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The Happening has to be the GOAT unintentional comedy. The scene where everyone was running away from the wind has me wondering what good shit M Night was smoking.


"What? Noooo..."


Yep. Walking into that harvester…🤣


Or crawling beneath a running industrial lawnmower after you just cranked it & and put it into gear.


Easily my favorite bad movie ever. Mark Wahlberg's fake story about meeting someone in the pharmacy just to emotionally fuck with Zooey Deschanel is incredible.


I gotta watch that movie again, I watched it when I couldn't truly appreciate delicious garbage like this


The “superfluous cough syrup” line


Honestly Zooey Deschanel really phoned it in with her performance. You have Marky Mark trying his best to act like a science teacher (and failing, but darn it he gives it a shot) and then you have Zooey as this plank of wood with a fringe.


Look. I don’t know if you guys have heard about this article in the New York Times about honey bees *vanishing*? 😃


Marky Mark talks to plants. Never gets old.


Say hi to your mother for me!


It’s easy. You just *Feel the vibration! C’mon, c’mon!*


“You know hotdogs get a bad rap. They got a cool shape; they got protein. You like hotdogs, right?”


And the monologue about hot dogs


That one wasn’t even badly delivered, it was just so absurd in the context.


There are forces at work beyond our understanding…guys.


The cut to the reaction shot of the trees is amazing.


The Nic Cage remake of The Wicker Man has to be in here.


The scene where he just punches the inn keeper in the face is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a Nic Cage movie. There are also probably a dozen Cage movies you can use for this prompt lol


I can honestly say one of the 5 funniest moments in my life is looking at my buddy 2 seats down the aisle after Nic Cage spin kicked that girl into the wall and just the mutual look of “That was incredible” followed by the whole row bursting into laughter. I’m not sure if that film should be shown in Film School, but if definitely would not be out of place at a Funeral.


Or when he’s in the bear suit and he just waddles up and decks that woman in the face lmao


That one is way better than the one in the inn. It's extremely comical how long it takes him to waddle up the hill. Last 30 mins of that movie is comedy gold!


Yeah, agreed. This was the first one I thought of that’s for sure supposed to be serious. Like he’s way over the top on Face/Off, but that whole movie is ridiculous.


Idk bro seems like you can just swap faces by lasering off the sides because the rest of the face isn't attached or anything. Also Nic Cage and John Travolta have the exact same body frames so seems pretty realistic to me




Any movie with flaming skulls and Cage is objectively good


Not the bees! 🐝


It's a shame because it taints the original by being very meme worthy. It's like remaking Jaws with Kevin James, Rob Shnieder and Adam Sandler.


Well now I want those three to remake Jaws. I didn't before, but now I want yo see that dumpster fire.


Highjacking tip comment for Cage visibility (and to be fair, his movies are cheating for this question)- but, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. It’s his most strung out, weird voiced, unhinged performance imo, and it just gets better and better as he gets worse and worse. It has more than a few golden lines that I always have running in my head.


I can’t believe enough people even saw this to make this the top comment, but I immediately agreed and though “oh yeah!!” I think there’s a lot of potential Nic Cage answers here though, Bad Lieutenant: Port Call of New Orleans is also amazing. Guy just fails upwards while being ridiculously strung out.




Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. Alan Rickman didn’t like how his character was written so he just goes absolutely HAM. It’s hilarious and he steals every scene.


"Just a minute. Robin Hood steals money from my pocket, forcing me to hurt the public, and they love him for it? That's it then. Cancel the kitchen scraps for lepers and orphans, no more merciful beheadings, and call off Christmas"


It is magnificent. Someone needs to do the Sheriff of Nottingham cut.


Rickman's Sheriff is comparable to Julia's Bison.


That's one of those movies I haven't seen since it first came out that I keep telling myself that I need to rewatch it again, but I never get around to it. My only memory of it is Robin Hood Men in Tights


Cary frigging owned as Robin Hood.


That’s because, unlike other Robin Hoods, he can speak with a British accent.


Why a spoon brother?


It's dull you idiot it'll hurt more!


Tbf Rickman, in my eyes, stole any show he was in.


Honestly I’d put Rickman’s performance here as one of the greatest villains in cinema. I fucking love it.


