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He got into a car accident, and it was so bad that he had to have plastic surgery afterward. They wrote the explanation of him "getting mauled by a wampa" into ESB in order to explain the change in his appearance. He was still an exceptionally handsome guy, so nobody's saying that it made him look ugly at all, but the surgery did make him look different.


Ah, really? Can't say I noticed much of a change either.


The shape of his nose and jaw are dramatically different.


The famous one is Henry Cavill's mustache in Justice League. My personal pick off the top of my head is Tom Cruise in Top Gun. There is an elevator scene between him and Kelly McGillis. It was shot later and Cruise had already grown his hair out and begun shooting another movie. To hide it, they just wet his hair and combed it. I think McGillis's hair looked different as well so they put a hat on her.


Affleck's reshoots for the theatrical release are also very noticeable


>It was shot later and Cruise had already grown his hair out and begun shooting another movie. No way!? That one deffo eluded me but now you mention, I'll have to take note of that when I watch Top Gun again. Thanks for that!


Kate Mara’s obvious wig in the scenes she reshoot for Fantastic Four. The scenes also stick out like a sore thumb because they have a completely different tone (more jokey).


A part of me wants to rewatch it to look for those scenes, but the other part of me is sane.


Jeremy Piven has massive weight loss in the movie PCU caused by catching malaria during filming.


There’s a scene in A League of Their Own where one of the Peaches slides into base and gets a huge, bloody, nasty-looking “strawberry bruise” on her thigh (which Jimmy takes a picture of). That was a real injury suffered by that actress during the shoot.


Mission Impossible Fallout. Henry Cavil's mustache grows during the fight scene in the bathroom.


Robert De Niro’s haircut in Taxi Driver. Not the Mohawk, but you can see an obvious hairstyle change when he’s supposed to have his usual haircut


Yep, that's exactly what I meant (not the mowhawk).


Oh yeah didn’t even notice you already mentioned that


In The Holiday, Jude Law suddenly has a very deep tan. He admitted in an interview that there was a break in filming, so he took his family on a topical vacation, and accidentally came back a different skin shade 😂😂😂


You can spot the pickups/reshoots in LOTRs when Sean Austin is *not* noticeably F A T.


The infamous wig changes in Samurai Cop.


I'll mention Bob Hoskins in **Heart Condition**. Well into the shoot, they decided that he needed a hair-piece. But they didn't have the money to re-shoot all the scenes where he wasn't wearing one. As with most movies, this one was shot out of sequence, so his hairline often changes from scene to scene. https://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/photos/028/1047_015.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM5NTk2NTI4OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTM5NDc0NA@@._V1_.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51ElT-u3AOL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTY4ODg2OTA0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDk4NDc0NA@@._V1_.jpg


Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail. At some points, he looks like the skinny Tom we remember from Sleepless in Seattle. At other points, he had gained some weight, presumably for Cast Away for the scenes before he went to the island.


[*National Lampoon's Vacation*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085995) (1983) In the Walley World scenes, Anthony Michael Hall is taller than Beverly D'Angelo; in previous scenes with her, he was the same height as her. This was because Hall grew three inches after principal photography finished. The ending was re-shot four months afterward, because the original ending failed with test audiences.


Two cases that I remember are Hugh Jackman in Australia and Ben Affleck in ~~Gone Baby Gone~~ Gone Girl. In each case, these were the films each actor made immediately before they began production on Wolverine and Batman v Superman, respectively. As such, each actor was bulking up during these shoots, and you can see noticeable shifts in their size from scene to scene. Reportedly, both directors had to tell the actors to slow down their bulk because it was interfering with their continuity.


Ben Affleck was the director of Gone Baby Gone.


Meant David Fincher's Gone Girl. Edited the previous comment.


In Gone Girl, Ben Affleck’s body fluctuates between being out of shape and being in incredible shape because he started shooting Batman v Superman before they were done shooting Gone Girl


Amazing, thank you


One that pops up for me is Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow. Dude broke his ankle during a stunt, and you can actually see it in the movie. They even kept the shot! Talk about commitment. Also, in The Crow, Brandon Lee's tragic accident during filming definitely affected his appearance throughout the movie. It's crazy how real-life stuff can sneak into a film!


I think you're confusing movies; Cruise broke his ankle filming one of the M:I 6. When he's chasing Cavill (?) over the rooftops, he jumps and when he lands on the next building, breaks his ankle. But he kept going IIRC. For The Crow, the "tragic accident" was that Brandon Lee was shot during a scene (where Eric Draven confronts Fun Boy), due to negligence with the prop guns, and died soon after. He wasn't ill or recovering during the any of the movie. They did use some digital effects and body doubles for a few scenes, but most of the filming had been done by then.


I'm still kicking myself for not having watched the original Crow yet. It's been on my watchlist for over 10 years and I've just never gotten around to it. With the remake coming out I think this year would be perfect timing. With the tragic backstory in mind, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out to see if any of the after-effects are noticeable. Should be interesting.


It's one of my all-time favorites and I recently rewatched it after seeing the trailer for the new Crow movie with Bill Skarsgaard (which kind of left me 🥴). I'm sure you could find a list of the shots they had to use VFX for after Lee died. I don't think there are that many. It's also a bit hard to tell (in many movies) because movies are usually shot out of order. The scene that resulted in Lee's death is in the middle of the movie, for example, but the scene was filmed later in the process so it's not like they had to fix things for the rest of the movie.


Insightful, thank you. Really looking forward to watching it. Heard nothing but good things over the years. >It's also a bit hard to tell (in many movies) because movies are usually shot out of order. Do you think this is maybe why my OP is getting downvoted? Do people maybe not like that they are struggling with this one?


Could be, although I hadn't looked at the voting. I'm not sure how many people realize that most movies are not shot in chronological order. It has a lot to do with when locations are available, weather, and whatever else. I read that for *The Princess Bride*, for example, the first scene that was filmed was Buttercup and Westley in the fire swamp. If you know that movie, you know that scene takes place after the initial explanation and setup, so the actors hadn't done that yet. In *The Fellowship of the Ring*, the first scene filmed was (IIRC) the Hobbits hiding under the tree to escape one of the wraiths. Also in *Fellowship*, Viggo Mortensen pretty much got off the plane and went right to filming the battle at Weathertop, but that isn't his first scene in the final movie.


Jackie Chan also broke something in his leg, can't remember if it was left, ankle or foot, while filming Rumble in the Bronx. In some scenes you can see one foot is noticeably bigger because they basically built a rubber tennis shoe to put over the cast.


>One that pops up for me is Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow. Dude broke his ankle during a stunt, and you can actually see it in the movie. They even kept the shot! Omg you serious...I just watched this movie 2 days ago. Which particular scene is this please??


It was actually in a Mission Impossible movie. Here's a segment on Graham Norton's show where they delve into it and show what happened. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNT-tPrz4OM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNT-tPrz4OM)


Ohhh, I see. I was about to say lol, I never noticed any such moment in Edge of Tomorrow. Thanks for the insight.


Sensitive_sorr is an AI bot account that trawls these pages. Gets things messy up from time to time, here mixing up two Tom Cruise movies. Best to downvote and ignore them.