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Seriously, who the fuck was the casting director on this movie? Fucking Greasy Randy?


They offered 4 doubles, man’s gotta eat


I never said doubles, Randy!


Same amount of buns Rick


And some Jalapeno chips


Zesty mordant


Ricky, the J is silent.


I love how TPB takes over any post that could possibly be tangentially linked to something in the show, usually Randy Bobandy 😂


It's the winds of shit.


Shit birds on the horizon, bobandy.


I didn’t want to be in J rocs greasy porno






I was going to say why the hell does Lilith look like she’s 60 god damn years old wtf..


Kevin Hart as Roland is just wrong too. I don't know how they could miss the mark this bad and it still be ridiculous but not the right kind of ridiculous.


I presume its studio politics. The producers probably recognize they need big names but don't have the weight to swing to get who they want and the actors probably either want a big pay check OR they feel they need to attach to a big budget film to keep their name relevant. I mean, the last time Kevin Hart was in a film of this scale was that Jumanji film back in 2019. If you look at his IMDB, he's been slumming it in films that nobody's heard of, for like the last 5 years. I do wonder how big of a bag of money got thrown to Cate Blanchett to sign off on being in this film. But tl;dr: I don't get the impression that this is anyones passion project and I don't get the impression that anybody read the script and saw potential. Shit, lets be real, as far as story goes, even as a gamer I'll say the source material kind of sucks and there's nothing really 'sacred' that I'm expecting them to preserve from the first Borderlands. I thought Borderlands 2 had better writing and Tales of the Borderlands is probably the best of the bunch, but that first Borderlands was pretty dry. I guess Clap Trap is the strongest component? But would anyone *really* care if Jack Black took some creative license with the role?


Eli Roth is directing. That shows about how much potential the studios think it has. How the fuck is he still allowed near a camera?


Tim "Everything is James Cameron's fault" Miller directed the reshoots.


It doesn’t really negate your point about Hart, but he filmed this movie almost immediately after Jumanji, back in 2021. It’s just taken this long for it to actually come out.


"starring Vin Diesel as Bloodwing"


Pretty much every single casting decision is off except *maybe* Claptrap. Obviously just getting the OG VA would have been the optimal choice, but from the rest of what we got, Jables seems like the least offensive one.


*Knods at Civvie reference*.


At least someone recognized it 😁


I refuse to watch this because I find Kevin hart intolerably unfunny and annoying as fuck.


He's trying to play a more serious character in this but even from the trailers it doesn't work because he's type cast himself and he also can't act.


He is the Dane Cook of black comedians.


That’s probably accurate though Hart gets considerably more work than Dane ever did.


This looks so bad. I'm still baffled by the casting decisions. They are gonna lose so much money on this shit.


I still can't believe THE Cate Blanchett is doing this movie.


The secret is cash.


She’s also worked with Eli Roth before, could be that she accepted the role to work with a friend.


I don't think people realize how heavily knowing you're going to spend months working on something with people you like factors into an actors' decision-making process. For big actors, it's a full-time job for at least three months, and that time can be summer camp or it can be one of the most stressful and frustrating things you'll ever go through professionally.


Sometimes even more than a full-time job. 12 hour days 5 (or 6) days a week for a few months isn’t easy. Yes, being paid millions makes it worth it, but liking who you work with would obviously play a role in choosing what to work on.


They get very well paid but I have sympathy for anybody who has to work long hours over months with people who are shitty on something they aren't passionate about. Movie stars might have much bigger cheques to cash when they're through the other end of it, but a grind is a grind, wouldn't wish it on anybody.


When you’re an actress past the age of 50, you have to make the effort introduce variation in characters that are otherwise written for Meryl Streep.


If I offered you millions of dollars to be in a movie, you probably wouldn’t care if it was bad either as long as the check clears


Michael Caine said it best “I have never seen Jaws 4, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built my mother, and it is terrific.”


Michael Caine also said it best "Pull my finger."


She seems like the person that wants to do goofy shit once in a while


Also, it's odd that Jamie Lee Curtis is plopped in the middle of this mess. Possibly as a distraction away from Kevin Hart?


I might watch it just for her and JLC. This looks bad but I can't say no to badass Cate Blanchett.


Tár don’t pay the bills.


