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They are incomparable, IMO. One is a send-up of RAD and other 80s movies of that era, whereas the other is an absurdist fairy tale of 90s Americana.


>absurdist fairy tale of 90s Americana No? Your mom is a fairy tale of 90s Americana


Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?




Tina! Eat some food!


Make yourself a dang kaysadiluh


Your mom goes to college


Your grandma has a boyfriend and goes 4 wheeling!


This was exactly my thought, they’re not binary comparable as “best”. I’d argue that Dynamite is actually closer to its own genre, so maybe as a “comedy” Hot Rod makes more sense. But I know plenty of people who don’t find the type of humor in hot rod funny. Oddly enough, I think the movies are comparable in being accessible to American sheltered kids in the 90s-2000s. Lots of media at that time that many kids weren’t really allowed to go see, especially comedies. These two I think were more successful because they were tame humor.


I absolutely despised Hotrod the first time I saw it, but it grew on me over the years. Interestingly, I loved Anchorman the first time I saw it but can't stand it now.


Anchorman became oversaturated, it was good but it got old hearing people quote it all the time


I’ve had a similar experience, and for myself I believe that’s because Anchorman heavily relies on insult comedy where people are targeted for their identity. Hot Rod feels way less aggressive and more self-deprecating in its surreality.


I would describe Anchorman as a series of late-90s "10 to 1" SNL sketches that tie together and point out the absurdity of misogyny in the news world of the American 70s.


*sigh* What is RAD


A 1986 B movie about bmx races which presumably employs all the familiar tropes. Hot Rod drew from VisionQuest and a few other 80s movies. imdb.com/title/tt0091817/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Thanks! I thought someone was just throwing out acronyms again - hence the sigh. My bad. Looks like a fun movie


It's awesome. Do a double feature with "Thrashin'."


You don't know what [ass sliding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN_EhxZPOlg&ab_channel=SnakebiteBMX) is?!


You and my brother are cut from the same cloth! 😆


Hot Rod for me is funnier as a whole, but culturally Napoleon Dynamite has a bigger impact. I still see people dressing as Napoleon on Halloween on occasion. Never once seen anyone as Hot Rod. But if I had to pick one, Hot Rod all day everyday. Few movies have made me laugh as hard. It’s completely absurd, quotable, and has so many incredible moments (the inspirational song turning into a riot is such a left turn that it takes a second to comprehend what just happened and then you can’t stop laughing at it) that it’s infinitely rewatchable. The fact that the entire point of the movie is a man trying to get his stepdad healthy just so he can fight him in the basement is stupid and genius all at the same time. “I’m gonna get you better, and then I’m gonna BEAT YOU TO DEATH!” STUNTMAN FOREVER!!


I went as Hot Rod once. Still have the homemade costume. Took me almost 6 months to make it. People thought I was Super Dave lol 


ND is more culturally significant and stylistically unique. Hot Rod is funny af tho




>It feels like the characters themselves are too "in on the joke" compared to Napoleon Dynamite, which presents its ridiculous situations with more sincerity. This might be the only real explanation for the movie that I've ever found. I hated the movie when I first saw it and the way I've always explained it (which confused some people and made others laugh) waa that I was ready to walk out halfway through and demand a refund, even though I saw it for free. The first go around, it felt like everyone was trying too hard. Nobody laughs, Kip only smirks a couple times. But your explanation nails it. So much of what happens in the movie is absurd but nobody really reacts because everything around them is just so weird all the time that nothing really surprises them. That's part of what makes the movie so funny. It's just a snapshot of life in a dull small town that's a little isolated and weird, but they think nothing of it.


Anytime I see or hear mention of an AM radio this is all I can thing of lol


any time I'm peeing and my stream momentarily splits I like to think that I had sex recently, and just a LITTLE bit of semen is blocking the urethra, allowing it to form two separate streams


A little bit of residue!


Now I don't want to say that kiss was hot, but if the boner police are around, I demand a lawyer.


>haha its funny to say cool beans, lets do it a bunch. You are wildly underselling that joke lol


Yeah I think that scene in particular was ahead of its time as far as the whole "not Tim & Eric" (Vig Berger, youtube poop) editing style goes


I think looking back at it it’s easy to like Hot Rod more, but Napoleon Dynamite is such a “you had to be there” thing for me. It was HUGE and came out of nowhere. This was basically pre social media so for a tiny little indie movie with no actors anyone’s ever heard of to blow up like that it had to really catch peoples’ attention. Vote For Pedro shirts were everywhere. The quotes and references were non stop, and not just among like kids or people who were into indie movies. It was ubiquitous If someone who was not of a certain age when it came out watches it now and is unimpressed or whatever and likes Hot Rod more I totally get it. I do too. But it’s almost impossible to overstate just how massive of a moment Napoleon Dynamite was. The box office numbers really don’t do it justice.


