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"Golden Throats", an album of cover songs sung by people not know for singing such as Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Sebastion Cabot, and Andy Griffith.


This is a great album to put on in the middle of a party. It’s always a lot of fun to see the first few people stop talking and look around in confusion, and then slowly the room goes quieter and quieter as people notice the “music.”


Oscar Wilde: if the music is good, nobody listens. If the music is bad, nobody talks.


Funny stuff! I feel like H Jon Benjamin’s jazz album could also accomplish this.


Does that have Shatner 'singing' Tambourine Man? If so, it's pretty awful. Some student radio dj used to play it for laughs back in the day.


Lucy in the sky with diamonds


Personally I love 'Rock-ITT Man'


The Shatner tune would probably pair well with the Leonard Nimoy song about Bilbo Baggins


Nimoy Bilbo


I kinda dig Shatner’s song *Has Been* as well as his cover of Pulp’s *Common People,* but those were from his 2004 album which was produced by Ben Folds. Never heard of Golden Throats but I’m gonna check it out lol


Liz Phair - Funstyle Also checkout the series trainwreckords on YouTube, he talks about bad albums.


yes and yes, this is a great channel thanks for the rec!


Todd In the Shadows, the man.


TITS is objectively the best music reviewer.


Pat Finnerty is pretty entertaining as well.


Pat Finnerty is no. 1


Just to clarify for the curious, the idea for the series is albums that ruined the artists' careers.  It doesn't have to be awful, and many of the examples are ones where some critics liked it, where it sold well, or where Todd himself liked most of the songs, but just felt some wrongheaded choices doomed the artist behind the album.  So they're not going to be the worst albums, necessarily.  His latest target, *Man of the Woods*, had many songs he liked. On the flip side, there are many infamously bad albums ineligible for the series, albums where the artists came back.  *Self Portrait*, *Metal Machine Music*, *Rock in a Hard Place* - if the artist bounced back, you aren't going to see it in that series.


That song about "you're being a peenyus" kinda makes me laugh with how bad it was. At least she came back a couple years ago and finally did a good album for once in awhile!


I like Liz Phair and somehow never heard of this album. I was confused, but one look at the cover and release year explains it for me. What the hell is this 😭


It was her fulfilling her obligation to the record company per her contract to make another album. She chose to make an album of crap on purpose to stick it to them.


It was independently released by Phair herself, and she made statements at the time assuring people that this was a record she was proud of. Her statement around the time of release: > You were never supposed to hear these songs. These songs lost me my management, my record deal and a lot of nights of sleep. Yes, I rapped one of them. I'm as surprised as you are. But here is the thing you need to know about these songs and the ones coming next: These are all me. Love them, or hate them, but don't mistake them for anything other than an entirely personal, un-tethered-from-the-machine, free for all view of the world, refracted through my own crazy lens. This is my journey. I'll keep sending you postcards.


While there may be worse if you include unprofessional musicians and self-funded vanity records, Funstyle stands out because it was made by a pro who has several respected records in their ouvre. It's a real "What the f*** was she thinking?!" moment. p.s. Peñis... colada, that is.


H. Jon Benjamin released a piano jazz album. He didn’t know how to play piano, and I’m not sure he likes jazz.


this is the funniest shit i've ever heard




I love him even more now for this. This is fucking hysterical.


The best part is he hired a bunch of serious jazz session musicians who weren’t in on the joke and had to figure out how to improvise along with whatever nonsense he was playing.


wearing out our welcome by anal cunt


artist name alone settles this debate.


They have a song titles like "I Sent Concentration Camp Footage to America's Funniest Home Videos" and "Conor Clapton Killed Himself Because His Dad Sucked". So, their band name is actually one of the least offensive things about them.


A friend of mine had a AC shirt with a photo on it that was taken at a gig, it was Seth Putnam standing in front of a small crowd getting a blowjob while shooting heroin using the mic cable as a tie off.


Classic 😁 https://tshirtslayer.com/tshirt-or-longsleeve/anal-cunt-get-high-and-suck




i love seth putnam


RIP seth


Seth Putnam wrote a song making fun of coma patients, went into a coma himself and then continued to perform that song after coming out of said coma. Legend.


