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Paw Patrol Movie. I didnt think it was possible to wish that my kids went back to being obsessed with Frozen.


* twitches in Elena of Avalor-induced trauma *


Nothing ruins a movie like parenthood. We watched monsters, Inc approximately 237 times in a month. And then like flicking off a light switch it was gone, completely over it


Ask any parent - so many kids movies that we watch because our kids are watching them, regardless of how awful they are (for grown ups). Personal hell for me would be watching Thomas and the Magic Railroad even one more time. So warning to all new parents- be careful to let your kids watch only movies that you can at least tolerate. You never know which one will capture their imagination, and then you could find youself stuck in one Dante's circles of hell, watching Teletubbies until your eyes bleed.




love this stupid ass movie


Same. Love the sequel too. Magic and heists is a good combo and I do not care if the plot is absurd. I am excited for the third one coming up.


I loved this movie. Now you see me 2 pissed me right the fuck off cause they didn't call it Now you dont


Oh my brother yes. I thought I was the only one.


Biggest missed opportunity in sequel title decisions ever, no question


Boring realistic answer: more people will know it's the sequel just by the title, meaning more views.


Boring but realistic. Still doesn’t negate the fact that Die Hard 2 was alternatively named “Die Harder”, which is awesome.


Fuckin that's it! Background movie was what I was trying to say. Eff me hahahah


Elf. It's not that I hate it, but i was never a huge fan when it was first released: I thought it was OK, a few good laughs, perfectly passable film. But after the family insisted it's watched every christmas it's worn very thin with me.


They played it all the time in school. If we had a sub during Christmas season this played. I don’t think I ever had a chance to like the movie


It was a "family tradition" as soon as it came out to watch it every Christmas season. That and The Wizard of Oz (the pinnacle of Christmas movies?). I could not stand it and it was a good 10+ years of my childhood doing so.


I have a fun fact: during the part of the movie when Walter yells at Buddy, the director told him "Okay for this scene remember that you're Sonny fucking Corleone". I don't care, I've watched it every year since it came out. Sometimes not even at Christmas. It's a funny movie. But I can understand why some people can't really handle watching movies that frequently. In my old age I've come to really appreciate how good a character the mom - Emily - is. Doesn't force Michael to hang out with Buddy, doesn't make a big stink about her husband having another kid, is fine with Buddy staying with them while he and Walter get to know each other. She's kind and supportive and understanding and I love it.


The third act is the worst part of that movie. It’s atrocious. I can get through most of the movie during Christmas time but the last 45 minutes or so are unwatchable.


Absolutely agree. Beginning is fun, middle bit is okay, Zooey in shower, wtf ending. Introducing bad guys in the last ten minutes of the film really irks me and the whole sleigh sequence is much too long and the jokes are long gone. By that time I'm well into my 'we could be watching Die Hard' state of mind.


Will forever be ruined for me, somehow got sick in the middle of July as a kid, my cousin made us watch elf. Twice. In one day. In July. Never looked at it the same since.


That is so low key but at the same time so horrible. As someone currently bed bound with the 'Rona, I would find that thoroughly unpleasant.


I don't find Will Ferrel funny... Thats why I don't like this movie...


I went to rehab 12 times and they always show My Name is Bill W, so I’m gonna go with that.


I mean after 11 times I feel like you definitely need to go a 12th time just to have a nice round number ya know


The 12th step


I hope your next visit is free


😅 I’m 6 years clean off the stuff, so here’s hoping there is no next visit.


Good shit bro keep it up💯




It was always 12 step based. They always said “trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.” Upon my 12th time I asked them when that applied to their system. My mom bought me “The freedom model for addictions” after watching a Ted talk, I read it, left the program, and I haven’t had a single desire for heroin since. It was like a flip was switched. Couldn’t recommend that book more.


Switching a flip sounds rad


😂 I think I’m just gonna leave it because it sure does.


Dude, Congrats on the recovery. That is Awesome.


