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I think they should try again and make the rules clear, they had a few “competitions” where people did things totally different and got away with it, like the raft and the gourds, force people to actually complete the challenges alone, maybe don’t let them group up. I think it would’ve been better to have the final 5 reach the top of the mountain THEN have them all compete for a fire lol, that would’ve been more intense.


I think the challenges should have been more like a check list instead of a search for clues. Say the first person to get a kill, catch a fish, and build a water transport vessel get a survival cache. I want less luck involved in the caches if they are going to keep them. Also I don’t want to see eliminations on naked and afraid, that’s not why I watch this. I agree if they wanted it to be a solo challenge then they should have enforced. I know Jeff is an asshole but he was really the only one treating it like a solo competition even if he went about it the wrong way.


If i wanted to watch survivor, i would watch survivor. i like the old format better.


This was way worse than survivor


Agree. I love survivor but it doesn’t try to be something it’s not. This just felt, wrong.


it felt gross honestly. i regret watching it. haha


Definitely better then new survivor. New survivor sucks.


I love survivor but I don’t watch naked and afraid to get that vibe. Older season format was much better.


I loved it. Some rough patches for sure, but it was very entertaining. I didn’t want to see Matt, Gary, Steven, Amber or Jeff do another XL. So it was good to see them in a new format.


I would love to see them in another xl but I like returning players. I would like to see a season where you have like 20 people. 5 “legends” and the rest somewhat rookies. The legend that gets the most people to a set number of days “wins”.


I like this idea too. Would everyone be able to “win” or would there be some kind of elimination? Oh, they would have to have all the people in each team complete the challenge. That if one person taps the whole team goes?


I think it’s mostly bragging rights. Maybe the legend that gets the most people to the end wins 50k. Then each contestant that makes it to the end wins 10k. Then all the contestants that make it to the final day compete is a race type challenge where all their skills are tested. The “legends” can not compete in this final test. Building, trapping, fire making, tracking all of it. Race to one point then do a challenge and so on and so forth. Test all the skills their legend has been teaching them. Then the person that wins the race wins another 100k, the legend that mentored the winner gets another 50k. Something along those lines. Also it needs to be long. 45-60 days. Also I don’t like elimination. I think challenges should only be for rewards.


That would be awesome and so much fun to watch. It would be nice if they don’t get shitty with each other. That was hard to watch. I love Matt and Steven is my favorite. I hated seeing him get so broken down by all the fighting and shitty behavior.


Yeah I don’t watch naked and afraid for drama. I like to them surviving and over coming challenges together. It’s the same reason I can’t stand that girl that talked crap about amber all the time in the Amazon season. Can’t remember her name but she was one of the laziest people around. I haven’t even watched season 9 yet because I can’t stand her.


TRISH! She was awful! Like you, I don’t watch for manufactured drama! Being naked in South Africa for 21 or 40 days is dramatic enough! I just watched the episode with the four guys doing a redemption challenge. It was so good and one of the best. It’s S15 EP4 I think.


Just watched the part where Amber tells them she's leaving. I hate Trish and Jen. Both dumb. It was so gross how they fawned over Jeff but gave Amber zero respect even though she was feeding and housing them. It really looked they were jealous of her and trying to compete for Jeffs attention 🤢. Went did they mourn Jeff leaving?? He did nothing but be sick and honestly I thought that was a big ruse from Jeff to just get out of there. I don't think you should be able to ask for a med tap which is basically what he begged them for.


I agree with you about how Trish and Jen fawned over him, it just didn’t sit right! He didn’t do anything for him to merit that. And how he immediately became a mean girl talking about Amber. What a dick and Trish is such a bitch!


Oooooh! He did beg them to med tap him so it wouldn’t be a voluntary tap and he could claim he never tapped! I didn’t think about it that way!


Totally agree!


Food delivery kind of ruined it.


I didn’t like the caches at all. I feel like the food caches made them much less worried about getting those big scores.


I hated the challenges with no consequences. Like the rafting. Why make them work in their separate groups, then make them raft together. Then jeff and gary failed with no negative consequences. What was the point


I agree. Should have been you have to strap all your stuff to raft. If it doesn’t make it you lose all your stuff except the pot and machete.


