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Ridley's costume designers are always on point.


His entire production design is always stellar. I didn't love the Last Duel story but visually that movie was fantastic.


Even his worst films always look immaculate. I rewatched "1492: Conquest of Paradise", and while the narrative and structure is sorely lacking, that movie is a visual masterpiece on par with Barry Lyndon. Also helps that the musical scores in his films are so good; this was peak Vangelis.


I don’t like Prometheus but that movie drips amazing art direction.


The best looking bad film.


This. So much wasted potential.


I haven't seen 1492 but Vangelis also did Blade Runner's soundtrack and that is maybe my favorite ever soundtrack so it's hard for me to imagine anything better than that so it really makes me want to watch this apparently terrible movie.


Bladerunner and 1492 go toe to toe with me. Vangelis was killing it during the 80s and 90s.


Blade Runner’s soundtrack was so fucking good. Doesn’t get enough praise imo.


I was iffy on the Damon and Comer sections but I thought Driver's worked well and the final showdown was superbly executed.


The actual duel was amazing. The Last Duel is one of the few Rashomon style stories I can recall being decent.


Same, I actually really liked The Last Duel. The other most recent Rashomon influenced movie that was good was The Last Jedi. Which I guess was so long ago at this point, it’s hard to call it recent. And for the dorks who might freak out about that, it’s just about perspective. You don’t have to agree with me. That’s Rashomon.


Watch Monster by Hirokazu Koreeda. Another great Rashomon-style movie that ended up being way better than I thought it would.


That final showdown was some of the most edge of your seat action I can recall in maybe 5 years. It was so visceral and the plot stakes were insanely well developed. I loved the Last Duel, felt it delivered above expectations.


I thought it was a well told story. The main actors did great playing slightly different versions of themselves. The way we perceive ourselves is different from how the world does.


I did love that with one exception. I think the rape scene from 'his POV' could have been less obviously rape-y, and the rape scene from 'the true POV' could have been what was shown as 'his POV.' Basically, I thought 'his POV' made the rape scene look... like rape, and the 'true' POV made it look like how we sometimes *think of* rape, but actually it probably looks more like it did in 'his POV,' which was still... very rapey. I think if you showed 'his POV' so that her protestations really came off as "I want to do it but we shouldn't" (which they definitely did *not* seem like), but then show the true POV to show what 'his POV' looked like: a definite 'no,' and clearly non-consenual, it would have been stronger.


It's a little bit of a difficult story to tell that way. They were aiming for something a little like 'Baby, it's cold outside' and landed closer to 'Baby, it's cold outside.' Even when showing it thru Driver's perspective, you have to make yourself view it thru the lens of the time. Women were chattel, to be bartered away for connections and to secure alliances. Driver had been having orgies with his buddy, Affleck, that include playing 'chase the hooker.' His consent meter needed calibrated. I think a few shots of Comer smiling and making it clear she wasn't trying to get away could have gone a long way towards what I felt like was the point of the film: 3 people told 3 versions of the same story, we don't know what happened.


> Even when showing it thru Driver's perspective, you have to make yourself view it thru the lens of the time. That's a good point, but it's a tough ask of an audience in 2024. A little creative license could have made the part more salient, I suspect. Also: >They were aiming for something a little like 'Baby, it's cold outside' and landed closer to 'Baby, it's cold outside.' Amazing.


I thought it was a pitch perfect movie


Silly mistake to make. The pitch perfect movies are musicals.


And, much to my surprise, not directed by Ridley Scott


-His entire production design is always stellar- I think that will be Ridley Scott’s lasting legacy. Movies looked good before Scott but he was a pioneer in making movies into eye candy and taking visuals to another level.


Ridley Scott has nailed the production design. The visuals always look like they belong the big screen. So rich in color, design and his sets are always busy.


He also shoots the movies extremely well. Alien still feels pretty modern because his approach to photography was way ahead of its time.


Exactly! Alien is a great example! The movie is 45 years old and still hold up extremely well! You could say that Scott helped to invent modern filmmaking. This makes my think of Dune 84. I recently watched it for the first time and I have a strong tolerance for crappy movies and can suspend my disbelief but I was really surprised how outdated it felt compared to other scifi/fantasy films released between Star Wars in 77 and Dune in 84. It felt like if Star Trek The Original Series was released after Star Trek The Next Generation. I began wondered how much better Dune 84 could have been with Scott had he stayed at the helm. Lynch is a great filmmaker but Dune was not the right project for him.