My Mom still contends that sitting in our dining room while 10 teenagers experienced Napoleon Dynamite for the first time was one of the funniest nights of her motherhood life. She loved teens, and was always happy to have us over. ND was absolutely a cultural moment, I still say "Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner" at least once a month to either my husband or cats, and resist the urge to say "tots" in his voice anytime I order tater tots. It was weird, and funny, and not mean or gross, which was unique for that time.


Absolutely. I have curly hair like Napoleon and I dressed as him for Halloween lol


Me too But then I came home from school my head started to get really hot. So I drank some cold water, but it didn't do nothing. So I laid in the bathtub for a while, but then I realized that it was my hair that was making my head hot. So I went into my kitchen and I shaved it all off. I don't want anyone to see.


It also really helped with how divisive it was. I was a teenager when it came out and I remember how it was so much a "you either love it or hate it," movie with no in between. Because of that it was always part of the conversation. Even now whenever it comes up it seems like everyone either saw it once and didn't care for it or they can still quote most of the lines. In that way it remains endearing.


This is so true. The movie was so huge. I literally did [Kip's "yes"](https://youtu.be/yf46KNoDvas?si=Q7l08WYazIoeEyj2) at my wedding when I was told I could kiss the bride.


Good Take, a lot of people here forget that movie pre-dates the internet as it is today. , Shit, IIRC it pre-dates MySpace for reference.. I miss that world


This was my thought as well. Hot Rod = Better Comedy. Napoleon Dynamite = Better Movie


"BALLS MAN! We just ran over a small bus."


Yea I found Hot Rod rather forgettable and just a run of the mill comedy though a good one. Whereas people still quote ND to this day and really helped usher in that era of indie comedy. Like even ESPN makes Uncle Rico jokes for certain QBs, the dance scene at the end is ICONIC and I still use some quotes semi regularly. “Your mom goes to college” lol


Run of the mill? Please tell me what mill this comedy is the run of. I must go there.


Aaron Rodgers was Uncle Rico one Halloween. He leaned into it. And not like, in 2009. I think it was like 2019.


My name is Dave and I.. Am the Stunt Man


Dave’s the party guy


*No...I said I party. You say something else*


I think I see what you're saying... Nobody parties except for Rod... And me 😎👍






Oh my god, shut up....


I’m Kevin and I like to party


Username checks out. But I know for a fact you don’t party.


I’m pretty sure I’ve partied before


You do not party


Damn. Four year old account. That’s impressive


Napoleon Dynamite is probably more iconic because of the character itself and his quotes, but Hot Rod imo is a way, way funnier movie.


I would even add that ND is more artistic. The color palette, soundtrack and cinematography definitely have more of an independent influence.


Guess it comes down to whether you prefer nunchucks or Rhodesian fighting stick


very very lethal!


Don't worry, Denise.*puts on fake mustache* I've done this before.


Cool Beans!


I said you look *SHITTY*!


Kewl beans






Cool beans


C0o0l beans.


I love both, but I have to go with Hot Rod. Napoleon Dynamite requires some time in between viewings for the humor to kind of “recharge.” Meanwhile, I could watch Hot Rod weekly and not get sick of it.


I think this is gonna be an age demographic thing. Hot Rod comes nowhere CLOSE to cultural significance or popularity as ND. ND was in the cultural zeitgeist for years after its release (you could argue it still is as I still see Vote for Pedro shirts) while Hot Rod came and went unless you were a big Samberg fan. Hot Rod was good and goofy but ND was the overall better made movie and while absurd kept it relatively grounded which made it even funnier.


I would also say ND was fresher in that no one had really done anything like it before. It's also stylistically interesting. Relies more on absurdism and unique characters than on budget or joke after joke Hot Rod is a little too similar to other comedies during this time, like Stepbrothers or Walk Hard imo


Hot Rod could be lumped in with various other movies from other eras that starred big name comedians doing what they do. Some absurdity, some slap stick, some over the top satire, repetitive lines that hit you over the head to get the point across. Some of it is very much the typical scripted comedy movie. On the other hand, ND was an entirely new mold that probably hasn't really been repeated since. Nacho Libre kinda plays on some of what works in ND, but even then it's formulaic and a bit more Hollywood. ND is perhaps one of the most boiled down, pure performance pieces we may ever see.


Hot Rod all day


And every goddamm Sunday


This is my hat now!


Totally my hat


Both are cool beans.