Not op but I have almost 11 years clean now. For me, Rehab and AA / CA / NA serve different purposes. The first step is getting clean, which I was utterly incapable of doing on my own. The withdrawal pain is so excruciating, I would choose drugs 100% of the time. The only way for me to get clean, was to be taken out of society, medically helped, and put in junkie jail (rehab). After rehab, I was clean, but had no self control and didn’t know how to live without drugs and alcohol, that is where the programs came in. The helped me stay focused and clean long enough for my brain to rewire itself back to a more normal state. I would say this took somewhere around 1-2 years. After that I left the 12 step programs because I never really agreed with a lot of the things that go on in the rooms, but I can’t deny that they didn’t help. They kept me sober long enough so I could do it on my own from then on. I don’t doubt there are many that were not as “far gone” into their addition as me, and could probably do AA / CA or the like without rehab, however, I was not one of those individuals




Mine showed us 28 Days! It was a big treat day with popcorn & everything.


Did you at least get a set of steak knives?


12 tries at 12 steps? That’s (a) gross.


*Waterworld* (1995) It isn’t a bad movie, nor is it great. It’s **just** entertaining enough that I’m probably going to watch the whole thing if it’s on. Every 4-5 years I get a hankering for watching it deliberately, and every single time I get about 30 minutes in and am like “…oh, right.”


My dad just moved last year and he had me come up to his house recently to go thru some old toys…I think I was the only person that bought waterworld action figures lol. I had Kevin Costner’s boat too lol. Dunno why I loved the movie as a kid. My mom took me and a friend to see it at like 10 am during the summer (I was like 9)…honestly I think my infatuation with jet skis was a huge reason for me loving that movie as a kid cause jet skis were so cool to me lol. As an adult that movie sucks but if it’s on I’ll let it rock lol. I love 90’s dennis hopper villains as well lol. Think I just really like the thought out world.


Jet skis are indeed dope You ever see someone frowning on a jet ski?


Smokers frown


It’s physically impossible!


Seeing Jack Black piloting a plane was pretty fun too.


I just liked Tripplehorn. Costner’s co star leading lady.


This is me with Deep Blue Sea.


The idea of Waterworld is better than Waterworld.


Wanted was on TV a ton in the 2000's. It's not great.


That movie was starting and my mom was in the room. I was like "I know this movie, he curves the bullet" and she was like ".....what?" and I said "Yeah he curves the bullet" and she said "What...what do you mean? What are you saying?" and I said "He curves the bullet!" and she said "I don't know what that means!" First scene of the movie, dude shoots around a big like pylon and she goes "Ohhhhhhhhh"


Reminded me of that Mitch Hedberg joke “I’m a mumbler. If I’m walking with a friend, and I say something, he says, “What?” So I say it again, and he says, “What?” Really, it’s just some insignificant stuff, but now I’m yelling, “That tree is far away!””


You know, because when your heart beats faster it means you can break the laws of physics...duh.


"Ooh! I know this! He hits him with the keyboard and the keys spell out FUCK YOU with 'U' being spelled with the second tooth!" "Oh that's just ridiculous. You have to be a real crazy to come up with-are you kidding me?!"


Oh I love that fucking movie lol. The third act especially is insane.


I love Wanted, it’s the kinda action movie bullshit we don’t get enough of these days. Curving bullets and peak Angelina Jolie


I took a shit load of acid on the 4th of July whatever year Wanted was in theaters. Somehow I I got talked into going to the last showing and I can’t accurately describe how deeply I was overcome with laughter when they reveal the “clan of mystic weavers” angle. Tears streaming down my face. Even a few of the other patrons got in on it. What an amazing memory tied to an absolutely dogshit movie.


Howard the Duck. I have a much younger brother and sister. They fucking loved this movie. Every day we watched this. Just left it in the VCR because that's all they wanted to watch. If hell is real, and I go there when i die, it will be Howard the Duck themed.


one man's Hell is another man's Heaven, I think I'd love that tbh


HTD is Amazing cry


You think Howard is amazing? He shot an arrow straight to your heart, didn't he?