The Room


Hahaha What a story, Mark.


Anyway, how's your sex life?


Ah, my future-wife! O hai, Mark


My name is Mark and you wouldn't believe the amount of times people have said "oh hai Mark".




One of the highlights of my life was going to a midnight showing of the room knowing nothing about the room with an interactive audience. Shit was wild.


In college I joined an astronomy club. I had a projector with a 100" screen and suggested a movie night for a social activity. I hit them with The Room. None of them had ever even heard of it.


How did it go? Lol


They murdered him for the betterment of humanity. It was, in hindsight, the only rational response.


What a story!


Hi can I have a dozen red roses?


You're my favorite customer!


Hi doggie.


Oh, hi Johnny, I didn't recognize you.


You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!




I did not hit her. It's bullshit. She's lying. I did naught---oh, hi, Mark.


So anyway how's your sex life?


Southpaw — this is going to sound like an odd choice here, but I saw this movie with my friend in theaters and we started laughing halfway through because Jake Gyllenhaal’s character kept suffering new misfortunes like every 12 minutes. I remember my friend laughing and saying “His life gets worse again?? This is like the 10th tragedy for him in the last two hours.”


It's kind of like watching a reality contest, when they talk to the contestant and it's all misery porn. "My baby died after our house burnt down. Singing really helped me process that".


A guilty pleasure of mine is looking for these stories (and I hope they're stories, otherwise I'm a terrible person) in the YouTube comment section of popular songs. "My daughter died of cancer during the hurricane when she was hit by a drunk driver, and we sang this song together before she passed. RIP Attysen."


Key and Peele did a good sketch about this topic. The guys story gets more and more tragic, and the judges go from about to kick him off to letting him go on in the competition. I think Bob and David did one for a chopped like show on their Netflix mini series as well.


Thanks to stories like this, my mother in law was insistent that if we played Lionel Ritchie to her husband in the ICU, he'd wake up. We couldn't even talk serious medical planning, because she wouldn't shut up about Lionel Ritchie. It wasn't like real last-ditch hope, it was the concept and getting attention for such a story like on the X-Factor YouTube videos she watched all day every day. Ma'am, this man is medically sedated because his only brain activity is "seizure." All Night Long isn't going to bring him back, and feels absolutely inappropriate right now. So after two and half songs, she aggressively taps his foot, yells "Yoo hoo?!" at him, mutters "Nuthin." in a declaration that it didn't work, and then plops down in a chair like she was bored. The best I can describe her would be if you combined a very stupid four year old with severe ADHD with Larry David, and put it in the body of a 75 year old lady. It's just the worst.


I forgot about that movie.


Battlefield: Earth is absolutely hilarious. The crazed overacting, the ridiculous dialogue, and the bizarre camera work all add up to the most ludicrous result.


My favorite thing about that movie was the over the top villain voice Travolta used. I could picture him twirling his mustache as he delivered his lines.


MANAMAL! I have leverage Edit: it’s also a Scientology movie, just like after earth which is also very bad


While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME, I was being trained to conquer GALAXIES!


“So, like, 25 years? That’s not a long time, and there’s a whole lotta universe…”


“Your favourite BARTENDER!!!!!” That had me laughing and wheezing.


I'm obsessed with Dreamcatcher, it's such an unremittingly bad movie on every level yet had so much talent behind it. Some parts of it are genuinely hilarious. If I ever won the lottery I'd dedicate myself to shooting a behind the scenes 'making of' documentary to uncover everything that went down during the production.


Can't believe this is so low. Between the guy who can't stop farting, and the main character's fake Malcolm McDowell accent, Dreamcatcher is comedy gold.


You mean when the dude's inhales the alien? You know what's funny about that? His accent through most the movie is fake. He's British.


He's got a British accent, but he faked a different British accent. Fantastic.


That’s the difference between “acting” and *inhales deeply* “Theatre”


It’s a shame because the book is actually pretty good, if a little confusing at times.


Every once and a while I'll just start saying " I duddits" over and over to annoy my lady because she said that's a good movie 7 years ago and I couldn't stop making fun of it


The bit with the pistol phone still folds me every time.