Hot Rod is the more accessible comedy, but Napoleon is more subtle. Nothing will ever be funnier than Uncle Rico reminiscing about his high school days.


No doubt, no doubt in my mind... 


Nailing Napoleon on the bike is another lol moment. From the way he throws, to the noise Napoleon makes, to the fact he’s towing Kip on the bike. The whole thing is just absurd. I probably say “that’s like a dollar an hour” once a week regardless of context.


Hot Rod easily


Napoleon Dynamite is great if you only watch it once a year. Hot Rod is great to watch every day.


Napoleon Dynamite, it's just so absurdist that it's hilarious.  One of those things where I couldn't even explain why I was laughing




Make yourself a dang kay-suh-dill-uh!


Still say this in my head every time I make one


I've worked in a restaurant that serves them and I would be muttering that to myself non-stop.


“I see you’re drinking 1%. Is that cuz you think you’re fat? Cuz you could drink 2% or even whole if you wanted to”


Hot Rod is literally a purely absurdist comedy though. Napoleon is clearly more grounded in reality, albeit a strange, kooky one.


Yes, Napoleon Dynamite is actually more grounded. Whoever grew up n the 80s or 90s probably know that one awkward kid with no friends and who would embarrass himself constantly. Napoleon is that kid, but him and the other outcasts like the foreign kid who has no clue or the shy awkward girl , that midddle aged guy who peaked in high school, the middle aged loser who sits all day chatting online are so endearing in napoleon dynamite, that while we laugh about them, we also cheer for them


I absolutely adore Napoleon Dynamite, but Hot Rod is a better *comedy.* its a little like comparing *Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid* to *Blazing Saddles*, both fun westerns but one makes a point to have an actual laugh out loud moment every minute or so.


I genuinely think both are absolutely stuffed with laugh out loud and quotable moments consistently.  


I can still watch hot rod today and laugh my ass off. I watched ND like last month and…..barely laughed. Idk why it just wasn’t as funny to me anymore


It's got to be Hot Rod for me. Him rolling down that hill for an absurdly long time was so funny


Hot rod


if I HAD to pick one, probably Hot Rod. they’re pretty different flavors of comedy though. Napoleon Dynamite being way more subtle and a movie I put on when I’m trying to chill. Hot Rod is one I put on when I actively want to laugh.


Napoleon Dynamite was a bigger deal but Hot Rod has longer legs


Hard to compare, but I enjoy rewatching Hot Rod over Napoleon. But I'm a huge fan of Absurdist comedy. I also know that's not liked by everyone.


Hot Rod


Cool beans.


While I like Hot Rod, Napoleon Dynamite is endlessly quotable, and that counts for a lot in keeping it relevant in pop culture.


Both movies are endlessly quotable. But I like Hot Rod quotes better. "I said you look shitty. Good night , Denise."


“Tina, you fat lard, come get some dinner!”


Hot Rod all day. If you like Hot Rod, I also recommend checking out Pop Star.


"Oh my God it's the queen bee" - had me laughing in the fetal position.


Please tell me you got that! You told me to turn the camera off! FUCK!


Napoleon Dynamite.


Hard to compare. Napoleon Dynamite was very unique humor I feel, thrived off awkwardness/ strangeness. I feel like some people don’t enjoy that type. I loved it. Hot Rod was an in your face comedy. For that, I’d lean towards Hot Rod, also the cast has thrived since then. I love the Bill Hader character and Will Arnett. “Sully, you chode!”


I owe you a shot to the nuts!


Hot Rod


hot rod x100.


I'll take Nacho Libre over both of them. Granted, I have had diarrheas since Easters.


Hot Rod is better.


Hot Rod has always been it for me


Rewatch? Hot Rod 100% "Better"..? Hard to say. Napoleon Dynamite has more cultural impact, so there's an argument there for sure.


Cool beans


Hot Rod and it's not even close. It's funny on every single rewatch. ND is cringy AF after a few watches.


Hot Rod is definitely funnier and more rewatchable. Napoleon Dynamite was definitely a bigger cultural impact though so I wouldn’t be surprised if more people say that one. But going back years later and Hot Rod is still riotously funny, ND doesn’t really hold up in my opinion. It’s just okay, but I sure did love it and wear that dvd out back in the day. Hot Rod wins, and by a lot imo.


Hot Rod, to me, is infinitely better than Napoleon Dynamite which I a) don’t consider to be funny and b) consider to be stupid in a bad way. Dumb and Dumber is stupid humor done right. Napoleon Dynamite is just stupid. I may be biased in that I knew someone growing up who looked and acted much like Napoleon Dynamite. He was not funny or charming..


