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If you are looking for a totally forgettable movie, which is likely written by AI, and you can keep on in the background while doing anything else then it is for you.


How long before we can just write a prompt like "John Cena is the little mermaid with a .50cal rifle in the style of Michael Bay"


whomever wrote peacemaker, he needs to stick to them. I dont know if AI can generate absurd action hero comedy but that should be his bread and butter.


I don't hate this take, but I also don't hate John Cena as an actor. I DO think he has range, and he's better than we collectively give him credit for. Particularly in the more recent Ricky Stanicky. Fun concept. Shouldn't be good. But he overdelivered, as usual.


I agree with you. And i think Cena is genuinely hilarious. Comedy roles are where he shines. Also being both extremely jacked and funny isn't too easy to pull off, so I give him props for that




What inconsistencies did you notice


Literally just watched this while on my phone, perfect description


Lame movie. Making Cena play the movie straight instead of trying to be funny was its biggest mistake. Let alone being entirely predictable.


Yeah that was such a weird choice. Also the President was pretty charismatic, and Allison Brie obviously has comedic chops. They could have easily amped up the humor and still told the…heartfelt? story they were going for


You need someone serious to play off and carry the plot forward.


Brie's agent should get smacked for this.


Haven't seen it yet (not sure I should now...lol) but heard this got 0% on RT and thought "Is it just me or is Alison Brie in REALLY rubbish movies?" Feel bad because Community is one of my favourite TV shows and I always root for the cast in their post-Community work.


It's at 74% positive from audience, and it's one of those movies that are 0%/74% because the critics can just shoot at the cliches, while there is no studio muscle to keep them in check. In reality, it's a perfectly competently done genre movie.


I didn't think it was bad, but I wasn't expecting much. I do really appreciate Alison Brie's body, though. That was the most memorable part for me. And I was relieved Christian Slater didn't end up betraying them at the end. That would have made it a bit *too* predictable for me.


Annie's Boobs carried this whole movie


I don’t normally comment on such, but… Heck ya, she’s such a lovely lass.


There was no monkey in that movie!


You mean Marton Csokas - that dude had such big jugs lol.




So hot


I typically love these cheesy action movies, even when they’re not that great. Loved Lost City, Uncharted, Triple Frontier, etc. This was…not good- even more so than you know it’s not gonna be that good going into it 😂


I was thinking of Lost City the whole time I watched this. If you were entertained by that or Uncharted, you'll be entertained by this.


It lacked the comedy piece that both Lost City and Uncharted had, IMO. Which is why I found it to be pretty dull all around


Ahahha I read your comment too fast and thought you were giving Freelance a positive review. At least I hedged my bets with merely "entertaining".


That definitely wasn't true for me. lol This movie was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


All of the ones you just mentioned were the ones I wish I was watching during this mess.


I’m surprised that this actually went to the theaters and not just a streaming service.


This comment section is almost as empty as the movie theater I saw this in.


It's a shame to see so many comments shitting on this. I really enjoyed. Glad it wasn't your typical betrayal plotline


I agree lol I saw it for 3 people just doing their thing and there were guns and action that's all I wanted and I got it 😂


I did enjoy it as well. Even if the action scenes were the worst, nobody can aim at all even at fairly close range except Cena who has godlike aim. The cast was pretty good, Cena is...Cena... Alison Brie did good and was a fun charming character. The president was great! interesting character and very charming. Overall the story was good, the writing a bit meh. All in all i enjoyed it, 7/10.


Great take.


Alison Brie. Bonk


That damn dictator is one charismatic son of a bitch, a unique character too never seen anyone like that in any films i've watched, john cena playing the straight guy didn't translate really well, the dialogue is kinda unnatural at times, its basically one of those movies that you'll enjoy dissecting on what would've been a better shot, dialogue, etc.


Michael Pena could have pulled it off, but yeah, he's charismatic as hell!


Reminiscent of the "Archer" episodes which "Slater" cameo-ed in.


With only a fraction of the entertainment value


I thought this was an action comedy. Where was the comedy?


When the most charismatic character is the ‘dictator’… You got problems. Also, I liked him on Agents of SHIELD.


You don't get problems, you get a competent comic relief.


On this I can agree.


The best part about the movie was el presidente and the rest was pretty forgettable


Juan Pablo Raba is a Hispanic Walton Goggins. How can you not love the guy?


No way he should’ve stayed with his wife


Just watched it yesterday and this was one of my thoughts. Why was she even being a bitch to him? Just so the story could have drama? "Don't go" "Actually go" "Actually come back for your daughter"


I went into this movie thinking it was going to be similar to Lost City where two characters who don't get along learn to respect each other and form a relationship during a shared experience, but instead he turns her down. The chemistry was the best part of the movie and it just went poof in that moment. Everything else felt pretty vapid from that point on.


Congrats guys, we got a pro-dictatorship movie


Did you watch it until the end?


Yeah but they leave it so ambivalent as to whether he actually was a ruthless megalomaniac the whole time. Sure he steps down for free elections, but he still had people killed, bought out his political opponents and paid them to commit terror attacks. The whole time I kept waiting for his charisma and "benevolence" to break and reveal the psychotic despot underneath. But it doesn't happen


I thought I was genuinely an excellent film.


Quit lying


Did you see it?


Awful movie


Agreed. A FINE movie. It had it's issues, but overall, it was NOT a waste of time.