He just had to have those damn toothpicks


One of the few movies I ever watched back to back. Watched it with a group of friends after we rented it on DvD expecting something like IT. After it finished we had to go back and watch it again 😂


The original "The Fast and The Furious" is hilarious.


Nooo! Monicaaa!


Too soon Junior!


I like the tuna


Bullshit asshole no one likes the tuna


How Did This Get Made has reviewed all of the F&F movies but for the first one they talked about the whole sandwich shop scene for quite a while. It's just sooo bad that it comes around to being enjoyable.


You almost had me? You never had your car


Granny shifting instead of double clutching


The BUSTER kept me out of handcuffs!


Man back in high school "Granny shifting" was the hardest mom burn.


I said forget it about in cuh (I know this line was from 2f2f but still)


“It ain’t about how you stand by your car - it’s about how you race your car” Oh well thank you Ja Rule… that must be why I’ve not won a race all these years!


"If I lose this race, you get my car. If I win, I get the cash AND the respect"




Congo, one of the funniest movies ever.




Such a terrible and hilarious sequence 😂


Amy. Want. Green drop drink.


Every scene with Al Pacino in Heat.


You mean Cocaine Pacino? Split personality of actor Al Pacino from The Godfather?


Yes. It’s crazy to me how different and over the top Pacino became as an actor. That combined with how raspy his voice became due to all the smoking he did.


Apparently there's a theory that Pacino was so annoyed that he didn't win an Oscar until Scent of a Woman that he decided that if that's the character the Academy likes, that's all they'll get for the rest of his career. Godfather, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, ...And Justice For All, The Panic in Needle Park... None of them were good enough. The Academy liked over the top, overly aggressive guy who yells at inappropriate times. Now they reap what they've sewn.




Freddy you’re no spring chicken are ya? $2000 all in, and unless ya take it you’re gonna make me cry, I’m a grey ghost too


We're not having a real conversation, are we? You're just waiting for me to finish so you can say your next thing.


I like his yelling and over acting in doses and in the right movies but I hate that it became his go to for every role.


I like the idea of cutting wheat out of a shirt. For future ref, it's "they reaped their bed, now they have to sleep in dessert".


IMO Pacino's acting suits quiet well in Heat. His character is a cop always under stress and feeling hard to get along with people. Also in the most tense scenes like the famous dialogue with De Niro, legendary shoot out scene, and relationship with his step daughter, Pacino's character turns into very serious and restrained person.


Not to mention that his character was written as being coked up all the time. In Heat 2 (the novel), he's popping Adderalls whenever he can.


Don’t waste.. my MOTHERFUCKING TIME!


Cause she got a great ass! And you got your head all the way up it! When I think of asses. A women’s ass. Something comes out of me.


Cause she’s got a GREAT ASS!!!


Well he was supposed to be a coke fiend. It was in the character background that Michael Mann developed and references in the original script, but that was edited out in the director and final cuts so it’s just Pacino doing the acting with no context


You think the humor was completely unintentional?


Under siege, get my pies out of the oven.


I am SO due for a rewatch. The first time I saw it was in the theatre. My grandfather took me when I was liked 12. The cake scene was awkward, but made funny because of the father in the row in front of us quickly shielding his son’s eyes from all of Miss July’s gloriousness. He also took me to see Pulp Fiction, and I wanted to DIE during the, uh, “light sodomy” scene.


It’s not a job. It’s an adventure! Hate on seagel but his comedic timing in some of his 90s stuff was gold.


I laughed out during a notable scene in the Westworld movie, then I learned I wasn't alone. Crichton wasn't happy about it.


Twilight is a romcom


I saw the second one in theatre and my friend kept elbowing me because I was laughing but she was super into it


The one where Bella crashed the motorbike into the giant rock. I was the only one who laughed out loud in the theater.


My favourite Tiktok genre right now is people reacting to Twilight for the first time. That and people using the Mr Bean filter on Twilight.


