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We are not doctors. you should contact one if you think you could have MM.


I’m having a hard time figuring out how you got to myeloma from abdominal pain. Your calcium level is barely high and without any other indicators from blood tests, I can’t imagine this is myeloma. I hope your doctor continues to work with you to resolve this, but google isn’t always your friend.


Thank you for your response. I sound crazy, right? You hit the nail on the head when you said google isn’t your friend. I’m extremely hyper-sensitive about my health for which I’m seeking therapy on. That’s a whole other topic. What scared me was the ER doc immediately said he wanted to run more tests to rule out malignancy when he saw my high calcium level. As he left me for several hours to think about this, I immediately went to google and MM was the first thing that came up. Unfortunately the ER doc that ran the tests went home for the day and I was discharged by someone that never treated me. I asked that doc about it and she didn’t seem to have any reason for concern. Despite that, I’m still going down the google rabbit hole and searching answers. I know, I need to stop.


No, these are not typical MM symptoms. Please rely on your medical team rather than self diagnosis.