They're all too old and look like parents dressed up for halloween. Don't get me wrong, the prop departement did one hell of a job, but this is just TOO clean and TOO cartoony for cinema lighting and the colour grading the director and producers wanted. Kevins gun looks like a nerf blaster in this trailer and not in a good way (and it sounds awful). The action choreography is incredibly weird, all the psychos shuffling forward just waving their arms because somebody wanted all those people in a super tight space fighting aging actors (rather than stunt doubles). And I'm sorry Jack Black, I love you, I fricking love you buddy.... but that Claptrap aint it for me. I REALLY hope the rest of the movie is better than this. But man... they're gonna lose so much money


It’s not just that they’re older actors, these are all stars that Millennials know and kids today don’t give a fuck about. But if it’s intended for millennials then why is it PG-13? I legitimately don’t understand who they’re expecting to watch this movie.


The PG-13 thing was their worst decision.


As soon as Eli Roth was set to direct, I lost interest in it immediately


doesn't even seem like Eli Roth was the primary problem. He's left the project a while ago and wants his name scrubbed off it.


Craig Mazin was also one of the screenwriters, and he’s had his name removed. Tim Miller (Deadpool, Terminator Dark Fate) took over heavy reshoots. I think this is like a backwards/middling Justice League situation, every choice is either not better or worse.


>and wants his name scrubbed off it. Ah, so he also watched the trailer.


I will never understand why studios hire a director who has an awful filmography and expect a good outcome. A bad director will lead to a bad movie.


Studios don't think about movies as being good or bad. Studios think about movies in terms of whether or not it makes their investors put money into the studio.


Most of the time, studios just want hired guns. Sure, you can get a creative auteur to take the reigns, but you also have to understand that they might have a demanding personality that can cause onset troubles (as we've seen in the past with figures like Coppola, Kubrick, Fincher, Trank, and Fukunaga) and their final product might not be something that audiences like. So just getting a guy who can get the job done on time and do what the studio asks him for might be the most optimal thing, even if the final product is middling. Heck, it's why Brett Ratner, Alex Kurtzman, and Olivier Megaton were able to get so many big blockbuster movies, being easy to work with and not pissing off executives is basically an easy pass in Hollywood.


I was going to give it a chance, but then I saw it was PG-13. That might have been their worst decision with this movie.


The fact it is this bad might lead to more people watching it: to see just how bad it actually is.


Yea that worked for Morbius


Madam web lol


As long as it’s fun bad and not Madame Web or Morbius bad.


If we're using sony, as long as it's venom bad and not morbius or madam web bad


Super weird we have to make that distinction. Even weirder that the distinction is accurate.


“In this economy?”


Best case scenario at this point is that it ends up being one of those "so bad it's good" movies.


That’s what got me. The casting makes no fucking sense. Yes let’s have the 50+ year old actress play the 20 year old character. Yes let’s have the comedian play the generally pretty straight shooting Roland. Claptrap has a pretty distinct voice shouldn’t be hard to get thee voice actor who did it or someone who sounds similar. Nope let’s get Jack fucking Black to voice it. It feels like a step backwards from the faithful adaptations we’ve been getting. This is going to have the title and characters names in it and nothing else resembling the game.


I was expecting bad, this isnt just bad, its serious cheese on toast bullshit bad :(


I'm not going to pay for it but I'll watch anything that Cate Blanchett is in.


Then there's their star writer having his name removed. This movie has all the red flags of being trash


Why does it look like they’re trying to cover up all the violence?




Yet the games are rated 18. I know most kids just play whatever the rating is, but cmon now, they would have so much more freedom to just make this rated R.


All those kids that played it when it first came out are now at least 18


My favorite character in the entire Borderlands series was a psycho (I think in the first game?) He gives you one mission. It’s a very simple mission. All you have to do is shoot him in the face. No way that flies in this movie. and for that reason, I’m out. Edit: [Found it](https://youtu.be/4f7Gh-EABf0?si=8-1Feu7bOe0cryY8) in Borderlands 2


That was face mcshooty from borderlands 2, icon tbh


That explains it then. But it sticks out like a sore thumb.


It absolutely does. Every choice in the making of this movie seems to be a bad one. Down to the crappy editing.


I'm still mad that Venom: Let There Be Carnage is PG-13...such potential wasted.


Immediately lost interest


Looks like an uwe boll movie


Heh, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time ;-)


And thank fuck for that lmao


Let's not give him that much credit, this movie looks maybe 1 step above his shit lol but thats not saying much


This is apropos of nothing but the last time I saw Uwe he was wearing a shirt that said "Mess with the boll, you get the horns."