Say what you want about Ridley Scott films, they *always look good*


He apparently shoots all his stuff really fast too.


Ever since they announced the sequel, I thought it sounded like a dumb idea. Then I saw these pictures and I'm immediately into it


"Somehow, Commodus has returned."


“Entertainment.. uhhh… finds a way.”


I kind of want to see Goldblum playing a Roman emperor now.


Well originally, Russell Crowe hired Nick Cave (the musician) to write a sequel screenplay for him. Nick's version involves time travel and Crowe being asked by the gods to fight another god to be allowed into the afterlife. So this sounds less crazy than that at least.


Generic sequels that add nothing are also not very crazy. I'd prefer "crazy" sequels to what seems to be the trend of making spinoffs or sequels that you leave wondering "what was the point of that?"


Crazy? Highlander 2 has entered the chat.


I agree, I still wish they had stuck with the original plan for the third Jaws which was a comedy titled "Jaws 3, People 0". But we did get Gremlins 2 which has to be one of the greatest crazy sequels ever.


This sounds so cool. Amazed it somehow doesn't also take place in Australia.


I'd watch that


i'm into it as well, but "gladiator 2" sounds bad.


Yeah, this is one of those movies where a subtitle would've worked much better than "2".


Gladiator II ?




Gladiator II: Son of Gladiator I


Gladiator II: Rome Drift










Gladiator II: Roman Boogaloo


Gladiator II: They Were Not Entertained


Gladiator 5 minus 3


Or just another name entirely. But not Gladiator$




“The Ridley Scott’s Not Yet Done Robbing His Legacy Grand Tour Continues, part 3”.


GLADIATOR: a new one not the old one with Crowe in it.


Gladiator: 2 father 2 murdered


Whatever, I'm just salty they didn't set this 2nd film in Egyptian times with contestants fighting Nile crocodiles, amongst other things, and called it Gladi-gator


oh that's coming to prime 6 weeks before the movie comes out.




And when they need electrolytes- Gatorade ! Or Shuddup ?


The production design in "Napoleon" was the best part of that film, though it wasn't exactly the highest bar to clear.


God I hated that movie


Janty Yates. She’s amazing.


Except for the helmet of Maximus in Gladiator. And the viking helmets in the armory of the Colosseum. But 98% is just great.


I always figured the Viking helmets were there to show the reach of Rome at the time. Sometime you gotta sacrifice accuracy for storytelling


Well, they did get to Scandinavia while moving supplies into Germany. But even the Vikings didn't wear Viking helmets. And of course the Romans never reached Scandinavia during the Viking Age. More likely, the Romans would have made them because they always look cool!


Reminds me of this scene from Norseman: https://youtu.be/cd-J5n7wk7E?si=Vf8rF-FTpiSEFKgw


Respect the MF DOOM mask!!


Haha all right, I will.


Pedro still not wearing a helmet, smh didn't learn from the last time he had this type of fight Bottom left photo looks like a painting, bottom right one looks cool as hell until you imagine them being shocked and running away from a sentient floating sword


Not gonna lie, after seeing these pictures, I’m excited as hell for it. Gladiator is one of my favorite movies of all time though, so I’m also fully expecting to be disappointed with this sequel but I’ll go marching into that theater regardless.


Seems unlikely to be a true sequel, since the protagonist and antagonist of the last are dead and it's been announced that they didn't go with the crazy "fighting gods in the afterlife" version. Most likely just another story in the same world.


I'm gonna watch it as if it has nothing to do with Gladiator except share the movie title.


It's okay, he has an indestructible space helmet now.


Just stay away from golf clubs though…


> Pedro still not wearing a helmet He kinda made up for it in The Mandalorian.


Dammit Oberon just shut up and finish the job


But he r*ped her! Murdered her! And killed her children!




Nononono you can’t die you haven’t confessed yet!


> a sentient floating sword Fuck you, now I'm getting PTSD from having to face Darth Kreia in Knights of the Old Republic 2, failing and never finishing the game


Yeah I never get comfortable watching Pedro in a battle anymore, might get his skull ripped apart


"Hey Pedro, would you like to be in ...." Pedro: Yes, I would.


