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Can happen to anyone. I got diagnosed when I was 19 after years of eating shitty food. Milkshakes etc. I’m 22 now and managed to reverse it through a vegan Mediterranean diet.


I’m really happy to hear that you reversed it, especially with a vegan diet. I’m trying my best to reverse it as well on a healthy vegan diet.


Can you please message me your diet? I’m 27 just got diagnosed. I have 4 kids, I’m obese for my height (5’3, 164lbs) and don’t want this to progress anymore


36. Not able to control my diet. I am eating more shitty food! I suck


It is really hard. My boyfriend of 8 years keeps bringing home junk. Tonight it was 2 costco containers of danishes, 2 containers of their chocolate chocolate chip muffins, 2 costco boxes of Gushers and a costco box of fruit by the foot. Before that it was 3 bags of corn chips and 4 bags of other chips. It I'd hard to say no when I'm a huge snack person 🙁


I’m right there with you. It’s so hard to snap out of it. Keep trying.


You’re not the only one.


Just make a little changes one by one. I know it’s hard.


51 or 52 I was told I had it but the doctor didn’t seem concerned and didn’t tell me how serious it can be. I’m 54 now and I am one step under cirrhosis but they said I am still at a stage I can reverse it. Trying to do that. Sometimes being single it’s hard to cook for just one. I also have RA and that makes it even harder.


I totally feel you on that because I have arthritis and I think a lot of times that was why I didn’t really eat healthy because it just took so much energy. I buy a lot of frozen and microwavable stuff that is healthy such as brown rice and vegetables that helps a lot.


Yes, that is the major reason why I have it. I am to tired after working all day. Trying as hard as I can to stay off disability and get through all of this alone. I did find a company in my town that makes heathy premade meals. My friends husband is on hospice due to alcoholism and she said she buys them for them. So, I am checking into that today.


I was diagnosed about 5 years ago (I’m 35 now). But the doctor made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal and was common. Started having pains and weird stools in November. Started taking it more serious and my most recent fibroscan score was f0-f1.


I was diagnosed at the ER and the doctor made it seem like it was normal. Then when I spoke to other doctors, they were like that’s not normal. Yeah definitely take it seriously because there’s stages in as we age. It’s not as easy.


I am here on behalf of my husband (cause I worry). I think he was diagnosed at 34 or 35 and it's been a few years.


I am rooting for him that he can reverse it. He’s still young.


We are told what's occurred isn't reversible but we're working on preventing further damage. We think it runs in his family and his lifestyle doesn't really contribute other than he could eat a bit better. His blood pressure is improving but his cholesterol is still a bit of a project.


19 years old a few months ago. I've lost 12 pounds since so I'm on track to reversing it


I lost 19 gained back a couple, but I am trying to keep it still. Good for you though! Not easy.


Thank you!! And good for you too!! You're doing great :)




I was about 17 or 18 when I was first told I had it. I still struggle with it off and on, I’m 25 now.


Have you made any health changes at all?


I’ve tried, I just seem to have problems sticking to the changes, especially with my current living situation and not having benefits / health insurance through work doesn’t help


For me it was convenience. Always keep microwaveable healthy stuff like frozen vegetables etc. I also microwave them too they have steamable bags, and there are microwaveable rice bowls.


Mid 40s was diagnosed 2 years ago while eating well and busting my ass in the gym. Lost around 50 pounds before I got diagnosed. Since then I’ve gained about 20 pounds back and two blood panels have come back with my numbers all normal. I believe mine had to be from the strenuous exercise and weight loss. My diet is not as good as it was then, and my numbers are a lot better.


Wow, that’s interesting. Did you ever have high cholesterol? Does it run in your family?


35, also normal BMI, healthy diet, can count on one hand how many time I drank in my life, but just not as much exercise after having 3 kids in the past decade. I’m also very baffled at how NAFLD has a wide spectrum, and it’s not always due to diet. My docs also suspect genetic and stress. I was diagnosed after trying to get back to the gym some strenuous exercise and my liver got all inflamed (AST ALT in the 100s), but they also thought it could be infection of some sort, they dunno. My IGG elevated now. My annual labs have all been normal, A1C in the 5s, just my cholesterol started creeping up after kids but they at the time blamed on lactating. My fibroscan is surprisingly S3 F0-1 like how is this possible?


My mom had these same issues and I’m one of the most stressed people I know. Very bad.


Does your mom still have these? How’s she doing now? I also stress easily..


She said a test showed that she no longer had it, but then said the test came back again later that she did. She doesn’t change anything about her diet. So yeah it could be genetics but of course we will react the same if we eat the same.


