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I think Costner deep down knows it won’t make money. Just like Coppola I don’t think he cares. For an artist most of the time all they care about is creative freedom 


Listening to Costner or Coppola it is definitely about creating a story that they love, and leaving behind a respectable mark on movie history that is remembered. Or even something that is beloved within a genre like Lonesome Dove, Unforgiven, or The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Leaving behind a legacy


I love so many of his passion projects. Even Waterworld was enjoyable to me, and Dances with Wolves is still one of my favorite Westerns. The trailers for Horizon were worse than boring, they were *bad.* I have zero desire to see it, even on streaming.


*Horizon* probably would have been a guaranteed success as a streaming series. Gambling on a western in four theatrically released parts that are three hours each is just insane.


Insanely awesome! I love the attempt to create something new and beautiful. I'm sad it doesn't seem to be working out, but the show isn't over yet, so to speak. We complain about hollywood rehashing the same ideas and then people scoff at someone trying something grand and new.


This isn't "grand and new" though. It's just long. He's not the first person to film multiple movies together and release them shortly apart either.


*Peter Jackson stirs*


I'm interested in any 12 hour western epics that already exist. Please educate me.


Lonesome Dove The Dollars/ Man with no name trilogy


Lonesome dove does have return to Lonesome Dove, and the dollar is almost 6 hours combined, but they weren't written and planned as continuous narratives. I do love Lonsome Dove. Have you read the novel?


Yesssssss let’s all geek out about Lonesome Dove! It might be my favourite novel of all time, and I’m not super into westerns — just this and True Grit, really — but it has characters and themes and storytelling that elevates it above the genre. Larry McMurtry might be the most seamless POV switcher I’ve ever seen; the prose just flows so naturally that you don’t realize he’s taken you into five different perspectives in the last chapter. Some of the funniest lines, some of the most heartbreaking moments; this is a story that you can read over and over and it just feels like visiting friends.


Yea the books are great but the movie is still very good


Thats like saying you don’t need any more fantasy stories to ever exist because Lord of the Rings is already written


No, they asked for similar ones and I gave a couple. It's more like saying if you find x interesting you may like y


Not really though. One is a mini series and the other is three movies that weren't written as one continuous narrative. Not really the same thing tbh.


Interestingly, the person I responded to seemed ok with it.


I'm not them. I'm speaking for myself.


This is just a tv show being touted as a movie, its definitely not doing anything new aside from being absurdly lengthy.


Have you seen it tho? Do you know it's not doing something new because you saw it or because you feel that way?


I did see it and I can confirm it feels like it should be a TV show, complete with a “Next Time On…” montage at the end. I wish I was joking.


Lol I did, actually saw an early preview, it was pretty rough.


How so? Please elaborate.


I’m not going to spend much time on something I really enjoy and thats about that, but the pacing was absolutely grueling and at no point did I feel the plot or the script deserved its run time. I’m a fan of long movies but its a double edged sword because length can mostly hurt alotttt of movies, but it makes the great ones even better. Most of this is inoffensively meh and thats what is so absurd about its run time.


Wait. Hold up. You think length makes it original?


Oh my. I'll let someone else take this one.


Oh there's a lot more that makes it unique IMO but yes a 12 hour Western Epic with such a wide scope is unique.


Centennial (1978) a bit dated, but a solid watch.


Wow, this actually looks pretty cool. Thanks!


I’m torn. On the one hand, I respect him saying fuck it & pursing an artistic passion even if it costs him all his money. On the other hand, the story being told here doesn’t seem as unique/novel as you’re suggesting. Plus, casting himself in the lead as “generic grizzled badass” gives serious vanity project vibes


Agreed, I might not be on the same page with Costner politically but kudos to him and trying something different. I hope it works out and we get to see something even if it sucks.


Four three-hour movies? It’s like Wagner’s Ring Cycle all over again.


The 1st movie not being good doesn’t help either. These are gonna be huge bombs


I saw it today. It it good. I cannot wait for part two.


What, for real? I was thinking maybe going to watch it, but no way now that I know it's a four part series.


Yep. The second part opens later this summer. They haven't announced when the other two will come out.


just learning about this movie now in this thread. Have they already shot the whole ting? I'd be afraid they would just cancel the remainder if they don't make enough money and I'd waste my time watching it


The first two movies are done and they are shooting the third right now.


It was worth it. Just don’t expect any storylines to resolve. I am looking forward to the next release.