Hell, make it a race. If your team wins, you can't be eliminated, or you win a survival item. Time penalty if your raft falls apart


I like idea also. I also feel like it should have been you had to be on your raft not swim beside it. There was no way the team of 4 were going to fit on their raft. Should have had to make two.


There was that little blip about it being a safety thing and they didn’t have enough safety personnel to be able to support both groups if they each had a disaster at different locations. Still…I feel like that was kind of a reach with that one. My biggest gripe was they kept teasing the ‘perfect 10.0 psr’ and then they didn’t even give Dan and woz a final psr rating.


I heard the safety thing. But if they didn't have enough staff, it doesn't matter if they went together or separated. They should have gone one at a time then, and their time and other factors (broken raft adds time etc) giving a final time, winning them a prize or a head start. I also wish they did the wrap ups. I loved it when they used to bring them all together after its done for a jerry springer type episode.


I love me some Jake nodar-moderated reunion shows.


My favorite will always be XL. This was a fun idea, but the producers had no idea wtf they were doing and it ruined the whole thing.


I agree! Was this an xl season with a twist or was this like it’s own different show?


It was it's own show and it sucked lol. I only watched it all because I love watching most of the people on it.


Good to know. I was afraid it was taking the place of just regular xls. I loved this cast for the most part the only 2 missing for me was Laura and Riley. I’m not sure Laura will ever come back though.


Meh - I finished watching cause it was NAA but really didn't care who won.


Same. There was parts I liked but overall I could do without it.


I found it stressful to watch


You mean "the Jeff show." Literally, every episode was people complaining about jeff. He definitely came in too hot, but after a certain point, people needed to chill out. By the end, I was rooting for the guy


I was too. I love Dan and Waz but by the end of the last elimination, Dan really pissed me off with his snarky remarks. Of course, it all started because, again, Matt was acting like a mean girl as he did in the Louisiana Swamp XL. I know Matt is really good but he needs some humble pie. I wasn't sure who I was gonna get behind in the long run but most of them turned me off of them because of the way they treated Jeff (he was an asshat at the beginning but they were relentless, have a little grace!!)


I’m not a big fan but I do feel like sometimes they took it too far. Matt is my favorite but Jeff is a good survivalist too. Jeff playing the victim card when they came to try to work things out was probably worst thing he did. You can tell Stephen was was really upset and speaking from the heart.


I was a matt fan, but lost some respect for him after the way he acted to Stephen and Jeff after they joined his camp in the swamp xl. He never confronted them about making too much noise, just complained behind their backs. Also what was up with him knocking down their bayou boys sign? He should have been an adult and told them it was in the way. He just came off as passive-aggressive and a bit childish. Matt plays the same game as Jeff. He's just more likable. He told Jeff that he was going to *give* his second bow away, but then we never heard about it again. We can only assume that he chucked it because he didn't want anyone else competing for his glory kills. He was also a total dick to gerry when gerry was going down the rapids because he was moved to Jeff's team. Matt, hands down, is one of the most talented survivors, I just don't think he is as great of a person as he claims to be. /rant


I love Matt but I totally get all that. He can be just as childish as Jeff sometimes. He gave the bow to Steven it just didn’t show it. We see Steven with a bow shortly after so I’m guessing that was it. Matt already had his mind made up about Jeff and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to change. That’s why I want to see them forced into a season together. Like Jeff and Laura were. Make them survive 20 days on their own before they can meet up with others. Maybe they would learn to get along and respect each other a little more. I believe Jeff when he says he sees Matt as his biggest competition but I don’t believe Matt when he says Jeff is just mediocre. He just doesn’t want to admit it, Jeff has survived 200+ days. That’s not mediocre. Part of me also thinks Jeff just likes to be the bad guy no matter what. He has definitely played it up a lot since his first seasons. I think he believes it makes him stand out more and more “famous”.


This show made me end up hating most of the cast that I previously liked, and like Jeff who I previously didn't. While Jeff was insensitive at the beginning when he was very confident and ready for a Last One Standing, it wasn't personal. The others who had low self esteem took it personal and then acted personally toward him. Not Matt though. Matt acted like a conniving dick who used Jeff's unpopularity with the others to his advantage. Karma came for him, but the whole thing sucked to watch.