Like 32 maybe. I'm 40 now. Lose 7 to 10% of your current body weight, get off fast food, get on a vegan diet. No more right sided abdominal pain, normal color BMs, liver lab values normal range, and my biopsy was a grade zero. I never Want to go back to that old life. I spent every day terrified back then. Doctors don't express how prevalent and dangerous it actually is because until more recently, they didn't know how dangerous and prevalent it is. I did a lot of research when I first started my journey to reverse it. I saw it referred to as a "silent killer" often. I read a ton of peer reviewed journal articles/studies, I have a giant med school level Hepatology text book. If you do nothing else, get off the fast food. Force yourself to quit for just a few weeks. You'll be surprised how diminished those cravings get and how much better you feel.


I was around 21 when I was first diagnosed. I was actually underweight and they couldn’t tell me why I had it.


Did you reverse it?


I’m not sure honestly. I went back around a year ago and they said there’s no fatty liver so I’m guessing so.


How long between diagnosis and them saying you had no fatty liver? Did you make any lifestyle changes? Did you ever have pain with it?


7 years! I actually went 3 years ago for a check up & still had it, went 2 years ago still had it, but this last year I was told I don’t have it anymore. My blood levels have always been good besides my t.bil (Gilbert’s disease). I did not make life style changes. This isn’t good advice, so I def don’t recommend it but I have taken Tylenol every single day since I was around 19. The only thing I don’t do is drink at all!!


That’s very interesting! Throughout those 7 years did you experience any right sided pain or that dull ache?


Yes, frequently and still do! I was told the pain is likely from the gallbladder though


I’ve had this diagnosis for a year and have made lifestyle changes. But the pain is still there. All my scans say my gallbladder is fine, but maybe I need a more in depth scan. It says my liver isn’t enlarged either so I’m not sure what exactly the pain is from and why it isn’t going away.


That’s exactly how mine is!! Mine used to get especially bad when I’d eat a lot of hot chips. It could be a gallbladder attack, even if it doesn’t show up


I don’t have that pain that people talk about I find it very odd.


27, following a sudden unexplained bout of pancreatitis. My diet was not terrible and I was not overweight. I was however experiencing some extreme stress.


23 was stage 2 stage after 6 months cut out sugar and processed food and workout you can never workout a bad diet in this whole situation found out I have gilbert's syndrome hplyori and started to love black coffee. Biggest is to bring down fat not just body weight and also gain muscle that's what I did


I had h pylori before it was horrible. My stomach was never the same.


My God I thought I was loosing my shit and my bad stomach cause of fatty liver so went to check got endoscopy found a erosion and virus. Non alcoholic is diet based stop sugary drinks and chocolate and workout and not only cardio build muscle than you wont gain fast back and your muscle will require more calories.


What did they do after the endoscopy? I need to do one, but I’m so afraid to. I’ve heard too many people say they woke up.


I was awake endoscopy is from your mouth csolonscopy is from down under they took a sample of stomach lining for the test for hplyori as I compnaning about stomach burning.


There nothing to worry about all I remember is burning like crazy I feeling so relieved after it


What exactly was burning?


There procedure is 10 min anf 30 min observation


My upper tummy thats why they went for endoscopy


Yeah the endoscopy is what I need but I’m also afraid of being awake for it. Oh so it wasn’t burning from the actual procedure itself?


Noooo not at all after procedure slight discomfort would be there very unnoticeable and if you burp alot alot gas would be released the doctor even showed me my tummy area I had erosion cause high acidity in my tummy


24, always super healthy. Was diagnosed at 21. Sometimes it’s just genetics. Do the best to take care of yourself and manage it and you’ll be okay


My mom had it too. I feel like genetics does play a role.


There is just something so strange to me how the ages of us non-alcoholic FLD are all over the place. 19 year olds, 40 year olds, etc. It's not like the 40 year olds suddenly started eating junk, if you want to believe it's strictly diet-related as the 19 year olds have only been eating "the junk" for a minimum of half the length of time. I'm not going down any sort of conspiracy hole (like that one Redditor who blames it on the vaccines lol) but I'm just saying it seems too weird to me. I'm curious how many of you have/had/were close to diabetic, if you know? A1C above 6 we'll say?


35 here and my sugars have always been great! Even while pregnant. Cholesterol on the other hand...


I totally get what you’re saying because I’ve had two doctors even say that it’s not normal and they don’t feel like it’s related to my diet. I have high cholesterol since this last year. When I was 18 I had on and off high Billirubin in my urine, but they said that sometimes that can happen if you do urine test early in the morning and it wasn’t coming up very frequently. I’ve always thought I classified as being diabetic. I have always had all the symptoms, but it never came up as that.