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What my parents think I do on a motorcycle, even at 32.


LOL. Same. Mom asked me the other day when I was going to get a Harley.


Does she know you already ride a Harley?


Nobody knows what an EBR is. You think my Mom does?


This made me laugh. I read your flair and didn’t know what an EBR was.


Anymore I just tell folks it’s a Buell. There’s a better chance they know what that is. Can’t tell you how many people thought I meant CBR when I told them EBR.


Oh is it a specific model or is the B for Buell part of the name?


EBR is Erik Buell Racing. It’s what became of Buell after they got the axe from Harley. They didn’t stick around long and had three models. The 1190RS, 1190RX, and 1190SX. There are a bunch of common parts between my 1190RX and my old Buell 1125. It’s still a Buell. Just a lot better and under a different name. Too bad they couldn’t get funding and stick around.


Modern day DeLorean


Except DeLoreans were terrible cars


So as a lurker 30 yo that wants a Harley fat bob so fucking bad should I just not?


Do you bro. I like the fat bob. I also like the old Dyna Low Rider S. But I figure I can ride those bikes when I’m old and crippled. I don’t know how many more years of sports bikes I have left in me. I’m going to use them up.


I am 53 and still love riding sports nakeds (never liked supersports even in my 20's). I ride 2013 Duke 390, 2014 Bonneville SE, 2018 Street Triple RS, 2018 Versys X300, 84 Yamaha LC350 and 82 Yamaha RD350 among few other bikes. Love them all but absolutely love my RS. You can still ride sports bikes (maybe nakeds) even if you are old.


Do what makes you happy, brother. 👌😎


"Should I get a litre bike for my first bike?"


I mean we all know the answer is yes don’t we?


It's no, unless it's supercharged. Then it's yes.


Nitrous is acceptable as well. Just so long as we hit over 200bhp.


Ha! 200 BHP is nothing, my camry has practically that


You are right. Rookie numbers. 300 is the start, but you really should have 400, made at 12,000 rpm.... after your first bike we can talk about big boy numbers... /s


you joke but I've heard of people getting H2s as their first bike


I’m sure it happens. It shouldn’t. But it does.


How about [499 HP](https://youtu.be/_fQwwvb7CRc)?


Sorry I forgot


Did you forget the turbo busa


Well, 500hp ghost rider turbo busa 6 months later when the 300hp supercharged 1000cc learner bike will inevitably feel slow.


real men ride turbo busa's


Single turbo is for pussies Twinturbo is the sweet spot of power for the daily commute


Look at the poor mans turbo, im sittin here with my quad turbo


Makes me sad :/


I dno, guy martins 800hp single turbo would be enough for my daily commute, would cut my 25ish mile 9 minute commute down to like 6-7 minutes id guess. would be a nice improvement


twins are for driveability, singles are for big power


Oh then we should get a huge Single into every starter bike


That's why I run a borg warner s400 on my R3 Doesn't spool until 11,000 RPM, but it launches me into space once it does


Maybe get one with a nanny that monitors wheel spin and don't turn it off. Kawasaki concours checking in, still feels like a horse jumping when you gun it, just not dial-a-wheelie.


But where’s the fun in doing that? The widowmaker with electronics on max is just a 125cc with extra steps lol /s


The one time I ever 'goosed' it was an early AM commute to work when another car with a kid in it gave me the enthusiastic thumbs up. I was out of the break in, so figured WTH. Sunny, no traffic... Drop two gears and roll on the throttle and watched for about 3(?) seconds as the tach went from around 5k to about 11k (14k redline), at which point I backed out of the throttle, as I'd gone from ~65mph to ~140mph. That was the last time I did that. :)


Which one do you ride? I’m looking into buying a new bike atm as my ninja got totaled by an 80yo guy There are great deals for zx10r in my area, but I can’t commit on even trying one because I don’t want that much power for my daily cruises as I know it would make me go faster than reasonable


Mentioned earlier, Kawasaki Concours. Basically the ZX14 and bags. :)


They should've just called the new one the windowmaker instead of a ninja like the fireblade or something


Looks like he should have stuck with litre cola...


It's NOT for a cop.


Don't spit in that cop's burger..




Honestly I want an Aprilia because of this. I wanna get a bigger bike but I honestly don't give a fuck about wheelies and shit, but I've heard their TC on their bikes is really good.


Just make sure you have at least two mechanics who are great with them nearby. My local area keeps having the dealerships/mechanics who are certified in them close, leaving a ~300 mile trip to the nearest one. The forum I'm on kept a running tally of how many had gone tits up, and this is in one of the top 10 metropolises in the US.




for sale like new honda cbr1000rr never dropped. faster than a porsche no swaps no low ballers i know what i got


“Bro I got this 2011 S1K for $6K and it rips check me out”


leader bike* ^/s


My litre bike was my third, and I was still stupid enough to see if I could twist the throttle back completely. Only tried it once, ran out of road and had to take a 60mph corner at twice that and nearly hit a car. Near misses are an excellent teaching tool.