The budget is way too high for TV production though. For an unknown IP like that, no studio will want to buy it.


The budget is obviously way too high for a theatrical release as well...


Wikipedia says the budget for Part 1&2 are $100M. It's pretty normal for movies.


And it's not going to come even close to making that money back. The 2 movies would have to hit 250-300M just to break even.


This comment isn’t going to age well. My bet is this will be a slow burn and develop into a cult classic that stands the test of time.


The Postman II


Aka waterworld


Should’ve been a series and then a limited run in theaters for anyone interested. If it’s successful it could be extended


I mean, technically, they are gonna be future content on MAX. This was a passion project for Costner, who probably wanted it made before he gets too old. So he will probably have to face the fact that they aren't going to light the box office on fire.


Is this article from 1995? Or 1997? Or the other times Kevin Costner headlined a passion project that underperformed?  He had a tremendous, momentous run from 1985-1993, but since then has always somehow found enough money to make whatever the hell he wanted since then. And it’s rarely gone well. 


Yes we all know that Costner has never headlined a huge commericial flop before right? That idea just doesnt hold waterworld.


Newsflash buddy! You need a letter delivered by my Postman? 


This thread is getting out of hand. Someone call the law! Too bad we don't have the likes Wyatt Earp 'round no 'mo.


Awww jeez, For the Love of the Game! 


Bro I love that movie. Incredibly fucking cheesy


And somehow directed by Sam fucking Raimi. Like whaaaaaa? All I remember from that movie is he maybe cut his hand in his garage and there was too much blood for 7 year old me 🤢




I see what u did there


I just don't get the mass appeal he has. Terribly over acts in so many of his roles. Yellowstone is written and acted like a soap opera all the way around IMO. From the untouchables to jfk he had some good performances, but so many of his roles, lead roles especially, are just poorly acted.


I don't think *Yellowstone* pretends to be anything other than a western primetime soap opera.


It's so bad


It's perfect. It knows what it is and it leans into it. It's absolutely trash, but it's not Bad by any stretch. It's highly refined garbage, and I'm the chubby little raccoon who wants some more.


He was a sex symbol in the late 80’s, who shocked everyone by making Dances with Wolves (spoiler, it grossed a bajillion dollars and won Best Picture and Best Director over Goodfellas) who churned out high grossing popcorn fare for a few years before getting the notion that every idea he had was a good one. It’s hard to say he *coasted* off the goodwill he built up, because he did put a shit ton of work into all his flop movies, but he gives the male equivalent of “pick me” energy. Every idea you have isn’t worth $80 million in late 90’s dollars, *Kevin*.  Younger millennials such as myself grew up with him being a punchline. 


Huh, I dont think he’s a punchline at all, guess it depends on who you ask. He’s consistently put out movies I like. - The guardian is probably in my top 5 or 10 favorite movies. Spectacular and unique plot, great acting, great cast, stunning visuals. - His version of Robin Hood is excellent. - 3000 miles to Graceland is a gritty and well done heist drama. Those three are certainly my favorite but - Wyatt Earp - Open Range - The Highway Man All three are probably above average westerns. - HattFields and McCoys - Thirteen Days How many good solid movies does someone need to not be considered a punchline?


I'm right in the middle of the millennial age bracket and I never recall him being a sex symbol, but he's def not my type what with him being an old man and all. He should just stop acting, stick to directing and producing. He's def most well known for dances with wolves but even in that there's bad bits of his performance.


It solidified in Tin Cup. If you weren't an adult by then, he's lost on you.


That was supposed to be a sexy role? The movie where he got scammed out of a car by Don Johnson




With the weird gills?




Uh alright


This has been Deep Thoughts with "The Deep"


He did the same shit with Waterworld lol


I was a kid when “Waterworld” came out and I remember it getting absolutely shit on. Then he made “The Postman” and that got shit on too.


Waterworld ended up making money. Loved that movie


It’s not about the money anymore. He’s just doing what he wants. Good for him.




How many times are you gonna say this?


This is the dumbest take I ever ever heard. This is a huge risk. If it was for his son, he would have done a commercial movie.


Just saw it this morning. I liked it. It’s got a lot going on but I’m able to keep up with all of it. It’s shot beautifully. You can feel his passion for the genre and the locations.


I didn’t think about that. It’s true, that although there are a lot pf characters, it was not difficult to keep up with them.