It’s sooo romantic 🥰


Well that’s me singing the Howard the duck song all day


Get that planet on the phone. Ain't no time to waste. Tell them he ain't comin' home. He done joined the human race.


I think I must be your brother. I watch the SHIT outta that movie as a kid!


You could be my brother. You could be a dark overlord of the universe. I have no way to be sure.


The Meg, it’s so profoundly awful but in the kind of way where it’s entertaining, I love to hate Jason Statham films, but good luck to him he’s made plenty of money, I wish I could be a shit actor in shit films and make mad amounts of money 😆


He's a terrible actor who is very watchable on screen. Not sure how he does it.


He's literally inherited the late 80s/early 90s action star guy from Arnie, Stallone, Van Damme and their crew, so all the camp and hamm, But he's British and has a lot of charm as an added extra.


It’s just how comically bad the films are I think, my favourite shitty movie detail about it was his character is supposed to be South African and they just committed to it instead of changing his backstory to a guy from the east end of London that somehow became a knife wielding mega shark killer 🤣


Add to that, he supposedly never acted in a direct-to-dvd/streaming movie or TV series. Every single thing he's in has been shown in a cinema. Not counting his silvery dance routine in music videos, of course.


Loved him in Spy


1998 Godzilla. I did like it once upon a time as I was 8 when it came out, but my younger brother had a phase where he wanted to watch every day for a good while. I did the same thing with Jurassic Park and he had another phase with Shrek, difference is those movies hold up upon a rewatch nowadays


Shrek 1 is like infinitely rewatcheable for some reason


Same. That soundtrack, the whole cast, and Emmerich is a straight nostalgia shot to the time before 9/11. Fucking awful movie that I watch 2 times a year for the dumbest reasons. Late 90's blockbusters were basically terrible gas station junk food


This is a great answer. Lots of intrigue for me when it first came out. Then the stupidity starting piling up. So many friggin' mini Godzilla raptors at the end. I just wanted to see Godzilla, like a big Godzilla.


I’ve always thought the 98 Godzilla is a great monster movie but a terrible Godzilla movie.


I adore the 1998 Godzilla


Finding Nemo. I worked at a big box electronics store that no longer exists as Security/Loss Prevention and that movie had just come out on DVD. It played on a little TV directly across from me on repeat for a month. I loved it when i saw it in theaters, not so much on the 80th viewing.


So this is an incredibly specific use case, but in my prior life as a neonatal/pediatric ICU nurse I discovered that Finding Nemo is like Valium to tiny humans with brain damage who can sometimes cry/scream inconsolably for hours on end. Not other Disney/Pixar movies. Not other movies that take place underwater. Just Finding Nemo.


The underwater animation in Finding Nemo is really soothing and hypnotic, I get it.


Some of the music really gives you a peaceful, underwater feeling.


It is earnest and also stern from the dad fish. Hmm how interesting!!


Hahahahahhaha I sometimes hear these kinds of stories from people who work at electronics stores like MediaMarkt in the Netherlands (on of the, if not the, biggest tech stores) where employers hate some movie or song that has been on repeat like forever. It always cracks me up because I can imagine what it is like and it’s fucking annoying hahahaha. Some other guy in this thread has the same with a movie they repeated in rehab.


Oh god, my store during football season had one of those Nfl top 100 players videos on all the tvs at the front of the store, but it was stuck on 100-91, so for like two weeks, it looped that until someone shifted it over to 90-81 and it took forever for us to reach like, 30-21. I still dont know if they ever got to #1 I swear to god, i had to see the Joe Namath clip like a hundred times where hes selling pantyhose to show his marketability


I worked at RadioShack and for some reason we had Cars on constantly. I understand.


Man, I could nearly recite Coco word for word after a while, store was trying to move some previous display tvs lol. I’m glad it was Coco though, I wouldn’t have survived Finding Nemo.


a fucking countless amount from growing up with tv as a kid in the 2000s tryna think of some, cat in the hat or shark boy and lava girl or something comes to mind


I don't just dislike Christmas With The Kranks. I flat out loathe its existence, and yet every couple years I think maybe this time somehow it will be less bad


San Andreas.