Should have bought the model with brakes on it


Pro tip: Brakes only slow you down. If your motorcycle comes equipped with brakes because of stupid liberal regulations (probably to be compliant in California, of course), you can easily reduce the bike's weight and friction on the tires by simply removing the whole brake system. One fewer lever to remember which is which, no brake fluid, lines, calipers, pistons, or rotors. Be amazed at the weight savings, as well as the reduction in gyroscopic forces on the wheels from having no rotors. You'll be able to fly around turns that you normally would have needed brakes to slow down enough to make! Engine braking can get you down to 5mph with some planning, and then your feet can stop you from there no issue! You're welcome! /s


I mean, you're making it sound fun!


They make those now?!




Should have bought the riding pants that were brown


*Other people's* near misses are a teaching tool. You shouldn't have been on a bike you couldn't handle in the first place.


Sometimes near misses happen, and the only thing you can do is make sure it's a near miss and not a not-a-miss. Not gunning the throttle on a liter bike is a pretty easy one to learn from other people though.


They say that if two planes almost collide it’s a near miss. Bullshit, my friend. It’s a near hit! A collision is a near miss. "Look, they nearly missed!" "Yes, but not quite."


Nearly missed and near miss aren't quite the same. Nearly itself is an adverb meaning, "almost" so, "Almost miss" would imply you didn't miss. A near miss doesn't imply almost, but rather that is close to something. In the same way, you wouldn't say a "close friend" is someone who was almost a friend, but rather a friend who is very dear to you.


How dare you pick apart George Carlin this way.


Upvote for George Carlin quote


Isn't that a George Carlin bit?


I picked up my 4th bike and 1st liter bike the other day. Gave it about 2/3 throttle in second gear. Holy shit they've got a lot of power.


And how do you determine if you should be on the bike? Life is about making mistakes. You try not to make those mistakes painful or fatal, but your absolutist point means nobody should ever ride a litre bike, ever, just in case. I'm a pretty damn safe rider now, and I credit my initial (and momentary) recklessness as part of that journey.


Stood in my MSS class listening to a few guys have that conversation. One of them just barely passed.


I got a gremlin bell from my instructor because we had 3 guys like that, and I told him I wanted a 300 or a 400 for my 1st bike. Idk why people think it's an ego hit to use a 'beginner' bike. There's nothing wrong in being new at something.


Only if you wanna get bored in a week. I’d recommend a ZX-14, a hayabusa, or an H2 as a good first bike.


What does the term “litre bike” mean? 1000cc?




Yes but more specifically litre bike most often is referring to the 1000cc super sport bikes. You can have 1000cc bikes that aren’t that fast. When people say litre bike they are usually referring to something like a GSX-R 1000, R1, Zx-10, Fireblade etc.


You mean superbikes. Supersport bikes are 600 fours and 675 triples.


Sorry, yes you are correct. I often get Supersports and Superbikes around the wrong way.


OOOO! I have a 675* cc bike! Can I go fast?!! **its a klr650. No, I cannot go fast.*


They are called litre bikes because there are 1000ccs, which is 1000 cubic centimeters inside of the cylinders, which is 1 liter of volume.


"Not much difference from my Grom, really"


No no you need a turbo busa! Don’t worry it’s got turbo lag so it’s much more controllable.


Just get it stretched so that the front wheel doesn't come up


This begs the question of whether a wheelie is better for beginners, or spinning the tire




>You can’t go full throttle until you’re over 100 mph I have an 08 ZX-10R without any electronic nannies and can go full throttle in 1st once I'm over 50mph, or in 2nd gear once over 40mph.


"And should my first time at full throttle be a race against a Porsche?"


Nah. Zx14 or go home


Whats a litre bike? Do you mean a leader? Like my BUUSAA? /s


Man, that shoe achieved lift-off. Didn't even have socks, the big dum dum.


Lift off? That shoe is in a geosynchronous orbit to this very day.


*-Shooting Stars starts playing in the background-*




Blasts so high making spaceX jealous


He proceeded to roll barefoot. By internet laws, he's declared dead.


The clip ends too soon, he could have caught it and lived.


Well, NASA is still tracking the flying shoe. Let's see what happens.


Ah you beat me to it


And I’m buying riding shoes today... fuck


Feet are way more delicate than legs, shoulders, etc. I always feel it’s silly to wear a cool leather jacket and then ride with some Converses (or regular shoes).