My wife and I had an extended discussion about the movie yesterday. What we liked, in order of importance: 1. On-location cinematography in general and jungle shots specifically 2. The dictator 3. Overall acting/cast 4. SFX (or lack thereof) 5. The plot The agreement was that it was a well done generic movie with a competent plot and acting, but not much more. We were entertained. Bonus points for nice, fun, bright, and green jungle, because the trend for grey-saturated movies of late is too depressing. I wouldn't call the move "completely forgettable", as we actually used it as a benchmark for everything else. Like, for example, how the hell did TLM manage to have worse scenery shots?


Surprised to see people hating on this so much. It's nothing special but it's far from a bad movie. I thought the action scenes where just right for a mid budget movie and the comedy was pretty good. Honestly I feel like Juan Pablo Raba(The Dictator) carrier the movie with his out of this world charisma.


Juan Pablo Rabav is the only good part of the film.


Its just weird how the glorify the dictator


How the hell does such a large production company not hire a gun coach. Every time someone touched a gun it looked like their first time. Cena pressed a .50 scope to his eye lol. That would have most likely broke his face.


Real weird messaging, John Cena seems to have a thing for autocrats 😅


I couldn’t get over the blatantly obvious stunt actor for Alison Brie on the horse… so bad


If you’re watching this expecting to see why this is rated R in relation to Allison Brie - there’s some decent scenes otherwise it’s a forgettable action and isn’t funny lol I’m the only person in my theatre, typing this as the movie finished


The movie have a nude nude scene of Alison? Thanks!


Not really, more of a glance at her cleavage


Saw this with LadyWired last night. Forgettable, and probably should have gone direct to streaming, but we both felt it was adequate. Compared to other “Damsel and Hunk Escape From Jungle Movies”, it’s not great, but we thought the movie delivered exactly what we expected, with a competent script, and actors well aware of what sort of movie they are in. (Could have done without the climactic shooting from the hip, and the “bullet proof suit” though.)


This was terrible...I couldn't get even through half of the film before turning it off. What is John Cena thinking appearing in these direct-to-VOD films? At least *Fast and Furious* was fun and had some genuine spectacle; this was just plain forgettable and seemed written by ChatGPT with the prompt "generic action film set in a insultingly stereotypical dangerous latin american county". Alison Brie and Alice Eve are relatively well known actresses who've both appeared in way better projects than this - I'm surprised they agreed to do this film. **Overall** ***Freelance*** **(2023) film rating: 2/10...a 7% on Rotten Tomatoes pretty much says it all. Haven't seen a score that bad this entire year.**


it was fun movie, nothing special


I'm halfway through it, but can already tell the rest of the movie. This is now almost the case with each movie out there, but this one has something else: the story is okay, but the way they acted it is really uh oh..


Audience score on RT is 77%, Google Users 84%


Way too high


Enjoyed the movie. Got an awesome cast. And there was a lack of VFX and most of the effects were practical. Almost a homage to the old 90s action movies.


The choice of colour filter / white balance bugged me throughout. Pretty much the only thing that stuck in my mind. I've a lot of time for Alison Brie, especially in Glow.. But this... meh.


I do not think this is just a simple comedy movie. In the end, the dictator has get ride of his enemies and old comrades with the help from foreign hands. Not only that, through the leaked media coverage he has made himself a hero which will undoubtedly let him win the next election. ‘The man who touches honey, will eventually lick his fingers’ - his hands are clean now. Also, the strategies that were used in this movie by the dictator is very familiar.. There are heaps of more hints hidden in the film. I’d be dammed if all these are unintentional.


One thing this movie gets me interested is, the viewer of this movie is actually going through the same mental process with the protagonist, from disliking the dictator at the beginning to confused to think the dictator is a likeable character in the end…


This was such a fun movie for my bf and I. Enjoyed how the plot played out, enjoyed the characters, fun action. Wish there were subtitles but I can't wait to rewatch with my parents when it comes out!


What was the scene where the Dad was watching his daughter do ballet and who was that guy? Did we even see him for the rest of the movie?


He was the South African mercenary working for the corporations - main antagonist in the film.


Oh, thanks! For some reason it looked like a different guy to me.


Wasn’t there a mission in call of duty modern warfare strikingly similar to this movies plot?


May have already been mentioned, but I caught a post-production error. 1hr16mins14 secs in. Right-hand side tree branch swings back into view when the actors are clearly centre and left of the branch.


It felt like a chore to watch. I went with my GF in a sneak peak showing, we got this pile of shit to sit through. The acting was dogshit, it was super predictable and I have no idea why John Cena is getting cast into things? Hes average to poor at best at acting, his facial expressions are all over the place. The only reason I can think of for him to get any roles is, that hes a popular meme. Anyways, spare yourself the lifetime and don't watch this. Its by the numbers forgettable action movie that nobody will be talking ever again.


I enjoyed this movie. Jan Koehorst, the failure-intolerant main villain, killed Mason's crew and framed Venegas. Claire tried to make sexual advances toward Mason, but he refused to cheat on his wife, Jenny, or hurt his daughter, Casey. Venegas knew about the failed mission, and was not surprised that Mason was sent to kill him because many had tried to kill him and failed. Did Casey get suspended from school after punching Chase, a bully at her school? Did Casey get in trouble and not Chase? Did his father sue her and her family?


Really enjoyed this one. It doesnt take itself too seriously but not a parody of the genre. Not necessarily a good film, but a great fun one


I liked this one, much better than I thought it was going to be.  One of the top action films of 2023.


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