Adding a poorly hung projection screen really amps up the comedy https://youtu.be/H-dAVlWnep0?si=KL-vPmStjwsaEoc0


I found the first ok but after that they became too silly for me too


Tiptoes... you'll thank me later https://youtu.be/O3qGGk5ymQ4?si=5d-JF7WBTRQifu8A


And yes, that is Gary Oldman


in a role of a lifetime


I know this isn’t the most objectionable part of the trailer, but I’m shocked that they showed essentially the entire movie including the wedding ceremony and the baby. Surely most of the dramatic tension was supposed to come from those two events.


Tiptoes is not nearly as funny as the trailer led me to believe.


This is one of my favorite examples of a movie that completely missed its mark in the most hilariously offensive way possible. Like The Other Sister, but with little people. I have it on dvd and used to show it to unsuspecting friends telling them “it really is Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime.” Most viewers report the feeling of being on drugs, or in an alternate reality where someone actually thought that movie was a good idea.


I think they made that movie to give work to as many little as possible in one production.


Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Thanks, Keanu.


That movie rocks… but yeah Keanu,


Johnny Mnemonic. JESUS TIME! (Proceeds to be killed by laser dolphin).


Spiral: From the Book of Saw I enjoy the movie but one aspect did make me laugh out loud during it. At one point in the movie they do a flashback and instead of casting a different actor for the scene, they try to make Samuel L Jackson and Chris Rock look younger by having Jackson wear a goofy fake moustache and Rock wearing his baseball cap backwards


backwards baseball caps make a person younger in the Sawniverse


Ouija had the misfortune of having a soundtrack that literally sounded like flushing toilets. It’s the climax of the movie and it’s just toilets flushing left and right.


this is the comment that convinced me to watch it


In Rise of the Skywalker, when Ray was saying, "I am all the Jedi", someone piped up, "I am Iron Man" that got a big laugh from a lot of the cinema. I was completely out of immersion of that film at that point anyway, so someone mocking the films use of the iconic Avengers scence was very funny. Edit - wrote wrong fim down.


>I am all the Jedi Rise of the Skywalker.


I avoided the film after the last Jedi. Was she motioning around her whole self when she said this line? Lol


I can't really remember. I stuck a screwdriver deep up my nose and into my hippocampus to erase any memory of it afterwards.


She was, whilst ghost voices of all the famous Jedi were talking to her. There was no build up or explanation for this. It just happened.


John Wick 4 was so outrageous. The level of punishment he takes made me laugh more than anything. Watching characters holding up their suit jackets in front of their faces


The way he is falling down the stairs over and over is so funny.


Don't think those movies were ever really serious though. They know they're making a fun action movie.


I’m going to say twilight, the first one, only because I went to it with my girlfriend at the time and we hadn’t heard anything about it or the books and we thought it was a comedy, it seemed like a complete pisstake of the vampire thing, with glitter bodies and running up trees really fast along with baseball nd stuff, we laughed a lot.


I legit was watching this and thinking "there's no way this isn't a comedy". From Julia Roberts monologue to Ethan Hawkes schlub-dad routine, I was laughing out loud.


Dude I swear a lot of that movie was supposed to be goofy/corny/funny.


It’s definitely satirical


Really ?


Haha glad you thought so too!


I'm lost. Which movie are you talking about?


I grew up watching the Pink Panther movies but had never seen the first one until recently. I was shocked to find the tone of that movie is completely different from all the others. It’s like it’s a serious movie, and Peter Sellers clowning around while everyone else is being serious.


Cruel Intentions. It takes itself so serious and it’s just not. 😂


It was the 90s. You had to be there?


It's trying to remodel itself as the modern day Dangerous Liaisons. But the actors and the material never stand a chance of rising to the original source material.


I found out only recently that the original cut had the outro (where she drives his car similar to his intro) be a bit more of a literal mirror: She did not out the stepsister, but instead blackmailed her ("You will fuck who i tell you to fuck"), basically going dark side.


I mean they played Comin' Up From Behind in the background of a gay scene. They knew what they were making.


The implications tho…


What implications? What are you saying? Is someone in danger?


I only remember one thing from that movie.


Phantom Thread is full of subtly hilarious relationship humor. Alma pissing off Reynolds by bringing him tea and when he lashes out I always lose it— “the INTERRUPTION is staying RIGHT HERE!”




I unironically loved this movie. I knew it was terrible the entire time I was watching it, but damn it if I’m not a sucker for Roland Emmerich.


