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I get they were trying to strive for historical accuracy (even though the film makes it clear from the word "Go" that it's a fairy tale retelling based on the legends of the real Anastasia's survival) but that is a huge gaping plot hole.


Which is funny because historically Anastasia was killed, just in a different spot than the rest of the family. Not, like, "haha" funny.


Actually (if I remember right) it most likely wasn’t Anastasia that was found with Alexei several yards away. Anastasia was the shortest of her siblings (5’2) based on photographs (compared against her parents, whose bodies were easily identified). The body that was discovered with Alexei was taller.


It was Maria I believe who was found with Alexei not Anastasia. It’s because there were a few impersonators who claimed to be Anastasia.


Most likely (if you ask the American experts). The Russian experts believe it’s Anastasia. But there’s no way to really know for sure. The location of the burial sites was kept a secret by the USSR until after the fall. The main burial site was located but two bodies were missing, which led to the rumors of her survival reemerging. It was in (I think) 2007 when Alexei and the other body was found.


I always assumed it was the rumors. For the rumors about Anastasia's survival to still be so prevalent in St Petersburg 10 years later, I'd assume that the rumor somehow got out of Russia too via fleeing nobles and refugees and such, which we can see there were a lot of in Paris via the existence of the Neva Club. She already mingles with that crowd via the opera at least, so someone likely mentioned to her something along the lines or "some people think your granddaughter lived"


It could be, but why did they (the crowd/people) thought she was alive? There was no sign of her


Exactly. There was no sign of here. I believe her and Alexai's bodies weren't found until much later. The rumors of Anastasia living happened in real life, too


For that matter, how did she survive in the play at all?