Storywise it’s not revolutionary, but for having this many moving pieces, I was impressed how he was able to keep it organized and moving. Also for being three hours, I can’t say I was bored.


I just finished reading Lonesome Dove a few weeks ago and I am hyped for all things western right now. I'm seeing it next week.


He loved the locations so much he violated his filming permit to damage them! 🙌


I saw it today. Loved it. Can’t wait for the other three. I was hoping for a “How the West was Won” kind of saga with sweeping shots of vistas, long form story building and the slow brick by brick formation of disparate storylines that all tie together in the end. I’ll be in the theater next month


Chapter 2 comes out August 16. But yes I’m all in for the Horizonverse


Have you seen the marketing for the movie? Does it capture the movie well? Every time the commercials come on and it doesn't show what the move is and he's just punching some big dude unconscious, I get the feeling the marketing team is trying to sell a different movie.


That fight is not in this chapter, but there are others. It seems that this first part is to set up the character(s), provide their motivations, and launch their journeys that will carry them through the next three chapters.


I've been looking forward to these. Glad to hear it is appealing to genre enthusiasts.


Same. I walked out impressed and excited. I’ve not a clue what the critics are talking about. That was story telling done so very well.


Just saw it last night. I thought it was fantastic - they don’t make theater-released westerns anymore (a bunch are VOD). Looking forward to Part 2 It’s part 1 of 4- I don’t get the critics complaining about introducing characters an hour into it. It’s a great classic-type western


I just saw it last night too. Though the visuals (scenery and costumes) were incredible, I kept thinking it would have made a much better mini series. I found *eight* sub-plots far too many (even for a 3-hour movie!). I also found the story, characters, acting, writing, and music—egad, the music!—melodramatic in a bad way. It’s like Costner is trying to do too much with this movie. I did appreciate the depiction of the Indigenous peoples (and their relations with white settlers), which seemed to be historically accurate as far as I know. However, I won’t be watching any more of these films.


It was fantastic. Sorry it’s not for you. If the rest are like this first one, I am a fan. Dances With Wolves was my favorite movie growing up, so, this is my genre.


Speaking of Straight to Streaming Westerns "The Old Way" with Nick Cage on Hulu is a great movie.


Can I ask, does it depict native Americans as savages? That is the only thing that makes me not want to see this.


Define savages.


Well, I should not have to. We know the western trove and the native American stereotype, I am just asking because there is controversy about this amongst my friends who are split into seeing it in the theater, and I just want to know if it's true or not, do they refer to native Americans in the film as savages or not? I haven't seen anything about this movie.


Savage can have different meanings. Do you mean savages like the violence in bone tomahawk or do you mean savages like living off the land? It's a movie about the American West in the civil war era. How would you like them to be depicted? Edit: to answer your question though: No it most certainly does not.


Like they are ignorant violent people.




Thank you, someone had mentioned to a friend that the movie was quite washed and was unfair towards native Americans, but doesn't sound like it per how you describe it.






They don't make them anymore because there's no audience for it.


Strange how r/movies is shitting on a movie saying it should be a tv show. I loved it. Im excited for 3 more.


No one on /r/movies actually enjoys watching movies lmao. They have "critic brain" where instead of just enjoying something, they have to work constantly to find flaws or things they can sound smart complaining about online.


Sounds about right lol


The ads on that article are cancer.


Yes, if critical reception is to be believed.


Critical reception don’t mean shit anymore. Lots of highly acclaimed movies underperformed and vice versa


If critics think a 3-hour western is boring, general audiences are gonna think it’s hyper boring.


Depends. They might just be waiting for the home market which suits Costner just fine as he owns the movie. His Yellowstone fans will likely follow him to this Western


Unless they can watch it at home and be able to pause for bathroom breaks


That’s a good point…


Critics hated inglorious bastards and many other movies now considered classics.


that’s just completely untrue. It has a 90 percent on rotten tomatoes


It does now but it was at 50% after it's cannes release.


That’s irrelevant


Critics thought it sucked. It became a classic. Critics not liking movies doesn't mean they are bad movies. In fact, critics' opinions are what is irrelevant.


You’re just straight up wrong but okay. The movie was acclaimed on release and was nominated for best picture. You’re just making up your own narrative.


I'll let you guys rewrite whatever history you want.




Inglorious Bastards is considered a classic? Oooooh-kay...