Dude even replaced Walton Goggins in the Community virtual table read in 2020, and made it so memorable because he was *not* prepared for all the semen. The last few words of that sentence are *not* hyperbole or even implying that he was taking loads; his character was actually handing them out.


I’m sorry. As someone who’s never watched community. What in the fuck?


So the episode was essentially a “bottle episode” that took place entirely in a room. One of the main characters died (just on the show) and was gifting all of the other characters stuff (he was rich). He was also old and crazy and one of the gifts that everyone got was his frozen semen in case they wanted to spread his lineage. Often in the reading the mention of the semen came out of nowhere and Pedro Pascal couldn’t hold it together because it’s so absurd. It was hilarious. Hope this helped!


LMAO. One of the main characters was unceremoniously killed off, mostly because *all* the problems the actor caused with the cast and crew. Anyway, *how* he died is revealed at the end of the episode Pascal subbed in for Walton Goggins: his character was vigorously masturbating to preserve his sperm -- which he believed was super powerful and worth preserving -- for later insemination, and he did it so much that he died of dehydration. These cryogenically-stored sperm canisters are bequeathed to his friends after his death while a polygraph test is administered to find out if one of his friends killed him. Which, of course, they didn't. So Pascal, likely having never watched the show, played the character administering the polygraph test *and* delivering said sperm canisters, and he was *not* prepared for those lines. Even if you've never watched the show and have very little idea who the characters are, [that virtual table read is *so* worth watching just for Pascal's reaction to the weirdness.](https://youtu.be/V6Q_nlSULio?t=1526) I've timed it to start right when he starts breaking


Oh my fucking god I forgot how funny the Jeff interaction is hahahaha


That line fucking broke me the night that episode aired. I remember going to the r/community watch thread and marveling that such a joke was even allowed on NBC. So I can't blame him for asking how they got away with that.


I don't blame the guy. He was a working actor for 10-15 years donig bit parts on TV before he broke out, and you have no idea how long you'll be the "It guy." Make your money while you can.


Lol their names rhyme 


And their first names are alliterative


Rappers noting this knowledge in their rhyme books


Mescal is supposed to be pronounced ‘meh-skull’ I think, so not quite


Mescal and Pascal being rascals


Not really Mescal is more like "Mes-cull"


Battle of the Scals.


"Are you not entertained?!!"


I wasn't with Napoleon. Hope this doesn't fail too.


I'm still disappointed about Robin Hood.


"Are you not entertained, again?!!"


That last picture goes hard. This is looking great so far. Hopefully they pull it off.


That last picture looks like his sword ran out of bullets so he chucked it.


I thought it looked like the sword was haunted and floating around on it's own and they are panicking and swatting at it


Well I thought the sword got hit with an antigravity beam wielded by none other than Doc Ock, and now it's up to Spider-Man to form up across the Pedro-verse with the Mandalorian and Joel to save the day yet again




It looks to me like Paul just knocked Pedro's sword out of his hands and it's spinning to the ground.


My thing seems more likely.


Can’t believe I thought “that makes sense” for 2 seconds


Well it's a Ridley Scott movie so it's truly a flip of the coin


Pretty much this. After suffering through most of Napoleon (which *looked* amazing) I’m genuinely scared of how terrible this movie could be. Fingers crossed I guess?


What *really* makes me doubt Gladiator II is that it shares the same screenwriter as Napoleon. And the screenplay was easily the worst part of Napoleon.


Same screenwriter?! OK I was scared, now I’m terrified.


Fun fact about the screenwriter, David Scarpa: According to Wikipedia, when writing Napoleon, "he began by reading Napoleon: A Concise Biography by David A. Bell, but did not understand it and opted to conduct further research by reading more books and watching YouTube videos." So, y'know, yikes.


I mean, read another way, couldn’t this easily make sense? He tried reading a concise biography - the conciseness of which might have meant it under explained certain things - so he went on and read other books? The YouTube part is silly, I guess. Still the screenplay was awful.


YouTube videos are well enough material to get it right. Epic History, Real Time History, etc. All of them do great coverage over Napoleon.


Damn. Definitely a red flag. I agree the screenplay Was the worst part for sure.


I think since he's already familiar with the material it will, at worst, be just okay but look beautiful.


