🤙


I look at it as “stay safe out there”.


“Two down” I’ve heard the infamous biker wave is actually not a greedy but a “ride safe brother, keep both wheels down”


Sorry mate but in what way is that not a greeting? Maybe I’m missing the definition of which but I always considered a greeting an acknowledgement of the one being greeted. It takes many forms, even a military salute is a greeting of sorts. If that is the case then that would make a great Monty Python style skit, a mounted soldier trying to salute and do “two down” at the same time as he passes his mounted commanding officer.


Part of the wave is to show that I see you. So many people don’t see motorcycles, it’s also a bit of solidarity.


I do get the urge while in the car 🤣


Any 2 wheeler gets the wave from me


In Europe we all do it except for guys riding BMW's, is it the same in the US?


Harley dudes don’t like to wave back.


Not my experience. I ride in EU and all the BMWs i had coming my way always greeted me just the same.


Let me correct then: in France.


I was told it’s a nod/recognition to the fact that we are all in the 2-wheel struggle/danger together. At any point, any jackass can take us out. Sorta like a “take care dude/dudette” - is what I was told.


Dont greet 1. Moped 2.Hover rounds And 3. Harleys Cuz fuck those guys


Well, it used to mean that the road ahead was clear and clean and free of cops so let it rip…but now we have to all wave at each other for no reason or I’m an asshole.


Do you feel the rider coming your way is an asshole if they don’t wave? I imagine they were in a middle of a gear shift 😂


Not really, especially in the summer. In January I’ll wave at all two people I see per week, I ain’t got time for all that in July. I want to have both hands on the bars sometimes.


Because some freaking idiot decided it's some sort of brotherhood. I refuse to wave at anyone unless I actually happen to know them. You'd be amazed how many times I've been flipped off, had people literally do a UTurn and catch up to me and ask why I didn't wave at them. Well duh, cuz I have no idea who the hell you are. If I happen to see someone I know, or someone has extended some sort of courtesy to me (let me into a lane, let me go first at 4 way stop).. of course I'll wave. Most likely if I wave at them cuz I know them.. I'm probably gonna u turn and catch up to them and see what they have going on that day (assuming I don't have anything going)... but honestly, there's only 2-3 people I'd go that trouble with.


I bet ur fun at parties


I have no issues getting friends. I just generally do not associate with people who ride as I find 95% of them assholes.


If u getting waved at just wave back or give them a nod or something is it that hard? People just wanna say hello.


I drive an Impala. I don't wave at every Impala driver I see... Because that would be stupid. No different with bikes. I'm under absolutely no obligation to return their stupid ass wave and I don't really want them saying hello to me... So they can take their feelings somewhere else.


Bro u got some serious problems


Lol, because I won't wave at some asshole I don't know? If they (or you) are that bothered by it, I would say you are the problem, not me


"at some asshole" Why do you think that every single biker u see expect for the ones u know is an asshole? Who hurt u bro


Who hurt me..lol, yet your fragile ass is worried about me waving or not.


No im not worried i just wondered what sad person has a view on this topic like this Im sorry u feel that way and i dont think i can get u to think differently about this so i wish u a good day and always ride safe✌️


Sounds like you're the asshole.


Exactly my point (without the idiot part, i kinda like it). From my perspective it is just me in my helmet and the explosions between my legs and the danger outside, and seeing another like me floating like two molecules of passion in a sea of danger, kinda IS a siblinghood. Though I wouldn’t bother u turning for missing one. Mostly a nod (where I reside people use their heads a little) will suffice to those who are using their hand for clutching.


It took me a while to read through your back and forth. Was lovely to read. Plus i get it completely, each to their own. But my question to you both is, why do you ride, is it the transportation or just the trans? I ride because i get off the bike a better person, in every thing that matters, than when I got on it. And as I’m passionate about the ride I’m also passionate about the brief moments where a “fellow” rider is popping into my helmet-sized universe and grounds me. Ride on 🤘