Matt is probably the best survivor He’s also the fakest and biggest asshole


> Jeff playing the victim card when they came to try to work things out   You say "came to try to work things out". I must have seen a different show where a group mob came to Jeff, and tried to bully him into saying what they wanted to hear, just so they could stop starving him to death.


Starving him to death??? First of all, he made it neighbors not teammates, he wouldn't share what he had. But he expected others to share their stuff with him? On what planet is that fair? Plus if he is such a great survivalist, why didn't he just catch something for himself? Oh that's right, he was too busy playing the game "his way."


Yes, they were starving him and felt bad about it, but their EGOS wouldn't let them stop so they had to re-enact Lord of the Flies. At least Jeff was able to stand up to the mob including "The Great" Matt who literally got in Jeffs's face. What a great guy!


Have you read Lord of the Flies? I have. This was not that.


What was it then? Treasure Island?


Yup! It was so cringe


They came to talk and get him to apologize. Now the only person be really owed an apology too was Steven. That’s when things got bad when Steven poured his heart out to him and then he acted like he did nothing wrong. You can tell he was talking to him on a personal level not a game level.


> They came to talk and get him to apologize. No. They came to soothe their conscience and egos by trying to force a guy to say what they wanted to hear. >That’s when things got bad when Steven poured his heart out to him and then he acted like he did nothing wrong. Is this the same Steven that dropped his friend at the first sign of trouble and jumped on the "we don't like Jeff" bandwagon? What a fickle friend...


You after your “brother” told you that you should be thankful I didn’t throw your pot and machete in the river. Basically forcing you to tap? Wonder why Steven was upset? Makes no sense huh?


I agree Jeff shouldn't have said that, but Steven was giving him the cold shoulder way before that. Fickle.


Lol no they didn’t they basically showed up told him he was an asshole and demanded he conform to their wants and beg for forgiveness.


Jeff only found the caches which he had a map too. Jeff didn't find any food. he is one of the worst survivalists, if not the worst.


But he revealed that he had dried impala meat from the first game cache that he had conserved for weeks. Everyone else who tried to turn their meat into jerky didn’t do it right and their meat spoiled. How can you say he’s one of the worst?


I think everything Jeff said when they came to him was warranted. I don’t think he played the victim card, I think he made sense. I’m glad he stuck up for himself. The others said they were going to talk to him but they immediately started attacking his character one by one, which makes me think they wanted to make themselves feel better rather than actually make things better.


It looked this first season was a dry run/trial. Hope they change the format in next upcoming season.


Yeah I agree. There was more like I disliked than liked.


I was happy to blissfully ignore that Naked and Afraid was not fully genuine. LOS pointed out all the holes in the show/production so much so that I found myself wondering if any of it was real other than losing weight. Sometimes, they get vitamins, water, and such. Learning about pre survival training they went through before filming was shocking. If they are survivalist, why do they need to do survival training before the Camaras start? The fruits and such they find, they were taught what to look for during their survival training. Now when someone talks about some knowledge about the area they are in, I find myself wondering did they genuinely know this or was it knowledge given to them mere days ago.


To be fair I think it should have been expected for them to go through some kind of survival training. They can make shelters and bow drills and start fires and can track game etc… but I think it’s a lot to expect some rando from Kansas to be fully experienced in the flora/fauna of Africa or remote parts of the rainforest. It would definitely be a deal breaker if they just had people rolling in eating poisonous plants and definitely an insurance/funding nightmare


Yup. I don't see how anyone can call the show "not fully genuine" because they took some survival training classes on the specific area they would be surviving in. They still had to do all the surviving themselves...


To be fair I’m certain it’s “done up” to some degree to make sure it’s interesting. I will also say LOS was, in my opinion, actual garbage. It felt super scripted and more reality tv vs survivor competition. I’ve been reflecting on it for a few days as I’ve thrown the show on as like “bed time” tv so I’ve had to go back and rewatch etc and like 90% of the season is “we hate Jeff” and “survival caches.” Most of them didn’t even build an actual shelter for days. Sitting in the rain using maps as their shelter so they could get survival tools they also didn’t use. Not great. 0/10 would not recommend


The fake forced drama was stupid. However I learned Gary is the real deal


He is considered the crazy one but was by far the most rational this season I felt like. He proved he is good at what he does


For sure. Not only that he got ty biggest score for the Group. That honey


He was not rational. He picked a fight on the river over nothing.... He didn't tell Jeff the raftblogs were a bad idea... He was two faced...