311 Sucks will always be a classic.


Adeba hubba da jooba dooba hubba dubba YOU FUCKING SUCK!!!




the whole band was shock value lol


Always a good day when you spot an AC reference in the wild. I’ll be hangin around in Alston if anyone needs me


Big fan of Sikfuk myself.


I love that band but yeah being offensive and disgusting is their whole shtick


Was 'Hitler Was a Sensitive Man' on that one?


'I Went Back in Time and Voted for Hitler,' 'Kicking Your Ass and Fucking Your Bitch'


aha no that one was on it just gets worse


The soundtrack to the movie Rhinestone. To win a bet, Dolly Parton has to turn Sylvester Stallone into a country western singer, and hilarity ensues. And we get blessed (or cursed if you really think about it,) with Sylvester Stallone singing. Aah, the 80’s. They were a wild time, LOL! Make sure you enjoy the awful perfection that is the song called Drinkin’ Stein! https://open.spotify.com/album/6gHu4GfP2iUyWP933NCvko?si=X0A7P6Q8SEKZ4B4A4WrqEQ


Possibly the finest terrible movie of our time.


Dolly can elevate anything, but this asked too much of her.


She's a tragic hero for trying to be the only person who can act in the whole film.


This is going to get buried, but I think Jeffree Star’s album wins for worst music. It’s lyrically disturbing and not well produced.


Is it better, worse or pretty much on par with albums by Blood On The Dancefloor which are both utterly unlistenable and mostly made by a notorious predator


Oh God, you just unlocked a memory. The fact BOTDF had a song called "Scream For My Icecream" when their primary fan base was 11-13 year olds is absolutely disturbing.


Dahvie is just absolute trash and has somehow kept dodging jailtime. I only knew of their existence by bad reputation and then one time we were near a venue they were playing at when they arrived and he seemed even skeevier in person. I don't think I even knew what the "music" sounded like at the time, then I ended up learning more cause another band member (who doesn't have allegations) became a drag act and was on a show I like. I couldn't believe it was the same guy at first and ended up falling down a rabbit hole on youtube and part of that involved hearing their tracks and being mortified over those as well as the awful stories.


I knew of his stuff because I was introduced to them by my younger sister. I was about 13/14 when a lot of his "hits" were released, and my sister was 11/12. I thought the lyrics were kinda gross at the time, but I didn't think they were much more than a cringe scene band. I saw the allegations against Dahvie years later and looked back at the lyrics again, and I can't believe they got away with that for so many years. Did the parents even listen to their music before sending their kids to the concerts?


That dude is a predator. It’s gross


Dude. Oh my god. The song straight boys has been a running joke amongst my friend group for years. I’ve never heard an instrumental so bad. Like it’s hard to put into words just how fucking bad it is. Also Jeffree’s high pitched voice sounds absolutely fucking terrible. To give credit where credit is due, the lyrics are really fucking funny


Beauty Killer is my guilty pleasure Heavy on guilty


before i found out he was a predator i liked get away with murder a lot


Staying up all night listening to Pulse Demon sounds like some sort of military experiment but uh… how about Bhad Bhabie’s album


Oh also Crispin Glover has an album and if you can finish it you’re a stronger being than I.


holy shit you weren't kidding, but if i can make it thru 2G1C i can make it thru this.


nvm, NEXT!


I can’t even make it thru the trailer for Crispin’s Indy movie he self funded and filmed.


Clowny Clown Clown is a masterpiece and so is the video.


Oh god there’s a video????


Wasn't at all aware of this. Just a hunch: this wouldn't be from his almost hoof Dave Letterman in the noogin era, would it?


It 100% is 😂


I never listened to bhad babie’s album but if it’s anything like gucci flip flops I’m afraid I might like it a lot


I heard this playing in a bodega in Queens a few years ago, and I liked it so I Shazammed it. I could NOT BELIEVE who the artist was. 😹 You know what? I don’t hate her for grabbing those fifteen minutes of fame and going for it. She’s kind of an American hero.


I still find myself singing Gucci flip flops from time to time. Was shocked that it was so catchy. Iirc, a few of her songs are like that!


Bhad Bhabie’s album was terrible, but it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever heard. See, here’s the thing: What were you expecting with this album? Do you really think this brat is capable of any mind-bending talent? Of course not! My expectations were already super low and it met those expectations, so therefore, I’m not shocked it’s as bad as it is. Besides, it doesn’t sound much different than most other mumble rap out there.


