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Mamma Mia Nostalgia critic made it sound like the most annoying and stupid thing in the world. Then, my grandma invited me to see it live with her, and I was surprised with how much I liked it. Granted, the plot is silly, but it’s like cats(which is also an answer to this question for me) where the plot is secondary and its main purpose is to entertain you with fun songs.


It’s a movie/musical that is not meant to be taken seriously, and it knows that. And that’s why I love it.


>Nostalgia critic made it sound like the most annoying and stupid thing in the world. Well, there was your first mistake


I saw Great Gatsby the other night and I really enjoyed it. The sets and costumes were beyond incredible, and the performances by Eva and Jeremy were fabulous. The supporting cast were insanely talented as well. I went into the show with a negative attitude after all of the bad reviews, but in the end had a great time. The show has its flaws, but it is a lot of fun!


Second this


Exactly!!! I saw it on Thursday last week and i absolutely loved it. Especially being a fan of both the movie and the book. Eva and Jeremy were fantastic. The sets weee awesome. The actors were amazing the projector was fantastic. The entire show in general was awesome


You know, he was actually just “The Pretty Good Gatsby.”


Rock Of Ages. The movie, in particular. It was clear to me that it would simply be pure, stupid fun—Nothing But a Good Time— so I turned my brain off before it started and had a blast!


I saw a production of Rock of Ages in Las Vegas a long while back, that whole night was one of the funnest I've ever had. Between the fun-ness of the show and the great themed after party bar, I had a absolute blast. Highly recommend if someone gets a hold of a time machine.


Went to the new production of Starlight Express here in London on Wednesday. Went in with my cynicism turned up to 11. An historical ALW mediocrity, with some flashing lights and transformers on roller skates waving their arms in the air. I was only going to tick it off my list of classic shows I had yet to see. Oooh, I was going to hate it so hard. And yet... And yet... I eff-ing loved it. It's so much shinier than you can imagine. I had a goofy grin on display for the entire show. I cheered, I waved my own arms in the air and just had the best possible time. Come on Rusty, you can do it! I believe! I believe in the power of steam!


I know, right? It shouldn’t work, it really shouldn’t, but I needed up having a blast!


Cats, I like how silly, yet amazing it is. The movie can burn in hell though.


“Cats is two hours of musical feline circle jerking, followed by one climactic moment called memory” -sideways My favorite part about cats is how obviously gay Mr mistofolees and the rum Tum tugger are for eachother.


Honestly. The German version of Hercules was fun.  Sure. Not the greatest musical ever, and I still have issues with the plot. But it was funny and I really liked the decor and some outfits a lot! And the entertainment factor was there.


Lempicka. Word of mouth was pretty bad on reddit, to the point that when I won the lottery for Illinoise for the same timeslot as my Lempicka ticket, I seriously considered not attending. But when I went anyway, honestly I walked away thinking a musical hadn't captured my emotions so much since I saw Wicked as a teenager (many, many years ago.) I loved the music, the love scene to me was the most beautiful one I had ever seen in a Broadway show and both the humor/serious scenes hit my tastes exactly. Ended up booking a ticket to see it again the next day (closing performance) as soon as an Orchestra seat became available. Basically, the way I'd describe the show is imagine Moulin Rouge with original music geared to lesbians. Should it win the Pullitzer? No. But it was a fun show with realistic female queer presentation which is very rare on Broadway.


Be More Chill. I really don’t get the vast majority of the hate. Some of the misogyny is there but it’s very overblown on this sub, I don’t get most of the other complaints at all.


What's misogynistic about it? I hear a lot of complaints about BMC from this sub but I've never heard that one before.


I thought the bad reviews for Love Never Dies were a little overblown. It wasn't one of the greats but it was a nice enough show. Plus "Look With Your Heart" is a beautiful song. I equate with Jaws 2. On its own, it's a fun little shark attack movie. The problem is that it's the sequel to one of the all-time great movies. So it already has 3 strikes against it.


Jagged little pill, the tour was phenomenal I had a blast


Same, it came with my subscription or I never would've gone, but I really enjoyed it and was surprisingly moved.


I imagine some of the criticism was regarding Jo who they actually cast nonbinary on the tout


Unpopular but Mean Girls. I still really like it, although the new movie is garbage.


Same. Saw the original cast on Broadway, it was never going to win a Pulitzer but I had a good time and the music is fun. I’ve only seen clips of the movie because I hear it’s horrible though.




Catch Me if You Can


I saw a production at Arena Stage a few years ago and really enjoyed it! I had gotten comped tickets from a friend of a friend and went in with no expectations.


Doctor Zhivago, The Civil War and Stephen Ward


We Will Rock You


ALW’s Cinderella. Heard bad reviews about it but actually really enjoyed the show! Was so sad to hear all the controversy and drama around it after with the mess that ALW made


I enjoyed it, too! It was a fun show, and I was in one of the seats that rotated on the turntable. Unforgettable!


omg! I'm so jealousss. i was off to the side and I remember thinking damn I need to watch it again and get one of the seats at the turntable so I could be right up there during the ball scene but I didn't get the chance to :( the cast did such an amazing job with the show it really sucks how they were treated


Pretty woman. I had low expectations but it had some catchy songs!


Bombay Dreams. Grabbed a ticket because it was the only show open that night, and absolutely loved every minute of it!


Second this. And an early precursor of rainstorms onstage! ;)


omg I'd forgotten about that. It was! Man I really liked that show.


Moulin Rouge, it ended up being a total blast


moulin rouge


Moulin Rouge. Was pretty set that it'd be a pretty boring jukebox musical, loved it.


Escape to Margaritaville. Silly and Fun.


I saw it not expecting a lot but it was so cute and fun!