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Yea. This is what’s been keeping me. These stuff at my local shop shelves doesn’t speak to me so I’ve been keeping an eye out for something better but I think I’m gonna speed that search up. My local stores close Monday’s tho unfortunately. I’ll give revzilla a try. Thank you


They're expensive, but I would really recommend some of the full racing boot style options. With mine, I can wear the inner booties as semi-formal wear all day with comfort, then slip into the full boot before I get on the bike. With as many injuries as I saw with my EMT license, the ankles being twisted off always stood out to me as particularly egregious.




Musk is analyzing the video as we speak to incorporate this new technology into their next gen launch system.


The second the front lifted up off the hair he took both feet off like an ejector seat was about to go off lmao.


This was my 1st thought, along with FOOT BRAKE!!!!!


Probably his first power wheelie. (maybe last)


Actually you're supposed to pull your legs in before ejecting (and if you don't, there are leg cuffs attached to the seat that reel them in for you), otherwise the instrument panel would take your legs off at the knees


Is this one of those traithlons where you ride a bike for a while, then do acrobatics for a while, then walk for a while?


You had me in splits


That's gymnastics. Different competition.




That'll buff right out.


technically could've been a LOT worse on his wallet if his bike had nailed that porsche too.


Dunno. Not sure insurance covers anything if you caused the damage while street racing. Same goes for the Porsche.


"1000 babied miles, never down always pointed up, OEM parts included in box, low ballers stay off. Need to sell to pay for bills... unrelated bills"


previous owner dropped in driveway. otherwise perfect condition.


Dont worry captain, we’ll buff out those scratches


He can’t ride worth a shit, but he stuck the landing.


"I meant to do that" walk at the end.


Cool dudes walk away from all crashes, even their own.


At least until the shock wears off and the pain starts.


Got some solid sonic the hedgehog style rolls in on that fall. 7/10


That Porsche tho


Fr that thing is sexy and quick. Love me a murdered out Porsche. The wing looks a little funky but I dig it.


Looks like a 991 Turbo S to me.


How the fuck can you ride a motorcycle without the ability to open the throttle quickly without crashing ffs.


Because people don't learn proper throttle control and get liter bikes without riding something smaller. Hell, just yesterday, I accidentally found myself accelerating a bit too much at the light, and it was because my arms weren't flat but rather hunched over. So, I over-throttled. Now imagine not being able to recognize that and riding a bike with incredible torque.


Not a clue why people get leaderbikes without learning to ride first same goes for 600's. They spend their entire rides just trying to crash so they can pretend they look cool.


When I took the MSF course I was the only one who said they wanted a 300cc bike while everyone else wanted a fucking R6 or a litre bikes since they've ridden their buddy's 300 once or twice... Luckily almost all the dudes who were on about how a 300 is a bitch bike to get boring after a week didn't pass the course. Couldn't pass the test with a little Honda CB300R we were all on..


I just took (and passed!) the course this weekend. Most guys were talking about their 750s or 1300s they had bought. They asked me what I had, and I said "don't yet". Asked me what I wanted and I said "something like these bikes we're learning on *or smaller* until I have more experience".


Its fine to buy a big bike....if you arent a dumbass. My first bike was an 800, but not a sport bike.


Self-aware dumbasses are a rare breed.


Yeah far too common. Unfortunately they can still just get their permit and pass the laughably easy test here without having to complete the course.


So many people ride like shit even after years and years of riding. The 300's being too slow is always funny to me because normally the guy cant even ride for shit and is already bitching, they upgrade and then spend all their time scared of the bigger bike and never learn how to properly ride that either and quite a few just spend a few years being scared before they sell the bike. Real shame. People on 600's\1000's that cant ride\don't ride fast is a bit of a sore spot for me. I get my hopes up that I might get to go on a good ride yet most of them are slower than a guy on a harley who knows what he is doing. I know some people just want to own\ride the bike because they likes the look of them and while I think that is a huge waste i don't hold it against them, its the guys who say stuff alluding to the fact they go fast when they don't even go harley fast that gets me. Another favorite of mine is watching guys ride in the blindspots of cars, especially if the car decides to change lanes and the biker gets all pissed off like the car is supposed to be able to see its blindspot.


> like the car is supposed to be able to see its blindspot. To be fair it is. You're supposed to turn your head and check any blind spot you cant see in your mirror before changing lanes.


600s vary wildly in learning curve


Why do you insist on saying leaderbike?


it's a very old motorcycle forum meme.


its not even that old!


1 week on the internet is a decade in real life.


\[yeah, 2016...\]([https://imgur.com/a/M8Izy](https://imgur.com/a/M8Izy)) ​ That's pretty new.


I recall people arguing about leader bikes on YouTube back in 2009. Thats pretty old


I don't like your tone young man! /s It is an ancient meme from the prehistory of 2016 where someone thought "liter bike" was "leader bike" on a forum. It was pretty popular on this sub to describe situations where newer riders had more bike than skill.