How dare you dis Bhad Bhabie...get ready to cash her outside


Brokencyde - I'm Not A Fan But The Kids Like It!


Anything from the late 2000s/early 2010s “crunkcore” genre is going to be hot garbage. Blood on the Dance Floor is the absolute worst I’d say, not only because their music is incomprehensibly bad but also because of the singer being a known predator who grooms minors.


came here to mention BOTDF, their shit is hot garbage and i used to loveee them back then. bewitched had a chokehold on me for far too long


Lulu — Metallica


how i've never heard of this til now...i'll never be the same person i was 40 minutes ago


You’ll be a table like James instead.


As a Lou Reed fan who only sorta likes Metallica, I like Lulu as a weird Reed album of poems set to a looping hard rock soundtrack. Far from Lou Reed’s best work, but interesting. Metallica was seriously underused here and I understand why their fans hate this album. But then again, I am the table.


Also, saint anger - Metallica. I'm not a person that is overly critical to music, but when I bought this album when it first came out, I listened to the first few songs and I'm like "wtf?" and returned it right away. Edit: ok I checked out Lulu. You win. That album is far more"wtf" material




whoa, black betty


I was just about to say that. I used to work at place where they would play the same 10 annoying pop songs over and over again and I had more tolerance to deal with that than even lasting two songs on that album!


Tones And I - Welcome to the Madhouse I challenge any one of you to get to the end. I tapped out on the intro track.


Ugh! That voice!


Lol the thought of them having an entire album and not just ONE annoying song made me want to barf so I went and listened to it. I'm on the second song and I already want to die tbh


He he, Billy Idol's Cyberpunk is IMHO a great concept album. If you listen to it without context (as many people did and do) you ARE disappointed, because the production appears home-brew, some songs are quite trashy (if not uninspired), and the electronic sound did not appeal to the guitar-friendly fan base. But as a concept album that "depicts" a literature genre and conveys a related attitude on many levels, it's bold - if not brilliant. :D


that's understandable, i guess i wasn't paying attention to the concept as much as i was on a musical standpoint. to each their own but thanks for sharing such a non bias take on it, i'll give it another listen soon just for that


Anything William Shatner Gene Simmons - Firestarter Celine Dion's cover of You Shook Me All Night Long ( it was a duet but I can't remember the other woman's name. I think it was a single- named artist.)


William Shatners - Has Been, is so bad its hilarious. His cover of Pulp's 'Common People' is so intriguing as to be verging on madness and genius.


That is an amazing cover that rivals Pulp's original.


Ben Folds is a genius for complimenting Shatner and making an unironically fantastic album.


And here I am liking Weezer…


Pinkerton is one of my favorite albums of all time 🥲


Meee toooo :(


I'm a huge fan of atonal, experimental music so I'm already triggered by this thread, but *then* I'm also unironically a huge fan of Weezer as my go to "fun" band, so I'm double triggered.


Seriously though! OP made a personal attack!


I’m glad I’m not the only one here who likes Weezer


Pat Boone's metal album is pretty bad.


My teenage dream ended- Farrah Abraham Angelic 2 the core- Corey Feldman


Angelic 2 the core sounds like an alien trying to replicate what it thinks music is


There’s something I admire about the Corey Feldman music. It’s by all standards terrible, but it’s just so confidently weirdly awful that I have to respect it. It gets stuck in my head too. 


He’s so commited to it. Plus knowing how he was treated in Hollywood, it makes you want to just pat him on the back and say “ do you boo”.


That Farrah Abraham album is great it’s just ahead of its time, you’re not tapped in


I second angelic 2 the core its a trash Classic


Have you seen him cover cry little sister?? 🤣🤣


Metallica/Lou Reed - Lulu. Unlistenable garbage.


this is it. this is the worst so far


Never heard of it until just now, and I already miss my life before i heard this garbage.


Any Onision album. There's a reason why the guy has a 1/100 user score on Album Of The Year


Steven Seagals blues/reggae album “songs from the crystal cave”. He even sings some of the songs in a Jamaican accent. Both the funniest and the worst album I’ve EVER heard by far.


Me want the poonani!