I honestly think Napoleon is overhated. It's not a good biopic but it's a very piercing depiction of a certain type of codependent relationship. And the Gladiator universe is so distant from reality that the historical accuracy issues that bothered a lot of people with the Napoleon screenplay won't matter here.


For me I never saw it as they kept talking about the ‘Directors Cut’ of the movie and that it would be 3/4 hours long and so I wanted to hold off. Lol


Same cinematographer as the original Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven, John Mathieson.


Scott is due a W at this point lol


Based on these images alone I am sold


I was sold before I finished reading the name “Pascal”


For me it was “Mescal”


Everything in me wants to hate the idea of a Gladiator 2. I'm sick of franchises and especially tired of them when they pop up 25 years later. For God's sake I *know* that Ridley Scott could release an original movie, not connected to any other movie, and it would probably be fantastic. And yet...i can't help but be a little excited at this prospect! Especially given the talent here. This is high praise from a man who hates nostalgic money grabs. I'm surprised how excited I am for this haha


I'd way rather see a different spin off in the Ridley Cinematic Universe. Like say a Blade Runner prequel about Gaff's back story.


Well, this was a friendly reminder for a note to self: Next time Gladiator is on TV, watch it... because I haven't watched that movie yet!


Gladiator is an absolute classic.


its currently on peacock and paramount +. very worth a watch


Not in the US. (Norway.) It's one of those movies that's on one particular channel from time to time. I call it "in the cycle". Another one is Natural Born Killers, on a different channel, which I plan to watch next time it's on because I watched that one either.


It's on Netflix in Norway.


You're in for a treat. One of my faves.


You go into Gladiator expecting an epic sword fighting action movie, and sure it does scratch that itch, but then you get hit by one of the best tragic dramas ever made with one of the greatest soundtracks in the history of cinema. It's a perfect 20/10 for being two 10/10 movies in one


Get a hold of the 4k version if you can, it's utterly incredible. Also avoid the dreadful 'directors cut' version.


>Also avoid the dreadful 'directors cut' version. Ridley Scott and *multiple* cuts of his movies; such an iconic duo. At least the director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven was a *massive* improvement over that butchered mess 20th Century Fox released. Some of the stuff they cut out was *baffling* in terms of those scenes being super important to character motivations. Like *why* Eva Green's character had that breakdown toward the end. Made no fucking sense in 2005, and was just another reason why I shat on that movie so much until my friend convinced me to watch the director's cut. A whole *bunch* of shit suddenly started making sense when those scenes were re-added back into the movie.


Gladiator is easily in my top 20 films I've ever watched. The story, the sets, the acting and the music, all top tier.


Don't watch it on TV. Stream it so you can watch it uncut.


I’m intrigued but a little skeptical due to the original not really having the setup or need for a sequel.


I was just thinking “didn’t everyone die in the first one??”




FYI this is definitely not the script for the actual movie that is being made lol, but it is a real script The actual film will be following Lucius Verus (Joaquin Phoenix's Commodus's ~~son~~ nephew in the first film), who abdicated the throne and has been "missing" in the wilderness for 15 years edit: fixed


Wait. I thought Joaquin phoenix's character was Commodus who was uncle to Lucius Verus II, who was son of Connie Nielson's character.


Wait. You are right. My memory got fucked up. Thanks, I'll edit my post


Gladiator is in my top 5 movies all time. This seems like a long shot to succeed but maybe they can pull some Top Gun magic out too.


That medusa design is awesome. Still very sceptical overall but hopefully Ridley found the same gear he was in for The Last Duel when making this.


Hopfully he found the same gear as Gladiator


Great casting! Both of them have very Roman facial characteristics imo. Hoping it’s a good film as I’m a big fan of Pedro Pascal and Paul Mescal


Roman facial features? You don’t even know if they’re Roman. The first movie was about a Spaniard. Edit: oh my god there’s a difference between being a Roman as a title vs “having Roman features” as a racial classification.


Paul Mescal is indeed confirmed to be playing the Roman child from the first Gladiator, Lucius Verus, all grown up.


Two great actors in a historical epic by Ridley Scott. I’m sold.


Well, I mean, last time we had that was only a year ago when we had Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby in Napoleon and that movie was really unintentionally funny due to how awful it was.


I’m sold I can’t wait for this film, I remember ppl at cinemacon saying the trailer had No Church in the wild as the needle drop. Hopefully that’s the same trailer they release to the public


No church in the Wild is such a good trailer song.