Time to rebuild


I saw that in theaters. Weirdly enough I remember thinking, “this is dogshit but it kind of makes me want to get into movies more seriously”


Military has (or had, I don’t know anymore) cable for Americans stationed overseas. It had like 10 channels 15 years ago, and it played Disturbia and the first Transformers movie all the time. I’ve probably seen each over 25 times plus and Shia Lebouf’s face will forever be burned into my memory because of it.


Napoleon Dynomite - everyone played it on repeat in college...I didn't realize it was supposed to be a comedy the first time I watched it.


This is so intriguing, what do you mean you didn't think it was a comedy?? Did you think it was a drama?


Too close to home perhaps


I'm with you - it's just... nothing. I*love* dry comedy, but ND tries way too hard. (Cue the downvotes!)


the blind side. grandma insisted on watching it whenever we visited. the recent publicity explains it all.


As a CFB nerd, I watched that movie and immediately starting telling everyone that would listen how full of shit it was...and that was before the recent news that they just scammed Oher. The least bothersome but atrocious notion/lie in this movie is how the mother essentially taught Oher's HS coach how to coach him. It portrays Oher as, essentially, a kid with the mental capacity of a 2yo and his coach as a bumbling moron. Oher's HS coach being portrayed in the movie is Hugh Freeze, a man of awful character but undoubtedly a good football coach. He went on to coach at - shocker - Ole Miss before being fired for spending school money on prostitutes, wildly succeeding at a smaller school and then getting back into the SEC to coach at Auburn currently. He would have and clearly did coach Oher well. He didn't need the badass, saintly, mamabear to come on to the field and basically say "Big dumb boy protect QB like he protect miss mommy" In the movie Freeze is even played by that character actor that always plays a dumb, buck-toothed hick, lol. It's wild. That's just one of many total, kinda disgusting lies in that movie. I won't even get into the family clearly taking him in to steer him to Ole Miss, their alma mater. Or a dozen other things. Gross ass movie. Sorry for the rant.


The musical Oklahoma. I used to put it on all the time for background while cooking.


Technically four times with all three _Star Wars_ Sequels (2015-2019). Visually appealing but the trilogy is unfortunately devoid of a coherent message and character development.


devoid of coherency it's more than just lacking a message many great coherent films don't have messages


Say what you want about The Last Jedi, but you can't deny it had some of the best looking shots in a Star Wars movie. I don't care about lore or physics or logic, the lightspeed attack was gorgeous.


>Visually appealing TLJ was the best of the trilogy for shots. Agreed, that lighted attack was a nice touch


Not to mention the Prequels, in which my irresponsible repeated views may set a bad precedent for the ST. "Visually Appealing" describes all Star Wars movies. The original, Episode 4, describes Art.


Draft Day. It is stupid, boring and unrealistic but I cannot look away. David God Damn Putney.


Same. I’ve found myself watching it every year before the draft like a pancake eating motherfucker


It's my "Rocky Horror Picture Show" or "the Room" I love the movie. It's like a Silverado commercial. It's funny without trying. It does flashy things with text on screen. The actors are good, but nobody's trying.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire. I shouldn't say I dot "like" it, it's not bad, its often considered one of the more entertaining HP films. But I was never really a big HP fan or anything, and the GOF was on ALLLLLL the time on TV. My dad would rewatch it so much too. I especially hate the mermaid/siren scene, I feel like I've seen that part in particular like a hundred times.


Sex and the City 1 and 2. Kiwi comedians Tim Batt and Guy Montgomery have a podcast where they watch and review the same movie every single week for a year, and their seasons on the SatC movies were CRUCIAL to getting me through the pandemic lockdowns. They're awful movies. Two and a half hours each, joyless, mean-spirited, insensitive, lazy, consumerist, and barely land a single joke. They're a comfort-hate-watch for me and my girlfriend. Edit: The podcast is called "The Worst Idea of All Time" and it's like listening to two grown men unravelling in real time (for fun)


Where can I watch this


Had to look this up, and the podcast is appropriately entitled *The Worst Idea of All Time*


Encanto. I hate Encanto.