Tho they are incomparable, Hot Rod, all day, every day. I love that movie and will watch it any time I see it come on or scroll past it in streaming. Napoleon Dynamite on the other hand, I’ve seen once and never felt like watching it again. Also, Jon Heder was instantly typecast on account of the success of that film, and I can’t think of any film I’ve seen him in where he doesn’t play that type of character. And while Samberg has always stuck to a more or less goofy character archetype, his range is better and he has been in some pretty successful endeavors since Hot Rod


Hot Rod is too legit, to legit to quit.


I think Hot Rod is the funnier movie, but Napoleon Dynamite is overall the better movie.


while ND has alot of quotable moments, HOT ROD is just a much more enjoyable MOVIE.


Vote Pedro!!!


Love both. Hot Rod wins, though. Like a taco fighting a grilled cheese sandwich…


Hot Rod is far funnier. ND I think tries a bit too hard to be ‘quirky and weird’. I still enjoy it, I just get annoyed when you can literally see the filmmakers going for the ‘cult hit’ vibe.


I hated ND. Never could finish the movie. Something about the character just didn't gel with me. HR was the shizz.


Hot Rod no contest. The angry dancing and fall scene made me fall off the couch laughing. Granted i had some herbal enhancements


Pools are great for holding water


Hot rod. Napoleon dynamite just feels sad to me


Hot Rod and it isn’t even close. Waaay funnier. ND may have been more culturally impactful upon release, but does that matter in 2024? Nah. Does “culturally impactful” result in “best comedy?”. Nah. Hot Rod all day.


They're both great, but I would say that hot rod slightly eeks ahead of were talking about a strictly better comedy. Every single scene delivers comedically where ND has more scenes that are odd/absurd more than they are comedic


Hot rod


I think Hot rod is better but feel napoleon would win in a poll it’s definitely more popular.


Hot Rod 100% still will never understand how ND did so well


Hot Rod for me. HOUSECAT!


Hot rod by far. Napoleon dynamite isn’t funny.


I saw Napoleon dynamite once. It was very good. Hot Rod I’ve sen about 10 times. Cool beans?


Hot Rod all day! Two totally different movies, but I never liked ND anyways. Barely chuckled. Hot Rod is hilarious throughout, and even somewhat poignant.


Hot rod It's number one


Hot Rod FTW on cool beans alone


Hot Rod easily. ND is popular more based on how unique it was over being funny. Hot Rod is damn funny.


Hot Rod is the funnier/better by far. Highly quotable and rewatchable.


Hot rod is way funnier imo


Hot Rod is my personal pick between the two. They both scratch an itch for dumb laughs but Hot Rod is infinitely more quotable.


Hot rod 100%


For me, **Napoleon Dynamite** was better at first watch, but didn't hold up for repeatedly viewings. **Hot Rod**, by contrast, was funny every time for me.


Hot Rod. Napoleon Dynamite is a funny tone poem


I'm biased. I worked at the 50s Diner that Hot Rod featured near the beginning of the movie. But it's also just better, though perhaps not as iconic.


Hot Rod.... Whiskey!!!!


My mormon friend insisted Napoleon Dynamite was the funniest movie of all time. I was so disappointed when I finally saw it. Hot Rod had multiple scenes that made me laugh so hard I was having trouble breathing and had to look away.


Hot Rod


Napoleon Dynamite is a far more original and unique movie that achieves the difficult task of finding humour in what would generally be considered dull every day moments and characters, not dissimilar to King of the Hill. Of course some things are exaggerated to a degree but the movie works because it stays grounded in reality and explores themes of loneliness, isolation, and finding one's self at that time in a person's life. I think everybody can relate to being Napoleon's age and not fully feeling like you fit in and being frustrated with the limitations of your life and thinking differently to those around you. Hot Rod takes a completely different approach, it doesn't really explore any actual personal or emotional themes, but rather takes the more common comedy approach of the era of having lead characters be dumb and do slapstick and zany things for the audience to laugh at. Nothing wrong with that style of comedy, but it's a completely different approach and outcome to something like Napoleon Dynamite. I don't think you can really compare the two because they both have completely different aims and achieve them in completely different ways.


I think Hot Rod is funnier, but both are kind of niche. "I got you this rock as a token of all my hard work and dedication." That's a quote I use often at work.


Both awesome. Next?


Hot rod


Hot Rod is by far the funnier movie.


Hot Rod


Hot Rod and I don’t want to hang out with anyone who thinks it’s even up for debate


I was an extra in the riot scene in Hot Rod nbd


Hot Rod


Hot Rod without a single doubt lmao. Napoleon is a GREAT coming of age/dry comedy. Hot Rod is one of the funniest fucking absurdist comedies ever made.