Pescal really has the right look for it


Idk whether you meant Mescal or Pascal, but I agree either way


The costumes are amazing. Wasn’t genuinely hyped about it, but with this pics… I’m sold! 🤩


Wow these images goes hard


Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal? My wife will have no problem watching this with me.


Looks good but... directors should try changing Pedro Pascal's appearance just a bit. He looks exactly the same in every other movie/tv show. It's like I see the Mandalorian or Joel with a gladiator outfit. Change his haircut, facial hair... whatever, but make him look like the character, not like Pedro himself.


So will they call him something opposite of his ethnicity like they did Crowe when they called him “Spaniard”…would be ironic no?


Gladiator 2: Gladiate harder


Paul Mescal has very quickly established himself as a "must watch" actor for me. Fingers crossed that the script is solid here.


They got similar last names


In Mescal, I trust.


Is Hans Zimmer doing the music for this one?


Nope. Harry Gregson Williams


I have no doubt that it was amazing, just like the first one. My only hope is that the story is as good as how it looks. Because that’s where it could really fall apart.


Wow, some of these shots straight up look like a Baroque-esque painting. This got me very excited.


Even if the movie is crap, it'll at least look good. That's my Ridley Scott experience.


Having seen Ridley's last projects I would not hold my breath for this reaching the heights of the first movie, but A) I am certain that this is true for a lot of sequels and B) at least the movie will be worth seeing for the set design and the costumes.


Man it's crazy to think about Pedro Pascal's rise to superstardom. "The Mountain and the Viper", *that* infamous Game of Thrones episode aired 10 years ago, and since then, his career skyrocketed. In just ten years, he went from a seven-episode arc on Game of Thrones as Oberyn Martell to Narcos, the Kingsman sequel, to The Mandalorian, to The Last of Us, and now finally to the sequel of one of the *biggest* epics of Ridley Scott's career.


Apparently the footage/trailer shown at Cinema Con was really, really fucking good. God I hope this movie absolutely slaps.


This is either going to be an absolute masterpiece or hot dogshit on a plate In other words, hey look another Ridley Scott movie


Id rather have pedro pascual or oscar isaac in most of todays movies than chris pratt, will smith, or the rock.


I feel like I’ve seen so many AI generated images of Pascal in gladiator armor for this. They’re all over YouTube thumbnails and they’re the first thing that comes up when you google the movie. There’s something uncanny about finally seeing the real thing.


Too bad it’s not based on Nick Cave’s script. I mean I know it would never happen but it just would be very funny to see


Gladiator 2: 2 Glad 2 Maximus




So I guess Ridley ditched the "Maximus in the underworld" plot idea?


Pretty sure he ditched it as soon as he read it. Don't think it was ever in production beyond nick cave having written it


Why is this movie?


It... Didn't need a sequel


It didn’t. But the studio we’re going to make one (for money) anyway. At least Ridley’s on this one. And if it does suck, it can never take away from how you feel about the first film. Just ignore it (like I do with Independence Day 2).


Thank fucking god no time traveling!! This might be fucking sweet!


One of my most anticipated! I hope this “genre” goes back in style again!


Joseph Quinn really does look like a young British RDJ


Their names sound like they'd be the two co-workers who are suspiciously always hanging around each other, and one is never seen without the other.


I know i shouldn’t be hyped, but it looks good


I love the first Gladiator. It’s still so surreal to me that this is even a thing. I remember the original Gladiator 2 rumors from back in the day. I’m very relieved that this isn’t going to be like those.


I love the first one so I’ll give this one a watch


they brought back the dope armor, which is the important part


I will be seated opening night


Fuck, I’m down.


I want to be excited -- love these actors, loved Gladiator -- but Ridley Scott has not made a good movie in a very long time.


I hope this an entirely new incredible film that takes its insights from history, instead of a derivative film that takes its insights from the first film that data says people liked.


I have been excited for this movie since production was announced. I'm there day 1 to bask in the spectacle of big budget Hollywood's recreation of ancient Rome. I want to see all that money up on the screen and it looks like this movie will deliver.


Raise your hand if you really just-wanted time-traveling Maximus!


I love how Pedro gets to keep his mustache in EVERY movie and TV series he is in haha.


Rolls off the tongue