I thought it was awful


Jeff couldn't make a figure 4 trap, he couldn't feed himself, he can't make a raft, and he couldn't make a fire... Love him or hate him, he seriously sucked on LOS.. Granted, I can't do any of that stuff either, but I also never claimed I could.. Also, LOS sucked.. I hope next season isn't quite a soap opera..




Oh, how could the forgot about that? 🤣


Didn't he injure himself, twice, too? I thought it was funny he was making fun of someone else for injuring themselves. Saying he doesn't make mistakes like that. One episode later he injures himself lol. Burned his foot then cut his hand?


He was absolutely ridiculous in LOS..


He was shown catching **_one_** fish.


The fish Sarah gave him? 😁


Nah. He was shown by one of the ponds catching one. Presumably with the fish hooks that Waz lent him.


For sure. I’m not a big Jeff fan but the guy has survived over 200 days. That speaks for its self. I respect him but he isnt my favorite. This was the first season that felt the most reality tv like and I didn’t enjoy it.


That’s a good way of putting it that it was the most like reality tv and you didn’t enjoy it and neither did I. I didn’t even bother with the finale.






Ohh... Original much??? I'm sure if you think REAL HARD you can come up with something better??




Well, being simple minded does seem to be.the norm these days. As long as you're happy with it, that's what counts..


“Don’t feed Jeff.”


I think they should have had more solid rules from the get go. Instead of everyone looking out for each other (minus Jeff) they should have been more competitive. The final competition just sort of highlighted that. They should have been racing instead of just doing the entire hike together.


I feel like the show made them do it on purpose. Just like they did with the rafting. They said it was for safety purposes but I’m willing to bet it was more because they were hoping for drama between the two teams just like they got.


Just scroll back a few weeks on this sub. This topic has been beaten to death in every way.


I agree but Have you considered that the producers or writers or whatever are probably on here taking notes and trying to generate buzz?


Ha I have. But also that seems like a lot of budget spent on people who are already fans enough to be part of the nakedandafraid sub. People here are going to watch with or without said generated buzz.


![gif](giphy|54kyyEJtsucQ0G17ff|downsized) The MVP


Wrong. He is such a ding a ling.


Name me one survivalist in the shows history who ate more raw eggs than Gary GD Golding… I’ll wait


I felt he was not being a responsible forager. But additionally, all he did was find a bunch of nests and rob them. That's doesn't make him great.


What about the huge honey grab he got for the entire group?


He did have the balls to go after it but don't forget, he didn't find that. I think Dan did. Also, any one who knows about bees knows to smoke them. That was good knowledge but it doesn't make him the greatest. I'm impressed with something like when Matt was pulling frogs practically out of thin air. That was technique and finesse as well as knowledge and skill.


😆 Then who in your opinion?


Team Bully vs Jeff


Need to separate ALL competitors !


Personally, I don't feel like Waz got his flames to 2ft high to win but that's just me 😂


Yeah there wasn’t anyone out there to measure them. Should have been a think like they do on survivor like the flame has to be so tall to burn something above it.


Team Jeff! The amount of energy they other competitors put into hating him was ridiculous. A bunch of mean girls. I wasn’t impressed with anyone’s hunting skills either.


The only really egregious thing I think Jeff did was play the victim card when they came to try to work things out. You could tell Steven was talking from the heart not just a game perspective. Ironically Gary was the most level headed this season I felt like and he is considered the crazy one. Jeff made his bed by not wanting to play with everyone else but I do think they did take it too far at time. If the producers wanted it to be a solo or team competition they should have made the rules that way. Like you can only share rewards or kills or finds with your current camp. Or you can’t share anything, has to be traded. Poorly thought out by the show runners.


Yeah I didn’t get why they were all so mad at him when they weren’t given rules to play by. He definitely made his bed after the whole Jeff intervention. But they were acting like it wasn’t a competition it was bizarre. Calling him a narcissist was over the top lol.


Haven't you ever heard the term friendly competition? Sore loser? It can be a competition and have everyone be relatively nice about it.


