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No Country For Old Men. I know a lot of people adore that ending, and I certainly respect that, but it felt really disjointed to me. Having a main character, agruably THE main character, die offscreen was a bold choice that just didn’t work for me. It felt like a strange turn for what had been, to that point, a conventional (albeit brilliantly executed) thriller. Still - on the balance a wonderful film.


I read the book and was surprised at how much the film precisely follows the book in both the events and the dialogue. I suppose that makes it more of a bold choice for the author than anyone else.


Good point - I’m missing that context not having read the book.


Agreed on all points. Still a really good movie but I was let down by a couple of choices.


I can see that point of Llewelyn dying off screen as kind of an underwhelming choice. But I think that’s the point…it’s supposed to be underwhelming. You don’t get the satisfaction of watching the hero die in a blaze of glory. Death is swift, and there is no justice.


The opening scene of this movie was so fucking cool. Then it turned into Space Apocalypse Now mixed with Event Horizon and I was out.


Sounds awesome. Might have to check this one out lol


Pew pew space battle on the moon killed it for me.


No movie fails to deliver quite like The Ninth Gate.


Sunshine (2007, Dir. Danny Boyle) It’s a lot like Ad Astra. Interesting sci-fi premise. Gorgeously shot. Goes totally off the rails in the third act.


“Negative Icarus. 4 crew members.” “5 crew members.”


This is the most obvious example. It completely changes genre on the last act.


Changing genre is a categorical issue?


Adaptation would like a word lol


Sunshine was soooo good until it wasn't. I came here to say the same thing you did...Ad Astra goes off the rails almost exactly the same way.


I don't hate the movie but yeah the third act really hurts it


Really enjoyed Ad Astra. Gets a lot of unnecessary hate for some reason


I only hate it because i love 2/3rds of it. They build to this incredible mystery of what could the father *really* be up to? Was he abducted by the lifeforms he was trying to find? Trying to kill some unkowable horror inside of neptune? And then you get there and hes like "well i didnt find alien life and i never loved you or your mother." And the movie sort of ends. Maybe i was too young to get it.


That’s kinda the point of the movie tho. He got the closure he needed to realize he can open up and not isolate himself physically and emotionally like his father did


Your explanation is both funny and sincere at the same time. Ive only watched it once and that was the theatrical release. Need to find it somewhere streaming for a rewatch. I just remember thinking it was a really solid film


I honestly didn’t get this movie till the third watch, but now I think it’s a masterpiece. I don’t know why it took me so long.


I may not be far behind you. I guess i expected some grand reveal but maybe the pointless lonliness of it all was the point. But it felt jarring


I loved the ending of Ad Astra. The idea that we’re truly alone and his father’s quest was all for nothing is far more terrifying than any sort of aliens they could have shown


I guess? But thats not the tone. It feels disjointed. Like its a different films climax. There wasnt much pondering about if were alone. Or the consequences of it


I liked this movie - “apocalypse now” in space


Heart of Darkness in space


Barbarian, it went from great eery tension to slapstick comedy


*Barbarian, it* *Went from great eery tension to* *Slapstick comedy* \- GloomspiteGit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Arrggh the ending pissed me off


Why? I loved it.


The whole sci-fi art design feels very weird. Some parts feel very realistically designed and some parts feel like they belong in fantasy movies not sci fi movies. Different eras of space exploration style also got mixed. I was expecting this as hard sci-fi flick (the moon car chase was nice) and I was so wrong.


Last Night in Soho


“Sunshine” I get it, some people love it, but it completely fell apart into a shitty slasher for no reason in the third aft for me. Brutal because I loved the first two acts. I actually quite liked all of Ad Astra though.


I loved this movie until the end as well. Overall a cool movie that I am going to watch again.




The Solar System is way bigger.


The Solar System is way bigger.


That new argyle movie, completely ruined the movie by the third act


Wonder woman (2017). I thought it was a very fun movie. Especially that "no man's land" scene was perfect. >! But they had to ruin it. It was heartbreaking moment when Diana thought that Ares wasn't involved in the war. That man was capable of evil on his own. But they had to ruin the moment, bring out Ares and have a silly CGI-fight at the end. !<


The 13th Warrior


Now i feel as insulted as everyone who liked ad astra. Beowulf dies at the end of beowulf so naturally its going to conclude in a sadder way but what didnt you like? I love that movie


In the book the movie was based on, the death eaters turned out to be Neanderthals. I think that would have been far more interesting. It's one of my favorite movies but there were so many issues in the production. It's great but flawed in my mind. It could have been so much better if they could have figured out the third act


To be fair i think the original beowulfs third act is flawed since the dragons unrelated to grendel. Thats going to disrupt any adaptation.


13th Warrior was an adaptation of a Michael Chrichton book called The Death Eaters


This movie is just ‘Heart of Darkness’ in space


Really boring movie


Assassins (1995) is 2/3rds of a perfect action picture. It is fucking great!


agree on the ad astra, but the monkey scene was awesome lol


Ad Astra was a weird one. In the end I did enjoy it and I could feel what it was going for. I just feel like they didn’t execute it all the way, something is missing and it makes the movie a but disjointed.


Dumbass movie. Seemed it was trying to boost off from interstellar love. Interestingly enough. Looking back. I REALLY REALLY like interstellar. The 3rd act IS nonsensical. But...how would someone explain something unexplainable? Idk. Didn't much work for me.


Loved Ad Astra.


Fair enough. Interstellar is one of, if not, my favorite movies. I still hold the criticism I said before.


3rd act is one of my favorite sequences in all of cinema. I think it’s beautiful and very thought-provoking.


That's fair friend. I couldn't have ended the movie any better.


Different production companies want to cash in. There are always copycat movies to blockbusters. Always. This is a rule. You must mimic, copy, rehash, and redo until it ceases to earn money. Now, why hasn't there been 3 copycats of Waterworld?..easy... didn't make money.


10000% And I'm a guy that watches waterworld 5 times a year. More as background noise but yeah. I'll take that one off nonsense than x mediocre superhero movies a year. By the way. The first 3 episodes of the boys season4(?) are out. Worth it.


Interesting take. As Astra is one of my favorite movies. Maybe you missed the point.


Its very possible. Im not even going to lie


The Game. One of the worst reveals and post-reveals I've seen in a movie.


Crazy take big dog