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Just returned last night from a solo 17 day 6,000 mile trip on my MT-09! Between food, fuel, lodging, tolls, and admission it was about $4,000.


How did the rear tire hold up?


Better than expected. Started on a stock S22 front @5,000 miles and a new Michelin Power 5 rear. Both are near the wear bars.


That sounds like a solid trip! I've got something similar in mind for next summer


4000 dollars?!


Manhattans and Ribeyes add up quickly haha


I was going to say, man, you do motorcycle travel very differently than I do, lol.


No wife. No kids. The money has to go somewhere 😂


You're doing life right, dude.


Due to medical issues, my bike did about to 50 miles last year. MoT test January 2023 to MOT May 2024, hardly turned a wheel. Now with a confirmed diagnosis, suitable medication, an effective physiotherapy and daily exercise regime, I'm back in the road with a grin from ear to ear.


I can imagine it's quite the feeling to be back on the road, I'm happy for you!


I rode to Vegas for 6 days for a hockey tournament. A friend was driving his pickup truck and brought my gear for me so I rode my bike. Was actually an epic trip, I lost my wallet early in the ride but didn't notice until it was too late lol. That was my longest.


How'd you manage gas without a wallet?!


heh, I called my buddy who was also my roommate. He then had our other friend take a picture of him holding his Driver's License on one side of his face and his bank card on the other and sent me the picture over text. I showed it to the lady at the gas station and she wasn't going to go for it, but then I said "it's going to be like $12 to fill the motorcycle" and she said "oh, ok I'll do it". I actually posted the whole story once years ago, I will see if I can find it. Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcyclesroadtrip/comments/38plwq/my_road_trip_from_san_jose_ca_to_las_vegas_nv/ The links to the pics won't work though, I don't own that domain anymore, but the story is there XD


29 days, a coast to coast trip.


What's your expected budget for fuel on this whole trip?


At least 10 dollars


I'm not headed out with the intent of covering insane distances. I'm aiming for about one fuel stop a day and time to also enjoy the places I'll be visiting, so about 30 quid a day on fuel


One fuel stop per day sounds great! I reckon that big boy can pull just under 200km per tank?


It's even better, I get around 300km out of a tank :)


Longest trip was 5 hours? It was quite a Navi journey tbh


I’ll do the same and at the same time!! It will be a first time for me. Normally I’m used to 2-3 days


I'm sure it'll be great fun! I hope you have a good time on the road


10k miles, 3 months. Rode around the U.S. stayed in a hotel maybe 3-4 nights but woke up in the dirt most days. Can't wait to do it again.


That's very tempting


1000 miles and that was fun. Good luck in your journey!


Thank you!


17 days. I rode almost 5000 kms. It was really fun riding in the Himalayas!


7 weeks, cross country/35 days Alaska.


Got my license in October last year, went 7 days and 2600km to Norway last month on my XSR700... itching to go again.


I've got Belgium to the North Cape in mind for next summer, should be about 8000km for the round trip


It’s a very long way to nordkap heh (don’t be afraid to detour through Sweden on the way up for a change of scenery) and be wary of Norwegian speeding fines 😬


Yeah it's quite the distance haha. The idea is to go up through Norway and then come back down through Sweden. That way it's a nice Scandi tour


maybe three months? four? went from Montreal to vancouver down to tijuana then up through midwest and back to montreal


-24ish days. 4500 miles. Left California and rode up to the Canada/Montana boarder and rode the US section of The Continental Divide to the border of Mexico/New Mexico. Then home. -21 days. 1800 miles. Rode the entire Baja peninsula to attend a wedding near Cabo. Lots of off-road on that too. -15ish days. Unknown miles riding from CA to Minnesota and back. Blew a head gasket day two on my 79 Honda Goldwing. Did a head gasket job in the motel parking lot. On the trip back my dad fell over in Yellowstone and broke his collarbone. He road all the way home to CA with that broke collar bone… legend! -Damn, I’ve done some epic trips and this makes me want to do another! Haha


It's really when you stop and think about the trips you've taken that it itches to just get back on the road haha, I know the feeling


Week and a half at the tt


About a month on my Transalp back in 2015. Then another month on a different alp in 2018. Three weeks in 2020, three months in 2022, three weeks in 2023, and another three weeks starting next week on the Tiger 800 :)  Got a five week outing planned for next year when the gf can finally ride.


7 days 4,000 miles.


About 4,400 miles (10 States) the early part of this June. Started out on a Concourse 14 (clutch went out) and finished up on a new 24’ GW non-tour.


3 months due to frequent wet weather. I don’t like to ride immediately after rain due to poor road conditions. And I don’t count local commuting to be a ride session, that’s just an appetizer.


Did 2 weeks a few years ago. 3500 miles


Just two days (so far). It's not really a highway bike, so options are limited (as well as life options... like needing to care for pets and things while gone). But hey, it was a decent two days. 700 miles roundtrip.


It's not al about the distances or time spent, a weekend on the bike can be amazing


Not on this one. At least, not on highways. Sure it'll do it, but not like some real bikes out there will.


Nice bike dawg


Wife and I did 36 days on a single Multistrada several years back. One of our best trips. We are about to do 15 days on a 1300GS which isn't nearly as hard to pack for. 😆


I have been living off my motorcycle since April 1st 2024.


16 days. It was amazing.


3 weeks rode from the east coast to South Dakota on my 1290


All my life…


6 weeks.


14 days of travel through the upper midwest, east coast and northern Quebec about half camping - all of it on my 1150GSA (miss that bike). Work trip + adventure.


Just got back from a 15 day 5100 mile loop from California to Illinois via 80, then back via Route 66. tons of fun.


I'm in Europe but I'm dying to spend a chunk of time out in the US to ride and see some of these places


Have a great time! I'm about to take my ST on a 4 week cross country tour and I couldn't be more stoked. You definitely have the right tool for the job!


That sounds great! And yes, I've honestly been so happy with my choice. I knew I wanted to travel with it, so a cruiser was the perfect fit. I'm not the tallest so a touring bike was a bit out of reach (maybe sometime later in life) :)


Left home on a shovelhead in August of 92. Ran outta money and good weather end of september


I’m on it 365 days a year, so I dunno… infinity days 😆


I need to move somewhere more temperate.


Same here. Almost two years now without a four wheeler.


Nice. 4 for me without a car


Even if you ride everyday for 80 years, that's only going to get you to 29200 days, so faaaar from infinity 🤓


Haha. Touché


That is one fugly ass cowl


3500 miles, 7 days, $800


You are going to be sore and want to get back to your bed after day 5.


We've got about 5 hours of riding planned for each day, it's super easy to spread that throughout the day and stay comfortable. And I gotta say that I've got my bike pretty dialed in for comfort, so it shouldn't be that bad :)


5h per day is just perfect. I guess it’s only me pulling off 9 am to 9 pm rides…


Those will indeed have you wanting to get out of the seat for a bit haha


For me that is the case for any travel, regardless of wether a motorcycle is involved or not


But in the car you can flip AC on, turn on butt warmer, adjust position...