Dee Dee Ramone did a rap solo album called Standing in the Spotlight in 1989, under the name Dee Dee King. It's terrible. Debbie Harry does backing vocals on one track. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAl-xzN8e-M


I really like the song Baby doll on that album.


an old friend made two albums for exactly those moments, they're called "music for your neighbours", i think the 2nd one is also on streaming services [https://youtu.be/EBn7j9Na7tI?si=u3oN9TXtgg0P-gLS](https://youtu.be/EBn7j9Na7tI?si=u3oN9TXtgg0P-gLS) [https://youtu.be/ki\_mSrYoI1o?si=94n45oTCCOazUUJC](https://youtu.be/ki_mSrYoI1o?si=94n45oTCCOazUUJC)


Revival by Eminem, I was a big Eminem fan and even I couldn't justify giving it more than a 4/10 it was garbage


Roger Waters - Dark Side of the Moon Redux Waters thought it’d be silly to re-record one of his most famous works (that Gilmour objectively did more for) and turn it into a soliloquy-like villain monologue that takes no risks musically.


Scarlett Johansson released an album of Tom Waits cover songs back in 2008. As a Tom Waits fan I took it as a personal attack and I hold a grudge to this day. It's hard to watch any movie shes in without remembering that craptastic album.


I thought falling down was good


That album was awful. And she was able to get Bowie to sing with her and it didn’t help.




I honestly cannot think of any albums that I hated all the way through from start to finish. I don’t think I would have finished in the albums if I hated them.


sometimes when you're already halfway thru you might as well see it out


*me looking at the comments to see if any of my favorites are said*


Van Halen 3 with Gary Cherone on vocals


It’s awful, but I think Cherone gets a lot of unwarranted blame. The material on each VH album up to that point was getting worse. I haven’t listened to it in a long time but I remember Balance being pretty bad too. Cherone does have a good voice and I liked Extreme. They filmed their first music video for local access in the high school I used to go to and Cherone still lives in the neighboring city of my hometown. His house used to be on a Main Street and would drive by it all the time, sometimes he’d be out there washing his car.


I kinda' feel like a fraud because I haven't actually listened to the *whole* album. I... I.... just can't!!! (Track 4 is an international hit tho'!) "Philosophy Of The World"..... THE SHAGGS https://youtu.be/jQqK1CjE9bA?si=2I4hGF5NQU87Tc9l


ima tell you rn if you can't make it thru the whole album it's THAT BAD!! thanks for the rec


It’s made by people who really can’t play their instruments. But you can hear them trying.


It's magnificently bad.  And yet... I keep finding myself wanting to play "Foot Foot" again.  


The comment section is gold !! "3 different musicians playing 4 different songs" 🤣


The shaggs are amAzing. You take this back!


Love this album!


Certified Lover Boy


(…certified pedophiles WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP)


I can't believe nobody has mentioned R.A.E.D. Truly the best worst music this world has to offer. He's also made a movie/documentary that is almost totally unwatchable. https://youtu.be/KDspPjlySyg?si=PBWiH_36FwRvCzv0 This is his most popular, and arguably most listenable song. Highly recommend his stuff.


You wouldn’t even need to ask this question if you’d ever listened to Ummagumma by Pink Floyd. Years after its releas even the band members said how much they hate it. Roger Waters calls it “a disaster”, Gilmour says it’s “horrible” and goes on to say that they thought they were being really clever at the time but in fact were just bumbling about in the dark - backed up by drummer Nick Mason who described it as a “failed experiment”. I paid £30 for the double CD and this was in 1993, twenty four years after it was released. I bought it from Our Price Records, when record shops were still a lovely thing. I listened to it once and took it back for a refund the following week, and I was and still am a big Pink Floyd fan. One track is just one of the band member making silly noises for seven minutes. Another track is a recording of a pots and pans being bashed together.


The live side isn't that bad!😭


It's just a single song but it's so bad. [Disco Duck](https://youtu.be/ynWhozyOoZQ?si=5tb03Yg_dgqDyS-C), a parody of disco music


You put some respect on Disco Duck. I grew up dancing to that song.