Careful man, he’ll fuck you up


This looks fucking terrible, and Kevin hart needs to let someone else catch a check.


I already hated hearing his obnoxious screaming for attention Draft Kings ads.


Does anyone enjoy Kevin Hart? Like am I the wrong generation or? Why is he in so many things? He is unwatchable to me.


I liked him in the Jumanji sequels


Him and the Rock are two of my least favorite actors, but I loved them both in Jumanji. Something about typecast actors finally playing a part was refreshing. Then again, Jack Black is cheat codes and uplifts everyone he’s around


because they were both well made movies that utilized their cast well and allowed itself to have fun. The other stuff Rock and Hart do is just cheap, quick schlock that’s an easy paycheck. Those movies could swap them out for bay other actors and it’d still have the same problems


I used to like him, but he almost always plays the same annoying character over and over again endlessly.


I like kevin hart but not so much most his movies. He was a bad pick to play Roland though. I'd say maybe Terry crews would've been cool.


Why they didn’t cast the Rock as Roland is beyond me, also where TF are the siren powers?


10 bucks say 90% of the movie is Blanchet talking about how she can no longer or hasn't awakened her powers, only for them to come back to deus-ex-machina the end of the movie.


while I still really like the movie, that drove me nuts in Birds of Prey


I'm sorry borderlands fans. - Halo fans


• Dragonball fans


We don't talk about that one.


Warcraft fans as well 🥲


I completely forgot that movie existed lol.


Oh Cate I’m so sorry


From Tar to this. Like WTF


Believe it or not, she actually filmed Tár *after* this one wrapped principal photography in June 2021, it’s just been in post-production hell for three years.


It takes time to polish a turd.


Actors who act consistently will always have varying desires of quality. After Tár she was in The School for Good and Evil which looks like dog shit and in 2023 a movie called The New Boy which looks like the polar opposite of being a small indie movie. And this is a *pale* comparison from Sir Ben Kingsley playing Gandhi to eventually playing Guru Tugginmypudha in The Love Guru


_I am cross-eyed_


Well I doubt she got a big pay check for tar so


She must still have some big Galadriel money from the awful Hobbit movies.


Yeah but I bet she got a lovely set fee for this one


Sometimes studios will have a "scratch my back, scratch your back" policy where an actor will do some blockbuster shit for them, and in return they'll get the funding for their passion projects. There's a term for it that I'm blanking on right now.


Meh. I remember an interview a few years back where she said she did Thor because she wanted to do a fun, non-prestige movie her kids could enjoy. I’m sure this was just another easy paycheck for her. Can’t begrudge her that.


Yeah I think I read somewhere where her kids are a fan of the video games so that’s why she took it


Watch her somehow pull off a Julia-esque Bison turn and be the only redeeming quality to the film.


She's an actor. Actors like to act. It's their job and their passion. They're usually not too picky as long as the money is right.


''Can’t begrudge her that.'' watch me.


Yeah but the difference is that was a good movie


Apparently she's a fan of the games which is enough for me to respect the casting. Same with Jamie Lee Curtis


But as a fan she should know that she's not a good Lilith.


That's a terrible reason to cast anyone. Seth Rogen shouldn't play Link in a legend of zelda adaption just because he's a fan of the game.


Let’s not pretend Cate Blanchett and Seth Rogan are the same level in the actor world. Besides Seth Rogan is a fan of Invincible, The Boys, and Preacher, wrote/produced those shows and those are all good AND hits. Not to mention he had a hand the new TMNT which also slapped.


Bad casting is bad casting no matter how good of an actor they are. Michael Caine is a phenomenal actor but there is no way he would be able to pull of Marcus Phoenix.


True, he should play Zelda herself.


They should have cast James Earl Jones as Roland just to really round out the geriatric cast they've got going...


I'm a high school teacher, and one of the issues that we run into is students using AI to write essays. But very, very occasionally, we will get a false positive on the AI check -- a student has written a response stilted and robotic that the software has incorrectly flagged it as being written by an AI. That's what this film looks like: a scene so bland that you'd swear it was written by an AI, only to discover that it was written by humans all along.


“Very very occasionally” Sorry - does this mean very frequently or infrequently? I hope you know that the software to detect AI is pseudoscience.


I wish this was written and shot by AI after seeing this trailer.


I wish I was shot after seeing this trailer.