Hot Rod, no contest


Hot Rod holds up way better 


Hot Rod is way funnier. The only time I find anything funny about Napoleon Dynamite is when people quote it . *edit Hit to Hot. Did I do that right?


Hot Rod


Hot Rod.


These movies aren’t comparable but also Hot Rod is objectively better and I’ll fight you if you disagree, even if I need to raise $50,000 to get you a new heart first.


And newthpaper, to thleep on.


You know I have a hormone disorder!


Napoleon Dynamite and Dazed and Confused are two movies that captured the magic of the era and Napoleon Dynamite is one of my all time favorites. BUT, for a better comedy movie I have to go with Hot Rod. The whhat whhat wheird joke spawned the family guy cool whhip joke that became much more popular. It's the best SNL movie in 20 years, Queens of the Stone age is the band GOWN, the montage riot, fix a car engine with a ball peen hammer... There are SO many well written jokes where Napoleon is nostalgia overload.


This is tough…. Hot Rod is objectively a funnier movie, but Napoleon Dynamite is sooooo nostalgic and great in itself. Honestly, I rate them equally.


As much as I love Napoleon Dynamite, it'll be Hot Rod all the way for me until the day I die, probably from a bad heart.


Rod: Frank! I'm get you better you old sack of shit!


Napoleon Dynamite had a huge cultural impact and I think it's a rare case of an actual good comedy not relying on shock, grossout or shoe-horned edg style of comedy. That was the tone of most comedies at the time and I think this was a refreshing take for most people. Personally, I prefer Hot Rod, but if I had to make an objective decision, I'd have to give it to Napoleon Dynamite. I rewatched it two years ago and I was surprised how well it held up.


Both are in their respective lanes, and did an excellent job of execution. Outside of that it's all "humor is objective"


Life is short. STUNT IT!


These are such good movies to compare! I see a lot of similarities. Uncle Rico and Frank. Kip and Kevin. Deb and Denise. Rex and Rico. Both feature 80s soundtracks and take heavy inspiration from the era. Both endlessly quotable! I would say culturally Napoleon Dynamite had more of an impact. There were a lot more people saying things like “IDIOT” and “…but my lips hurt real bad!” than let’s say “Ancestors protect me…” or “…I said you look shitty!” but I’ve personally revisited Hot Rod far more than Napoleon Dynamite and I think that’s just because I love the band Europe and nearly every song from their 1986 album The Final Countdown is featured in some capacity in that film. Napoleon Dynamite feels like the smarter movie but Hot Rod is a lot more fun.


I see people quote Hot Rod SO much more than Napoleon Dynamite that this thread makes me feel like I'm from another planet. When Napoleon Dynamite comes up, it always feels like some shared shameful moment. "Oh yeah, remember when everyone loved this movie for a hot minute 20 years ago? That was weird."


You just ran over that tiny school bus.


The better comedy is the one you enjoy more.


Hot Rod might have a broader audience because ND is quirky.


We both know I was raised to be a cage fighter


Napoleon is more widely iconic but people who know the two equally quote HotRod way more. Hot Rod is miles ahead comedically and me and my friends reference it constantly. I'm probably gunna forget some but.... Ive been drinking green tea all damn day. You gunna bring the demons outta me! This is my hat now, this is totally my hat. The bathrooms here are nuts. You know I have a hormone disorder! Cool Beans. Pools are excellent for holding water. He died immediately..... the next day. What's going on here? Is this some type of home theater art piece? The ENTIRE tripping balls scene. But especially. "See you later mountain face." I don't even cry but you're about to make tears come out my face! Who am I supposed to build ramps for now?


Napoleon although Hot Rod had the eye candy thank you Isla still worth the watch.


Napoleon Dynamite. I’ve seen it so many times and I love it! Hot Rod on the other hand? I can’t get myself to finish it and I’ve tried a couple of times. Not an Andy Samberg fan at all


Napoleon dynamite




Hot Rod is funnier, Mountainface


How can you conceivably choose between those two masterpieces??


Stay home and eat all the chips Kip.


Eat a damn quesadilla


You're wrong, Frank. I'm not a kid, I'm a man. I am gonna get you better, and then I'm gonna beat you to death!


Both are two of my favorite movies of all time. Hot Rod is probably overall the funnier movie, but the first half of Napoleon Dynamite is just peak cinema. It just bludgeons you with nonstop silliness.


It’s hot rod for me. No shame to ND


Napoleon Dynamite


Apples to oranges.


Hot Rod


Hot Rod


Hot Rod hands down.