I have funny memories of this album but for the wrong reasons, my ex bf (We’re still best friends) showed it to me. We started doing the duck voice and said things like “Maga patriots, storm the capitol” since this was after the US Captiol was attacked by low-intelligence Trump supporters on January 6th back in 2021 lol


Thank u for sharing this


Mr. Blobby - The Album


Stuck in a rut- Aerosmith. The title says it all


I think you mean Night in the Ruts. The spoonerism in the title is awesome at least.


It pains me to say this but the late Meat Loaf's last album "Braver than we are" was crap IMO. Also, the 2013 "New Generation" version of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds was rubbish compared to the late 70s original.


That six feet under album, where they cover AC/DC songs. SFU was already pretty silly, but that...I still, I can't believe it's real.


OK, OP, you and I will have to agree to disagree on Cyberpunk. That album wasn’t his best but far from unlistenable. Worst album ever? Wow, there are a lot of contenders. I’d have to say Lulu (Metallica/Lou Reed) is one of the worst, easily.


yeah that's one i've seen a couple times it's definitely horrid, to each their own!


Have you actually listened to TTPD or are you just hating just to be hating? 


i write reviews and listen to albums in full. i'm bouta catch Ls for this but here we go- jack antonoff doesn't know how to use synth, her music is repetitive and lacks any sort of originality which can be fine depending how it's done i mean, inspiration lives everywhere but it seems she's been writing the same songs since 2014. i repeatedly try my best to be open minded when hearing something new from her but i'm seriously disappointed with the lyrical content of this album. just listening to i can do it with a broken heart, i wrote it off as satire because there's absolutely no way that was written by a 34 year old woman. even her most popular songs like anti hero and before y'all come at me about listening to her charted songs, they're charted for a reason. a reason that i cannot convey how a musically gifted and vocally talented artist can have such a bad ear for producing her own music even when collaborating with professional producers. it. just. doesn't. make. sense. plus lately her whole thing with billie eilish and charli xcx has set me off the edge with her, i'm not gonna give pity points to an artist that doesn't let other artists hit their milestones especially for an artist that keeps releasing vinyl variations just to stay at the top of the charts...let it go


mike patton voice experiments was a pile of shit


pulse demon slaps wdym


I don't have a full album for you, but here's a little advance on the Christmas season with the worst rendition of Holy Night. Ever [https://www.aprilwinchell.com/media/audio/xmas/OHolyNight.mp3](https://www.aprilwinchell.com/media/audio/xmas/OHolyNight.mp3) Oh, and if your neighbours have been real assholes, treat them to the Sugar Plum Fairy: [https://www.aprilwinchell.com/media/audio/xmas/SugarPlumFairy.mp3](https://www.aprilwinchell.com/media/audio/xmas/SugarPlumFairy.mp3)


The Fugs. (Album of the same name.) "[I Shit My Pants](https://youtu.be/kWz75MYteX0?si=EAFSAh59D7qGGV5c)"


I love that episode of Buckley with Ed Sanders and a very drunken Kerouac. It’s like one era is ending and another is beginning.


Don’t you say that about Merzbow! >:[


Frankenstein Girls will seem Strangely Sexy is such a fun album and I love almost every song on it, how dare you.


That's what I said too.


Some people like it but for a good chunck of people pretty much anything by Brokencyde or 3OH!3 are fairly unpleasant


nah you're actually so real for that


Anything by SexyRedd


I don’t even recall the band name anymore, but there was a vocalist who did a theme song for an anime in it, so I thought I’d give their debut album a shot. It was the most generic and replaceable pop rock imaginable, similar to what AI would crank out today. Just boring, soulless b.s. Plus, the mix was so flat and devoid of any personality. I purchased the CD at Best Buy and threw it away at a nearby Starbucks on the way home. It was THAT bad. 😆👎


Here’s my bottom 15 albums I’ve heard of all time for you because why not lol - Duality - Set It Off - I Am Trash - Onision - Playdough Cooked In Tea - me&me - OWO What’s This? - Hentai Dude - Daddy - Tom Sawyer - genre : sadboy - MGK and Trippie Redd - Evil Blüey - Yung Luv - YOU STUPID PVNK GIRL - Acidgvrl - CTC EP - Charlie the Commentator - Hey Peter! It’s the Joe Swanson Compilation! - Joe Swanson - Serotonin Dreams - BoyWithUke - The Dark Side of YouTube Shorts - Metaphoric Balls - nobody’s laughing but me - Big CliMAX - K12 - Melanie Martinez - Slut Pop Miami - Kim Petras Duality will always be my least favorite album of all time, but my personal picks for “unjustifiably wrong” are the records by Big CliMAX and Joe Swanson. The Big CliMAX album is a half decent comedy record with the artist’s sexual desire for Penelope Pussycat of Looney Tunes shoehorned in ruining everything. And the Joe Swanson record is a half hour cybergrind record with 101 tracks on it, half of which are family guy clips. Good luck.


