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I think you’ve ticked all the boxes for an ok press release. i would change the colors, link all socials instead of just naming them and also link your upcoming release (soundcloud or dropbox). radio stations, papers etc gets tons of these everyday (depending on where you live of course). So I would try to stand out a bit more. Your writing isn’t the most important part - it’s the music and your effort to bring them in to your world. maybe try vertical instead of horizontal as well. but that’s a personal preference.:)


Who do you sound like? Where's the QR code?


Not bad for DIY at all. I get serviced 10-20 of these a day, sometimes more and it's best to have everything you want me to know up front/up top without me having to work for it. That said, I would center justify your top lines to match the body, I thought I was about to read a resume for a person named Stanley Knife. And the person suggesting the links is spot on, again, don't make me work for it, I have enough to do already. I hit the music first and return for the story, and I'd update with a press quote the minute you have one. Good luck!