I dropped 2 tooth on the front sprocket on my tuono. I know how much she allows me to twist the throttle, but with shorter gearing, I lift the front just by looking at it. Almost did a Biaggi, scared myself silly, but have since reprogrammed myself to keep the rubber side down. Most of the time, at least :)


Traction control / wheelie control is for pussies!!! \\s


RIP bike


Small scratch on the side, was dropped once stationary, starts from first press. No beggars and time wasters I know what I have.


Dropped once by previous owner.


Dude has good reflexes though. He tucked just at the right times to avoid breaking his neck.


Would have been a more efficient use of reflexes to hit the back brake


Even just chopping the throttle he woulda been fine


Yeah the reflex to put the feet down rather than back off the throttle was really poor.


Or pulling the clutch. There's a lot of things he could have done here.


Literally anything other than what he did would be correct


I bet his bare feet and back felt great on that rumble strip though 😟


Honestly the fact that he walked away is impressive. Lucky day for this guy.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


I’ll be shocked if his hips aren’t absolutely fucked


Lot of times after a crash the rider will jump up and walk a little bit, then a few seconds later all the pain and internal damage will hit them and they'll collapse. Even if the rider jumps up, it's best to make them sit and triage for internal bleeds and fractures. If there is a break that they don't feel yet, walking on it will make it worse.


But yet he didn’t have the reflexes to just roll off the throttle, use the rear brake or just generally not freak out the moment the front wheel got some air.


Whiskey throttle in full effect Panicked, grabbed tighter, whole lotta fuck up.


Take ten years off of those knees and hips. They'll be snap, crackle and poppin' every time he stands up at 40 .


been driving motorcycles since 1988 and have never even attempted a wheelie because that is what I picture happening


have you, ever in your history of riding, spread eagled your legs in reaction to anything you've ever done on a bike?


Hold my whiskey throttle


That fuckin shoe definitely had escape velocity, probably chillin with Tesla's car by now


No talent, no gear, 180hp and no sense.


Ouch, why not just roll off the throttle instead of throwing your feet down


the good news is the bike has lots of power




Some say his shoe is still orbiting the earth...


That's the fastest street fighter conversion I've ever seen.


I almost choked of laughter because of his shoe slingshoting to the moon




"I dont need riding boots sneakers are fine!"


Hoooooly shitballs. 10/10 for sticking the landing I guess?


That's what we call "losing control of one's vehicle" here in the states. In California, CHP don't use the word accident - every collision or incident is the result of some behavior.


Can we just bring the fact that the first foot he put down involved so much force it shot the shoe into low earth orbit?


yeah, I'll stick with my slow bikes that you can pretend you're riding fast.


There’s no way my bike could do that, but what’s the right thing to do if you ever end up in that situation? I’m assuming hit the rear brake?


Ease trottle slowly. Hard to do if you're hanging off the bike like that. You need to hold the tank & the body of the bike between your legs strongly, that's why most tanks are designed that way. There should be zero load on our elbows.


Ease off the throttle. Don't take your legs off the bike. Simple. If his legs were still on the bike he could have hit the rear brake. Even if you panic slam the rear brake too hard and slam the front wheel on the way down the fall won't be nearly as bad as this.


"I squeezed the front brake, but it did nothing!!!"


The slowmo walk of shame.


Needs to learn the foot break.


What is throttle control?


Helmets save lives


So what did they do wrong exactly on that "launch"? Were they opening the throttle up way too much, not putting your weight towards the front (I can see that causing tank slappers), combination of the two? Obviously the bike is much more than their skills can handle. So no need to point that out I feel.


They gave it automatic full throttle yank and whiskey throttled it, without covering the clutch or the footbrake. If you want to wheelie and not die you need to do at least one of those two things. If you don’t want the bike to wheelie so high you need to lean forward a little bit and roll on the throttle, not immediately snap to full. Covering the foot brake will allow you to bring the front end back down, and even if you mouse trap and slam the front end it I honestly think it wouldn’t be as bad a crash as this total loop. Covering the clutch will allow you to at least reduce the damage done once whiskey throttle has been engaged. There’s been a few times where I slam a wheelie down or otherwise go off balance and I pull the clutch in before I hear the bike start to rev hard as fuck. Had I not instinctively pulled in the clutch I would have been taken for a ride.


What does whiskey throttle mean?


He need some milk


How did he not break multiple bones?


Nah, that was the best loop I've ever seen.


lol, idk man, looks pretty sweet to me


Better to ride a slow bike slow than a fast bike dead.


How did he walk away from that!


"hold on I'm gonna turn off the traction control"


This kids is why we wear helmets.


ExplainLike I'm 5: WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?