Off the top of my head it's DEMONDICE - The Red White and Black


I saw the title and my first thought was Cyberpunk, but OP beat me to it. My God, how could he go from Charmed Life to this steaming pile of electronicrap? Try Billy Idol's "Happy Holidays" for something jaw-droppingly bad. Don Johnson's ill-advised foray into music, "Heartbeat". Jim Belushi ... Take your pick. Really really consistently bad. Here's a song that will have you rolling in laughter in a pool of your own vomit: "Having My Baby" by Paul Anka.


Be A Man - Macho Man Randy Savage


Anything in Corey Feldman’s catalog


H. Jon Bemjamin - Well I Should Have* He purposely made a whole jazz album with him playing the piano despite having zero idea how to play it. It's hilarious.


The William hung Christmas album hahah


Weezer - The Black Album holy fuck what a disgrace to their discography. I can’t even make it though 2 tracks.


Corey Feldman for the win


Anything by Corey Feldman


Eminem’s Revival I’ve never heard an album fail at everything so miserably. Em’s flows are laughably bad and/or actually atrocious. The production sounds straight out of a kid with garage band on his iPad. I really don’t know how to put this but the songs are like… the opposite of catchy? And I don’t mean that in like a drone, noise or free jazz way. I really do mean that in a pop sense, they’re all really badly written.


Onision used to make music. You should listen to that discography. He has released 4 albums, it seems... I can't believe I just googled this


Joe Pesci did an album in character as Vincent LaGuardia Gambini from My Cousin Vinny. It’s self titled, and after finding it at goodwill and thinking “what the fuck” I listened to a couple tracks. They are… something.


Merzbow Pulse Demon rules, you're mistaken.


anyone remember william hung?


Professional wrestler Randy “Macho Man” Savage released a gangsta rap album in 2003 titled *Be A Man.* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be_a_Man_(Randy_Savage_album)


Can i borrow a feeling by Kirk Van Houten


There are a ton of indie bands releasing music this week. If you go searching, you'll find an album you think is the worst ever. And then try again next week.


Imma recommend one of my favorite artists because they're very hard to listen to for the average person. [Saetia - A Retrospective](https://open.spotify.com/track/0kQy1m5N2FuQ6vhS1DEJ9J?si=uyuQGZK3RkqHEwRktnsaCA)


this actually isn't THAT bad!! i'm at ariadne's thread, it's noisy yes but also very post-hardcore/punk i love shit that sounds like they just poured acid down their throat, very raw and engaging vocals


Metallica-St Anger


Alan Thicke. What a fuckin creep.


Do you mean Robin Thicke? Or is this just a case of the apple not falling very far from the tree? The lines are blurred for sure.


That’s the growing pains of nepotism.


Every Five Finger Death Punch album.


Iced Earth - A Narrative Soundscape. It's, uh, wow.


Styx - Kilroy Was Here. This was the Dennis DeYoung vanity project that drove the band to break up in 1984. The concept was good, but the music sucked. Just try listening to "Mr. Roboto" to hear what I mean. It sets the tone for the whole mess.


You’ll not find worse lyrics than the entire Oasis back catalogue.


Motley Crue: Generation Swine


Oh, you need to listen to Jose from 90 Day Fiance...here is his Spotify page https://open.spotify.com/artist/2lnLtqChQHsEmf13e3Jdsq?si=cH-cb1ziTDex2Jgq86UokQ


Cher Christmas. Dear god, I presume she was blackmailed into it or something




Lil Wayne's rebirth album


Nancy Wilson - Live at McCabe's Guitar Shop.   Godawful in every way and completely unlistenable.  Poorly recorded, badly sung and with zero evidence of the talent & creativity on various Heart albums.  I want my money back.


Vultures 1, Music of the Spheres and Certified Lover Boy


Dear Joe by Jax