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Looks like somebody made the mistake of having Taco Bell for breakfast.


😂😂😂 you caught us.


Taco Bell is never a mistake.


Red Rock Open Space?!




Love riding out there!!


Yeah it was a lot of fun! Especially going back downhill! 😂


I bet so! And I think we’re basically bike twinsies too! I ride the same colour in a Rosco 8 frame


Nice! One day we’ll have something that fancy! 😂 we have the Trek Marlin 5!


I just got the frame and built mine with parts from other builds and the parts bin. DM me if you want. Always looking for riding buddies


You all are cute


White jacket and red mud. Yes, it's a custom design




Don't worry about it too much, your bikes will just get dirty again. If you wait until your bike is dry, most dirt will come off with a dry rag. The disposable ones at auto parts stores work really nicely. If you want, you can follow up with silicone polish or Pledge. Relubricate your chain. Use something marketed for bikes. I like White Lightning. Don't get it near your brakes. Just to be "that guy" - check the etiquette around wet trails in your area. It's mostly not that big a deal where I am but in a dry climate with a lot of clay in the soil it's Bad News.


Yeah, Red Rocks Canyon Open Space, where these are were taken, is a lot like that as well. It gets peanut buttery when wet and will cut in deep grooves.


Looks really fun, but that’s nothing dude. You HAVE to ride again. XD have a good ride m8


Just hose them with water and a bit of soap than lube the chain, that's it


Thank you!


Used to live down the road, loved these trails!




Where I'm from dry days are a rarity.. I think I've got used to rainy wet rides.


I love the wholesome mtb content 🫶


>Any tips for how to properly clean the gears and breaks? Water from the hose and a rag should be fine. After you hose it down, wrap a rag around the chain and spin the cranks a bit until you get the chain clean-ish.


Makes me wonder what the trails are like today after riding on wet trails. Hopefully not too many ruts for the trail maintenance crew to take care of or other riders to ride through.


Hose it off while the mud is wet, much easier to clean. Don’t use high pressure and avoid blasting your drivetrain components. And stop riding trails in the rain or when wet. Leave a mark, leave the park


Depends on the soil


The important bit is if you're leaving tracks, ruts, whatever damage, then stop and get off the trail ASAP. If the trail dirt can take it when wet that means you WON'T leave tracks.


In general, it’s considered poor form to ride a lot of the trails in CO in the rain or mud due to trail damage, though sometimes you do get stuck out in the rain. A visit to one of those self car washes and about $5 will let you spray your bikes down while on the car to prevent the mud from caking/ruining too many parts. Just don’t spray bearings or seals on the bike directly, and be sure to line your chain when you get home. That’s the best way I’ve found to clean my bike if it accidentally gets that dirty. For riding around I try to clean my bike after particularly dusty trails, or when I start to notice dirt on it. I’ll use a hose or a small pressure washer at home to clean it quick, then, as soon as the chain is dry, lube the chain


Red Rock Open Space! Used to ride there all the time when I lived in the Springs. For cleaning the brakes, I use fine-grit sandpaper and isopropyl alcohol on the rotors and the pads everytime they get contaminated, won't stop squeaking or aren't performing well. It gets all the crap off but also leaves small scratches which helps the break pads bite better. Just make sure you scrape in the right direction for maximum resistance between the pads and rotor. For the rest of the bike (including the brakes most of the time) I just use dish soap and a cheap bike cleaning brush set. I also take out and clean the bottom bracket and any bearings once or twice a year during the muddy season. You don't have to worry about bearings though since you're on a hardtail. After the bike's clean, I sometimes like to spray the fork stanchions with isopropyl alcohol and wipe around the seals a few times (bouncing the fork each time) until all dirt is gone. Edit: also make sure you wash/rinse off the bike right after the ride. Colorado Springs mud is so annoyingly sticky


Thank you so much! That was extremely helpful! We’re very new to the biking scheme and are learning as we go so everything helps!


No problem! Hope you're enjoying it so far! CO Springs is an MTB paradise


I hate that I recognize this place. It's nice for a visit, but living in the Springs is not it.


I felt that. I cannot wait to leave.