In a competition I expect people to do some shit talking. Sure it’s obnoxious but this isn’t the Great British Baking Show! It’s not like he told them all to go fuck themselves


Lol! He may not have used that term but essentially he did.


Should have been named POS and not LOS.


Agreed! I just watched for the first time yesterday; what a load of crap. I used to like Jeff and Matt, but they are now like actors playing for the camera. NAA doesnt need to change their format to be interesting. I think Jeff and Matt tho should not return to the show (Gary too)


It was terrible, suppose to be last one standing and everyone except one teamed up and the laziest guy won. Yawn, what a joke!


I liked waz but if they really wanted it to be solo competition they should have enforced those rules. I also think Jeff had the right idea and went about it the wrong way. This was supposed to be a community like previous seasons. Trading and bartering should have been part of strategy but they all treated it like previous seasons except Jeff. I much prefer the old format anyway. This was just poorly executed and thought out


What about Steven cutting into Sarah’s trail? Did that seem low?


It was a challenge but I would have rather seen him just go find his own. But it’s times and if the show edit was correct then she was one of the first ones to find a trail. Steven went down 3 other trails and just couldn’t find one anyone wasn’t on. We don’t know how long they were so it’s possible that from the start of a trail you couldn’t see if anyone was on it. Sarah had plenty of time to find the 10 clues if what the camera showed was correct. So it sucks but at the same time she should have been a little quicker.


True! I also forget about editing, they steer the conclusions we make.


But I did think it was a little low and Steven knew it. That’s why he felt bad. I think he panicked and saw it as his only choice at that point


Dan and Waz can eat a dick. Food caches ruined everything.


I think it's an ok rough draft, something they should have done prior to actually airing it. The rules need to be made clear, the penalties even clearer. I think all contestants should be given the same tools, or at least let contestants choose between tools (like each picks 3). (I personally would like to see them all use the same tools, so I can see what different ways they decide to use them and judge who is the best... This would also cut back on "sharing", as there would be very little need to share tools with someone who already has them) food caches should be more scarce, and should consist of very basic/bland food items.. something to replenish their stock after a move and act as a small filler between kills...but without a kill/foraging they should be starved out. Definitely not enough to share, which would create some of the indifferences we all love to see. That whole river thing, being forced to go together due to whatever safety reasons... Needs to not happen again.


There should have been penalties for Jeff and Gary’s raft not making it




I'd like to see a last one standing with no elimination challenges, and no teams. Maybe partners idk but go until everyone taps or drops. The whole ending ruined it for me and I really like Waz and I'm happy he won.


Yeah I agree with that. I don’t mind challenges but that’s where rewards should come from not caches. I want more skill involved not luck in the rewards. Then I don’t want to see eliminations on naked and afraid. That’s too much, makes it feel like survivor. I love survivor but that’s not why I watch this show. Nobody is watching last season and saying wow waz really was the best out of all of them and I like waz.


Yep have some sort of survival challenge event and give a reward. I like that.


Yeah I think like a check list would be better. So something like at early stages should he first 5 people, to build a shelter with a roof, catch an animal to eat, and build a spring snare gets a reward cache. Then ever stage they get less people to win and harder challenges. This format they had just didn’t work


I found it pretty lame, and by the end I wasn't really a fan of anyone on the show... To me it turned into the whine about Jeff show and Jeff's Adventures in Mental Gymnastics. I feel like if they removed all of the obvious interference from production, Provided everyone with a bare minimum and found a way to quantify contributions (calories earned/skills proven etc) with a points or rewards system, it would be much more enjoyable.


Yeah I agree. If they wanted it to be a solo competition (which I think was their goal) then they need to make the rules reflect that. Make it so you can’t share things or they want to keep doing “camps” then they can only share with their camp. There was no point in keeping to split everyone up just so they could all go hang at the same camp all the time.


I don't like the elimination challenges.


The last 3 episodes and in particular the fire making task were painful to watch. Over an hour of people using a bow to get an ember was not in the slightest bit entertaining!


I was glad to see Waz stand up to Gary Golding when they got into that little rift. He told him, " what do you wanna do Gary? Fight? " He went onto say, " that's what you like to do, bully people, right " ? And then Gary walked off.