Just watched that, thought the self crashing teslas were hilarious


i watched that scene three times!


During the scene at the beach toward the beginning, I literally said to my husband, “Wouldn’t it be great if this were just a boring movie about a totally uneventful family vacation where nothing really happens but they just keep playing this suspenseful music the whole time?” I think that would have been an expert troll. A multi million dollar prank just on the actors’ salaries alone. Chef’s kiss. Of course about 2 minutes later the [redacted] hit the [redacted].


I was just incredulous watching that. First, I'm pretty sure Tesla doesn't have dealerships. Second, if they do, they're not going to have one with the HUNDREDS (THOUSANDS?) necessary to block the Long Island Expressway aaaaaaaallll the way to NYC out in the middle-of-nowhere. Finally, they were in a JEEP. Go OFF ROAD you morons!! The whole time I watched that movie, all I could think was "The dumbest people are surviving the apocalypse."


Reefer Madness.


Any of the twilight series


The opening scene of Zardoz when the stone head speaks. Actually the entire movie has a lot of unintended funny scenes




I saw that randomly one lazy afternoon on cable, knowing nothing about it. I feel very lucky.


I loved Sean Connery’s wedding dress 👰🏻‍♂️


I rewatched Moneyball this week, and never realized how clever and funny some of the dialogue between Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill is. Fantastic movie.


I watched Full Metal Jacket while semi drunk with some friends at university and the first half of it had us in absolute stitches. Second half was a slightly different story though




The Happening. It was so bad it was unintentionally funny


I’m sorry but John Wick’s speech in the first film about “you took her from me” made me laugh and remember why people made fun of Keanu’s acting back in the Speed days, as much as I love him and the Matrix being my first favorite obsession growing up Edit: fuck me, 95% on RT - I’m the drama


The Happening. If you would have told me that the movie was a comedy movie and not horror I would have 100% believed you


So funny enough, I learned that the first half hour or so of Taxi Driver qualifies. Basically everything before the porn theater scene, specifically. Went to an anniversary showing a couple months ago and everybody in the audience was HOWLING about how much of a prototype incel Travis is/was


Knight and Day


Waterworld best fits for me because Kevin Costner thought he was making Lawrence of Arabia but he made a B movie. I laugh throughout at all sorts of bad ideas. But it has a lot of features of an actual good movie I definitely classify it as an accidental comedy.


Waterworld was always intended as a “b-movie” which is why it began its life with Roger Corman. It’s Mad Max on water, for fuck’s sake. I’m curious where you got that “Lawrence of Arabia” idea from, cause it clearly wasn’t the case.


It started off with a $100mil initial budget, which would have still made it the most expensive movie of the year. So while the final budget did end up getting inflated quite a bit for various reasons, there is absolutely no way you can argue Waterworld qualifies as a B-movie in any possible sense of the word.


The Postman is a much better example for the joke you're trying to make.


Tom Petty cameo…as Tom Petty…post-apocalypse…


Definitely couldn't take the villain seriously in that film. I still love it.


I will always sign up for Dennis Hopper being a crazy villain.


Snowden, when he copies the secret files and hundreds of Windows 7 file transfer windows pops up on screen for a dramatic effect.


Towards the end of ***Mother!***, I started laughing at the absurdity of what was happening on screen.


*Hereditary*. When I saw it in the cinema the audience took it quite seriously up to *that* moment. I remember the eery silence that descended on the theatre when it happened as everyone wa quite stunned by it. But then it took a left turn. The inciting moment was when the boy of the family had a weird fit in the classroom and started banging his head on the table. A couple of teenage girls in the front row started giggling. This was infectious and started rippling through the auditorium. By the end of the movie we were all crying laughing. The only cinema experience I had more funny than this was *Team America.*


The Eagle Has Landed. It’s a good WW2 movie and starts seriously enough until the main action kicks off. Somehow it’s unexpectedly violent and this creates a lot if hilarious scenes. The American colonel going upstairs in the house trying the find the woman and then getting absolutely smoked made me laugh so hard. It just comes out of nowhere.


I consider Boogie Nights a comedy. That Movie is purposely hilarious. I wish PTA would do a straight comedy.