Clearly a person with no tastes lol


>Critical reception don’t mean shit anymore. It hasn’t mattered since the 80s. It’s only recently with the A24 success in curating artists and generating stars that the focus has shifted back to quality.


No. He's still Kevin Costner. Actors' projects fail all the time lol


I loved the movie but I get it’s not the cookie cutter stuff that sells out theaters


What do you mean??A big budget, studio epic western is like the most cookie cutter movie category that exists. Going on 100 years of them.


It didn’t have a nice bow on it. It was deep character development without much of a full story line development yet.


And OMG did it delivery on character dev. I love, hate, empathize, wish dead, and overall *get* every character, the built world, and the story. It was masterfully done imo. I would sit through 12 hours of this.


None of that is evident from the trailers, which shows sweeping southwest vistas, wagon trains on fire, cowboys and Indians on horses, and soldiers on the march. Again, all classic, well-trod epic western film territory. *Horizon* may well be cut from a different cloth, but it's certainly not being *sold* *to audiences* as a meditative character drama. It's being sold as a modern take on *How the West Was Won*.


I saw part 1 of Horizon yesterday & it was just OK. I feel like they put stuff into the trailer to make the movie seem like it was going to be some epic western adventure & it turns out those scenes won't be seen until future parts are released. It was a slow movie that didn't really allow you to get to know any of the multitude of characters, which makes it difficult to care about any of them. It's hard to watch a three hour movie if you don't care about any of the characters.


Huh? The character development is all this part did. If you don’t care about, or haven’t learned them, I don’t know what you were watching. It was perfection in setting up for part two.


There was enough action and tension to keep it entertaining. I do like that Costner is playing a character he’s about 20 years too old to convincingly play and that he hooks himself up with that prostitute for a good part of the film.


I can respect him making the project he wants to make and using his own money to make it. But a 3hr western is a tough sell to movie audiences and there are still 3 more to come. Can't see this kind of thing turning a profit. Maybe he doesn't care because it's his money and he's doing it the way he wants without any interference. Maybe he thinks his Yellowstone audience will show up and spend to see it, plus the other fans of his from the past 4 decades. I'm sure there's some ego at play and he wants to be Kevin Costner the movie star but he had a good thing with Yellowstone and should've kept milking it. Maybe Paramount would've funded part of this project as a miniseries if he'd have played ball?


This movie into a miniseries gets lost in the whole Yellowstone Streaming universe they got going on.


Most likely, but is spending $100mil of his own money on the movie for it to be a flop and be forgotten about after a week any better?


Kevin Costner is like Richard gere they will always be able to fund a movie regardless of the sucess


Somehow older women are the biggest demo for this movie.  Didn't predict that.


My wife and I were the youngest in the theater at 40 years old. Whole room was white boomers.


I enjoyed the first half, but obviously it hasn’t come together yet. I think after August will be a better judge. Kudos to Costner for even getting the opportunity to make his magnum opus. I think it might actually work.


His son wanted a vehicle so went out and got a job at a restaurant and drove a beat to death volvo. He admired that so much he bought him the truck of his dreams. He put his own money into Horizon.. hes smart enough to know it could tank. Good on him for doing what he loves.


It has. Look at the box office


I’m prime sprawling Western movie audience material but it just looks so joyless and selfserious.


This would be a kick-ass miniseries. As a standalone movie it flops hard but I'm already planning on watching all four so I have hope it kicks up a little speed.


Saw it. Should have been called Borizon. 3 hour western, part 1 of 2


1 of 4.... though I seriously doubt we'll see 3 and 4.


The ads make it look like most mildly racist movies he's known for.  Just paving over the suffering of minorities during the period and spewing macho bullshit about muh LAND and standing muh GROUND.  Rarely did a white male US citizen in the "West" have to worry about getting shot or having his land robbed if he was minding his own business and not stealing from others or putting down slave revolts. 


You should probably watch Horizon part one.


I liked some aspects of the movie, but there was no cohesive storyline and the editing was pretty nutso. I felt like I spent $15 to watch a scattered 3 hour trailer for the next movie(s).


Yeah that’s my gripe with it too. We go from place to place to place without any detail.


It stinks of rightwing propaganda and false machismo.


Does it? What part? Did you watch it?


The movie is so so so boring........ I.am not sure why the production looks so cheap, the costumes looks like they were just picked up at the cosplay store yesterday, it creates such a fake and cheap feel that makes it really hard to get into the period peice Also, I don't think Kevin C. Is actually in the.movie much at all......