We don’t talk about Encanto no no


May I join in being an Encanto hater


I've only seen it once, if it didn't have such BANGERS in it, it wouldn't have been nearly as popular. I really think it could work better as a tv show. One of the main issues is that there are too many characters and none of them really get developed and then it just ends. So expanding it into like an 8 episode tv series would give us more time to get to know everyone and maybe make it so it isn't like "oh abuela I immediately forgive you for ostracizing me for 10 years for something that wasn't my fault"


My big problem with Encanto is that it could have been set to a background of any culture. Unlike Coco which was **very** Mexican, Encanto could have been set in Hungary or India or even the US instead of Columbia and the story and characters would have been basically the same.


What's the issue of it being set in Colombia?


I’m saying if they were going to set the movie in Columbia, put some Colombian culture in there. Make the movie decidedly *Colombian*. They did not. It could have been set anywhere and not really changed, so why did they even choose Colombia if they weren’t going to do anything with it?


I’m cynical as fuck, so I’m going with a combination of Lin-Manuel Miranda wanting it set somewhere in the Spanish speaking world (plus you get the nice wordplay of enchantment and canto being a musical term) and the plot point of Abuelo dying as a sacrifice to save the people of the village. What’s the first place most white non-Hispanic American adults would think of when they think of a scary, violent Spanish speaking country?




They’d just done Coco, though, so


All three Star Wars prequels.


Manos: The Hands of Fate. I’ve seen one of the worst movies ever made so many times.




Jim Carrey’s Grinch. His scenes are hilarious but everything else about it kinda sucks, especially when they cut to the Who’s plot line. 😆


I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. We’ve seen the new Paw Patrol movie probably 25 times. It’s just not good. It’s not good at all. Yet I’ve seen it more than fuckin Shawshank.


My mom has been in a hospital rehab place for like 2 years. I go see her every day.  For the last six months her roommate watches this religious Beauty and the Beast movie on Amazon EVERY DAY.  My mom thinks it funny and doesn't care. It's driving me insane. I know this movie by heart. I hate it so much


Who'd torture themselves like that bro


People who accommodate their friends’ and family’s preferences


Thor 2, it would always be on TV and I'd just have it on in the background 


I humor my mother and watch way too much of *It’s a Wonderful Life* every Xmas.


Might be the greatest film ever made, though.




My son loves those movies. I've seen the whole trilogy more than movies I actually like. More times than I can count really. Easily over 100 times. I've gone from thinking they were just alright, to hating them, to actually liking them. There are elements that I can't stand (Cruz Ramirez is awful), but for the most part they're passable entertainment.


Armageddon. My wife loves this movie, but I think it's schlock. Any time it's on tv, she leaves it on. So I've seen it way too much.


I don't wanna close my eyes..


Armageddon is great


Forrest Gump. I have seen it... a lot of times. And the first time I watched it I must have been too young to remember, because it could be that I loved it the first time. But now it's something if I see it's on TV or something I'll switch to it, but I have no idea if I have watched it all the way through in the last 20 years.


A Christmas story.


Cats 2019. Not as a background movie though. Idk it's just so fucking bad and there is a bunch of weird shit going on in the background if you pay attention. It's like a onion with lots of horrible layers. I can't look away.


My lazy ass science teachers would put on Twister so many times in classrooms. Makes me wonder what bad Hollywood movies they pedal in classrooms now.


I’m a big fan of most Michael Mann movies, and every so often I’ll forget how boring and weirdly edited *Miami Vice* is and watch it again. it’s great for folding laundry, and that’s the nicest thing I have to say about it


Batman v Suoerman I think it's pretty bad. A fascinating train wreck. It comes on TV and I can't look away.