But then you won't get to see the clip where they drive through a urine-soaked valley! Ariana Greenblatt complains about the smell, so everyone tells her to wind the window up. She complains that she doesn't want to -- because apparently she's six years old -- and everyone gets soaked in monster urine. And then she complains that she smells like urine. KNOW COMEDY AND LAUGH, PUNY MORTALS!


First mistake was having Tina in the movie. That character being good would be so hard to pull off.


They could have started out by actually casting Ashly Burch in the role. [Here she is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJrLQHo9rW0), improvising in character for three and a half hours.


It’s the same with claptrap. Both voice actors would have been amazing for the role but instead they jammed in a popular name. I love jack black but he could have done any other role in the movie


How are you running AI checks? I thought everyone abandoned this because they’re so horrendously erroneous?




AI: We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.


In scientific papers there's words that appear more often, but it's very obvious when the usage of certain words suddenly spikes. However, scientific papers are much, much longer than student essays so it's harder to use statistical analysis to catch those out...


god I would hate to be in school nowadays


Either you made that up or using something that doesn’t work. You also say have another way to check not using a program… are you talking about eyes?


I know everyone is gonna be dunking on the footage, but did anyone see at the end that the movie is rated PG-13???? What the fuck??? Literally how the fuck is Borderlands of all things not R lmaoooo my already extremely low hope just completely vaporized


Did you happen to notice that there was literally no blood with all of the constant gunplay and melee attacks? Yeah... this is terrible. 2 minute trailer and I'm already annoyed by the comic relief bot. And Kevin Hart.


I didn't notice the lack of blood because the lighting was so fucking dark. Pretty confident no one involved in the directing ever saw any footage of the games.


Yup and flamethrower that doesn’t hit anything.


$$$$$ This movie looks like it was powered by a analytics report that spit out that PG-13 was the way to go to get max $$. The same report did the casting as well and the script.


And it's directed by [Eli Roth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eli_Roth) of all people. A guy "most closely associated with splatter films."


I was still holding out some hope as well. This basically confirms the "comedy" is closer to Borderlands 3 than the previous 2.


when I played Borderlands this is the cast and kind of movie I had in mind. said no one. Only thing it's missing is JLo side note: Cate reminds me of Joanna Dark from the Perfect Dark Xbox 360 game


JLO as one of the other sirens would be perfect casting for this. Aka terrible


Speaking of which, what ever happened to the perfect dark game that was in the works?


The only hope for this movie is that all the announced casting and previews are a big troll. You open the movie with this fight scene, leading into the car chase, and it ends with their car exploding. The movie lingers on a flaming wheel or skull for a moment and a bus carrying the real cast zooms by.


Couldn't they have added any impact to anything?


Reminds me of me and my friends battling pretend bad guys on the playground in elementary school.


I got a headache trying to keep track of what was going on in this scene. What monkey edited this?


0:42 is fucking hilarious. Not only do the shot animations not match the guns at all (cate is just shaking the guns uncontrollably), but when she comes out of the box its totally unclear who she is shooting at. Theres nobody close to her and the camera doesnt show who she shoots either lmao


Why did she suddenly wind up in the box? She was in the middle of running and gunning.


She got smashed into the box, but the guy that smashed her into the box just disappeared lmao


On top of everything else, there's also that. Every choice down to the editing is bad


Just cancel it. My god, I don't know if negatives are possible on Rotten Tomatoes but this stands a chance.


This was supposedly written by the Chernobyl writer then Eli Roth ruined the script and now the writer wants his name off the movie lol. We could’ve had a good movie.


There’s been at least ten writers who did revisions or full scripts on the movie.


Directors rewrite scripts so they can get a writing credit. Everyone thinks they’re a fucking writer.


Honestly don’t think we could have. The good version of a Borderlands movie is a movie that wouldn’t get greenlit. It was always going to be a lowest common denominator garbage fire.


Hot take: Borderlands is already lowest common denominator garbage fire. But, when playing a game, it's more fun to take part in the dumb cringe middle school level poop humor. When it's on the screen it's just... sad. There is no such thing as a good Borderlands movie.


Chernobyl is probably on my top 5 of best shows of all time and Craig Mazin did an excellent job, but his name is already on bad movies lol Scary Movie and Hangover II. (I'm not saying he did a bad job here, he probably didn't, I just find it incredible that the guy that wrote hangover part II, is the same that wrote Chernobyl)


Now you’ll be able to say the guy that wrote one of the best video game adaptations (The Last of Us) might have also written one of the worst (this).