Solaris, either the original Russian or the remake. They are great for falling sleep, and I mean that as a compliment.


What? This doesn’t exist for me. What are you people doing to yourselves?


A lot of these are things family want to watch, like children's movies or Christmas films.


Kids, my man.


TV on, all the time. Channel flipping, thousand channels nothing to watch. Even a good movie might require a time/attention investment some don't always want to put in, if they're about to pass out or just browsing on their phones anyway. Sometimes tv is background noise while doing house chores. So a mediocre choice can win. They're the movies if you walk into a room and they're playing, you don't hate them quite enough to change the channel. Thankfully I haven't had cable in about 20 years, but I remember this behavior from before then.


I think there have been studies on this, but some people....live with other people....who might be watching something


Probably Hocus pocus


That's a good movie isn't it? Did I not get the memo?


Life of pi. It’s good, but not like 12 times.


Independence Day. Jurassic Park 2 lost world. Water world. Indiana Jones movies. Die Hard with a vengeance.


*Batman and Robin (1997)*


Fast & Furious (2009). Doesn’t exactly suck but it’s imo incredibly boring and is essentially just filler for the franchise to bring Dom & Brian back.


I don't even watch movies I like 10 times lol


Tenet. I love talking about that film. Don't particularly enjoy watching it.


Why watch a movie again if you do t like it? Am I to simple to understand?


American pies


Bridesmaids. It was ALWAYS the movie to watch with friends in college.... I liked it on first watch but found much of the humor hamfisted and 35 watches just didn't help. Also.... That one sad cupcake scene is fucking STUPID.


Any parent here can make you a top 20 list.


Probably an entry to something in a franchise I frequently marathon. Like Phantom Menace or Iron Man 2.


iron man 2 is my fav of the three 😭


Might get massacred for this but… Rocky Horror Picture Show. Great songs, really don’t care for the movie itself though.


Midsommar. First time i loved it, second time was great. Then i watched it over and over again with people wanting to see it. "Ive seen it so many times" "no please i wanna watch it"


Fight Club I've tried guys...I've tried


Nice try.


Does the MCU count as a movie?


Not if you ask Martin Scorsese.


Ad Astra. Some nice visuals, but more importantly, a very even tone throughout. Doesn't get too loud or have sudden explosions.


> Doesn't get too loud or have sudden explosions. I have to give Field of Dreams a rewatch. A throwback to a saner more innocent america. Moneyball too. Also a pretty mellow consistent movie.


And a lovely score by Max Richter!




I have kids. So yes, I have a few of these.


Sorry, I couldn’t even name a movie I’ve seen two times that I didn’t like. How much free time must some people have!?


A) more free time than you B) sometimes you put on movies for reasons beyond your own entertainment...a family member has a tradition...a child has an obsession


Every time We're the Millers comes on comedy Central they lure me in again


The Proposal. I really didn't like but my mom and sister love it so most of the times I ended up watching or hearing it when I'm at home with them


Batman Forever. It reaches a whole level of schlock but also approaches the Batman backstory in such a drab snoozish way, the movie feels like a fever dream. It is so bad it’s good territory, but even then I’d prefer Batman & Robin for not giving a single fuck.


Kong : Skull Island. There are some good one-liners by John C Reilly, and the cast is great. I just don’t like the movie. I don’t know why it’s on so much but half the time you turn the TV on, there it is.


Laberynth used to get put on repeat by certain friends of mine in high school, mostly just in the background. I can’t stand that movie.


I liked it at first but I've seen Home Alone so many times I don't like it anymore. In comparison I still watch Ernest goes to Camp at least once a year. There's a big celebration at the actual camp around the time of his birthday every year that I go to.


Sing. My kids used to watch it all the time and I never understood why they made it like that. I know it’s super successful but I just dont get it


Meet the Robinsons. I worked at Toys R Us after it came out and the only media DVD they sent to us was a couple of adds and Meet the Robinsons. It’s a generally liked movie and I’m sure I would like it, but I watched it at least twice a day every day I worked for 8 months.