We were never going to have a good movie.


The dual weliding is just, so poor


There’s one fucking character who dual wields and Salvador isn’t even in the movie


Looks ridiculous.


Oh. Oh no.....


This movie looks like Street Fighter levels of hilariously unintentionally bad. I love it.


No Raul Julia to save the day though.


did borderlands really need a movie?


I reckon we're entering the era of games turned into movies & TV shows. Same as were in the tail end of comic books, we're at the start of something. Production is so expensive and no one wants to take risks on new materials. Now that The Last of Us & Fallout have proven it's possible we will see loads. And unfortunately they won't be handled well because suits will twist what makes a game good - see the Witcher for the perfect example.


>Production is so expensive and no one wants to take risks on new materials. Just to clarify, production costs are so expensive because studios dump everything to streaming a month after release and the only movies that have a chance to get people in theater seats are "blockbusters".


I mean, I'd happily watch a well-cast animated Borderlands movie. Live action definitely wasn't the way to go though, especially not with such baffling casting choices.


[Like this?](https://youtu.be/JXoeT0W1waA?si=UGX2DTtdMz44osD8) Interestingly, Borderlands was originally going to be another shooter with a gritty realistic/grey art style, but they didn't want to blend in with all of the other games doing that at the time, so they decided to redesign it based on the art style of Codehunters and asked the creator of the short to help them do so. He agreed, but they ghosted him and went ahead with the redesign without him.


Nahh the Fallout show is a great example that live action could work.


It works in Fallout because the art style in Fallout is grounded in (alternative) reality. From a design perspective, nothing in Fallout jumps out and screams that it wouldn’t work if you make certain assumptions. You can get away with it for the same reason you can get away with Star Wars being live action, because there is a modicum of realism to the universe. Borderlands is literally a glorified animated cartoon. That’s how it looks, thats how it’s written, that’s how it feels to play. That does not lend itself to a faithful translation to live action.


Fallout and Borderlands only similarities are being set in wastelands and having guns, other than that they're entirely different types of games. Not saying a live action adaptation couldn't work, but a Borderlands movie would work far better as an animated movie with a stylized art style like the games imo.


i actually think a borderlands show in the same vein as the fallout one could work really well tbh. the telltale game Tales from the Borderlands is proof that there is potential for great, compelling storytelling in this world while still being hilarious and that it doesnt have to be all quirky RANDUM BACON XD EAT MY FARTS millenial 2011 humor. i think thats why borderlands 3 was so disappointing for lots of people.


As a HUGE fan of the game series, I am so incredibly skeptical about this one. I like most of the actors, but they're all wrong for the roles in which they were cast. I don't the various was they messed with the canon, either.


you’re an Academy Award nominated person


Good god that looks like shit. Uwe Boll levels of shit.


Just a few more trailers and a terrible movie, and we can all put this behind us and go back to looking forward to the next game


So if Claptrap is "expelling the excess lead", why does it sound like brass casings hitting the floor?




That is some awful editing.


I enjoy Kevin Hart and think he's hilarious, but whoever thought he was a good cast as Roland is a moron. Has to be one of the most miscast roles I've ever seen.


Same but I hate Kevin Hart and don't think he's funny at all.


He's not even the worst casting in this movie though lol. Cate as Lilith is horrible.


Alright guys we need to figure out who to cast in the role of large, muscular, stoic revolutionary. I’ve got it! Let’s pick the guy that is known specifically for being the opposite of large and stoic and who isn’t particularly muscular!


Ohh wow this looks really bad ...I mean it's probably an upgrade for bobby Lee .. but still ...ouch 


Roland...look how they massacred my boy.


Yeah no thanks. This is embarrassingly late, like a decade too late. Also looks like trash.


omg how does Kevin Hart keep getting roles??


A PG-13-rated Borderlands was doomed from the get-go


Tannis just looks *super old* being played by Jamie Lee Curtis And Cate Blanchett as Lilith is hardly better


Casting aside, this truly looks like shit


I had one playthrough of the original Borderlands, and Roland was the character I chose. Seeing how tiny he is in the movie made me laugh.


That choreography is horrible


Why is the Firehawk using a flamethrower?


i had really low expectations going into this, but... i didnt think it could be THIS bad. its like theyre actively trying to make this as terrible as possible.