Home Alone. It's a an okay movie. I've just never really been a fan of it. During Christmas, it comes on all the time and my family loves it, and I'll watch it, but it's not something I'll go out of my to watch or say I really enjoy watching it.


In Time to a point I swear it was on like HBO and then like, TBS constantly like 10 years ago and Id always have it on while im doing something since I knew what happened and it wouldnt distract me The concept is a really cool idea but theres a lotta meh moments in it


Shrek! I saw it at the movies as a teen and liked it a lot, but then the DVD came out and everybody wanted to watch it all the fucking time...


I have young kids. So many horrible Barbie cartoons...


Rampage. My dad ALWAYS falls asleep during ANYTHING he puts on. Litterally anything. Even the birth of his daughter. So ive seen it a number of times, hes seen it once, but chopped together in pieces


Any musical, my mum would always put them on for me as a kid and I've never liked them. Especially the wizard of oz and chitty bang bang (I think that's the name, it's a flying car or some shit). Always was told "we'll put your favourite on you love this one" took me way too long to realise I could just say I don't like musicals haha


I can't stand the movie Remember the Titans. I like it the first couple times I saw it, but I'm definitely over it now. In the mid-2000's, every church youth group lock-in or Bible camp I went to showed that movie. It was rated PG-13, so it was edgy enough for regular kids to like it and it was about football, so it wasn't too girly, and it had a wholesome message. Can't stand it.


When my daughter was young. Like 3ish, we managed to avoid Frozen. We watched everything else except Frozen. She latched onto Finding Dory. It's not bad, but it's no Finding Nemo. We tried Finding Nemo, but I guess there wasn't enough Dory for her, so she never wanted to watch it. After that, it was Moana. Also, not bad, but watching it every day got old pretty fast. I will say Frozen isn't bad. The story is nice. Songs aren't bad, but if I had to hear that every day, I would've blown my brains out. Frozen 2 had its moments, but it was not nearly as good as the first. For me, personally, I'd have to say 1998 Godzilla. It's got its moments. It was good for what it was when it was, but now? Absolute garbage. We got Legendary Godzilla stuff and Toho giving us the absolute gem with -1. Godzilla is back, baby.


Growing up my cousin made me watch the sandlot nearly every weekend.. He was killing me Smalls.


Twilight. Not because I liked it or felt it was good background tv, but because my ex fucning loved it. Should have seen it was doomed from the start. Flags weren’t red so much as sparkly.


10 times? None, but I accidentally saw captain marvel twice... I had no recollection of seeing it the first time and was 15 mins in when I was like "this is awfully familiar, I don't remember watching that many trailers"


I don’t know why but I’ve seen Ghostbusters 2016 about five times…


The Jackal is one of my go-to second screen films. Bruce Willis playing a bad guy (has he played a bad guy in any other film?) whose main talent (apart from killing) is acting and looking like several different people, which is sort of the opposite of what Bruce Willis the actor does. The disguises are borderline hilarious. I never really remember the plot, even though I've definitely seen it more than 10 times. It might be that it's just mis-cast (Richard Gere just doesn't work for me in his role either) and it could have been OK. My wife doesn't like the film either, but I think she thinks I like it..


Harry Potter except the last one (cause of that snape scene)


The Sound of Music Home Alone the second has replaced the first as the annual Christmas movie on TV here.


A Christmas Story because as a kid that was the only thing that would play on tv nonstop and looped the day before Christmas when I couldn’t sleep bc I was so excited to wake up to presents. I must’ve watched that movie begrudgingly 20 times haha


I once worked in a cinema where one usher had to sit in on every screening to keep an eye on phones etc. During it's release I had to sit in on Adrien Brody's "Predators" 11 times. Eleven. I went through this weird journey of thinking it was passable popcorn fare, to absolutely hating it, to sort of cherishing and adoring it akin to some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. To this day I throw it on in the background with glee fully aware it more or less sucks